European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-05-01
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Commission defines a framework for the relations between the EU and
Denmark in the implementation of common visa, asylum and immigration
policies as well as other issues related to the free movement of persons
[02] Commission's proposals for the 2003 budget : sound balance between
financing new tasks and budgetary discipline
[03] No improvement in the market and no change in the behaviour of South
Korean yards, says fifth Commission report on world shipbuilding
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[04] Interreg programme : Commission approves €329 million support for
transnational cooperation in the North West of Europe
[05] February 2002 compared to February 2001 - Volume of retail trade up by
1.3% in euro-zone ; EU15 up by 2.2%
[06] March 2002 - Euro-zone unemployment stable at 8.4% ; EU15 steady at
[07] Flash estimate - April 2002 - Euro-zone inflation estimated at 2.2%
[08] Afghanistan : Commission provides almost €20 million extra in
humanitarian aid
[09] Aide humanitaire au Salvador : la Commission alloue €528.000
[10] Conference on company taxation supports further work on an EU-wide
consolidated company tax base
[11] Cleaner water : EU research means better industrial water management
[12] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 30/04/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 30/04/2002[I] Résultats de la Commission
de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission meeting
[01] Commission defines a framework for the relations between the EU and
Denmark in the implementation of common visa, asylum and immigration
policies as well as other issues related to the free movement of persons
The European Commission has held an orientation debate on the eventual
participation of Denmark in EU measures on which it does not have an opt-
in. The political guidelines approved indicates the four following areas
where for reasons of good governance there would be an EU interest in the
participation of Denmark : the Dublin and Eurodac acquis (on the mechanisms
and criteria for determining the Member States responsible for considering
an application for asylum), the Regulations "Brussels I" (jurisdiction and
recognition and enforcement of judgements in civil and commercial matters)
and "Transmission of judicial and extra-judicial documents".
[02] Commission's proposals for the 2003 budget : sound balance between
financing new tasks and budgetary discipline
The European Commission has adopted its budget proposals for 2003
(Preliminary Draft Budget). At just over €98 billion in payments, the
proposed 2,7% increase for 2003 over 2002 is lower than the announced
average increase of the Member States' budgets. The proposed 2003 budget
stays well under the financial planning ceiling for the EU budget in the
Agenda 2000. Compared to this ceiling the proposed budget saves €4,7
billion and accounts for 1,03% of the EU's gross national income. Budget
Commissioner Michaele Schreyer said : "The Commission has again proposed a
budget which takes financial care of many new responsibilities, initiatives
and programmes but leaves a sizeable precautionary margin so that it could
tackle other possible financial risks. That's sound budgetary policy." The
budget proposals allocate the financial means to the Commission's policy
priorities for 2003, the preparation for enlargement, stability and
security, and sustainable and inclusive economic development.
[03] No improvement in the market and no change in the behaviour of South
Korean yards, says fifth Commission report on world shipbuilding
The world shipbuilding market continues to face serious difficulties, while
certain South Korean yards are still pricing ships below cost, notes the
European Commission's latest (fifth) report on world shipbuilding, adopted
today. World ship prices are still being depressed by excess supply, due to
past expansion of yards mainly in Korea, but now, and increasingly, in
China, too. New orders did reach an historic high in 2000, bringing a brief
price recovery, but then sank substantially in 2001, taking prices with
them, in the wake of US recession and the effects of the September 11
terrorist attacks on demand for sea trade and cruises respectively.
Declining orders for container ships and cruise ships cut the market shares
of both Korea and the EU, which are particularly strong in these segments.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[04] Interreg programme : Commission approves €329 million support for
transnational cooperation in the North West of Europe
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has
announced the approval of a support programme for the North West of Europe.
This Interreg III Community Initiative programme covers a period until 2006
and provides about €329 million in financial support from the EU. It
concerns transnational cooperation between Ireland, Belgium, Germany,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and France in the EU and
includes Switzerland as an external partner. Another €326 million comes
from national and regional funding, creating total resources of about €655
[05] February 2002 compared to February 2001 - Volume of retail trade up by
1.3% in euro-zone ; EU15 up by 2.2%
In February 2002, as compared to February 2001, the volume of retail trade
increased by 1.3% in the euro-zone and by 2.2% in the EU15, Eurostat
estimates today. Compared to January 2002, sales rose by 0.5% in the euro-
zone and by 0.6% in the EU15. In February 2002, as compared to February
2001, retail trade of "food, drinks and tobacco" rose by 1.3% in the euro-
zone and by 1.6% in the EU15. The decrease of sales of food in specialised
stores continued, this time by 2.7% in the euro-zone and 2.8% in the EU15,
while sales in non specialised stores increased by 1.8% and 2.3%
respectively. The non food sector gained 0.2% in the euro-zone and 1.7% in
the EU15.
[06] March 2002 - Euro-zone unemployment stable at 8.4% ; EU15 steady at
Euro-zone seasonally-adjusted unemployment stood at 8.4% in March 2002
unchanged compared to February, Eurostat reports today. It was 8.3% in
March 2001. The EU15 unemployment rate was 7.6% in March unchanged compared
to February. It was also 7.6% in March 2001. In March 2002, lowest rates
were registered in the Netherlands (2.4% in February), Luxembourg (2.6%),
Austria (4.0%), Denmark (4.1%), Portugal (4.3%), and Ireland (4.4%).
Spain's 12.9% remained the EU's highest rate.
[07] Flash estimate - April 2002 - Euro-zone inflation estimated at 2.2%
Euro-zone annual inflation is expected to be 2.2% in April, down from 2.5%
in March, according to a flash estimate issued today by Eurostat.
[08] Afghanistan : Commission provides almost €20 million extra in
humanitarian aid
The European Commission has approved two humanitarian aid decisions for
Afghanistan, totalling €19,135,000. The aid is managed by the Humanitarian
Aid Office (ECHO) which comes under the direct responsibility of
Commissioner Poul Nielson. The first decision, for more than €17 million,
ensures continuing assistance for vulnerable groups affected by the civil
war, the drought and conflict. A second emergency decision allocates more
than €2 million for victims of the earthquake that struck the Baghlan
region on 25 March. Commenting on the latest funding, Poul Nielson said :
"More than twenty years of conflict, coupled with droughts and earthquakes,
have exacted a terrible cost in human misery with homes destroyed, health
and education systems left in ruins and huge numbers of people displaced
from their home areas. Through its previous interventions, and these latest
decisions, the Commission is at the forefront of efforts to provide relief
to the Afghan population."
[09] Aide humanitaire au Salvador : la Commission alloue €528.000
La Commission européenne a approuvé une aide financière d'€528.000 au
Salvador destinée à la réhabilitation et reconstruction de logements en
faveur des populations rurales touchées par les deux tremblements de terre
de 2001. L'assistance fournie par la Commission permettra de diffuser
auprès des communautés rurales les plus défavorisées une technique de
construction simple et résistante aux séismes, utilisant des matériaux
disponibles localement. Les familles les plus vulnérables des communautés
rurales situées dans les départements de San Salvador, Usulatán, La Paz,
San Vicente et La Libertad et dont les logements ont été détruits suite aux
tremblements de terre survenus en 2001 au Salvador, bénéficieront
initialement de ces nouvelles techniques d'appui. Les opérations seront
confiées à une organisation non gouvernementale partenaire d'ECHO (Atlas
Logistique), qui interviendra en étroite coordination avec les autorités
locales. L'objectif visé consiste à mettre en place un système de formation
avec d'importants effets multiplicateurs. Les fonds alloués sont gérés via
l'Office d'Aide Humanitaire de la Commission (ECHO) placé sous la
responsabilité du Commissaire Poul Nielson. Début 2001, El Salvador a subi
tour à tour deux violents séismes qui ont dévasté plus de 160.000 logements
laissant plus de 2.000 morts. L'Office Humanitaire a jusqu'à présent alloué
10 millions d'€ en faveur des victimes des tremblements de terre.
[10] Conference on company taxation supports further work on an EU-wide
consolidated company tax base
At the European Conference on Company Taxation hosted by the European
Commission on 29-30 April in Brussels, business operators and academics
gave considerable support to the Commission's suggestion that companies
should ultimately be allowed to use a single consolidated tax base for
their EU-wide business activities. The Commission had indicated in its
Communication on company taxation of 23 October 2001 (see IP/01/1468) that
such an EU-wide tax base is the only systematic remedy to the various tax
obstacles in the Internal Market and the current costly inefficiencies
resulting from the operation of fifteen different sets of tax rules. During
the conference, more than 500 high-level tax specialists from the public
and private sectors in the EU, candidate countries and beyond debated the
four options that the Commission had presented to achieve this objective
and their political and technical implications. Discussions will continue
with Member States and all interested parties and the Commission will at
the same time work on the technical aspects. The Commission will publish a
progress report in early 2003.
[11] Cleaner water : EU research means better industrial water management
At a media briefing at the Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Barcelona, on 2 May
the European Commission will report on three successful EU initiatives
which have improved the management of waste industrial water. Water is
life. Its availability and quality make the difference for human
settlements, economic development and ecosystems. Industry consumes water,
and waste originating from production processes often has a negative impact
on the environment and on human health. EU-funded research projects can
help solve the problem for instance by reducing by 90% water consumption in
the tanning and leather industries. The meeting will outline three projects
: TANNET addresses tanneries, INCORE tackles abandoned industrial sites and
WASTE WATER CLUSTER puts forward innovative solutions in the treatment of
waste water. The three projects aim at ensuring high quality drinking
water. Their results concern specific and complementary aspects of the
water cycle treatment and converge towards a global and integrated approach
in water management policy.
[12] Autre matériel diffusé
Discours de M. Fischler sur le développement rural au Conseil informel des
ministres de l'Agriculture (Murcia)
Speech by Pascal Lamy : "Mexico and the EU: married partners, lovers, or
just good friends ?" at the Institute of European Integration Studies
(29/04, Mexico)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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