European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-12-14
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
Midday Express 14/12/2001
[01] Eurobaromètre 56 : soutien accru à l'UE
Les premiers éléments du dernier sondage Eurobaromètre (Eurobaromètre 56,
effectué en octobre-novembre 2001) sont publiés aujourd'hui. Cette vague
enregistre une progression significative du soutien et de la confiance dans
l'Union européenne. Alors que débute le sommet de Laeken, l'enquête révèle
également que le soutien à une constitution de l'UE augmente, celle-ci
étant soutenue par une large majorité des Européens. Toutefois, on
enregistre par rapport à l'an dernier une montée des inquiétudes relatives
aux perspectives économiques.
[02] 20 December 2001 - Special open Commission meeting on the €uro
With the changeover to the €uro imminent, the European Commission has
decided to hold a special open Commission meeting on the euro. Starting at
9h00 on 20 December, Commission members will speak about the historical
importance of the euro in their own language. The meeting will last around
one hour and will be broadcast live. At around 10h00, Commissioners will
visit the "€-village" in Parc du Cinquantenaire. The "€-village" will bring
together on 19th- 22nd December the mobile euro-information units (Euro-
buses, Euro-trucks and even whole Euro-villages), that have been travelling
around the euro-zone informing companies and citizens, young and old, about
the coming € changeover. People will see the € campaigns co-financed by the
Commission and the Member States and how € information can "travel" around
Europe. This marks a new reality in European integration : the €uro is
finally here!
[03] Le "Thalys €uro" parcourt le Nord de l'Europe
A partir du 21 décembre 2001 une rame Thalys décorée sur le thème de l'euro
sera mise en circulation pour parcourir le réseau Thalys jusqu'au 4 février
2002. La Commission européenne a choisi d'illustrer son message euro par la
présentation d'une partition musicale, les notes étant symbolisées par des
pièces euro. Cette gamme reprend un extrait de l'hymne à la joie de la 9ème
symphonie de Beethoven, hymne européen. Thalys, premier véritable réseau
ferroviaire européen à grande vitesse, véhiculera de cette façon un message
euro dynamique auprès des voyageurs européens. Pedro Solbes, Commissaire
aux Affaires économiques et monétaires, et d'autres personnalités seront
présents lors de la cérémonie inaugurale qui aura lieu à la gare de
Bruxelles-Midi le vendredi 21 décembre à 15h50.
[04] Commission announces intention to clear partnership between Austrian
Airlines and Lufthansa
The European Commission plans to grant a six-year exemption from European
competition rules to a partnership between Lufthansa and Austrian Airlines
after the two airlines, in the Commission's preliminary view, sucessfully
resolved concerns about reduced competition. The Commission's intention is
announced today in a Notice published in Official Journal C356. The
undertakings offered will create the conditions for entry of rival airlines
on routes between Germany and Austria thus avoiding the creation of a quasi-
monopoly on air transport services between the two countries which would
have been against passengers' interest.
[05] First estimates for 2001 - EU15 real agricultural income up by 2.7%
EU15 real agricultural income per worker increases by 2.7% in 2001,
according to first estimates issued today by Eurostat. Euro-zone
agricultural income rises by 2.4%. The increase in the level of the EU15
real agricultural income per worker is due to an increase in real
agricultural income (+1.1%), on the one hand, and to the continued
reduction in the volume of agricultural labour input (-1.6%), on the other.
Estimates show a large diversity between Member States concerning the
change in real agricultural income per worker in 2001. Agricultural income
is above the levels of 2000 in all Member States except in Italy (-0.8%)
and Luxembourg (-2.4%). The strongest growth rates are observed in Denmark
(+12.5%), Portugal (+9.5%), Austria (+8.5%), Ireland (+7.3%), Belgium
(+6.2%) and Germany (+5.7%).
[06] First estimates for the third quarter of 2001 - EU 15 current account
deficit euro 7.3 billion ; euro 0.3 billion surplus on trade in services
According to first estimates by Eurostat, the EU15 external current account
recorded a deficit of euro 7.3 billion in the third quarter of 2001, as
compared with a deficit of euro 10.4 billion in the third quarter of 2000
and a deficit of euro 11.5 billion in the second quarter of 2001. In the
third quarter of 2001 the EU15 external balance of trade in services
recorded a surplus of euro 0.3 billion as compared with a surplus of euro
5.1 billion in the third quarter of 2000 and a surplus of euro 4.1 billion
in the second quarter of 2001.
[07] EU15 real agricultural income up by 2.7%
EU15 real agricultural income per worker increases by 2.7% in 2001,
according to first estimates issued today by Eurostat, Statistical Office
of the European Communities in Luxembourg. Euro-zone agricultural income
rises by 2.4%. The increase in the level of the EU15 real agricultural
income per worker is due to an increase in real agricultural income (+1.1%),
on the one hand, and to the continued reduction in the volume of
agricultural labour input (-1.6%), on the other. Estimates show a large
diversity between Member States concerning the change in real agricultural
income per worker in 2001. Agricultural income is above the levels of 2000
in all Member States except in Italy (-0.8%) and Luxembourg (-2.4%). The
strongest growth rates are observed in Denmark (+12.5%), Portugal (+9.5%),
Austria (+8.5%), Ireland (+7.3%), Belgium (+6.2%) and Germany (+5.7%). More
information : Eurostat News Releases on the Internet : http://europa.eu.int/comm/eurostat/
[08] Loyola de Palacio appelle les Etats membres à appliquer rapidement la
nouvelle législation pour une plus grande sécurité maritime
Le Conseil et le Parlement Européen sont parvenus hier à un accord
définitif sur le premier paquet de mesures en faveur d'une plus grande
sécurité maritime (Erika I). Cet accord couvre les projets de directive sur
les sociétés de classification et le contrôle dans l'Etat du Port, ainsi
que le projet de règlement sur l'élimination progressive des pétroliers à
coque unique. Loyola de Palacio, vice-présidente de la Commission
européenne en charge des Transports et de l'Energie, a fait part de sa
grande satisfaction : "L'Europe a su réagir : moins de deux ans après la
catastrophe de l'Erika, nous disposons définitivement de nouvelles lois
pour améliorer considérablement la sécurité maritime". "C'est une très
bonne nouvelle pour les défenseurs de la mer car la nouvelle législation
nous permettra de mieux protéger nos côtes contre les bateaux poubelles :
l'Europe a été à la hauteur de la situation", a-t-elle ajouté.
[09] EU ready to take all necessary steps to keep foreign markets open to
European steel and to prevent flood of imports into EU if US goes down
blatantly protectionist road
In a hard-hitting speech before the UK Steel Association in London
yesterday, European Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy issued a clear warning
that the EU has no intention of standing idly by if the US chooses the
route of blatant protectionism of its ailing steel industry. "The EU has no
alternative but to be ready … to take all necessary steps to ensure that
our fairly traded exports continue to have access to overseas markets … and
that our market is not flooded by imports, simply because others have put
up the trade shutters", he said. Mr Lamy branded the recommendations issued
by the US International Trade Commission (ITC) last Friday "a blatant call
for protectionism … a perverse and extraordinary signal to the world at a
time when the ink is barely dry on the Doha Development Agenda", adding
"its simply not acceptable (for the US) to blame the whole (steel) problem
on imports". Regarding ongoing discussions on steel in the OECD which the
EU has been at the forefront of, Mr Lamy said : "Let's use the OECD process
properly, and not conduct international negotiations with a gun to the head
and a policy best summarised as - stop me before I kill again !"
[10] EU support for Afghanistan : Commission launches quick impact actions
The European Commission has decided to finance a euro 4.9 million programme
to kick-start the political, economic and social reconstruction in
Afghanistan and the neighbouring countries in the post-Taliban era, using
the Rapid Reaction Mechanism. The main objective of this programme is to
provide rapid support for the interim Afghan administration which will take
up its functions on December 22, and to build confidence among the Afghan
population and its different ethnic groups. In addition, the programme will
address the spill-over effects in neighbouring countries, by preparing
possible future actions in Central-Asia and Pakistan.
[11] Afghanistan Donors Steering Group Conference (20-21/12)
The Belgian Presidency and the European Commission will host a Donors
Steering Group Conference for Afghanistan in Brussels on 20-21 December
2001, on behalf of the co-chairs of the donors steering group for
assistance in the reconstruction of Afghanistan (EU, United States, Japan
and Saudi Arabia). The conference will expand the steering group created in
Washington (20 November 2001) and pave the way to a larger Ministerial
meeting in Japan (end of January 2002). The main aim is to identify
priority sectors for quick-impact projects in support of the new interim
administration of Afghanistan. In addition criteria for needs assessment,
methods for channelling international aid and donor co-ordination issues
will be discussed.
[12] La Commission octroie une aide de 200.000 euros en faveur des victimes
de la sécheresse dans le sud de l'Arménie
Ces fonds seront mis à disposition par l'Office humanitaire de l'Union
européenne (ECHO), placé sous la responsabilité du Commissaire Poul Nielson,
et viseront à améliorer la situation en Arménie, frappée l'année dernière
par une sécheresse qui a eu de graves conséquences dans l'ensemble du pays.
Tandis que la situation s'est améliorée dans le nord et le centre, le sud
de l'Arménie a connu en 2001 une deuxième année consécutive de sécheresse.
Dans les régions de Vayots Dzor et Syunik, les familles s'adonnant à une
activité agricole de subsistance n'ont pas assez de réserves alimentaires
pour passer l'hiver. Cette deuxième sécheresse a comme principales
conséquences pour ces familles, réfugiées pour la plupart, une insécurité
alimentaire accrue et un risque de malnutrition aggravée des enfants dans
cette région.
[13] Commission allocates euro 30 million of direct budgetary assistance
towards the Palestinian Authority
The European Commission decided yesterday to provide a further euro 30
million to the Palestinian Authority (PA) towards direct budgetary
assistance. Along with other donors' contributions, this allocation will
allow the PA to cope with current administrative expenditure. It will cover
the period December 2001-Feburary 2002. This sum aims to help the PA deal
with short-term liquidity problems encountered by the interruption of
monthly transfers of tax receipts (VAT and customs duties) by the State of
Israel following the outbreak of violence in October 2000. This assistance
will enable a minimum functioning of the PA administration and the
provision of basic public services while improving transparency of the PA's
management of public finances. Expenditures are monitored by the
International Monetary Fund.
[14] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by Anna Diamantopoulou : "Managing change : a new role for the
social partners" at the Social Dialogue Summit (13/12)
Note sur la préparation du Conseil Pêche
Note sur les résultats du Conseil Ecofin
Calendrier du 17 au 21 décembre
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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