European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-09-11
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Fonds de solidarité de l'UE prévoyant une aide rapide et solidaire
dans les grandes catastrophes
[02] Marché intérieur de l'énergie : la Commission propose de renforcer la
sécurité des approvisionnements pétroliers et gaziers
[03] Consumer credit rules for the 21st century
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[04] Declaration by Heads of State and Government of the EU, the President
of the European Parliament, the President of the European Commission, and
the High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy
[05] La Commission est prête à apporter son aide à la France après les
inondations dramatiques survenues dans le sud
[06] La Commission approuve une co-entreprise entre Thales et Darfon
[07] Commission clears joint control of Austrian credit insurer by Hermes
and OeKB
[08] Europeans' views of banking and insurance services
[09] Anna Diamantopoulou warns against the erosion of civil liberties in
the aftermath of September 11
[10] Séance spéciale du film de Cédric Klapisch "L'Auberge espagnole" et
conférence de presse Viviane Reding et Cédric Klapisch le lundi 16
[11] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 11/09/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 11/09/2002[I] Résultats de la Commission
de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission meeting
[01] Fonds de solidarité de l'UE prévoyant une aide rapide et solidaire
dans les grandes catastrophes
La Commission européenne a adopté le projet d'un accord interinstitutionnel
entre le Parlement, le Conseil et la Commission sur la création d'un fonds
de solidarité de l'Union européenne. La Commissaire au Budget, Mme Michaele
Schreyer, a déclaré que "les inondations catastrophiques qui ont eu lieu
récemment avaient bien montré que les victimes s'attendaient à une aide
financière de l'Union européenne". C'est la raison pour laquelle la
Commission a proposé de créer un fonds de solidarité européen permettant
d'apporter une aide rapide dans le cas de catastrophes majeures survenant
dans un Etat membre ou un pays candidat dont l'adhésion est en cours de
[02] Marché intérieur de l'énergie : la Commission propose de renforcer la
sécurité des approvisionnements pétroliers et gaziers
La Commission européenne a adopté deux propositions de directives qui
contribueront à améliorer, dans le cadre du marché intérieur de l'énergie,
la sécurité de l'approvisionnement en énergie de l'Union. "La très forte
dépendance externe de l'Union pour ses approvisionnements en hydrocarbures
constitue un risque important pour nos économies. Au regard de l'évolution
du fonctionnement du marché de l'énergie et de l'incertitude géopolitique,
il est crucial de se doter de mécanismes efficaces pour mieux garantir aux
européens un accès constant à l'énergie et à des prix raisonnables", a
déclaré Loyola de Palacio, Vice-Présidente en charge de l'Energie et des
Transports. "Les nouvelles initiatives de gestion commune et solidaire des
stocks pétroliers et gaziers mises aujourd'hui sur la table sont décisives",
a-t-elle ajouté. Ce nouveau cadre communautaire sera mis en œuvre en
coordination avec les pays producteurs. Un système européen d'observation
des approvisionnements d'hydrocarbures apportera l'expertise technique
nécessaire à son développement.
[03] Consumer credit rules for the 21st century
The European Commission has adopted a proposal for a new directive on
consumer credit. The existing EU-wide rules from 1987 have not kept pace
with the important evolution in this sector and, at the same time, only set
minimum standards. They have largely been overtaken by national regulation.
The absence of common rules reduced cross-border transactions and led to
differences in consumer protection in Member States. New EU-wide rules for
consumer credit will be expanded to modern forms of consumer credit today.
Home loans remain outside the scope. Borrowers will gain improved
transparency on products (costs, terms and conditions) and can more easily
compare offers on a cross-border basis. Lenders will gain improved
opportunity to assess borrower risk, but in return they will be subject to
"know thy client" obligations before granting any credit. Consumers will
also have the right of withdrawal within 14 days, free of charge and
without justification. Harmonised consumer credit rules throughout the
Union will not only increase the protection of consumers across borders but
also their confidence and thus strengthen the functioning and the stability
of the consumer credit market in the EU.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[04] Declaration by Heads of State and Government of the EU, the President
of the European Parliament, the President of the European Commission, and
the High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy
The Central and Eastern European countries associated with the European
Union, the associated countries Cyprus, Malta and Turkey, and the EFTA
countries, members of the European Economic Area align themselves with this
declaration. "Today marks the first anniversary of the terrorist attacks
against the United States of America. Thousands of innocent people, many
citizens of Europe among them, became victims of terrorism in New York,
Washington and Pennsylvania on 11 September 2001. Many died in a selfless
and heroic effort to save the lives of others. It is with deep sorrow that
we remember that tragic day. Our thoughts and prayers go to the bereaved
families and friends in the United States and throughout the world who were
stricken by the violence unleashed a year ago. 11 September reminded all of
us that security and democracy can never be taken for granted but must be
defended actively and ceaselessly. It also made clear that the scourge of
terrorism, in itself a denial of common democratic values and principles,
must continue to be met through steadfast international cooperation. Those
who perpetrate and sponsor terrorist acts will be brought to justice and
punished. The terrorist attacks of 11 September have given rise to the most
comprehensive international cooperation in decades. Countries all over the
world have united in the common cause against the kind of cynical contempt
for human lives that lies behind it. This unique solidarity must be
sustained and supported, also through dialogue of cultures. 11 September
underlined how inextricably intertwined our destinies are. The EU will not
slacken its resolve to contribute to the international community's fight
against terrorism. We will continue to stand side by side with the United
States and all the other countries in this endeavour and seek to build a
just international order that promotes peace and prosperity for all."
[05] La Commission est prête à apporter son aide à la France après les
inondations dramatiques survenues dans le sud
Michel Barnier, Commissaire européen chargé de la politique régionale, a
annoncé hier qu'une intervention des fonds européens sera recherchée pour
faire face aux importants dégâts survenus pendant les journées des 8 et 9
septembre notamment dans les départements du Gard et de l'Hérault en région
Languedoc-Roussillon et du Vaucluse dans la région Provence-Alpes-Côte
d'Azur. Plusieurs zones touchées sont en effet éligibles à l'objectif 2 au
titre du développement régional pour la période 2000-2006.
[06] La Commission approuve une co-entreprise entre Thales et Darfon
La Commission européenne a donné son feu vert sous le Règlement
Concentrations à la création d'une co-entreprise par Thales Microelectronics
et Darfon, une compagnie active dans le secteur des composants
electroniques qui appartient à Benq (Taiwan). (L'opération, qui a été
notifiée à la Commission le 6 août, a été examinée sous une procédure
[07] Commission clears joint control of Austrian credit insurer by Hermes
and OeKB
The European Commission has cleared under the Merger Regulation a notified
concentration whereby German company Hermes Versicherungsbeteiligungen AG,
which belongs to German insurer Allianz group, and Austria's
Österreichische Kontrollbank AG (OeKB) will acquire joint control of Prisma
Versicherungs AG, Austria's second largest credit insurance company. (The
deal, which was notified on August 6, was examined under a simplified
[08] Europeans' views of banking and insurance services
At the request of the European Commission, an opinion poll was carried out
in the EU on consumer views and attitudes to financial services. The poll
concentrated on four aspects : Europeans' views of banking and insurance
services, their assessment of national legislation (in general and in
relation to distance marketing), their use of the various means of payment
in the EU and their main types of financial product. Some results : a clear
majority of over 70% of consumers call for more harmonised EU rules
introducing better protection. When it comes to high tech financial
services, consumers' call for EU action is even higher : unconvinced that
consumer protection at national level is enough, 80% think it necessary to
take measures at EU level to protect consumers in the use of these
technologies. The survey was carried out in the framework of Eurobarometer
56 and includes comparative data with earlier surveys on the situation
between 1996 and 2000. Results are presented by Member State and by a
number of socio-demographic variables. The 250 pages special Eurobarometer
report is available electronically in English and French at http://europa.eu.int/comm/consumers/policy/developments/fina_serv/index_en.html
[09] Anna Diamantopoulou warns against the erosion of civil liberties in
the aftermath of September 11
Speaking today to the European Parliament's Committee on Citizen's Freedoms
and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs, European Employment and Social
Affairs Commissioner, Anna Diamantopoulou, expressed her concern that
"civil liberties are being swept aside in the name of the fight against
terrorism". She said that in this climate, "it is more important than ever
for the EU to stand up for fundamental rights and values". The Commissioner
said that the fear and insecurity created by the terrorist attacks have
reinforced prejudices. Muslims and other ethnic minorities living in the EU
have been victims of verbal abuse, physical aggression and harassment. Anti-
Semitic acts have also increased during the last twelve months. The
Commissioner outlined the key elements of the EU's actions to fight against
discrimination. She rejected the views of those who see multiculturalism as
a threat to the West's way of living and argued that "the EU's own
experience of integration provides a powerful example of cooperation based
on cultural diversity". In her view, "the real threat to peaceful co-
existence between different cultures is ignorance and misunderstanding".
The Commissioner announced that she would launch in the Autumn a series of
round tables to examine contemporary anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in the
[10] Séance spéciale du film de Cédric Klapisch "L'Auberge espagnole" et
conférence de presse Viviane Reding et Cédric Klapisch le lundi 16
L'Union européenne célèbre cet automne le millionième étudiant ayant
participé au programme d'échanges universitaires Erasmus. Une série
d'événements est prévue pour la Semaine Erasmus, qui se déroulera du 18 au
25 octobre. En avant-première de cette Semaine, Viviane Reding, Commissaire
européenne responsable de l'Education et de la Culture, vous invite à une
projection spéciale du film de Cédric Klapisch, "L'Auberge espagnole", qui
décrit de manière humoristique la vie d'un groupe d'étudiants Erasmus à
Barcelone. La projection aura lieu le lundi 16 septembre 2002 au cinéma UGC
de Louvain-la-Neuve, à l'occasion de la rentrée académique. Un nombre
limité de places est disponible auprès du porte-parole. Viviane Reding et
Cédric Klapisch seront en salle de presse le lundi 16 septembre à 12h15
pour présenter le programme de la Semaine Erasmus, à l'occasion de laquelle
sera lancée une Charte des étudiants Erasmus, un passeport "mobilité" dont
bénéficieront les futurs étudiants Erasmus.
[11] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by Romano Prodi : "€ and enlargement" at the 13th International
Economic Association World Congress (10/09, Lisbon)
Speech by Margot Wallström : "From words to deeds the results of the
sustainability Summit in Johannesburg" at the Centre for European Policy
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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