European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-08-26
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] The world cannot afford to let Johannesburg fail: Statement by Mr Poul
Nielson, EU Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid
[02] European Union: Promising start of World Summit negotiations
[03] La Commission déclare illégal le régime fiscal spécial accordé aux
centres de coordination situés dans la province basque de Biscaye
Midday Express 26/08/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 26/08/2002
[01] The world cannot afford to let Johannesburg fail: Statement by Mr Poul
Nielson, EU Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid
On the eve of the opening of the World Summit on Sustainable Development
and his departure for Johannesburg, Mr Poul Nielson made the following
statement: "The world cannot afford Johannesburg to fail. The challenges
faced by this planet and its people are just too big. The floods in Europe
and Asia this summer are yet another striking reminder of the possible
consequences we face if we fail to achieve sustainability. Poverty and
environmental degradation are global problems that require urgent, global
solutions and this Summit provides an important opportunity to secure
tangible results to ensure a decent life for future generations.
Johannesburg has to move from words to deeds. The European Union is
determined to face its responsibilities and play a leading role in
achieving a successful outcome. We are striving to get concrete,
quantifiable targets and timetables towards the implementation of the
Millennium Development Goals, as well as a strong political declaration. In
our view, the world needs more economic and environmental governance. As
the leading trade and aid partner for developing countries, the EU is
aiming to build bridges and achieve a consensus with all partners. We must
remember that as we enter in to the final round of negotiations on texts,
the aim is to bring the world together to agree on how to shape our common
future." For more information on the European Commission and WSSD:
[02] European Union: Promising start of World Summit negotiations
The European Union (EU) has come to Johannesburg to make an important
contribution to ensuring tangible results at the World Summit. The EU is
more optimistic about the World Summit on Sustainable Development after
nearly two days of pre-negotiations in Johannesburg. The pre-meetings have
started to discuss the draft Plan of Implementation and have been able to
achieve consensus on a number of issues relating to important environmental
[03] La Commission déclare illégal le régime fiscal spécial accordé aux
centres de coordination situés dans la province basque de Biscaye
La Commission européenne a déclaré illégal le régime fiscal spécial accordé
aux centres de coordination situés dans la province espagnole de Biscaye,
au Pays Basque. Ce régime avait été aboli par le gouvernement espagnol au
début de cette année après que la Commission avait ouvert en juillet 2001
une procédure formelle d'examen à leur égard et à l'égard de dix autres
régimes spéciaux de taxation des sociétés au motif qu'elle craignait qu'ils
ne faussent la concurrence et les échanges dans l'Union européenne.
Toutefois, en vertu des règles du droit européen, une fois qu'elle a ouvert
une procédure officielle, la Commission est tenue de prendre une décision.
Étant donné qu'au moment de la mise en œuvre du régime, les autorités de
Biscaye pouvaient légitimement penser que ledit régime ne constituait pas
une aide d'État, la Commission a décidé de ne pas exiger le remboursement
des avantages fiscaux qui auraient pu être obtenus.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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