European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-05-23
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] La Commission propose une vaste réforme de l'Union européenne
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[02] EU needs to improve productivity to meet Lisbon goal of greater
[03] March first estimates, February revised figures - Euro-zone external
trade surplus €9.1 billion in March 2002 ; €0.8 billion surplus for EU15
[04] Commission publishes latest EU Scoreboard on State aid
[05] Commission provides €2 million in humanitarian aid for Somalia
[06] Commission plans €1.5 million extra in humanitarian aid for Malawi
[07] Quelques réalisations de Media Plus en 2001
[08] Pascal Lamy to visit site of the world's largest steel manufacturer in
show of solidarity with EU steel industry
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 23/05/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 23/05/2002[I] Résultats de la Commission
du 22 mai 2002 - Outcome of Commission meeting of 22 May 2002
(voir aussi see also ME of 22/05)
[01] La Commission propose une vaste réforme de l'Union européenne
Dans sa première communication adressée à la Convention sur l'avenir de
l'Europe, la Commission européenne préconise des structures plus efficaces
pour l'UE, qui puissent mieux répondre aux exigences et aux attentes des
citoyens. Le rôle de l'Union devrait être considérablement renforcé dans
trois grands domaines. L'introduction de l'euro exige de meilleurs
mécanismes de pilotage pour l'économie européenne. L'Europe doit pouvoir
être véritablement en mesure de renforcer la sécurité et la liberté des
citoyens. Pour pouvoir compter dans le monde, l'Union doit avoir une
politique extérieure et de sécurité puissante. A cette fin, la Commission
souhaite une plus forte coordination des politiques économiques. Elle
propose des contrôles frontaliers communs avec une politique commune en
matière d'immigration et d'asile. Elle souhaite intégrer progressivement
dans la Commission la fonction du Haut représentant pour la politique
étrangère et de sécurité commune. La prise de décision devrait être
simplifiée dans un cadre institutionnel unique, ce qui constituerait un pas
décisif sur la voie d'une constitution pour l'UE.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[02] EU needs to improve productivity to meet Lisbon goal of greater
The European Commission today published its 2002 Competitiveness report.
The annual competitiveness reports identify trends and key factors behind
growth and productivity developments in the EU. This year's Report focuses
on three special themes: human capital ; productivity performance of EU
services ; and sustainable development in EU manufacturing. Also, and for
the first time, the Commission has analysed the relationship between
competition policy and enterprise policy. The report makes comparisons
across the Member States and with the EU's most important competitors. One
of the main conclusions of this year's report is that recent trends in EU
productivity growth are not sufficient to attain the economic, social and
employment objectives set in the Lisbon strategy in the remaining years to
2010. Erkki Liikanen, Commissioner responsible for Enterprise and
Information Society said : "At their meeting in Lisbon a little over two
years ago, the EU leaders agreed on a strategic goal. The recent
productivity and growth performance suggests that this strategic goal will
be missed, unless the Member States and the Commission show more
determination in pursuing economic reforms."
[03] March first estimates, February revised figures - Euro-zone external
trade surplus €9.1 billion in March 2002 ; €0.8 billion surplus for EU15
According to Eurostat, the first estimate for euro-zone trade with the rest
of the world in March 2002 was a €9.1 billion surplus, compared with +2.8
billion in March 2001. The revised February 2002 balance was +5.5 billion,
against +1.5 billion in February 2001. Euro-zone trade recorded a surplus
of 16.2 billion for the first three months of 2002, against a 1.9 billion
deficit in 2001.
[04] Commission publishes latest EU Scoreboard on State aid
The European Commission today published the spring 2002 update of the State
aid Scoreboard. The Scoreboard seeks to further increase transparency and
raise awareness of the need to control State aid which amounted to €82
billion in the EU in 2000. Available on the Internet site of the
Commission's Directorate General for Competition, the Scoreboard looks at
the extent to which Member States have reduced their State aid levels and
to which sectors and objectives aid is directed. It also includes
information on State aid control procedures and has a special focus on
State aid for small and medium-sized enterprises.
[05] Commission provides €2 million in humanitarian aid for Somalia
The European Commission has allocated €2 million to help victims of civil
strife and drought in Somalia. The acute needs generated by the country's
decade-long internal crisis have been made worse by alternating cycles of
drought and flooding. This money will fund health care and food and will be
channelled through ECHO, the Humanitarian Aid Office, which comes under the
responsibility of Commissioner Poul Nielson.
[06] Commission plans €1.5 million extra in humanitarian aid for Malawi
The European Commission is currently finalising a further €1.5 million for
actions to help tackle the growing food crisis in Malawi. This humanitarian
assistance is designed to complement the vital work already being
undertaken by the European Union through its existing food security
programme in the country. The new funding is intended to support the
national network of Nutritional Rehabilitation Units, and to boost
nutritional monitoring and food security surveillance through the local
Health and Agriculture Ministries. The money is channelled through the
Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) to partner organisations in the country.
[07] Quelques réalisations de Media Plus en 2001
Alors que Viviane Reding, Commissaire européenne en charge de l'Education
et de la Culture, sera à partir de demain à Cannes pour remettre le Prix
Media 2002 et annoncer une nouvelle initiative de la Commission pour
soutenir le cinéma européen, le programme Media Plus (2001-2005) rend aux
professionnels de l'audiovisuel un service efficace dans les domaines du
développement, de la distribution et de la promotion. Doté d'un budget de
350 millions d'€, auquel s'ajoutent 50 millions d'€ pour Media Formation,
Media Plus est complémentaire des efforts nationaux de soutien au cinéma.
[08] Pascal Lamy to visit site of the world's largest steel manufacturer in
show of solidarity with EU steel industry
On Friday 24th May, European Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy will visit the
steel manufacturing site of Sidmar in Ghent, part of the Arcelor Group.
This is a unique opportunity for the Commissioner to observe the concrete
effects of the current dispute between the EU and the United States since
the US decided to take blatantly protectionist measures on 20 March. He
will be able to meet first-hand with the industry and workers directly
affected by the US actions and benefitting from the strategy put in place
by the EU in response. Arcelor is the world's largest steelmaking group,
employing around 110,000 people worldwide, and around 6,000 at the Ghent
site. During the visit, Pascal Lamy will meet representatives of the
Arcelor group, Sidmar employees, and view all aspects of production on the
site. Arcelor was created in June 2001 from the merger of the Arceralia,
Arbed and Unisor groups, and is an example of how the European steel
industry has restructured in the face of changes and challenges in the
global market. As a new company, Arcelor faces the difficulties of an
uncertain economic environment, especially in the light of recent
protectionist measures taken by the US government. Speaking before his
visit, Mr Lamy said : "I look forward to this visit as an opportunity to
see for myself the effect of US protectionism and the strategy the European
Union has put in place to defend the legitimate interests of the EU steel
industry. This is a very concrete example of what the EU can and does do
for industries and workers in our Member States when we are faced with
unfair trade practices and US protectionism."
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by Erkki Liikanen : "Géant the benefits of Europe's broadband
research network" (22/05)
Speech by Pedro Solbes : "Budgetary policy in EMU : design and challenges"
at a Seminar on Budgetary policy in EMU (The Hague)
Discours de M. Fischler à la commission Pêche du PE
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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