European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 03-01-07
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Romano Prodi congratulates Rolandas Paksas
[02] Internal Market : a decade without frontiers has transformed Europe -
but it is only the start
[03] La Commission autorise Red Eléctrica et CVC à acquérir le contrôle
conjoint des actifs d'Iberdrole dans le secteur du transport de
[04] Quelle politique audiovisuelle communautaire demain ? Programme de
travail pour le réexamen de la directive "télévision sans frontières"
[05] December 2002 : the Business Climate Indicator for the euro area
increased for the fourth consecutive time
[06] December 2002 : the Economic Sentiment Indicator increased slightly in
the euro area while it fell in the EU
[07] Novembre 2002 : les prix à la production industrielle en baisse de 0,
3% dans la zone euro ; baisse de 0,1% dans l'UE15
[08] Novembre 2002 : le chômage dans la zone euro stable à 8,4% ; l'UE15
stable à 7,7%
[09] Commission strikes farm trade deal with Poland
Midday Express 07/01/2003
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 07/01/2003
[01] Romano Prodi congratulates Rolandas Paksas
The President of the European Commission, Romano Prodi, sent the following
telegramme to the new President of Lithuania, Rolandas Paksas : "On behalf
of the European Commission and on my own behalf, it is my pleasure to
convey to you our warmest congratulations on the occasion of your election
as President of the Republic of Lithuania. Your election comes at a truly
historical moment in which Lithuania has successfully completed its
negotiations on accession to the European Union. I am confident that
Lithuania will finalise its preparation for EU membership in line with the
outcome of the accession negotiations. The Commission will continue to
wholeheartedly support Lithuania in this important stage with a view to
welcome Lithuania as a new Member of the Union in 2004. I wish you every
success in your new responsibility and look forward to continue the
existing close cooperation between Lithuania and the Commission. Please
accept the assurance of my highest consideration."
[02] Internal Market : a decade without frontiers has transformed Europe -
but it is only the start
About 2.5 million jobs have been created in the European Union thanks to
the Internal Market, since the opening up of frontiers on 1 January 1993.
The EU's GDP in 2002 is 1.8 percentage points or €164.5 billion higher than
it would be without the Internal Market. Extra prosperity to the value of
€877 billion - calculated by adding together the additional annual GDP
generated by the Internal Market since 1992 - has been created. That means
€5,700 per household on average. The European Commission has published
these figures, which are conservative estimates, as part of "The Internal
Market - Ten Years without Frontiers" a round-up of the achievements of the
Internal Market in the decade since the borders came down in Europe,
freeing the European economy of a mass of obstacles. The document also
looks forward and highlights areas where the full potential of the Internal
Market is as yet untapped. It identifies priority areas for further action,
in particular services. For the full text of "The Internal Market - Ten
Years without Frontiers" and further details of the Internal Market a
decade after its creation, see MEMO/03/2 and http://europa.eu.int/comm/10years.
[03] La Commission autorise Red Eléctrica et CVC à acquérir le contrôle
conjoint des actifs d'Iberdrole dans le secteur du transport de
La Commission européenne a autorisé Red Eléctrica Española S.A. et CVC
Capital Partners Group, Ltd à acquérir le contrôle conjoint du réseau de
transport d'électricité haute tension d'Iberdrola.
[04] Quelle politique audiovisuelle communautaire demain ? Programme de
travail pour le réexamen de la directive "télévision sans frontières"
Sur proposition de Viviane Reding, membre de la Commission européenne en
charge de la Culture et de l'Audiovisuel, le Collège a adopté aujourd'hui
un rapport sur l'application de la directive "télévision sans frontières"
(TVSF), accompagné d'un programme de travail pour 2003 en vue d'un réexamen
de cette directive. La directive TVSF a été adoptée en 1989 et modifiée en
1997. Le programme de travail pour 2003 consistera en une série d'auditions
en vue de conclusions opérationnelles sur la pertinence, considérant les
évolutions économiques et technologiques, de la réglementation
communautaire existante, notamment sur des questions comme l'accès aux
événements d'importance majeure pour la société, la promotion de la
diversité culturelle, la publicité télévisée ou encore la protection des
[05] December 2002 : the Business Climate Indicator for the euro area
increased for the fourth consecutive time
The Business Climate Indicator (BCI) for the euro area increased by almost
0.2 percentage points in December compared with November, reaching a value
of -0.24. Following its worsening over the summer period, the pick-up in
the December BCI reconfirms the improvement which has been observed in the
assessment of the current economic situation during autumn. This increase
was driven by favourable developments in all the components of the
indicator, such as production trends in the recent past, production
expectations and stocks of finished products. Total order books and export
order books increased as well but to a lesser extent.
[06] December 2002 : the Economic Sentiment Indicator increased slightly in
the euro area while it fell in the EU
The European Commission's Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI) for the euro
area recorded a slight increase by 0.1 percentage points in December,
reaching a value of 98.5, after a continuous decline from September
onwards. By contrast, in the EU, the indicator fell for a second time in
December by 0.2 percentage points, reaching a value of 98.8, after having
stabilised at 99.2 between August and October. As in previous months,
differences among the components were pronounced. The industrial confidence
indicator increased in the euro area but remained unchanged in the EU. The
construction confidence indicator increased in both the EU and the euro
area. On the other hand, consumer confidence continued to decrease in the
EU and in the euro area while the retail trade confidence indicator fell
again after its improvement in the previous month.
[07] Novembre 2002 : les prix à la production industrielle en baisse de 0,
3% dans la zone euro ; baisse de 0,1% dans l'UE15
Au mois de novembre 2002, les prix à la production industrielle dans la
zone euro ont baissé de 0,3% par rapport au mois précédent, selon les
estimations publiées aujourd'hui par Eurostat. Les prix dans l'UE15 ont
baissé de 0,1%. Ceci fait suite à une hausse de 0,2% en octobre 2002 dans
les deux zones. Au mois de novembre 2002 et par rapport au mois de novembre
2001, les prix à la production industrielle ont augmenté de 1,1% dans la
zone euro et de 1,0% dans l'UE15.
[08] Novembre 2002 : le chômage dans la zone euro stable à 8,4% ; l'UE15
stable à 7,7%
Le taux de chômage de la zone euro, corrigé des variations saisonnières,
s'élevait à 8,4% en novembre 2002, inchangé par rapport au mois d'octobre,
selon les données publiées aujourd'hui par Eurostat. Il était de 8,0% en
novembre 2001. Le taux de chômage de l'UE15 s'élevait à 7,7% en novembre
2002, inchangé par rapport à octobre. Il était de 7,4% en novembre 2001. En
novembre 2002, les taux les plus bas ont été enregistrés au Luxembourg (2,
6%), aux Pays-Bas (2,9% en octobre), en Autriche (4,1%), en Irlande (4,4%)
et au Danemark (4,7% en octobre). Le taux de chômage de l'Espagne (11,8%)
est resté le plus élevé de l'UE.
[09] Commission strikes farm trade deal with Poland
The European Union and Poland concluded "double profit" negotiations to
further liberalise trade in agricultural products. "In finalising this deal,
the European Commission has now completed agricultural trade agreements
with all of the East European candidate countries, a major step in
preparing all sides for EU accession and the single market. The agreement
with Poland enhances the existing bilateral trade arrangements between the
parties and involves an additional duty free trade coverage of around €170
million", Farm Commissioner Franz Fischler said. For Poland, the deal
involves improvements in existing concessions in a range of areas including
live bovine animals, dairy products, sour cherries, preserved cucumbers and
gherkins and addresses new concessions for meat and potato preparations.
The EU will benefit from duty free tariff concessions for wine, malt and
cucumbers with unlimited access on cauliflower, broccoli and brussels
sprouts in the marketing period January to May and complete liberalisation
for rice. On both sides complete liberalisation was granted in the sheep
meat sector. The new concessions will be effective from April 2003.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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