European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 03-10-30
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Commission gives strong support to European maritime transport sector
[02] Service public maritime : la Commission simplifie les règles
applicables aux petites îles
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[03] Statement on Microsoft
[04] Statement on Mastercard
[05] "Bouge ton corps, muscle ta tête" : des milliers de participants dans
les starting-blocks pour le lancement de l'Année européenne de l'Education
par le Sport
[06] Commission action plan for people with disabilities
[07] La Commission propose de signer la convention européenne sur la
protection des animaux en transport international
[08] Removing obstacles to development : Commission proposes €250 million
to support African-led peace keeping operations in Africa
[09] Accelerating the fight against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria :
Commission commits further €170 million to the Global Fund
[10] Commission hosts a conference in Brussels on the European Refugee Fund
[11] EU and Asia forge closer business links
Midday Express 30/10/2003
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 30/10/2003[I] Résultats de la Commission
du 29 octobre 2003 - Outcome of Commission meeting of 29 October
(voir aussi see also ME of 29/10)
[01] Commission gives strong support to European maritime transport sector
The European Commission has unveiled the new guidelines on State aid to
maritime transport. These guidelines follow the same approach as their
former 1997 version but they are strongly reinforcing the monitoring of the
effects of State aid and provide new guidance on tax exemptions rules for
seafarers and public support to Short Sea Shipping. The new framework will
continue to allow Member States to support the European maritime industry
by means of favourable tax environments while ensuring a level playing
field in the internal market. "Maritime transport is of great importance
for the EU due to its impact in economic and social terms, but also on
environmental grounds", explained Loyola de Palacio, Commission Vice-
President in charge of Transport and Energy. "The new framework will
significantly contribute to its promotion and give the needed instruments
for maintaining a competitive and of quality EU flag. This will also have a
relevant impact on employment and maritime safety issues", she added.
[02] Service public maritime : la Commission simplifie les règles
applicables aux petites îles
La Commission européenne a adopté une Communication qui traite du cabotage
maritime et pose les jalons de la simplification des règles pour le
transport public maritime vers ou au départ des petites îles. "Il est
important de libérer des contraintes administratives les autorités des
Etats membres responsables de la desserte des petites îles : la décision de
la Commission permet de garantir la transparence et la non-discrimination
sans alourdir les procédures", a déclaré Loyola de Palacio, Vice-Présidente
en charge des transports et de l'énergie. 40% des îles bénéficieront
désormais de mesures dérogatoires.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[03] Statement on Microsoft
The European Commission confirms that a series of letters were sent to a
number of companies active in the information and consumer technology
sector. The purpose of these requests for information is to enable the
Commission to assess the conditions offered by Microsoft for the licensing
of their IT related technology to original equipment manufacturers (OEM's)
in the IT and consumer electronics sector. Such letters are a routine step
and do not signify that the Commission has reached any conclusions as to
the assessment of these licensing conditions under the competition rules.
The Commission has not contacted Microsoft on these issues because the fact
finding process is at a very early stage. The content of the letters sent
by the Commission is confidential and no further details will be supplied
at this stage.
[04] Statement on Mastercard
In light of concerns that retailers are obliged to pay unfair prices for
accepting Mastercard payment cards, the European Commission has sent
Mastercard a statement of its preliminary view on the Mastercard
interchange fees. According to this preliminary view, retailers have no
choice but to accept Mastercard payment cards. The fees for this payment
system have been rising steadily during the last years. This could indicate
that Mastercard has unlimited discretion to set the interchange fees at a
revenue maximising level. In the Commission's preliminary view, Mastercard
should make its fee structure transparent to retailers. Furthermore,
interchange fees should not be set above costs of providing services to the
benefit of retailers and consumers. Interchange fees are paid by retailer
banks to cardholder's banks for each transaction with Mastercard payment
cards. Retailer banks pass the cost on to retails who, in turn, pass it on
to consumers through higher retail prices. The Commission's statement has a
preliminary character. Mastercard has been given access to the file and
will be given the opportunity to be heard in an oral hearing. The
Commission's intervention follows similar investigations by the OFT in the
United Kingdom and the Australian Reserve Bank. The UK investigation
focuses on MasterCard's domestic interchange fees in the UK, which are
distinct from the Commission's examination of MasterCard's cross-border
interchange fees.
[05] "Bouge ton corps, muscle ta tête" : des milliers de participants dans
les starting-blocks pour le lancement de l'Année européenne de l'Education
par le Sport
Le 1er janvier 2004 débutera l'Année européenne de l'Education par le
Sport. Pendant 12 mois, dans 28 pays, l'Union européenne encouragera la
promotion des valeurs éducatives du sport, ainsi que le renforcement des
liens entre les mondes sportif et éducatif, montrant qu'en plus de la
passion et de la compétition, le sport véhicule des valeurs citoyennes,
contribuant à une meilleure éducation. Un slogan ("Bouge ton corps, muscle
ta tête") et un logo accompagneront un ensemble de près de 200
manifestations et événements.
[06] Commission action plan for people with disabilities
The European Commission has today presented an Action Plan to promote equal
opportunities for people with disabilities across the board in the enlarged
Europe. The Action Plan, which will run from 2004 to 2010, demonstrates the
commitment of the Commission to concrete follow-up of the designation of
2003 as European Year of People with Disabilities. The plan aims to develop
concrete actions to improve economic and social integration of people with
disabilities. It is designed to build on the achievements of the European
Year and to ensure that the new Directive on equal treatment in employment
and occupation (2000/78/EC), which must be on Member States' statute books
by 2 December 2003, is implemented effectively. The first two-year phase of
the Plan, which starts in 2004, will focus on creating the conditions for
people with disabilities to access the mainstream labour market.
[07] La Commission propose de signer la convention européenne sur la
protection des animaux en transport international
La Commission européenne a adopté une proposition de décision concernant la
signature, par l'Union européenne, de la convention européenne sur la
protection des animaux en transport international qui vient d'être révisée.
Cette convention internationale renforcera les exigences en matière de
protection des animaux transportés tant dans l'UE que, d'une manière plus
vaste, en Europe. Elle revoit la convention existante adoptée en 1968 et
introduit d'importantes améliorations en matière de bien-être des animaux
qui sont compatibles avec la récente proposition de la Commission en
matière de transport des animaux (voir IP/03/1023) ainsi qu'avec la
législation communautaire existante.
[08] Removing obstacles to development : Commission proposes €250 million
to support African-led peace keeping operations in Africa
The European Commission has adopted a proposal to mobilise €250 million
from the European Development Fund (EDF) for a peace facility (PF) for
Africa. The PF should support African-led peace-keeping operations in
Africa. It will be based on the principles of : (i) ownership reinforcing
the capacity of the African people to deal with African conflicts ; (ii)
solidarity through financial contributions from all African countries ; and
(iii) development recognising that without peace and stability there can be
no development in Africa. The proposal is a timely response to a call made
by African leaders at the African Union summit in Maputo in July 2003.
[09] Accelerating the fight against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria :
Commission commits further €170 million to the Global Fund
European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid Poul Nielson
today welcomed approval by EU Member States to accelerate the disbursement
of €170 million in funding to the Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS,
Tuberculosis and Malaria, to be drawn from the European Development Fund
[10] Commission hosts a conference in Brussels on the European Refugee Fund
The Directorate-General for Justice and Home Affairs of the European
Commission hosts a conference on the European Refugee Fund (ERF) on 30 and
31 October 2003 in Brussels, in order to carry out wide-ranging
consultations with the Member States and with organisations taking part in
the ERF projects. The first phase of implementation of the ERF will end on
31 December 2004, and the Commission intends to put forward, before the end
of 2003, a proposal for a legal base for a new instrument, so as to enable
it to be operational from 1 January 2005. Participants to the conference
include representatives of national administrations of each Member State,
representatives of the political and parliamentary world, NGOs,
practitioners in the area of asylum, local and regional administrations and
international organisations active in the area of asylum policy and/or in
the implementation of measures covered by the ERF. The Fund was set up by
Council Decision of 28 September 2000 to cover the period 2000-04 and given
an indicative budget of €216 million over five years. ERF's aim is to
translate into operational and financial terms the principle of solidarity
between Member States in implementing a common policy on asylum. It
operates on the basis of shared management with the Member States. The Fund
covers measures relating to the reception, integration and return of
refugees, asylum applicants and beneficiaries of subsidiary or temporary
protection arrangements in a Member State.
[11] EU and Asia forge closer business links
After the success of the first Asia-Invest Forum held in 2002 in Beijing,
China, the Asia-Invest Forum 2003 is taking place today in Ho Chi Minh City,
reflecting the significant role of Vietnam in the EU-Asian trade and
investment relationships. The Forum will be attended by representatives of
important EU and Asian private sector business organisations to discuss
future orientations of European-Asian economic cooperation and to
strengthen existing partnerships as well as to create new ones. The Forum
will be inaugurated by the Head of Delegation of the European Commission to
Vietnam, Mr Marcus Cornaro, and by the Vice-Minister of the Ministry of
Planning and Investment, H.E. Mr Nguyen Bich Dat. Through presentations by
top international experts and during workshops important topics will be
discussed, including : the promotion of dialogue with and between the
private sector in Europe and Asia, the impact of ASEAN regional economic
integration and co-operation, and the exchange of best practices in
attracting inward foreign investment, and in building a trade facilitating
environment. The Asia-Invest Forum is scheduled to take place twice a year
in the EU and Asia, supported by the EuropeAid Cooperation Office. The next
event is planned for Sri Lanka towards the end of May, early June 2004.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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