European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-01-14
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Programmes Urban II : €110 millions pour 10 villes espagnoles (Cáceres,
Gijón, Granada, Jaén, Ourense, Pamplona, San Cristóbal de la Laguna, San
Sebastian-Pasajes, Sant Adrià del Besós et Teruel)
[02] Urban II programme - Cáceres : European Union contributes Euro 11.4
million to urban regeneration in the city of Cáceres, Spain
[03] Urban II programme - Gijón: European Union contributes Euro 10.5
million to urban regeneration in the city of Gijón, Spain
[04] Urban II programme - Granada : European Union contributes Euro 12.3
million to urban regeneration in the city of Granada, Spain
[05] Urban II programme - Jaén : European Union contributes Euro 12.3
million to urban regeneration in the city of Jaén, Spain
[06] Urban II programme - Ourense : European Union contributes Euro 9.8
million to urban regeneration in the city of Ourense, Spain
[07] Urban II programme - Pamplona : European Union contributes Euro 11.4
million to urban regeneration in the city of Pamplona, Spain
[08] Urban II programme - San Cristóbal de la Laguna : European Union
contributes Euro 11.4 million to urban regeneration in the city of San
Cristóbal de la Laguna, Spain
[09] Urban II programme - San Sebastian-Pasajes : European Union
contributes Euro 10.5 million to urban regeneration in the city of San
Sebastian-Pasajes, Spain
[10] Urban II programme - Sant Adrià del Besós : European Union contributes
Euro 12.3 million to urban regeneration in the city of Sant Adrià del Besós,
[11] Urban II programme - Teruel : European Union contributes Euro 10.5
million to urban regeneration in the city of Teruel, Spain
[12] Commission approved Leader+ Programme in Bavaria (Germany)
[13] Protection des données : la Commission reconnaît l'adéquation du
système canadien
[14] David Byrne at Green Week 2002 : "Enlargement and upgrading food
controls are the challenges ahead"
Midday Express 14/01/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 14/01/2002
[01] Programmes Urban II : €110 millions pour 10 villes espagnoles (Cáceres,
Gijón, Granada, Jaén, Ourense, Pamplona, San Cristóbal de la Laguna, San
Sebastian-Pasajes, Sant Adrià del Besós et Teruel)
Michael Barnier, Commissaire européen responsable de la Politique régionale,
a annoncé l'approbation par la Commission de 10 programmes pour 10 zones
urbaines espagnoles. Ces programmes ont été adoptés au titre de
l'initiative communautaire Urban II. Parmi les priorités figureront la
promotion de nouvelles technologies, l'amélioration de l'environnement
économique, l'insertion des groupes désavantagés dans le marché du travail
et le développement urbain.
[02] Urban II programme - Cáceres : European Union contributes Euro 11.4
million to urban regeneration in the city of Cáceres, Spain
Michel Barnier, Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has announced
the approval by the European Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in the city of Cáceres in Extremadura (Spain). This URBAN
Community Initiative Programme will provide € 11.4 million from the
European Union over the period 2000-2006. The European funding has
attracted € 3.8 million in further investment from the public sector,
creating total resources of € 15.2 million. Priorities will include the
promotion of new technologies, improvement of the business environment,
inclusion of disadvantaged groups into the labour market and improvement of
urban environment and public transport .
[03] Urban II programme - Gijón: European Union contributes Euro 10.5
million to urban regeneration in the city of Gijón, Spain
Michel Barnier, Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has announced
the approval by the European Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in the city of Gijón in Asturias (Spain). This URBAN Community
Initiative Programme will provide € 10.5 million from the European Union
over the period 2000-2006. The European funding has attracted € 3.5 million
in further investment from the public sector, creating total resources of €
14 million. Priorities will include the promotion of new technologies,
improvement of the business environment, inclusion of disadvantaged groups
into the labour market and improvement of the urban environment.
[04] Urban II programme - Granada : European Union contributes Euro 12.3
million to urban regeneration in the city of Granada, Spain
Michel Barnier, Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has announced
the approval by the European Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in the city of Granada in Andalucía (Spain). This URBAN(1)
Community Initiative Programme will provide € 12.3 million from the
European Union over the period 2000-2006. The European funding has
attracted € 4.1 million in further investment from the public sector,
creating total resources of € 16.4 million. Priorities will include the
promotion of new technologies, improvement of the business environment,
inclusion of disadvantaged groups into the labour market and improvement of
the urban environment and public transport .
[05] Urban II programme - Jaén : European Union contributes Euro 12.3
million to urban regeneration in the city of Jaén, Spain
Michel Barnier, Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has announced
the approval by the European Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in the city of Jaén in Andalucía (Spain). This URBAN Community
Initiative Programme will provide € 12.3 million from the European Union
over the period 2000-2006. The European funding has attracted € 4.1 million
in further investment from the public sector, creating total resources of €
16.4 million. Priorities will include the promotion of new technologies,
improvement of the business environment, inclusion of disadvantaged groups
into the labour market and improvement of the urban environment .
[06] Urban II programme - Ourense : European Union contributes Euro 9.8
million to urban regeneration in the city of Ourense, Spain
Michel Barnier, Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has announced
the approval by the European Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in the city of Ourense in Galicia (Spain). This URBAN
Community Initiative Programme will provide € 9.8 million from the European
Union over the period 2000-2006. The European funding has attracted € 3.2
million in further investment from the public sector, creating total
resources of € 13 million. Priorities will include the promotion of new
technologies, improvement of the business environment, inclusion of
disadvantaged groups into the labour market and improvement of the urban
environment .
[07] Urban II programme - Pamplona : European Union contributes Euro 11.4
million to urban regeneration in the city of Pamplona, Spain
Michel Barnier, Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has announced
the approval by the European Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in the city of Pamplona in Navarra (Spain). This URBAN
Community Initiative Programme will provide € 11.4 million from the
European Union over the period 2000-2006. The European funding has
attracted € 11.4 million in further investment from the public sector,
creating total resources of € 22.8 million. Priorities will include the
promotion of new technologies, improvement of the business environment,
inclusion of disadvantaged groups into the labour market and improvement of
the urban environment and public transport.
[08] Urban II programme - San Cristóbal de la Laguna : European Union
contributes Euro 11.4 million to urban regeneration in the city of San
Cristóbal de la Laguna, Spain
Michel Barnier, Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has announced
the approval by the European Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in the city of San Cristóbal de la Laguna in the Canary Isles
(Spain). This URBAN(2) Community Initiative Programme will provide € 11.4
million from the European Union over the period 2000-2006. The European
funding has attracted € 3.8 million in further investment from the public
sector, creating total resources of € 15.2 million. Priorities will include
the promotion of new technologies, improvements to the business environment,
inclusion of disadvantaged groups in the labour market, improvements to the
urban environment and public transport .
[09] Urban II programme - San Sebastian-Pasajes : European Union
contributes Euro 10.5 million to urban regeneration in the city of San
Sebastian-Pasajes, Spain
Michel Barnier, Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has announced
the approval by the European Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in the city of San Sebastian-Pasajes in the País Vasco
(Spain). This URBAN(3) Community Initiative Programme will provide € 10.5
million from the European Union over the period 2000-2006. The European
funding has attracted € 10.5 million in further investment from the public
sector, creating total resources of € 21 million. Priorities will include
the promotion of new technologies, improvement of the business environment,
inclusion of disadvantaged groups into the labour market and improvement of
the urban environment.
[10] Urban II programme - Sant Adrià del Besós : European Union contributes
Euro 12.3 million to urban regeneration in the city of Sant Adrià del Besós,
Michel Barnier, Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has announced
the approval by the European Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in the city of Sant Adrià del Besós in Cataluña (Spain). This
URBAN(4) Community Initiative Programme will provide € 12.3 million from
the European Union over the period 2000-2006. The European funding has
attracted a further € 12.3 million in investment from the public sector,
creating total resources of € 24.6 million. Priorities will include the
promotion of new technologies, improvement of the business environment,
inclusion of disadvantaged groups into the labour market and improvement of
the urban environment.
[11] Urban II programme - Teruel : European Union contributes Euro 10.5
million to urban regeneration in the city of Teruel, Spain
Michel Barnier, Commissioner responsible for regional policy, has announced
the approval by the European Commission of a programme for urban
regeneration in the city of Teruel in Aragon (Spain). This URBAN Community
Initiative Programme will provide € 10.5 million from the European Union
over the period 2000-2006. The European funding has attracted € 10.5
million in further investment from the public sector, creating total
resources of € 21 million. Priorities will include the promotion of new
technologies, improvement of the business environment, inclusion of
disadvantaged groups into the labour market and improvement of urban
environment and public transport .
[12] Commission approved Leader+ Programme in Bavaria (Germany)
The European Commission approved the programme for the EU Initiative
Leader+ in Bavaria (Germany). Welcoming the decision, Franz Fischler,
Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries, said : "This
programme aims to pilot new ideas to help build a more sustainable society,
economy and environment for rural Germany. We want to improve the quality
of life for all those who live in rural areas. Leader+ will help to add
value to local products and to make the best use of natural and cultural
resources." During the period 2001-2006, total expenditure under the
programme is €116.2 million. This includes an EU contribution of €58.1
million and a contribution of €16.9 million from the private sector.
[13] Protection des données : la Commission reconnaît l'adéquation du
système canadien
La Commission européenne a reconnu que la loi canadienne sur la protection
des renseignements personnels et les documents électroniques assurait une
protection appropriée pour certaines données à caractère personnel que l'UE
transmet au Canada. Cela permettra la libre circulation d'un certain nombre
de données personnelles en provenance de l'UE et à destination du Canada,
sous réserve du respect de la loi canadienne, sans que des garanties
supplémentaires ne soient nécessaires pour satisfaire aux exigences de la
directive européenne sur la protection des données. Cette décision
concrétise l'engagement pris en 1999 par le Canada et l'UE dans leur
déclaration conjointe sur le commerce électronique et la société de
l'information mondiale. Les deux parties ont promis de travailler ensemble
à instaurer la confiance dans le commerce électronique international et à
assurer la libre circulation des données personnelles sur la base de normes
strictes en matière de protection.
[14] David Byrne at Green Week 2002 : "Enlargement and upgrading food
controls are the challenges ahead"
David Byrne, European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection,
participated on 12 January in the opening of the 9th East-West Agricultural
Forum at Green Week in Berlin. He emphasised in his opening speech the
prime importance the EU is paying to food security and reiterated the
Commission's approach to take consumer interests into account in all
policies. The next months will see the start of the operation of the
European Food Safety Authority. Further challenges lie in ensuring the
tough EU food safety legislation is transposed and implemented in the
accession countries and in upgrading the EU control systems. David Byrne
saluted Renate Künast on the occasion of the first anniversary of her
appointment and wished her continued success over the period ahead.(1) See
below for a description of URBAN II.(2) See below for a description of
URBAN II.(3) See below for a description of URBAN II.(4) See below for a
description of URBAN II.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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