European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-01-24
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Conseil européen de Barcelone : la Commission lance une proposition
pour une politique globale en matière de biotechnologie
[02] Making the polluter pay : Commission adopts liability scheme to
prevent and repair environmental damage
[03] Commission announces next steps in implementing new senior staff
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[04] Romano Prodi met today Lehendakari Juan José Ibarretxe
[05] Barcelone : la Commission appelle à un renforcement des actions en vue
d'atteindre les objectifs communautaires en matière d'emploi d'ici 2010
[06] Urban II programme : EU contributes €9.55 million to urban
regeneration in Perama, Greece
[07] Urban II programme : EU contributes €7.95 million to urban
regeneration in Iraklion, island of Crete, Greece
[08] Urban II programme : EU contributes €8 million to urban regeneration
in Komotini, Greece
[09] Insurance and pension funds in Europe : a growing and still
restructuring insurance market - development of supplementary pension funds
[10] Contrôles alimentaires : les inspecteurs européens constatent que les
contrôles nationaux de E. coli varient d'un pays à l'autre de l'UE
[11] SSC publishes new opinions on BSE related issues
[12] Libre circulation des capitaux : procédure d'infraction contre la
[13] Commission clears acquisition of Fruit of the Loom by Berkshire
Hathaway Inc.
[14] EU voices concern at US decision to impose protective duties in
[15] La Commission adopte un programme d'aide humanitaire de €32 millions
en faveur de la République Démocratique du Congo
[16] Poul Nielson to visit India (28/01-02/02)
[17] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 24/01/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 24/01/2002[I] Résultats de la Commission
du 23 janvier 2002 - Outcome of Commission meeting of 23 January
(voir aussi see also ME of 23/01)
[01] Conseil européen de Barcelone : la Commission lance une proposition
pour une politique globale en matière de biotechnologie
La Commission européenne a adopté une initiative politique majeure pour le
développement des sciences de la vie et de la biotechnologie en Europe.
C'est l'un des principaux éléments de la contribution de la Commission au
Conseil européen de Barcelone en mars 2002. Ce document stratégique
comporte un plan d'action assorti de recommandations aux Etats membres, aux
autorités locales, à l'industrie et à d'autres parties prenantes. Il s'agit
d'aider l'Europe à maîtriser les technologies de pointe qui pourraient
contribuer de façon majeure à l'objectif, fixé en mars 2000 lors du Conseil
européen de Lisbonne, de faire en dix ans du continent l'économie de la
connaissance la plus compétitive et la plus durable du monde. Cette
stratégie reposant sur une démarche de coopération et de cohérence aspirant
à un développement durable est destinée à aborder les questions complexes
d'éthique et de société et à favoriser un large débat public. Conformément
aux principes de gouvernance, l'initiative repose sur une vaste
consultation publique qui a notamment donné lieu à une conférence
réunissant un vaste éventail de parties prenantes.
[02] Making the polluter pay : Commission adopts liability scheme to
prevent and repair environmental damage
The European Commission has adopted a proposal for a Directive on
environmental liability which aims both to prevent and restore
environmental damage. The pollution of water, damage to biodiversity and
land contamination which causes serious harm to human health would all be
covered by this Directive. Operators of certain risky or potentially risky
activities who cause environmental damage would be held responsible for
restoring the damage caused, or made to pay for the restoration. All
operators causing damage to biodiversity, by fault or negligence, would
equally have an obligation to restore the damage. Environment Commissioner
Margot Wallström said : "The idea that the polluter must pay is a
cornerstone of EU policy. With this proposal, the Commission is sending a
clear message: the time has come for the EU to put the polluter pays
principle into practice. Member States need to be able to tackle
environmental damage and play by common rules on who is responsible, which
damage is covered, and who should bear the cost. The rules proposed by the
Commission will be a strong incentive to prevent such damage from happening
at all." She added : "We are all stakeholders when it comes to protecting
the environment and preventing damage. Citizens, industry and NGOs have
therefore been waiting for this important proposal for a long time, with a
lot of - different - expectations. The Commission has taken the first
concrete step towards establishing a comprehensive European environmental
liability regime."
[03] Commission announces next steps in implementing new senior staff
The European Commission set out the way in which its reform policies
relating to appointments of senior staff will be implemented over the
coming months. In particular, these decisions will implement the
Commission's 1999 commitment that A1 and A2 officials will be subject to
mobility after five years and not stay longer than seven years in the same
post. The implementation of this mobility rule for all staff starting at
the top is part of the wider reform agenda designed to promote merit and
fresh thinking, and to allow staff to build their careers upon broad
experience. Since the beginning of the Prodi Commission's mandate in 1999,
the majority of the most senior officials have already made job moves as
part of this policy. The steps announced will affect the remaining 15
Directors General and Deputy Directors General and who are now eligible for
mobility. The staff changes which will take place in the coming months will
be based on the principles for appointments that were set out in 1999 :
namely that merit is the primary factor, and that every effort should be
made to respect the need for a balance of nationalities and for a better
balance of qualified women and men in the most senior posts in the
Commission. The Commission has also decided to appoint Catherine Day to the
post of Director General for Environment, which was published in July 2001.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[04] Romano Prodi met today Lehendakari Juan José Ibarretxe
The President of the European Commission, Romano Prodi, and the President
of the Basque Government, Lehendakari Juna José Ibarrextxe, had a cordial
and open exchange of views on the situation in the Basque Country, the
Convention (to be launched under the Spanish Presidency) and the role of
all levels of government on the future of Europe.
[05] Barcelone : la Commission appelle à un renforcement des actions en vue
d'atteindre les objectifs communautaires en matière d'emploi d'ici 2010
La Commission européenne s'est prononcée sur un rapport et des propositions
visant à améliorer la participation aux marchés de l'emploi dans l'Union
européenne. Selon le rapport, l'UE doit créer 20 millions d'emplois, dont
11 à 12 millions destinés aux femmes et 5 millions aux travailleurs âgés,
pour atteindre les objectifs fixés à Lisbonne et à Stockholm en matière
d'emploi pour 2010. Il met également en évidence les mesures stratégiques
nécessaires à cet effet : l'augmentation des fonds publics consacrés à la
formation des travailleurs, la révision ciblée des systèmes d'imposition et
de prestation, l'intensification de la lutte contre les écarts salariaux
entre les femmes et les hommes et un réexamen de la question de la
réduction des taux d'abandon scolaire. L'étape suivante sera la
présentation de ce rapport, conçu comme une initiative conjointe du Conseil
et de la Commission, au sommet de Barcelone.
[06] Urban II programme : EU contributes €9.55 million to urban
regeneration in Perama, Greece
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has
announced the approval by the Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in the Perama area, Greece. This Urban II Community Initiative
Programme will provide about €9.55 million from the EU over the period 2000-
2006. The European funding has attracted about €3.18 million from the
public sector while approximately €0.65 million is expected to be spent by
the private sector, creating a total investment of about €13.38 million.
Programme priorities will include improving the quality of urban
infrastructure and spatial planning, supporting the local economy,
preventing social exclusion and capacity building for the local workforce.
[07] Urban II programme : EU contributes €7.95 million to urban
regeneration in Iraklion, island of Crete, Greece
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has
announced the approval by the Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in the Iraklion area on the island of Crete, Greece. This
Uurban II Community Initiative Programme will provide about €7.95 million
from the EU over the period 2000-2006. The European funding has attracted
about €2.65 million from the public sector while approximately €1.0 million
are expected from the private sector, creating a total investment of about
€11.6 million. Programme priorities will include improving the quality of
urban infrastructure and spatial planning, supporting the local economy,
preventing social exclusion and supporting local inhabitants' networks.
[08] Urban II programme : EU contributes €8 million to urban regeneration
in Komotini, Greece
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has
announced the approval by the Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in the Komotini area in Greece. This Urban II Community
Initiative Programme will provide about €8 million from the EU over the
period 2000-2006. The European funding has attracted about € 2.67 million
from the public sector while approximately €1.73 million are expected from
the private sector, creating a total investment of about €12.39 million.
Programme priorities will include improving the quality of urban
infrastructure and spatial planning, supporting the local economy,
preventing social exclusion, and supporting local inhabitants' networks.
[09] Insurance and pension funds in Europe : a growing and still
restructuring insurance market - development of supplementary pension funds
In 1999, the EU insurance sector included 3903 enterprises with a total
turnover (measured by gross premiums written) of €760 billion, Eurostat
reports today. Compared to 1996, the number of insurance companies
decreased by 8.4%, while the total turnover rose by one third (33.7%),
illustrating a strong increase in the EU average production per enterprise.
The trend towards consolidation shows differences between insurance
business sectors : while the number of non-life insurance enterprises
decreased by 15.3%, the number of life insurance enterprises remained
stable (+0.6%) thanks to a growing life insurance market.
[10] Contrôles alimentaires : les inspecteurs européens constatent que les
contrôles nationaux de E. coli varient d'un pays à l'autre de l'UE
Le commissaire européen à la Santé et la Protection des Consommateurs,
David Byrne, s'est félicité aujourd'hui des résultats d'un rapport de
l'Office alimentaire et vétérinaire examinant les mesures nationales prises
pour réduire le risque de contamination alimentaire par la bactérie E.
coli. Selon lui, le rapport présente des exemples intéressants de bonnes
pratiques qui peuvent s'avérer utiles pour lutter contre l'E. coli. Le
rapport de l'OAV, publié aujourd'hui, donne un aperçu des résultats
d'inspections menées l'année dernière dans six pays de l'UE concernant les
contrôles des Escherichia coli vérocytotoxiques (ECVT). Le rapport constate
que, dans tous les pays, les exploitants publics et privés sont vigilants à
l'égard des risques de contamination par les ECVT. Les inspecteurs ont
observé une grande variété d'initiatives et de mesures de contrôle,
publiques et privées, pour détecter et prévenir ces contaminations. Les
visites d'inspection se sont concentrées sur les établissements de
traitement de la viande rouge, des produits carnés, du lait et des produits
[11] SSC publishes new opinions on BSE related issues
The Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) which advises the European
Commission on Transmissible/Bovine Spongiform Encephalophaties (TSE/BSE)
and other multidisciplinary issues today a series of opinions on BSE
related matters. They concern culling (destruction of animals related to a
TSE case), the risk related to penetrative stunning at slaughter and an
update on the safety of animal materials from the heads of cattle, sheep
and goats. The Committee also updated its method for assessing the
Geographical BSE Risk in view of recent developments and classifies Finland,
Austria and Slovenia as category III.
[12] Libre circulation des capitaux : procédure d'infraction contre la
La Commission européenne a décidé de traduire la France devant la Cour de
Justice européenne. Elle estime que les sanctions douanières appliquées en
cas d'infraction à l'obligation administrative, établie par la législation
française, de déclaration de tout transfert de somme, titres ou valeurs en
provenance ou à destination de l'étranger lorsque le montant est égal ou
excède €7.622,45 ou sa contre-valeur, sont incompatibles avec le droit
communautaire en matière de libre circulation des capitaux. Il faut
souligner d'emblée que la Commission ne met aucunement en cause le principe
de l'obligation administrative de déclaration préalable en tant que telle.
Cependant, pour la Commission, la sanction prévue au Code des Douanes en
cas d'infraction à ladite obligation administrative, qui prévoit d'une part
la confiscation des sommes, titres ou valeurs transportées au profit de
l'administration des douanes et d'autre part l'imposition d'une amende
pouvant atteindre 100% du montant de ces capitaux, est contraire à la libre
circulation des capitaux telle qu'instaurée par l'article 56 du traité CE.
[13] Commission clears acquisition of Fruit of the Loom by Berkshire
Hathaway Inc.
The European Commission has granted clearance under the Merger Regulation
to the acquisition of control of Fruit of the Loom, a US company which
makes and sells clothes, by Berkshire Hathaway Inc, another US company
active in the property, insurance and investment markets. (The operation
was examined under the simplified merger review procedure)
[14] EU voices concern at US decision to impose protective duties in
European Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy yesterday expressed his
disappointment and serious concern over the United States International
Trade Commission (ITC) decision on 21 January to impose definitive duties
on EU exports of enriched uranium. The ITC argued that EU imports were
causing injury to the US petitioner, United States Enrichment Company
(USEC). It ignored evidence and arguments that the EU and the European
industry put forward during the investigation. EU exports worth $500
million would be heavily hit by duties once this measure is implemented.
"The EU is disappointed and very concerned at these findings. It will now
carefully examine these decisions and reserves its right to take the matter
up in the World Trade Organisation", Mr Lamy said, adding that the EU
remains open to further bilateral talks.
[15] La Commission adopte un programme d'aide humanitaire de €32 millions
en faveur de la République Démocratique du Congo
La Commission européenne a adopté, pour 2002, un plan global prévoyant €32
millions d'aide humanitaire en faveur de la population de la République
Démocratique du Congo (RDC). M. Poul Nielson, membre de la Commission
chargé du Développement et de l'Aide humanitaire, a décrit la décision de
financement nouvelle, gérée par l'Office d'aide humanitaire (ECHO), comme
étant "un exemple concret de notre engagement durable en faveur de la
population congolaise." En outre, il a affirmé que la crise de longue durée
qui frappe la RDC a infligé à la population des souffrances d'une ampleur
inimaginable et que c'est la raison pour laquelle la Commission a opté pour
un programme d'aide humanitaire aussi important. "Nous sommes résolus à
améliorer les conditions de vie de la population et à assurer aux couches
les plus nécessiteuses des éléments de secours vitaux", a-t-il encore
[16] Poul Nielson to visit India (28/01-02/02)
The European Commissioner in charge of Development and Humanitarian Aid, Mr
Poul Nielson, will carry out an official visit to India from 28 January to
2 February. Mr Nielson's first trip as Commissioner to India comes on the
first anniversary of the devastating earthquake that hit Gujarat in January
2001. One overriding objective of his mission will be to take stock of
humanitarian assistance to the earthquake victims and to look at longer
term EU rehabilitation activities in the earthquake affected areas. Mr
Nielson's trip will also focus on ongoing and future EU-India development
cooperation. On the eve of his departure, Mr Nielson stated : "EU
development cooperation with India should be viewed as the reflection of a
strong and special partnership built on close concertation with the
Government of India in support of fighting poverty. We are now in the
process of finalising our cooperation strategy taking us up to 2007, with
the main priorities focussing on education and health through closer
cooperation with India's poorest but reform-minded states. I look forward
to seeing for myself the progress made and to discussing perspectives for
the future."
[17] Autre matériel diffusé
Discours de Mme de Palacio : "L'Europe à l'avant-garde de la sécurité
maritime" aux rencontres parlementaires sur la sécurité dans les transports
maritimes (CES)
Discours de M. Barnier : "La gouvernance internationale : une contribution
européenne" au EU-UNU Global Forum 'Governance across borders' (Tokyo)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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