European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-10-30
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 30/10/2001
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] EU budget 2002 : expenditure euro 1.9 billion less than first planned
The European Commission has adopted a letter of amendment to the 2002
budget reducing by euro 1.9 billion the expenditure provided for in the
preliminary draft budget which the Commission produced in May. The savings
have been achieved as a result of revised estimates of expenditure on
agriculture. In particular, the Commission no longer considers that there
is a need for the euro 1 billion reserve that was originally intended to
cover financial risks arising in the wake of the BSE crisis and foot-and-
mouth disease, as the situation on the beef market appears to be less
dramatic than expected in May, while euro 400 million has already been
charged to the current budget for FMD. This means that the Commission's
preliminary draft budget for 2002 is euro 4.4 billion less than the figure
approved in the financial perspective for 2002. Budget Commissioner
Michaele Schreyer believes that the amended draft reflects "the principles
of careful and disciplined budgeting". She stressed that "the savings will
also help the Member States achieve stability goals with regard to their
own budgets".
[02] La Commission interdit l'acquisition de Sidel par le groupe Tetra
La Commission européenne a décidé d'interdire l'acquisition de l'entreprise
française Sidel SA par Tetra Laval B.V., qui appartient au groupe suisse
Tetra Laval, propriétaire des entreprises d'emballage Tetra Pak.
L'acquisition combinerait la position dominante de Tetra dans l'emballage
carton avec la position de tête de Sidel dans les équipements d'emballage
en plastique PET. Il en résulterait une position dominante sur le marché
des équipements d'emballage PET, en particulier en ce qui concerne les
machines de soufflage-moulage (machines SBM) utilisées pour l'emballage de
produits sensibles, à savoir les jus de fruits, les produits laitiers
liquides, les boissons aromatisées aux fruits et les thés glacés.
L'opération renforcerait également la position dominante de Tetra sur le
marché de l'emballage carton et réduirait ainsi de manière significative la
concurrence dans le secteur de l'emballage des liquides alimentaires, au
détriment de l'innovation, du choix et de la compétitivité des prix. Les
engagements proposés par Tetra Laval n'ont pas suffi à écarter les
préoccupations de la Commission.
[03] Commission clears merger between Brazilian iron ore producers subject
to undertakings
The European Commission has given the go ahead to the proposed acquisition
of joint control of Brazilian iron ore mining company Caemi by CVRD,
another Brazilian iron ore producer, and Japanese trading company Mitsui.
The Commission has found that the operation would have led to the creation
or strengthening of a dominant position in the market for the seaborne
supply of iron ore pellets. However, the parties to the merger have
undertaken to dispose of Caemi's 50% interest in QCM, a Canadian iron ore
producer, which removes the Commission's competition concerns.
[04] Commission approves UK government loan to Rolls-Royce for the
development of two new engines
The European Commission has decided to approve the United Kingdom proposal
to grant Rolls-Royce plc a GBP 250 million reimbursable advance for the
development of two new large aircraft engines, the Trent 600 and Trent 900.
[05] Commission concludes that Dutch disposal system for car wrecks does
not constitute State aid
The European Commission has decided that the Dutch waste disposal system
for car wrecks does not contain elements of State aid. In February last the
Commission had initiated the investigation procedure as it was concerned
that the contributions paid for the dismantling of car parts to be recycled
would overcompensate for the related costs. New evidence showed that this
was not the case. Furthermore, the Commission concluded that there are no
State resources involved.
[06] Commission orders recovery of incompatible aid to German porcelain
manufacturer Graf von Henneberg
The European Commission has taken a final negative decision on State aid of
euro 71.3 million (DEM 139.4 million) awarded to Graf von Henneberg
Porzellan GmbH, Thüringen (Germany). After an in-depth investigation
procedure, the Commission found that the aid is incompatible with the
operation of the single market and must hence be recovered. In line with
its practice, the Commission also decided that the currently existing Graf
von Henneberg is jointly liable with its predecessor company for the
recovery of all the incompatible aid.
[07] La Commission enquête sur des exonérations d'accise accordées sur les
fuels lourds utilisés pour la production d'alumine en Irlande, en France et
en Italie
La Commission européenne a décidé d'ouvrir la procédure formelle d'examen
en matière d'aides d'Etat en application de l'article 88, paragraphe 2, du
traité CE à l'encontre d'exonérations d'accise accordées sur les fuels
lourds utilisés pour la production d'alumine en Irlande, en France et en
[08] Commission approves Dutch grants of euro 109 million for two
lithography projects called Fluor and Extatic
The European Commission has decided to approve the proposal by the
Netherlands Government to give important grants to ASML, a Dutch
lithography company, for two projects called Extatic and Fluor. Lithography
concerns that part of chip production in which ultrafine electronic
elements are created through the exposure of photoresistant materials to
light. The projects were found to comply with the conditions of the
specific Community Framework for State aid for Research and Development.
[09] Commission approves support granted by Irish government to ESB in
compensation for the obligation to use peat
The European Commission has decided to approve the support granted by the
Irish government to the Electricity Supply Board (ESB) in compensation for
the fact that ESB is under the obligation imposed by the State to have in
its possession a certain quantity of electricity generated from peat. ESB
is the historical actor of the electricity sector in Ireland and remains
wholly owned by the Government.
[10] BSE : Commission authorises aid measures for farmers Italy (Lombardia)
and Germany (Hessen)
The European Commission has authorised Italy (Lombardia) and Germany
(Hessen) to pay aid worth a total of more than euro 4 million to beef
farmers who have suffered losses between November 2000 and December 2001
because of the consequences of the BSE crisis. The aid is granted to cover
the costs of preventative and compensatory measures undertaken to face the
spreading of the BSE disease and as a compensation for the income losses of
beef farmers between November 2000 and June 2001. Normally, such income aid
may not be paid by Member States. However, the Commission recognises that
the current crisis in the beef market is exceptional, and therefore
justifies the aid.
[11] Transport maritime : la Commission autorise les aides versées à la
SNCM en contrepartie du service public assuré entre la Corse et le
continent français
La Commission européenne a autorisé les subventions accordées depuis 1990 à
la "Société Nationale Maritime Corse-Méditerranée" (SNCM) en compensation
du coût du service public de transport maritime fourni entre la Corse et le
continent français. La Convention de service public entre l'Etat et la SNCM
expirant le 31 décembre 2001, les autorités françaises devront notifier à
la Commission toute nouvelle aide envisagée à partir de cette date.
[12] Commission allows Sweden to increase seafarers employment aid
The European Commission has decided not to raise any objections to a
Swedish aid scheme providing employers with an exemption from income taxes
and social contributions levied on seafarers working on board Swedish
ships. The aid measure is in line with the Community's maritime policy, the
main objectives of which are to encourage ships to operate under Community
flags and to promote the employment of the largest number possible of
Community seafarers. The Commission is also satisfied that the aid scheme
fulfils the conditions laid down in the Community's guidelines of 1997 on
state aid to maritime transport. The aid available under the scheme will
provide 100% reimbursement for seafarers' income tax and the social costs
incurred on them. It is estimated that the aid amount to SEK 190,000 per
seafarers and the total amount will be about SEK 1 300 million annually.
[13] Water pollution by nitrates : Commission takes legal action against
the United Kingdom for non-compliance with Court judgement
The European Commission has decided to send the United Kingdom a so-called
"letter of formal notice", a first written warning under the infringement
procedure used to ensure that all EU Member States take necessary measures
to comply with judgements of the Court of Justice, for failure to comply
with a judgement of the European Court of Justice regarding the Nitrates
Directive (91/676/EEC). The Court judgement of December 2000 concerned the
United Kingdom's failure properly and comprehensively to identify ground
waters and surface freshwaters affected by nitrate pollution, as required
under that Directive. The Commission has taken similar legal action against
several Member States, either for inadequate water monitoring provisions,
for insufficient designation of "vulnerable zones", or for deficiencies in
their action programmes. Commenting on the decision, the Environment
Commissioner, Margot Wallström, said : "The Commission's action reflects
its strong determination to reduce water pollution caused by nitrates
produced from agricultural sources. The United Kingdom is making welcome
progress, but it still needs to do more to comply with the Court's
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[14] Commission closes its investigation into Formula One and other four-
wheel motor sports
The competition department of the European Commission has informed the four-
wheel motor sports regulator, the Fédération Internationale d'Automobile
(FIA), and the Formula One companies that it has closed the various anti-
trust investigations into certain regulations and commercial arrangements
involving that sport. This action was made possible after the parties
agreed to make changes which limit the FIA to a regulatory role, so as to
prevent any conflict of interests, and remove certain commercial
restrictions put on circuit owners and TV broadcasters. Developments in the
sector will be kept under scrutiny to ensure that the changes work in
[15] La Commission lance le plan d'actions pour la surveillance globale de
l'environnement et de la sécurité
A l'initiative de la Commission européenne, un nouveau programme utilisant
des technologies spatiales en faveur de l'environnement et de la sécurité
sera lancé bientôt. Philippe Busquin, Commissaire responsable de la
Recherche (y inclus l'espace) et Margot Wallström, Commissaire en charge de
l'Environnement, ont présenté conjointement un plan d'actions détaillé qui
doit permettre d'ici à 2008 de disposer en Europe d'une capacité
opérationnelle et autonome de surveillance au profit de l'environnement et
de la sécurité (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security : GMES). La
première phase de ce plan (2001-2003) recevra le feu vert des ministres de
la recherche de l'UE d'aujourd'hui. Le programme GMES fera appel à des
technologies différentes : l'utilisation de satellites d'observation de la
terre sera combinée avec la prise en compte de données et d'informations
établies par des capteurs mis en place au niveau du sol. Les données
récoltées permettront de disposer d'informations précises permettant de
soutenir plusieurs politiques communautaires comme le développement durable
et le changement climatique, la protection civile, l'aide humanitaire, la
politique communautaire en matière de sécurité, la politique de la
Recherche et la stratégie européenne pour l'espace. Cette initiative sera
initialement financée conjointement par la Commission et par l'Agence
spatiale européenne.
[16] La Commission autorise la création par BP et Solvay d'une entreprise
commune dans le secteur des HDPE et l'acquisition par BP de l'activité
polypropylène de Solvay
La Commission européenne a autorisé un projet de création, par la société
pétrolière britannique BP Plc et par Solvay S.A (Belgique), d'une
entreprise commune spécialisée dans la fourniture de résines de
polyéthylène haute densité (HDPE), une forme particulière de plastique,
ainsi que de la technologie des HDPE. La Commission a également donné le
feu vert au projet d'acquisition par BP de l'activité polypropylène de
Solvay. La résine de polypropylène est l'une des matières plastiques les
plus utilisées dans le monde.
[17] La Commission autorise le rachat du fabricant français de filtres pour
véhicules Filtrauto par son concurrent italien Sogefi
La Commission européenne a autorisé l'acquisition du fabricant français de
filtres pour véhicules Filtrauto S.A. par son concurrent italien Sogefi
S.p.a. Les activités des deux sociétés se recoupent dans la production de
filtres. Cependant, la nouvelle entité sera confrontée à une concurrence
vive notamment de la part des fabricants allemands Mann & Hummel et Mahle.
[18] La Commission autorise le rachat des activités de Pernod Ricard dans
le secteur des boissons rafraîchissantes par Cadbury Schweppes
La Commission européenne a autorisé, en vertu du règlement communautaire
sur le contrôle des concentrations, le projet de rachat des marques de
boissons rafraîchissantes et des activités connexes de Pernod Ricard SA par
Cadbury Scheppes Plc. Cette opération ne pose pas de problème sous l'angle
de la concurrence sur le marché des boissons rafraîchissantes, car il
existe en Europe des marques internationales concurrentes très puissantes
pour ce type de boissons, comme Coca-Cola, PepsiCo International, Unilever,
le groupe Danone et Nestlé, ainsi que des marques locales.
[19] Commission welcomes decision on new rules to reduce exhaust and noise
emissions from pleasure boats
The European Commission has welcomed yesterday's political agreement
reached at the EU Council of Environment Ministers to reduce emissions of
air pollution and noise from recreational craft. Environment Commissioner
Margot Wallström said : "This agreement Directive will help reduce the air
and noise pollution from pleasure boats that occurs in some coastal areas
and around lakes while continuing to ensure freedom of movement for
recreational craft within the Internal Market".
[20] Commission welcomes agreement on a new action programme promoting
European environmental NGOs and calls for speedy adoption
The European Commission yesterday welcomed the Environment Council
political agreement on the proposal for an action programme for European
environmental non-governmental organisations (NGOs), which aims at
providing continuous funding for environmental groups over the next five
years (2002-2006). After a short debate, the Council agreed on the overall
substance of the new programme, including the main outstanding issue - the
proposed budget of euro 32 million - which was successfully resolved.
Environment Commissioner Margot Wallström said : "The unanimous agreement
of this session is an important step towards a new action programme, which
will promote increased civil society involvement in the EU policy making
process. I am also pleased that we have been able to work in agreement with
the NGOs on this proposal. I hope that this programme can now be agreed
speedily so that we can provide funding for next year as soon as possible."
[21] Anna Diamantopoulou on Muslims and gender equality : "Europeans must
respect Muslims but Muslims living in Europe must respect European values"
European Social Affairs Commissioner Anna Diamantopoulou yesterday morning
met representatives of the European Network Against Racism (ENAR)
accompanied by a group of muslim women in order to hear at first hand the
concerns of European muslims, in particular muslim women. First, the
Commissioner wished to take a sounding of the situation in the EU with
regard to ethnic or religious discrimination, especially towards the
islamic community, since the terrorist attacks of 11 September on the US.
At present, such acts - at least incidents involving violence - have not
been widespread but we must remain vigilant. Second, the Commissioner
wished to hear the views of muslim women themselves on the question of
respect for European values by muslims living in Europe, with particular
reference the right to equal treatment between women and men within the
muslim community. Here, the conclusion was clear : equal treatment in
Europe - for all women - is a non-negotiable issue. Anna Diamantopoulou
said : "European muslim women are not just a face behind a veil. They are a
voice which must be heard."
[22] Annuaire statistique des régions 2001 - Une mesure de la diversité et
des similitudes au sein de l'UE et des pays candidats d'Europe centrale
Eurostat publie aujourd'hui l'édition 2001 de l'annuaire statistique des
régions de l'UE. A partir de séries de données fiables, comparables et
récentes sur les indicateurs clés de la vie économique et sociale des
régions, l'annuaire illustre à la fois la diversité régionale de l'UE mais
également les liens et les rapprochements qui se sont développés au cours
des dernières années entre les régions, y compris par-delà les frontières.
La publication aborde différents thèmes : l'agriculture, la population, le
Produit Intérieur Brut, l'emploi, le chômage, les sciences et la
technologie, le tourisme et les transports. Pour la première fois,
l'édition 2001 fournit également les indicateurs disponibles pour les 53
régions des pays candidats d'Europe Centrale.
[23] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by Poul Nielson at the 3rd session of the ACP-EU joint parliamentary
Déclaration de M. Monti sur l'aide fiscale aux banques italiennes
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