European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-09-19
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Commission tables strategy for fish farming to benefit jobs, consumers
and environment
[02] Franz Fischler donates €25,735 to agricultural benevolent institution
[03] Monthly note on the Euro-denominated bond markets (August 2002)
[04] Deuxième trimestre 2002 : la production dans le secteur de la
construction en baisse de 1,2% dans la zone euro ; baisse de 0,8% dans
[05] July 2002 : industrial production down by 0.9% in euro-zone ; down by
0.2% in EU15
[06] The EU grants another €60 million debt relief for Highly Indebted Poor
Countries (HIPC) within African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries (ACP)
[07] Franz Fischler in Estonia : "Look at the whole package to discover the
[08] A Osaka, Loyola de Palacio défendra une plus grande stabilité des
marchés de l'énergie
[09] Commission supports creation of a European cancer research area
[10] Budget Commissioner Michaele Schreyer appoints new head of cabinet
[11] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 19/09/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 19/09/2002
[01] Commission tables strategy for fish farming to benefit jobs, consumers
and environment
For the first time ever, the European Commission has issued a strategy for
the sustainable development of European fish farming (aquaculture). This
strategy is part of a series of proposals issued by the Commission to
reform the Common Fisheries Policy. Aquaculture can generate much needed
jobs in coastal areas which suffer from a chronic lack of employment
opportunities. It provides a regular supply of safe, quality fisheries
products at affordable prices. "No doubt, the Commission is ambitious. In
the next years, we want to create 8,000 jobs in the fisheries sector which
has been suffering from important job losses. But our strategy makes clear
that boosting fish farming must not be achieved at the expense of the
environment, food safety or quality", said Franz Fischler, Commissioner
responsible for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries. Mr Fischler
will present this proposal to the Council of Fisheries Ministers to be held
on 24 September. Other concrete reform proposals will follow shortly. These
will relate to Mediterranean fisheries, improvement of scientific advice,
control and monitoring of fisheries activities and fishing beyond EU
[02] Franz Fischler donates €25,735 to agricultural benevolent institution
European Agriculture Commissioner Franz Fischler has today donated a cheque
for €25,735 to the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RABI), a
British charity providing help and support to those in need within the
farming community in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. "BSE and FMD have
brought misery and despair to many British farmers. This donation is a
symbol of solidarity. I have chosen RABI because its charity work for
elderly and disabled people in the farming community is of inestimable
value", Mr Fischler commented.
[03] Monthly note on the Euro-denominated bond markets (August 2002)
Due to thin trading volumes during the summer holidays, the equity market
recovery in August had little impact on the euro yield curve. Total bond
issuance amounted to only €67 billion in August. The composition of
issuance in terms of issuer categories confirmed that investor concern
about corporate credit quality has not abated. Other notable
characteristics of bond issuance in this quarter were a comparably high
share of small issues, floating rate bonds, and non-rated issues -
reflecting the high share of issues by financial institutions and
pfandbrief. Full document available on : http://europa.eu.int/comm/economy_finance/publications/bondmarkets_en.htm
[04] Deuxième trimestre 2002 : la production dans le secteur de la
construction en baisse de 1,2% dans la zone euro ; baisse de 0,8% dans
Dans le secteur de la construction, la production corrigée des variations
saisonnières a baissé de 1,2% dans la zone euro et de 0,8% dans l'UE15 au
cours du second trimestre 2002 et par rapport au premier trimestre 2002,
selon les estimations publiées aujourd'hui par Eurostat. Ceci fait suite à
une baisse de 0,2% dans la zone euro et à une stabilité dans l'UE15 au
cours du trimestre précédent.
[05] July 2002 : industrial production down by 0.9% in euro-zone ; down by
0.2% in EU15
Seasonally adjusted industrial production decreased by 0.9% in the euro-
zone in July 2002 compared to June 2002, Eurostat estimates today.
Production had increased by 1.0% in June, after being stable in May. Output
in the EU15 decreased by 0.2% in July 2002, after a fall of 0.1% in June
and a rise of 0.3% in May. In July 2002 compared to July 2001, industrial
production fell by 0.5% in the euro-zone and by 0.7% in the EU15.
[06] The EU grants another €60 million debt relief for Highly Indebted Poor
Countries (HIPC) within African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries (ACP)
The EU decided to grant a further €60 million debt relief in order to
cancel all the special loans owed to the EU and managed by the European
Investment Bank at special interest rates. With this new grant the EU goes
beyond the enhanced HIPC Initiative of international donors and confirms
its commitment to helping the least developed ACP countries.
[07] Franz Fischler in Estonia : "Look at the whole package to discover the
"It is short-sighted to judge the agriculture proposal for Estonia only on
direct payments. If you want to buy a house, you will want to see the
living and the kitchen room, and not only the hallway. I can only urge you
look at the package in its entirety - and the picture will change
completely. The European Commission made clear that after accession,
Estonia will receive special support for their rural areas. Most
importantly, Estonia will get more means for rural development than is the
case in the existing EU Member States. But the EU will also take over a
higher share of the overall project costs, namely 80%. Finally, we propose
a new measure from which Estonia will particularly benefit. Semi-
subsistence farmers who can present a concept for the future of their farms
will receive a payment of up to € 750 per year. The Commission has set out
a fair proposal, which is tailor-made to support the restructuring process
in Estonia. It is designed to guarantee an optimal integration of the
Estonian farming sector into the Common Agricultural Policy. I am fully
aware that there are concerns in the Estonian farm community. And these
concerns have to be addressed. Not with propaganda, but with arguments and
facts. And it is a matter of fact, that Estonian agriculture will be better
off in the EU than staying out.", said Franz Fischler, Commissioner for
Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries, yesterday during his official
visit in Estonia.
[08] A Osaka, Loyola de Palacio défendra une plus grande stabilité des
marchés de l'énergie
A l'occasion du VIII° forum international de l'énergie, Loyola de Palacio,
vice-présidente de la Commission européenne en charge des Transports et de
l'Energie, insistera particulièrement sur la nécessité d'assurer une plus
grande stabilité des marchés de l'énergie et de répondre au besoin de
certitude et de sécurité des approvisionnements. Prenant acte des
changements qui ont déjà lieu dans l'Union européenne pour répondre aux
défis mondiaux, elle insistera sur la nécessaire diversification des
ressources, l'importance d'approfondir le dialogue entre les producteurs et
les consommateurs et expliquera le contenu de la récente initiative de la
Commission en faveur d'une coordination accrue des stocks de pétrole et de
gaz. Elle plaidera également en faveur d'une plus grande transparence des
marchés mondiaux de l'énergie.
[09] Commission supports creation of a European cancer research area
How to build greater coherence in European cancer research is the key
question to be debated at a conference in Brussels today, which brings
together around 250 representatives from science, the medical profession,
government, patient organisations, foundations, industry and European
institutions. The aim of the conference, jointly organised by the European
Commission and the European Parliament, is to kick-off the conception of a
joint European strategy for cancer research, rallying all players concerned
to improve the coherence and efficiency of their research activities. The
conference coincides with the launch, in November 2002, of the EU's Sixth
Research Framework Programme (20022006) which has been designed to better
structure and integrate the excellent science that Europe already has.
[10] Budget Commissioner Michaele Schreyer appoints new head of cabinet
The Economist Stefan Lehner (45), currently head of the central Budget unit
in the Research Directorate-General (DG), is appointed head of cabinet of
European Budget Commissioner Michaele Schreyer as of 1 October 2002. The
budget expert born in Munich works since 1985 in the Commission. He held a
variety of positions in the DG of Economy and Finances, for example between
1989 and 1991 : the economic analysis of an economy and currency union. For
the last eight years he has specialised in the EU budget, first as head of
unit, than as deputy head of cabinet of the former Budget Commissioner
Erkki Liikanen.
[11] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by Romano Prodi : "Statistics at our service: the importance of
figures we can trust" at the Conferenza dei Dir.Generali e dei Presidenti
degli Istituti Naz.li di Statistica : 'The future of the European
Statistical System' (Palermo)
Speech by Anna Diamantopoulou : "Fighting modern slavery: the EU's role in
supporting victims of trafficking" à la European Conference on Preventing
and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings
Speech by Poul Nielson : "Linking relief, rehabilitation and development:
challenges and possible solutions" (16/09, Groningen)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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