European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-08-01
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] La Commission propose la modification de certaines possibilités de
pêche et des conditions techniques y afférentes
[02] May 2002 compared to May 2001 : volume of retail trade up by 0.7% in
euro-zone ; EU15 up by 1.6%
[03] Commission provides over €4 million in humanitarian aid for health and
nutrition actions in North Korea
[04] US loses another two WTO steel panels
[05] Commission clears the way for temporary admission of horses
participating in World Equestrian Games
[06] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 01/08/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 01/08/2002
[01] La Commission propose la modification de certaines possibilités de
pêche et des conditions techniques y afférentes
A la suite de décisions récemment adoptées par des organisations de pêche
internationales dont l'UE fait partie, de nouveaux avis scientifiques et
d'un arrêt de la Cour de justice, la Commission européenne propose
d'adapter certaines possibilités de pêche et de modifier certaines des
mesures qui y sont associées. Les modifications concernent la pêche à la
raie, la pêche à la crevette et la pêche au flétan noir dans les pêcheries
relevant de l'Organisation des pêcheries de l'Atlantique du Nord-Ouest
(OPANO), un certain nombre de pêcheries de thonidés et d'espèces voisines
relevant de la Commission internationale pour la conservation des thonidés
de l'Atlantique (CICTA) et la pêche à la morue au chalut dans la Baltique
dans le cadre de la Commission internationale des pêcheries de la Baltique
(IBSFC). Sont également concernées la pêche à la plie dans le Skagerrak et
le Kattegat, un échange entre l'UE et la Norvège dans la mer du Nord, la
pêche à la sole dans le golfe de Gascogne et le hareng dans les eaux
occidentales. Il est proposé également d'abroger la règle permettant au
Portugal de pêcher une part de son quota d'anchois dans une zone autre que
la zone désignée. Ces adaptations visent à renforcer la durabilité des
pêcheries en question et de faire profiter les pêcheurs de l'UE des
possibilités de pêche offertes conformément aux derniers avis
[02] May 2002 compared to May 2001 : volume of retail trade up by 0.7% in
euro-zone ; EU15 up by 1.6%
In May 2002, as compared to May 2001, the volume of retail trade increased
by 0.7% in the euro-zone and by 1.6% in the EU15, Eurostat, the Statistical
Office of the European Communities in Luxembourg, estimates today. Compared
to April 2002, sales rose by 0.4% in the euro-zone and by 0.1% in the EU15.
[03] Commission provides over €4 million in humanitarian aid for health and
nutrition actions in North Korea
The European Commission has adopted a humanitarian aid decision worth
€4.175 million for health and nutrition actions in North Korea. Over the
past decade, the country's ever-deepening economic crisis has provoked
serious food shortages and a sharp deterioration in the provision of
healthcare. The main objective is to boost the provision of basic health
services for the most vulnerable sections of the population. Essential
drugs and medical supplies will be provided to almost 1,800 health
institutions in North Korea and 3,200 people with mobility impairments will
receive orthopaedic devices and physiotherapy. Improvements to blood
transfusion services, currently in a very poor state, are also being
financed while 10,000 severely malnourished children in baby centres and
paediatric hospitals will receive therapeutic feeding. The funds are being
channelled through the Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) which comes under the
authority of Commissioner Poul Nielson. Since January 2000, ECHO has
provided aid worth more than €21 million for humanitarian actions in North
[04] US loses another two WTO steel panels
Two WTO panel reports have concluded that the US law on the imposition of
countervailing duties (CVD) on privatised foreign steel companies and the
threshold for imposing such duties are incompatible with WTO rules. "I
welcome the decision by the WTO confirming the inconsistency of the US law
with WTO obligations. I call again upon the US to promptly implement the
panel findings and lift all WTO incompatible duties, so that European
exports will be purchased at fair and competitive prices", commented
European Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy.
[05] Commission clears the way for temporary admission of horses
participating in World Equestrian Games
This year the World Equestrian Games will be held in Jerez de la Frontera
in Spain from September 10-22. The Games which take place every four years
in different venues around the world bring together exceptional horses and
riders for two weeks of world class competition. The European Commission
has decided to authorise the temporary admission of registered horses
participating in this event, subject to certification and provided they are
not used for breeding immediately before or during their stay. The EU has
restrictions in place for imports of horses, for disease control purposes.
The requirements for a health certificate demonstrating that a horse is
free of having and carrying equine viral arteritis (EVA) are waived under
the condition that the horses leave the European Union after the games have
finished. EVA is transmissible illness carried in horse semen, which causes
flu like symptoms and abortions in pregnant mares. The Commission decision
allows Member States to authorise temporally the admission of stallions
accompanied by an animal health certificate. Registered horses will be
under the veterinary supervision of the Spanish authorities and the
organising Federation Equestre International (FEI) and will not be used for
breeding during the time of the games and the preceding period necessary
for acclimatisation.
[06] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by David Byrne : "What damage has the EU done to Ireland over the
past 30 years?" at the Mac Gill Summer School (Glenties, Donegal)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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