European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-01-28
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Fiscalité et douane : la Commission propose des programmes pour lutter
contre la fraude et réduire les coûts de mise en conformité
[02] Fonds structurels : annonce de l'approbation par la Commission de 58
programmes d'actions innovatrices dans 12 Etats membres
[03] Innovative actions in Austria : Commission contributes €8.7 million to
programmes in three regions
[04] Innovative actions in Finland : Commission contributes €5 million to
programmes in two regions
[05] Actions innovatrices en France : la Commission contribue pour €2,5
millions aux programmes de cinq régions
[06] Innovative actions in Germany : Commission contributes €20 million to
programmes in nine regions
[07] Innovative actions in Greece : Commission contributes €5.5 million to
programmes in two regions
[08] Innovative actions in Ireland : Commission contributes €2.6 million to
a programme in the Southern and Eastern region
[09] Innovative actions in Italy : Commission contributes €20 million to
programmes in seven regions
[10] Innovative actions in the Netherlands : Commission contributes €5.5
million to programmes in two regions
[11] Innovative actions in Portugal : Commission contributes €11.5 million
to programmes in five regions
[12] Innovative actions in Spain : Commission contributes about €35 million
to programmes in 13 regions
[13] Innovative actions in Sweden : Commission contributes about €11.8
million to programmes in four regions
[14] Innovative actions in the UK : Commission contributes about €11
million to programmes in five regions
[15] EU Standing Veterinary Committee agrees on suspension of imports of
products of animal origin from China
[16] Euro bond issue volume recovers in fourth quarter of 2002
[17] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 28/01/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 28/01/2002
[01] Fiscalité et douane : la Commission propose des programmes pour lutter
contre la fraude et réduire les coûts de mise en conformité
La Commission européenne a présenté des propositions relatives à "Fiscalis
2007" et "Douane 2007", deux programmes destinés à aider les Etats membres
à collaborer plus étroitement dans la lutte contre la fraude fiscale et
douanière, grâce à des systèmes électroniques améliorés d'échange
d'informations entre administrations nationales, à l'instauration d'une
coopération entre elles dans le cadre des enquêtes, à des séminaires de
formation pour fonctionnaires et experts des administrations douanières et
fiscales, et à des échanges de fonctionnaires entre administrations
nationales. Douane 2007 vise aussi à réduire les coûts de mise en
conformité supportés par les opérateurs économiques en encourageant le
développement d'un système de gestion électronique des procédures
douanières qui limite la circulation de documents écrits. Ces deux
programmes seront le cas échéant ouverts tant aux pays candidats qu'aux
Etats membres. Ils remplaceront et renforceront les programmes actuels, qui
expireront à la fin de 2002. Les propositions de décision relatives au
lancement de ces programmes seront présentées au Parlement européen et au
Conseil pour adoption dans le cadre de la procédure de codécision. Le coût
des programmes sera partagé entre le budget de l'Union européenne et les
pays participants et s'élèvera, pour ce qui est du budget de l'UE, à €56
millions pour Fiscalis 2007 et à €133 millions pour Douane 2007, échelonnés
sur cinq ans. Les deux programmes seront applicables du 1er janvier 2003 au
31 décembre 2007.
[02] Fonds structurels : annonce de l'approbation par la Commission de 58
programmes d'actions innovatrices dans 12 Etats membres
Michel Barnier, Commissaire européen responsable de la Politique régionale,
a annoncé l'approbation de 58 programmes d'actions innovatrices dans 12
Etats membres. La contribution communautaire se répartit comme suit :
Autriche: €8,7 millions ; Irlande: €2,6 millions ; Allemagne: €20 millions
; Espagne: €35 millions ; France: €12,5 millions ; Finlande: €5 millions ;
Grèce: €5,5 millions ; Italie: €20 millions ; Pays-Bas: €5,5 millions ;
Portugal: €11,5 millions ; Suède: €11,8 millions ; Royaume-Uni: €11
millions. Ces programmes ont différentes priorités fondées sur la
connaissance et l'innovation technologique ainsi que sur la société de
l'information. La réponse des régions a dépassé les prévisions : 103 des
156 régions éligibles (plus des 2/3) ont présenté une proposition de
[03] Innovative actions in Austria : Commission contributes €8.7 million to
programmes in three regions
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for Regional Policy,
announced the application of three regional programmes of innovative
actions in Austria, which provide about €8.7 million of EU funding. The
benefiting regions are : Niederösterreich, Vienna, and Vorarlberg. During
the period 2002-2003, the European funding in these regions will attract
about €6.9 million in further investment from the public sector, and about
€3.1 million from the private sector, creating total resources of about
€18.7 million.
[04] Innovative actions in Finland : Commission contributes €5 million to
programmes in two regions
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for Regional Policy,
announced the application of two regional programmes of innovative actions
in Finland, which provide €5 million of EU funding. The benefiting regions
are Etela-Suomi and Pohjois-Suomi. During the period 2002-2003, the
European funding in these regions will attract €5 million in further
investment from the public sector, and about €0.66 million from the private
sector, creating total resources of about €10.66 million.
[05] Actions innovatrices en France : la Commission contribue pour €2,5
millions aux programmes de cinq régions
Michel Barnier, Commissaire européen responsable de la Politique régionale,
a annoncé l'approbation de cinq programmes régionaux d'actions innovatrices
en France pour un montant de €12,5 millions. Les régions bénéficiaires sont
: l'Aquitaine, la Lorraine, les Pays de la Loire, Provence-Alpes-Côte
d'Azur et la Réunion. Pour la période 2002-2003, le secteur public régional
contribuera à hauteur de €11 millions et le secteur privé pour €3 millions,
soit un financement total de €26,5 millions.
[06] Innovative actions in Germany : Commission contributes €20 million to
programmes in nine regions
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for Regional Policy,
announced the application of nine regional programmes of innovative actions
in Germany, which provide about €20 million of EU funding. The benefiting
regions are: Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-
Pfalz, Saarland, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt and Schleswig-Holstein. During the
period 2002-2003, the European funding in these regions will attract €10
million in further investment from the public sector, and about €12 million
from the private sector, creating total resources of about €42 million.
[07] Innovative actions in Greece : Commission contributes €5.5 million to
programmes in two regions
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for Regional Policy,
announced the application of two regional programmes of innovative actions
in Greece, which provide about €5.5 million of EU funding. The benefiting
regions are Kentriki Makedonia and Thessalia. During the period 2002-2003,
the European funding in these regions will attract €1.47 million in further
investment from the public sector, and about €1.4 million from the private
sector, creating total resources of about €8.4 million.
[08] Innovative actions in Ireland : Commission contributes €2.6 million to
a programme in the Southern and Eastern region
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for Regional Policy,
announced the application of a regional programme of innovative actions in
Ireland, which provides about €2.6 million of EU funding. The benefiting
region is the Southern and Eastern region. During the period 2002-2003, the
European funding in this region will attract €1.11 million in further
investment from the public sector, and €0.07 million from the private
sector, creating total resources of €3.78 million.
[09] Innovative actions in Italy : Commission contributes €20 million to
programmes in seven regions
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for Regional Policy,
announced the application of seven regional programmes of innovative
actions in Italy, which provide about €20 million of EU funding. The
benefiting regions are: Calabria, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Giulia,
Puglia, the province of Bolzano, Trento and Tuscany. During the period 2002-
2003, the European funding in these regions will attract €15.4 million in
further investment from the public sector, and about €9 million from the
private sector, creating total resources of €44 million.
[10] Innovative actions in the Netherlands : Commission contributes €5.5
million to programmes in two regions
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for Regional Policy,
announced the application of two regional programmes of innovative actions
in the Netherlands, which provide about €5.5 million of EU funding. The
benefiting regions are Noord Brabant and Noord Holland. During the period
2002-2003, the European funding in these regions will attract about €4
million in further investment from the public sector, and €1.9 million from
the private sector, creating total resources of €11.5 million.
[11] Innovative actions in Portugal : Commission contributes €11.5 million
to programmes in five regions
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for Regional Policy,
announced the application of five regional programmes of innovative actions
in Portugal, which provide about €11.5 million of EU funding. The
benefiting regions are: Algarve, Centro, Lisboa, Madeira and Norte. During
the period 2002-2003, the European funding in these regions will attract
€2.2 million in further investment from the public sector, and about €2
million from the private sector, creating total resources of about €15.7
[12] Innovative actions in Spain : Commission contributes about €35 million
to programmes in 13 regions
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for Regional Policy,
announced the application of 13 regional programmes of innovative actions
in Spain, which provide about €35 million of EU funding. The benefiting
regions are: Andalucía, Aragón, Baleares, Cantabria, Canarias, Castilla-La
Mancha, Castilla y León, Ceuta, Extremadura, Galicia, La Rioja, Murcia and
Pais Vasco. During the period 2002-2003, the European funding in these
regions will attract €18.06 million in further investment from the public
sector, and about €9.54 million from the private sector, creating total
resources of €62.46 million.
[13] Innovative actions in Sweden : Commission contributes about €11.8
million to programmes in four regions
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for Regional Policy,
announced the application of four regional programmes of innovative actions
in Sweden, which provide about €11.8 million of EU funding. The benefiting
regions are: Mellersta Norrland, Östra Mellansverige, Övre Norrland and
Sydsverige. During the period 2002-2003, the European funding in these
regions will attract about €6 million in further investment from the public
sector, and €2.7 million from the private sector, creating total resources
of about €20.7 million.
[14] Innovative actions in the UK : Commission contributes about €11
million to programmes in five regions
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for Regional Policy,
announced the application of five regional programmes of innovative actions
in the United Kingdom, which provide about €11 million of EU funding. The
benefiting regions are: East Midlands, Eastern, North East England, Wales
and Yorkshire and Humberside. During the period 2002-2003, the European
funding in these regions will attract about €7 million in further
investment from the public sector, and about €2.3 million from the private
sector, creating total resources of about €20.3 million.
[15] EU Standing Veterinary Committee agrees on suspension of imports of
products of animal origin from China
The Standing Veterinary Committee (SVC) voted last Friday in favour of a
European Commission proposal to suspend the import into the EU of Chinese
products of animal origin intended for human consumption or for use in
animal feed. This suspension will enter into force shortly with the
adoption of a Commission Decision. Products already on route will be
allowed into the EU but will be subject to increased controls and testing
by Member States. The main products affected by the suspension in volume
terms are honey, rabbit meat, poultry and crustaceans such as shrimps and
prawns. A recent mission of the EU's Food and Veterinary Office (FVO)
revealed serious deficiencies of the Chinese residue control system and
problems related to the use of banned substances in the veterinary field.
EU directives stipulate that necessary measures must be taken for imports
of products from third countries which are likely to constitute a serious
danger to human or animal health (directives 97/78/EC and 95/53/EC for
animal nutrition). The Commission will re-examine the situation together
with Member States before the end of February. The Commission intends to
work urgently with the Chinese authorities with a view to putting in place
the necessary measures to allow trade to resume.
[16] Euro bond issue volume recovers in fourth quarter of 2002
Total issuance volume recovered in the fourth quarter of 2001 relative to
the third quarter. The composition of issuance was characterised by an
unusually low share of government bonds and a high share of corporate bonds,
reflecting an unwinding of distortions linked to the 11 September terrorist
attacks. The negative effects of the terrorist attacks on investor
confidence were fairly limited. A revival in market sentiment from mid-
October onward was reflected in the sharp rise in corporate issuance
volumes and a steepening in the euro yield curve. For the full year 2001,
issuance conditions were generally favourable as the global economic
slowdown resulted in lower interest rates and weakness in equity markets.
Accordingly, investor preferences shifted towards fixed income securities,
notably reflected in a further surge in corporate bond issuance. Other
structural changes in the market, (e.g. size, origin, maturity of issues)
during the year reflect the trend in corporate issuance. Full report on :
[17] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by Pascal Lamy : "Steeling the EU-US relationship for the challenges
ahead" at The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (25/01,
Washington D.C.)
Speech by Frits Bolkestein : "Integration der EU-Finanzmärkte" at the
Deutsche Börse (Francfort, ! embargo 8 pm !)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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