European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-07-30
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Chris Patten deplores ruling of Egyptian State Security Court against
Saad Edin Ibrahim
[02] La Commission autorise la création d'une entreprise commune entre
L'Oréal et Nestlé dans le domaine des compléments nutritionnels à visée
[03] Internet : Commission seeks views on cybersquatting
[04] Programme Interreg : l'UE accorde une aide de 12 millions d'€ en
faveur de la zone de coopération transnationale "Espace Caraïbes"
[05] Interreg programme : EU contributes €33 million to Italy in order to
support its cross-border cooperation with Albania
[06] Programme Interreg : l'UE accorde une aide de 90 millions d'€ à la
Grèce en faveur de la coopération transfrontalière avec l'Albanie
[07] Second Sapard annual report highlights importance of scheme in CEECs
Midday Express 30/07/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 30/07/2002
[01] Chris Patten deplores ruling of Egyptian State Security Court against
Saad Edin Ibrahim
The Egyptian State Security Court imposed yesterday new harsh sentences
against Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim and other staff members of the Ibn Khaldoun
Centre, which has been a project partner of the EU for programmes of voter
education. European Commissioner for External Relations Chris Patten
declared today : "I was dismayed to learn of these sentences and reiterate
that the European Commission has no evidence of the alleged falsification
of documents, which seems to have been central to the case for the
prosecution. We deplore the continued use of State security courts to
prosecute cases of this nature. The questionable procedures used in the
conduct of this high profile trial, the decision to retry these defendants
after a successful appeal, the deteriorating health of the principal
defendant, and the harsh outcome of the new trial must all concern those
who most support Egypt in its ambitious programme of economic, social and
political reform. These sentences against a well known and internationally
respected democracy campaigner and his collaborators will be deeply
regretted by Egypt's many friends abroad."
[02] La Commission autorise la création d'une entreprise commune entre
L'Oréal et Nestlé dans le domaine des compléments nutritionnels à visée
La Commission européenne a donné son feu vert à une opération par laquelle
les groupes L'Oréal et Nestlé acquerront le contrôle en commun d'une
entreprise nouvellement créée, qui exercera ses activités sur le marché des
compléments nutritionnels à visée cosmétique.
[03] Internet : Commission seeks views on cybersquatting
Some European citizens and businesses have registered an Internet domain
name in good faith only to receive a threatening letter accusing them of
being "cybersquatters". Others have tried to register a domain name related
to their name or business only to be told that it has already been
registered by someone who refuses to transfer it except for an extortionate
sum of money. In an on-line consultation just launched, the European
Commission's Internal Market Directorate-General is seeking views from
those who have faced these and similar problems in using the internet. The
survey is part of the Interactive Policy Making initiative (see IP/01/519).
The results will feed into the Commission's consideration of public policy
rules for the European Union Internet top level domain, which will carry
the suffix ".eu" that will be introduced under the ".eu" Regulation adopted
by the European Parliament and the Council in April 2002 (see IP/02/468).
To collect a wide range of views and to make it as easy as possible for
everybody to contribute, the Commission has put the questionnaire on its
website at http://europa.eu.int/yourvoice. Responses can be sent to the
Commission from that site.
[04] Programme Interreg : l'UE accorde une aide de 12 millions d'€ en
faveur de la zone de coopération transnationale "Espace Caraïbes"
Michel Barnier, Commissaire européen responsable de la politique régionale,
vient d'annoncer l'approbation par la Commission d'un programme de
coopération transnationale pour l'"Espace Caraïbes", qui sera financé par
l'initiative communautaire Interreg III B. Il concerne les territoires
ultra-périphériques français de Guadeloupe, Martinique et Guyane. Les
principaux objectifs du programme sont de favoriser la coopération dans la
région, la promotion d'une plus grande cohésion et l'intégration économique,
sociale et territoriale, notamment avec les pays voisins, dans le but de
parvenir à un développement durable, harmonieux et équilibré de l'espace.
Ces objectifs sont en ligne avec les objectifs d'intégration économique
pour la zone des Caraïbes proposés dans le cadre des programmes régionaux
du FED (Fonds Européen de Développement). Le montant total disponible pour
ce programme jusqu'en 2006 est de 24 millions d'€, dont 12 millions sont
financés par l'UE. Les 12 millions d'€ restants proviennent de budgets
nationaux et régionaux, en majorité publics.
[05] Interreg programme : EU contributes €33 million to Italy in order to
support its cross-border cooperation with Albania
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for Regional Policy, has
announced the approval by the Commission of a programme for cross-border
cooperation between Italy and Albania to be financed by the Interreg III A
Community Initiative. It covers the region of Puglia, in Italy, and the
whole of Albania. The programme focuses on increasing cross-border
cooperation and sustainable development of the regional economy. The EU
will contribute €33 million. Another €33 million comes from national and
regional budgets and with €6.3 million from private funding will create
total resources of about €72 million. Assistance to Albania will be
delivered under the CARDS programme.
[06] Programme Interreg : l'UE accorde une aide de 90 millions d'€ à la
Grèce en faveur de la coopération transfrontalière avec l'Albanie
M. Michel Barnier, membre de la Commission européenne responsable de la
politique régionale, a annoncé l'approbation par la Commission d'un
programme de coopération transfrontalière entre la Grèce et l'Albanie qui
sera financé par l'initiative communautaire Interreg III A. Le programme
met l'accent sur le développement économique et le renforcement de la
coopération dans les régions frontalières des deux pays. Le financement
communautaire s'élève à 90 millions d'€, auxquels s'ajouteront 30 millions
d'€ provenant des budgets national et régional et 6 millions du secteur
privé, ce qui portera le financement total à 126 millions d'€. L'assistance
en faveur de l'Albanie sera assurée dans le cadre du programme CARDS.
[07] Second Sapard annual report highlights importance of scheme in CEECs
Accreditation of Sapard Agencies in five of the ten candidate countries
during 2001 signified an important step towards enlargement, according to
the second Sapard annual report prepared by DG Agriculture and published by
the European Commission today. While the first report, published in July
2001 gave an overview of the Sapard instrument and its rules, this second
report is able to comment on the programme at work following the conferral
of management of the instrument to some of the candidate countries. Other
achievements in the last year include the setting up of monitoring
committees in all ten countries, the approval of the Annual Financing
Agreements 2001, and seminars organised by the Commission to deal with the
main issues of Sapard implementation. "Such administrative capacity
building work is imperative in the enlargement context", says the report,
and represents a "major task" for the candidate countries. "The Commission
has been considerably encouraged by comments from various candidate
countries recognising the contribution Sapard makes in the context of
enlargement preparations". The report also includes contributions from
several candidate countries commenting on their early experiences and
expectations for subsequent developments. By the time of the report's
adoption, a further three countries had also secured conferral of
management decisions for their national agencies responsible for Sapard.
For the full report, please see: http://europa.eu.int/comm/agriculture/publi/reports/sapard2001/full_en.pdf
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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