European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-11-28
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
Midday Express 28/11/2001
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission meeting
[01] La Commission propose un rapprochement des législations pénales, à
l'échelle de l'UE, sur les infractions racistes
La Commission européenne propose que les actes racistes et xénophobes
soient soumis aux mêmes sanctions dans tous les Etats membres. Dans une
proposition de décision-cadre (un instrument législatif dans le domaine du
droit pénal) adoptée aujourd'hui, la Commission a souligné la nécessité que
les auteurs d'infractions racistes et xénophobes soient traduits en justice
et que les tribunaux disposent à leur encontre de sanctions appropriées et
proportionnées communes à toute l'Europe. La proposition envoie un signal
dissuasif puissant à quiconque envisage de commettre ce type d'infraction.
Les infractions que concerne cette proposition comprennent l'incitation
publique à la violence ou à la haine dans un but raciste ou xénophobe et la
direction d'un groupe raciste ou xénophobe, le soutien de ce groupe ou la
participation à ses activités. Pour ces comportements, une sanction
"minimum maximum" de deux ans est proposée. La diffusion publique de
documents racistes par quelque moyen que ce soit, y compris l'Internet,
doit également être considérée comme une infraction.
[02] Civil protection in the EU : Commission coordination reinforced
In response to a request by EU Heads of State and Government, the European
Commission has approved a Communication setting out the action it has taken
to mobilise its resources, expertise and networks in the area of civil
protection to respond to terrorist threats. At the European Council in
Ghent, the Heads of State and Government called on the Commission and the
Council to organise an urgent and coordinated programme to respond to the
threat of bio-terrorism. The Commission's reaction to the terrorist attacks
of September 11th and the anthrax incidents following has been swift and
determined. In the Communication adopted today the Commission states that
it will appoint a European coordinator, who will be responsible for the
management and coordination of actions for civil protection.
[03] Financing of EU civilian crisis management operations
The European Commission has adopted a Communication on the financing of
civilian crisis management operations. Recent events have underlined the
need to be prepared in order to intervene rapidly and effectively in crisis
situations in third countries. Civil crisis management covers a variety of
instruments, ranging from economic aid, civilian emergency assistance,
rehabilitation, reconstruction, infrastructure development to human rights
and diplomatic action under the CFSP. The Communication proposes to
establish a new flexibility instrument for funding civil crisis
interventions, including CFSP action by an interinstitutional agreement
between the Council, the European Parliament, and the Commission, as well
as to facilitate recourse to the current emergency reserve. In parallel,
the management procedures for these and other instruments will be
streamlined further.
[04] Commission extends state aid investigation into further restructuring
of public shipyards in Spain
The European Commission has decided to extend its ongoing formal
investigation concerning the restructuring of Spanish shipbuilding by
including all transactions that led to the creation of the shipbuilding
group IZAR. The Commission doubts whether the price paid by Bazan/IZAR for
a number of shipyards bought from Astilleros Espanoles (AESA) and from
Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI) was a genuine
market transaction and therefore could be aid to the new IZAR group. The
Commission also doubts whether such aid would be compatible with the
shipbuilding aid rules. An investigation procedure is already open since 12
July 2001 concerning a transaction whereby AESA sold two shipyards and a
motor factory to SEPI.
[05] Commission initiates investigation with respect to proposed State aid
in favour of Infineon Technologies
The European Commission has decided to initiate the formal investigation
procedure laid down in Art. 88(2) of the EC Treaty with respect to proposed
State aid amounting to euro 219 million in favour of Infineon Technologies
SC 300 GmbH & Co. KG, Dresden (Germany). The Commission doubts that the aid
is compatible with the EC Treaty.
[06] Commission approves UK emission trading scheme
The European Commission has approved, under the State aid rules, the United
Kingdom's greenhouse gases emission trading scheme, which is supposed to
start early in 2002. The Commission's green light allows the UK to gain
early trading experience before an EU wide system will enter into force,
for which the Commission only recently made a proposal to the Council and
the European Parliament. The Commission acknowledged the positive aspects
of the UK initiative, but indicated that the substantial differences
between the UK approach and the proposed Commission's directive might lead
to market distortions in the future. In this case, modifications to the UK
scheme would be proposed to bring it in line with EC legislation. However,
the Commission would welcome it if the UK government worked towards the
same objective on its own initiative.
[07] Commission takes final positive decision on a management contract
between German Georgsmarienhütte and Gröditzer
Following a formal investigation procedure the European Commission has
decided that a management service contract concluded between the German
Treuhand-successor BvS (Bundesanstalt für vereinigungsbedingte
Sonderaufgaben), its 100% subsidiary Stahl Gröditz and steelmaker
Georgsmarienhütte does not contain State aid.
[08] Commission extends investigation of aid to porcelain manufacturer
Kahla in Thüringen
The European Commission has decided to extend the formal investigation
procedure against non-notified aid granted by the German Land of Thüringen
to Kahla Porzellan GmbH (Kahla I) and Kahla/Thüringen Porzellan GmbH (Kahla
II). The extension concerns financial measures of euro 14.9 million which
seem to constitute unlawful State aid incompatible with the Common Market.
[09] Commission declares State aid to Telux Spezialglas GmbH compatible
with the EC Treaty
The European Commission has decided not to raise objections to non-notified
State aid of an amount of euro 2,045,000 in favour of Telux Spezialglas
GmbH, a company based in Weißwasser, Sachsen, Germany.
[10] Assurance des compagnies aériennes : la Commission autorise les aides
d'urgence mises en place par le Portugal et le Luxembourg après les
attentats du 11 septembre
La Commission européenne continue d'agir pour faire face aux conséquences
des attentats aux Etats-Unis pour le secteur du transport aérien. Après
l'aide d'urgence du Royaume-Uni autorisée le 23/10/01, elle vient
d'autoriser les régimes d'aides mis en place par le Portugal et le
Luxembourg. La Commission examine actuellement la compatibilité des régimes
d'aide d'urgence semblables notifiés par les autres Etats membres et
s'apprête à adopter de nouvelles décisions dans les prochains jours.
[11] Commission opens investigation into UK aid schemes involving purchase
and leasing of fish quotas
The European Commission has opened a formal investigation into two State
aid schemes in the United Kingdom relating to the financing by the Shetland
and Orkney Islands Councils of purchase and leasing of quotas to local
fishermen. The Commission had been informed of these schemes by a Member of
the European Parliament. After a preliminary assessment, the Commission has
doubts about the compatibility of these schemes with EU rules governing
state aid.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[12] La Commission adopte le 7ème rapport sur la libéralisation des
télécommunications dans les Etats membres
La Commission européenne a adopté aujourd'hui une communication sur l'état
d'avancement de la mise en œuvre par les Etats membres du cadre
réglementaire européen actuel dans le domaine des télécommunications. La
principale conclusion de ce rapport est que, malgré le pessimisme ambiant
au niveau macro-économique, le secteur des télécom se porte très bien, les
autorités réglementaires nationales continuent d'avancer sur la voie de la
libéralisation, mais aussi que, à la veille de l'adoption d'un nouveau
cadre, plusieurs goulets d'étranglement réglementaires demeurent. Les
divergences d'application dans le cadre actuel portent à penser qu'un
solide mécanisme de transparence et une meilleure coordination entre les
autorités réglementaires nationales constituent un préalable pour assurer
des règles du jeu équitables et un marché unique européen pour les services
[13] Scientific opinion reviews UK reserve on GMO-maize
The Scientific Committee on Plants (SCP) has published on 23/11/2001 an
opinion concerning the use by the United Kingdom of the safeguard clause of
Council Directive 90/220 with respect to the authorisation of a specific
genetically modified maize line (maize line T25). The UK invoked the
safeguard clause for measures taken by the Assembly of Wales requiring that
maize line T25 crops must be grown at specified distances from non-GM maize
crops in Wales, so that organic and non-GM crops can continue to be grown
within the same environment without a risk of contamination with GM crops.
The Committee examined the information submitted by the UK authorities to
substantiate its action, and found that it does not provide new scientific
data to change the original risk assessment carried out in 1998. On the
basis of this risk assessment marketing approval for cultivation was given
the same year. The Committee states in particular that the issue raised
about the co-existence of GM and non-GM crops in the same environment is
related to management and not to risk assessment. The full text of the
opinion is available at : http://europa.eu.int/comm/food/fs/sc/scp/outcome_gmo_en.html
[14] EU and Japan to cut red tape with entry into force of Mutual
Recognition Agreement from 1 January 2002
Further to today's completion of the relevant procedures, a Mutual
Recognition Agreement (MRA) between the EU and Japan covering radio and
telecommunication equipment, electrical products, Good Manufacturing
Practice (GMP) for medicinal products and Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)
for chemicals, will enter into force on 1 January 2002. The Agreement will
smooth EU-Japan trade by providing for the reciprocal acceptance of testing,
certification and approval of products by the EU and Japan. As a result,
products can be certified by recognised bodies in the EU to Japanese
requirements, then sold in Japan without having to undergo any further
approval procedures. The MRA will cut both the costs and the time
associated with obtaining product approvals. The MRA will cover euro 2.5
billion-worth of EU-Japan trade and could result in savings of at least
euro 20 million per year. Welcoming the Agreement, European Trade
Commissioner Pascal Lamy said : "This is good news for EU-Japan trade.
Lenghty negotiations have finally delivered a result which will cut red
tape and provide significant savings for EU exporters in a very important
[15] Commission welcomes adoption of Association regime between EU and OCTs
On 19 November 2001, the General Affairs Council reached by unanimity a
political agreement on the future association arrangement which will
provide an updated cooperation framework for the relations between the EU
and the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs), a group of twenty
islands territories spread from the Arctic to the Pacific Ocean linked to
Member States, for the next 10 years. This political agreement was formally
endorsed on 27 November. European Development and Humanitarian Aid
Commissioner Poul Nielson expressed satisfaction on this achievement, which
will deepen and expand the support that the EU gives to those territories.
"I welcome this text which is the result of long, and sometimes difficult,
negotiations. The final text is sufficiently balanced and overall
constitutes a much-improved instrument for cooperation. Recognising the
increasingly dynamic role of the OCTs, the dialogue with them will be
strengthened within a reinforced partnership procedure with a view to
providing the most open forum for discussing any matter of common
[16] Winners of Descartes Prize 2001
The Descartes Prize was awarded yesterday to two projects for outstanding
scientific and technological achievements resulting from European
collaborative research. Euro 700,000 was awarded to a project on AIDS lead
by Professor Jan Balzarini (K.U. Leuven, Belgium) in collaboration with
teams from six countries (Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Sweden and
the United Kingdom). Euro 300,000 was awarded to a project on catalysis
lead by Dr Michael North (King's College, United Kingdom) in collaboration
with teams from five countries (Armenia, Germany, France, Russia and the
United Kingdom). The award ceremony of the second EU's Descartes Prize took
place in the historic Bibliotheque Solvay, Brussels. This high-level event
took place in the presence of EU Commissioner for Research, Philippe
Busquin, the President of the EU Research Council, François-Xavier de
Donnea and DG Research Director-General, Achilleas Mitsos. For further
information: www.cordis.lu/descartes
[17] Speed skating champion Johann Koss to meet Sport Commissioner Reding
today on the Athlete's passport project
Former Olympic and World Champion, Johann Koss from Norway, now member of
the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and representative of the
athletes in the board of the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) is in Brussels
today and will meet Viviane Reding, the European Sports Commissioner. The
main topic of the discussion will be the "Athlete's passport project", a
WADA project supported by the Commission in the framework of three pilot
projects worth euro 2 million decided last August. The "Athlete's passport"
would be able to record all anti doping tests on athletes and their results
as well as a clearinghouse through which athletes could access anti doping
information. This passport will contribute to raising awareness among
athletes on doping issues and will be used by WADA, sports federations and
Olympic committees to organise their testing programmes. A first draft will
be presented to the Olympic committees, the athletes and the press by
Commissioner Reding, IOC President Jacques Rogge, and WADA President
Richard Pound on the occasion of the Winter Olympic games in Salt Lake City
next February. The meeting between Viviane Reding and Johann Koss will take
place today at 17.00 hrs in the Commissioner's office (Rue Van Maerlant, 2,
office 07/45). TV and photographs are welcomed (please confirm: Christophe
Forax 0498 95 69 64).
[18] Merger approved under the simplified procedure
Deutsche Bank AG (D) / TDC A/S (DA) / JV
[19] Autre matériel diffusé
Note sur les résultats du Conseil Pêche
Note sur la préparation du Conseil Education / Jeunesse
Discours de M. Prodi : "Verso Laeken" au Parlement européen (! embargo
15h00 !)
Speech by Poul Nielson at the 2002 UN Consolidated Appeals Process Launch
Speech by Erkki Liikanen : "Network Security - Policy Development in the
European Union" at the EU Forum on Cybercrime (27/11)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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