European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-03-25
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] David Byrne proposes new safety rules for feed additives - prohibits
antibiotics as growth promoters
[02] Services financiers : lancement d'une nouvelle consultation publique
sur la révision de la directive concernant les services d'investissement
[03] Commission adopts extension of Action Plan to make the Internet a
safer place
[04] Tobacco control : progress at WHO negotiations
[05] Vers une coopération renforcée avec l'Amérique latine dans le domaine
du sport et notamment dans la lutte contre le dopage
[06] Bangladesh : Commission adopts framework for cooperation (Country
Strategy Paper)
Midday Express 25/03/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 25/03/2002
[01] David Byrne proposes new safety rules for feed additives - prohibits
antibiotics as growth promoters
The European Commission's proposals prohibit the use of antibiotics as
growth promoting feed additives. The four remaining authorised antibiotics
currently used as growth promoters in feed are to be phased out as of
January 2006. "This fulfils my commitment to the European Parliament in
September 1999", Health and Consumer Protection Commissioner David Byrne
stressed. The proposal represents a major streamlining of the existing
rules on the safety evaluation and marketing authorisation of feed
additives. All new authorisations of feed additives will be granted for a
ten-year period only. Companies marketing feed additives authorised under
existing legislation must within the next seven years apply for re-
evaluation and re-authorisation of their products. The new rules require
that companies must demonstrate the positive effect for the animal
(efficacy) and the absence of a risk for human health, animal health and
the environment (safety). The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) will be
in charge of evaluating all feed additives. It will set up clear guidelines
and a transparent assessment process including public consultation of
interested parties. Procedures for authorising feed additives as they
evolved since 1970 had become time-consuming, cumbersome and confusing for
companies and regulators alike. Their simplification and streamlining was
therefore one of the actions prioritised by David Byrne in the White Paper
on Food Safety.
[02] Services financiers : lancement d'une nouvelle consultation publique
sur la révision de la directive concernant les services d'investissement
La Direction générale "Marché intérieur" de la Commission européenne a
lancé une seconde et dernière consultation publique sur les modifications
possibles de la directive concernant les services d'investissement (DSI -
93/22/CEE), visant à faciliter la création d'un marché financier
communautaire efficace, intégré et discipliné. Les services de la
Commission ont profondément modifié leurs propositions initiales pour tenir
compte des 77 réponses recueillies à la faveur de la première consultation,
lancée en juillet 2001 (voir IP/01/1055). Ceux qui le souhaitent ont une
nouvelle occasion de formuler leurs observations, avant que la Commission
ne présente une proposition officielle au Parlement européen et au Conseil
des ministres, d'ici à la fin 2002. Ce dialogue ouvert avec les parties
intéressées s'inscrit dans le cadre de l'approche législative en matière de
services financiers arrêtée en accord avec le Parlement européen et le
Conseil, sur les recommandations du comité des régulateurs européens des
marchés des valeurs mobilières ("Comité Lamfalussy" - voir IP/02/195). Le
dernier document de consultation en date est disponible sur site Web de la
Commission, à l'adresse suivante: http://europa.eu.int:8082/comm/internal_market/fr/finances/mobil/isd/index.htm.
La date limite pour la présentation des observations est le 31 mai 2002.
[03] Commission adopts extension of Action Plan to make the Internet a
safer place
The European Commission has today decided to extend the Safer Internet
Action Plan for an additional period of two years. The EU has been a
forerunner in the fight against illegal and harmful content on the Internet
since 1996. The Safer Internet Action Plan is a cornerstone of the EU's
action in this field. The Commission now proposes a new phase of the
current Action Plan ensuring it to run until the end of 2004. "Content and
applications are high on our agenda when it comes to the development of the
Internet", said Erkki Liikanen, Commissioner for Enterprise and the
Information Society. "But we must also ensure that the Internet becomes a
safer place for us all. This Action Plan contributes to that process. We
will now focus on raising awareness of safer Internet use, particularly for
personalised, interactive (such as chatting and on-line games) and mobile
applications and for other new applications that have emerged since the
inception of the initial Action Plan."
[04] Tobacco control : progress at WHO negotiations
Commenting on the progress made at the latest round of discussions on a
Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) of the World Health
Organisation (WHO), European Health and Consumer Protection Commissioner
David Byrne said : "I am pleased that the Commission and Member States are
contributing to making this Convention a real tool in our fight against
tobacco consumption." The fourth round of negotiations ended in Geneva last
weekend. The main areas where progress was achieved are tobacco advertising,
passive smoking and duty free sales and illicit trade of tobacco products.
On tobacco advertising, there are real prospects for a total ban on all
forms of direct and indirect advertising. On passive smoking, the EU
supports the implementation and enforcement of effective measures,
including legislation, that provide for protection from exposure to tobacco
smoke. On duty free sales and illicit trade od tobacco products, the EU
recognises that international movement and sale of tobacco products without
payment of duties and taxes provide a possibility for large-scale illegal
trade, and commits itself to measures restricting tax free and duty free
sales. Mr Byrne welcomed the announcement of the new chair of the
international negotiating body, Ambassador de Seixas Corrèa of Brazil, to
streamline the working methods for the fifth round of negotiations taking
place 13-25 October 2002. The FCTC will become a mixed Convention,
requiring ratification by Member States and the EU and is planned to be
adopted in 2003. Full details of the FCTC negotiations at: http://www.who.int/home-
[05] Vers une coopération renforcée avec l'Amérique latine dans le domaine
du sport et notamment dans la lutte contre le dopage
La Présidence espagnole de l'UE et la Commission européenne rencontrent
aujourd'hui et demain à Lima (Pérou) les ministres des sports d'Amérique
latine (Conseil ibéro-américain du sport) pour évoquer ensemble la question
du dopage et d'autres aspects de politique sportive comme la violence dans
le sport et la fonction sociale du sport. Il s'agit de la première
rencontre entre représentants communautaires et ibéro-américains dans le
domaine du sport.
[06] Bangladesh : Commission adopts framework for cooperation (Country
Strategy Paper)
On 25th March, the European Commission adopted a five year strategy (2002-
2006) for its cooperation with Bangladesh. The Country Strategy Paper
provides the framework for relations with Bangladesh, covering all aspects
of assistance towards that country. The chief objective is support for
government efforts to reduce poverty and help to facilitate the country's
integration into the world economy. An indicative figure of €560 million
has been agreed to support this strategy during the period 2002-2006.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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