European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-04-24
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Les grandes orientations des politiques économiques de 2002
[02] Printemps 2002 : prévisions économiques 2001-2003
[03] Economic forecasts for the Candidate Countries (2001-2003) - Spring
[04] Commission sends proposal for modernised "Staff Regulations" to
Council and Parliament for adoption
[05] La Commission met en oeuvre sa décision sur la mobilité des hauts
[06] La Commission autorise en partie les compensations prévues en faveur
du secteur de l'électricité belge
[07] Commission decides to prolong current State Aid framework for Research
and Development
[08] Commission approves Northern Ireland exemption from the Aggregates
[09] Affaire Verlipack : la Commission constate une aide incompatible avec
le marché commun par les autorités wallonnes en faveur du groupe Beaulieu
[10] Commission authorises the United Kingdom to grant €6.5 million to its
coal industry
[11] No objections to State aid measures in favour of the Channel Tunnel
Rail Link project
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[12] Commission clears creation of Austrian heating fuel joint venture
[13] Commission clears acquisition of Swiss Life France by Fortis France
[14] Animal welfare : Commission supports research into better conditions
for animal breeding and better food quality
[15] Investment services : constructive open hearing on revision of
[16] Anna Diamantopoulou will call for more investment in human resources
at 'G8 Labour and Employment Ministers Conference' in Montreal
[17] Seville : EU leaders to launch Information Society partnership with
Latin America and the Caribbean
[18] Commission to support education for displaced children in Northern
Maluku province, Indonesia
[19] Commission supports three NGO projects for Burmese refugees and
internally displaced people
[20] Commission announces support programmes for displaced persons in
northern Sri Lanka
[21] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 24/04/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 24/04/2002[I] Résultats de la Commission
de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission meeting
[01] Les grandes orientations des politiques économiques de 2002
La Commission européenne a adopté sa recommandation concernant les grandes
orientations des politiques économiques (GOPE) des Etats membres et de
l'Union européenne en 2002. Ces orientations, qui couvrent à la fois les
politiques macroéconomiques et structurelles, sont au cœur du dispositif de
coordination des politiques économiques de l'UE. Les GOPE 2002 viennent
renforcer la stratégie de politique économique intégrée adoptée par l'UE.
Pour que soient atteints ses objectifs ambitieux, les GOPE appellent les
Etats membres à accélérer le rythme de la réforme économique. Elles
recommandent de faire plus particulièrement porter l'effort sur quatre
points : 1) préserver la stabilité macroéconomique ; 2) accroître le taux
d'activité de la main-d'œuvre ainsi que l'emploi et remédier à la
persistance du chômage ; 3) améliorer les conditions d'une croissance forte
de la productivité ; et 4) promouvoir un développement durable dans
l'intérêt des générations présentes et futures.
[02] Printemps 2002 : prévisions économiques 2001-2003
L'économie de la zone euro s'est contractée au dernier trimestre 2001, mais
une reprise progressive s'est amorcée, grâce au retour de la confiance, à
la reconstitution des stocks, qui étaient tombés au plus bas, et au
redémarrage des échanges internationaux. La consommation privée jouera un
rôle essentiel dans l'accélération de la reprise durant la première moitié
de l'année. Au cours du second semestre, la croissance devrait s'accélérer
dans la zone euro jusqu'à atteindre son niveau potentiel au quatrième
trimestre 2002. Les prévisions tablent sur une croissance moyenne de près
de 3,0% l'année prochaine. Malgré une hausse temporaire du chômage en 2002,
la création d'emplois se poursuivra : 1,8 million d'emplois nouveaux
devraient voir le jour dans la zone euro durant les deux prochaines années.
En 2003, le taux de chômage moyen repassera, selon les prévisions, sous son
niveau de 2001. L'inflation, quant à elle, devrait reculer au cours du
deuxième trimestre 2002 et se maintenir en moyenne autour de 2,0% à la fois
cette année et l'année prochaine. Enfin, le déficit des administrations
publiques de la zone euro devrait se creuser deux années de suite, pour des
raisons conjoncturelles, et atteindre 1,4% du PIB en 2002. Toutefois, le
solde structurel sous-jacent ne devrait pas se détériorer en 2002, les
Etats membres s'étant engagés à ce que leurs finances publiques se trouvent
dans une situation proche de l'équilibre ou excédentaire à partir de 2003
ou 2004.
[03] Economic forecasts for the Candidate Countries (2001-2003) - Spring
As a result of the worsened international economic climate, economic growth
slowed down in the candidate countries at the end of 2001. Nevertheless,
due to strong domestic demand, most candidate countries showed resilience
and the extent of the slowdown remained limited, in line with our Autumn
2001 forecast. The weak economic development in the second half of 2001
weighs heavily on the average growth rate in the current year, despite the
accelerating recovery. An expected return to normal external and domestic
developments should make it possible to reach 4% average growth in 2003.
Lower international commodity prices have contributed to an inflation
reduction in 2001. The expected further slowdown of average inflation over
the forecasting period is mainly the result of policy efforts to reduce
inflation in the high-inflation countries Romania and Turkey. Continued
enterprise restructuring and higher productivity growth resulted in net
employment losses and a higher unemployment rate in 2001. Over the
forecasting period, employment losses should be progressively compensated
by higher employment creation and should lead to a slightly improved
overall labour market situation in 2003. Despite weaker demand for exports
and strong domestic demand, external deficits declined slightly in 2001,
due to more favourable terms of trade. The acceleration of export demand in
2002 and 2003 should prevent a significant deterioration of external
balances, even with strong domestic demand. General government deficits
remain relatively high as the combined result of lower growth and counter-
cyclical fiscal policies in some countries in the early years, and high
transition-related expenditures over the whole forecasting period.
[04] Commission sends proposal for modernised "Staff Regulations" to
Council and Parliament for adoption
The European Commission has formally adopted its proposal on a modernised
set of Staff Regulations. The detailed proposal, which has gone through
extensive consultation and negotiation, will immediately be sent to the
European Parliament for its opinion and to the Council for adoption,
scheduled for mid-2003. Today's Decision is a major stride in the process
of administrative Reform and modernisation initiated in 1999 by the Prodi
Commission. All the most significant proposals for change that were made in
the March 2000 Reform Strategy White Paper are now either being implemented
by the Commission or are before the other Institutions for adoption. The
Commission is confident that all of its internal reforms will be fully
operational well before the first possible date of accession of new Member
States. Welcoming today's achievement, Reform Vice-President Neil Kinnock
said : "Our proposals are being made to promote quality, efficiency and
opportunity, to bring the career development of EU officials up to date
with best practice in public services, and to modernise pay and allowances
in ways that sustain fairness whilst still enabling the European Civil
Service to attract people of high ability and commitment. The proposals
also fully honour our promise to stay within the spending limits set by the
Member States in mid 1999. I therefore hope that the Parliament and Council
which gave us the clear mandate for reform and modernisation will turn
these personnel policy measures into law so they can be put into action on
[05] La Commission met en oeuvre sa décision sur la mobilité des hauts
La Commission européenne a mis en oeuvre une série de mesures de mobilité
de ses hauts fonctionnaires, comme annoncé en janvier. 13 Directeurs-
Généraux (DG) et DG adjoints (DGA) sont par conséquent transférés à de
nouvelles fonctions à partir du 1er juillet ou, dans certains cas, du 1er
septembre. Sept autres postes de ce niveau seront pourvus après publication
d'avis de vacance, dont deux seront publiés tant à l'intérieur qu'à
l'extérieur de la Commission. Les décisions d'aujourd'hui impliquent que la
Commission aura bientôt rempli son objectif qu'aucun DG ou DGA ne reste au
même poste pendant plus de sept ans d'ici à la fin de 2002.
[06] La Commission autorise en partie les compensations prévues en faveur
du secteur de l'électricité belge
La Commission européenne a décidé de ne pas soulever d'objection sur deux
des trois volets d'une mesure visant à compenser l'impact de la
libéralisation du marché de l'électricité sur les sociétés Electrabel et
SPE. Ces deux volets concernent le coût de démantèlement de certaines
installations nucléaires et la promotion de l'électricité verte. En même
temps, la Commission a décidé d'ouvrir une procédure d'examen approfondi
sur le troisième volet du dossier, qui prévoit de faire payer par l'Etat
belge une partie de la part des pensions des employés de ces sociétés
normalement à la charge des entreprises.
[07] Commission decides to prolong current State Aid framework for Research
and Development
The European Commission has decided to prolong the existing State Aid
framework for Research and Development without any modification until the
end of 2005. This decision was taken following a review of the framework,
which the Commission initiated in March 2001 with a call for comments by
Member States and any interested third party. Having assessed the comments
received and following further deliberations on the issue, the Commission
has decided to continue to apply the current rules until 31.12.2005. A
communication to this effect will be published in the Official Journal.
[08] Commission approves Northern Ireland exemption from the Aggregates
The European Commission has decided not to raise objections to the
temporary exemption for Northern Ireland from the "Aggregates Levy", which
was introduced by the United Kingdom on 1 April. It is an environmental tax
that is levied on the commercial exploitation of rock, sand and gravel when
used as aggregate for construction purposes. The purposes of the levy (AGL)
are to maximise the use of recycled aggregate and alternatives to virgin
aggregate, and to promote the efficient use of virgin aggregate. The AGL is,
therefore, designed to encourage a shift in demand away from virgin
aggregate towards recycled and alternative aggregates.
[09] Affaire Verlipack : la Commission constate une aide incompatible avec
le marché commun par les autorités wallonnes en faveur du groupe Beaulieu
Au terme d'une enquête qui a débuté dans le cadre de l'affaire Verlipack,
la Commission européenne a conclu que l'intervention des autorités
wallonnes vis-à-vis du groupe Beaulieu, entreprise belge établie en Flandre
et un des principaux fabricants européens de tapis, pour un montant
d'environ 2,8 millions d'€ est une aide incompatible avec le marché commun
qui doit être remboursée.
[10] Commission authorises the United Kingdom to grant €6.5 million to its
coal industry
The United Kingdom is authorised to grant a total of €6.5 million by way of
operating aid to four coal production units. This aid is intended to cover
operating losses in 2001.
[11] No objections to State aid measures in favour of the Channel Tunnel
Rail Link project
The European Commission has decided to approve the modified State aid
measures in favour of the Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL) project recently
notified by the UK Government. Following the decision of Railtrack UK Ltd
not to purchase a section of the infrastructure, financial arrangements
needed to be amended. The Commission concludes that the revised financial
measures in favour of CTRL are compatible with competition rules : they
promote the execution of an important project of European interest and
compensate for an additional financial burden that other undertakings will
not have to bear.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[12] Commission clears creation of Austrian heating fuel joint venture
The European Commission has granted clearance under the Merger Regulation
to the creation of an Austrian alternative fuel joint venture called
Thermoteam Alternativebrennstoffsverwertungs GmbH by Lafarge Perlmoser AG
and waste disposal company Saubermacher Dienstleistungs-AG, which is
controlled by Germany's Hypo- and Vereinsbank AG and Lafarge Perlmoser.
(The operation was examined under the simplified merger review procedure)
[13] Commission clears acquisition of Swiss Life France by Fortis France
The European Commission has granted clearance under the Merger Regulation
to the acquisition of the undertaking Fortis France SA, active in the life
insurance and retirement savings, by Swiss Life France belonging to Swiss
Life of Switzerland. (The operation was examined under the simplified
merger review procedure)
[14] Animal welfare : Commission supports research into better conditions
for animal breeding and better food quality
Where does our beefsteak come from ? How are animals fed and treated ? In
the aftermath of the mad cow and other food scare crises, European
consumers are more and more concerned about "farm to fork" food safety. EU
research can help improve animal breeding and living conditions. The
European Commission discussed farm animal welfare research at the European
level with researchers and other stakeholders during a seminar held in
Brussels yesterday. Participants addressed results so far achieved by EU-
supported research, and identified the EU's requirements for future
research in this area. The Commission currently supports projects directly
related to animal welfare with €7.5 million. In addition, several animal
health projects also contain aspects of welfare research. Research projects
include studies into the transport of cattle over long distances,
locomotory dysfunctions in turkey production and genes associated with
stress in pigs. This is the first time that scientists involved in EU-
funded research have been brought together with representatives of consumer
and welfare groups to discuss how research can help implement and develop
innovative animal welfare and food safety policies.
[15] Investment services : constructive open hearing on revision of
There was a constructive discussion amongst over 200 participants
representing financial intermediaries, exchange operators and supervisory
authorities attended the second open hearing on revision of the Investment
Services Directive (ISD), hosted by the European Commission in Brussels on
22 April. The revised Directive will bring EU regulation up to date with
the reality of modern investment markets, where orders from buyers and
sellers of stock are increasingly being executed outside "traditional"
regulated exchanges, in particular by Alternative Trading Systems (ATS) and
in-house by banks. Debate at the hearing focussed on creating a level
playing field so that exchanges, ATSs and banks can compete transparently
without fragmenting the market, compromising efficiency and weakening
investor protection. The open hearing was the latest demonstration of the
Commission's commitment to systematic consultation of the financial
services industry and the public, in line with the approach to reforming
securities markets agreed with the European Parliament and the Council on
the basis of proposals by the committee of wise men chaired by Alexandre
Lamfalussy (see IP/02/195). Discussions at the hearing were based on the
Commission's latest consultation document on ISD revision, published on 25
March 2002 (see IP/02/464) and available on the Europa website at:
The deadline for responses to the consultation is 31 May 2002.
[16] Anna Diamantopoulou will call for more investment in human resources
at 'G8 Labour and Employment Ministers Conference' in Montreal
Anna Diamantopoulou, European Commissioner for Employment and Social
Affairs, will call for more investment in human resources from governments
and business at the seventh G8 employment ministerial which takes place
between 25-27 April in Montreal, Canada. Mrs Diamantopoulou said : "More
investment in human resources is not only a question for EU governments and
business 'at home'. It is an objective which must also permeate EU policies
towards our partner countries. The Lisbon target of 'better jobs' does not
stop at the EU's borders."
[17] Seville : EU leaders to launch Information Society partnership with
Latin America and the Caribbean
Ministers, Regulators, Private Sector and Civil Society representatives
from the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean will meet in
Seville on 26-27 April 2002 to discuss means to establish a long term
partnership aimed at building an open, inclusive and democratic Information
Society in these regions. The @LIS cooperation programme of the European
Commission (see IP/01/1761) will be officially launched on this occasion. A
contribution to the Summit of Heads of State and Government of the European
Union and Latin America and the Caribbean, to be held on 17-18 May in
Madrid, will also be prepared during the event.
[18] Commission to support education for displaced children in Northern
Maluku province, Indonesia
The European Commission has decided to fund two NGO projects worth €2.58
million in support of primary school aged children in North Maluku Province,
Indonesia, where education has been disrupted by conflict, violence and
displacement. The projects will be implemented over three years by Save the
Children (UK) (€1,720,000) and World Vision Deutschland (€860,000).
[19] Commission supports three NGO projects for Burmese refugees and
internally displaced people
The European Commission is to provide €4.9 million to three NGOs projects
supporting the population in Rakhine State, Western Burma/Myanmar and in
refugee camps in Thailand. These projects will be implemented by Action
Contre la Faim, the Burma Border Consortium and Malteser Hilfedienst.
[20] Commission announces support programmes for displaced persons in
northern Sri Lanka
The European Commission is to finance two assistance programmes for
internally displaced people and households affected by the conflict in Sri
Lanka. The two projects are worth €3.35 million, and will be carried out by
the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (€1.95 million) and CARE Deutschland
(€1.4million). The objective of the project is to minimise internal
displacement, facilitate voluntary return and re-integration and to help
internally displaced people to find solutions as well as to improve living
conditions and rights for victims of conflicts.
[21] Autre matériel diffusé
Discours de Mme de Palacio : "Les défis immédiats de la politique
énergétique européenne: une plus grande sécurité nucléaire et un
développement accru des énergies renouvelables" à la Commission ITRE du
Parlement européen (23/04)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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