European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-10-03
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 03/10/2001
[I] Résultats de la Commission du 2 octobre 2001 - Outcome of Commission
meeting of 2nd October
[01] EU steps up fight against financing of international terrorism
The European Commission proposes that Member States freeze all funds held
by 27 organisations and individuals suspected of supporting and financing
terrorist activities. The proposed Council regulation is a binding legal
instrument that would apply to the holding and transfer of funds within the
EU. Romano Prodi, President of the Commission, said : "This is one of a
series of measures taken promptly by the Commission in response to the
dreadful attacks on the USA on 11 September. The European Union is united
in its resolve and the Commission will continue to ensure that the European
response remains comprehensive and coherent. There must be nowhere to hide
in Europe."
[02] The future direction of EU consumer policy : Commission stirs up
public debate
The European Commission has adopted a Green Paper on fair trading practices,
addressing the key issues of consumer protection. The Green Paper aims to
stimulate a wide debate on options to improve the functioning of the
business-to-consumer (B2C) Internal Market. It sets out two main strategic
options for the future development of EU regulation of B2C commercial
practices. The first option is a strategy based on further harmonisation
addressing specific issues and to continue the approach of the last two
decades. The second option is based on complementing specific legislative
measures with a framework directive covering B2C commercial practices. The
paper also seeks views on priority areas for harmonisation and on the
various options for a possible framework directive. In edition, it equally
sets out options for ensuring and improving enforcement of consumer
protection rules.
[03] Marché intérieur : la Commission propose un règlement destiné à lever
les restrictions aux promotions des ventes
La Commission européenne a proposé un règlement du Conseil et du Parlement
européen destiné à lever les restrictions aux promotions des ventes au sein
du marché intérieur qui ont été identifiées par la Commission. Ce règlement
éliminera les barrières aux promotions des ventes transfrontières érigées
par le biais de dispositions nationales en matière de rabais, primes,
cadeaux, concours et jeux promotionnels et les remplacera par des exigences
de transparence et d'information destinées à permettre la libre
circulation. Etant donné que ces outils promotionnels sont utilisés par
toutes les sociétés (et notamment les PME), le projet de règlement
représente un instrument clé pour faciliter la communication commerciale
par delà les frontières de l'Union. Il existe un besoin urgent d'un
ensemble commun de règles fondamentales pour ces instruments promotionnels
liés aux prix, en raison de l'introduction de l'euro et de la mise en œuvre
de la directive sur le commerce électronique dans les législations
nationales en janvier 2002.
[04] Réseau transeuropéen : la Commission veut concentrer l'effort sur les
goulets d'étranglement et un nombre limité de grands projets
Dans la foulée du nouveau Livre blanc sur les transports, la Commission
européenne propose de concentrer les investissements sur les projets
d'infrastructures du réseau transeuropéen de transport contribuant à
résorber les goulets d'étranglement et lutter contre la congestion. A cette
occasion, la Commission propose également de mettre à jour la liste des
grands projets prioritaires, de relever le taux maximal de financement
communautaire pour certains projets ferroviaires critiques ainsi que pour
les projets transfrontaliers avec les futurs pays adhérents. "La révision
des orientations communautaires du réseau transeuropéen vise en priorité à
désengorger les grands axes et éliminer les goulets d'étranglements qui
asphyxient le réseau transeuropéen dans de nombreuses zones vitales pour
l'économie et pour le bon fonctionnement de notre société", a déclaré
Loyola de Palacio, Vice-Présidente en charge de l'Energie et des
Transports. "Cette révision est un axe essentiel de la mise en œuvre du
nouveau Livre blanc", a-t-elle ajouté.
[05] Commission welcomes progress of accession negotiations since adoption
of the 'road map'
Endorsed by the European Council of Nice in December 2000 and implemented
since, the 'road map', which outlines the timetable for the remaining
accession negotiations, has proved to be successful. It has given the
negotiations a new momentum by allowing substantial progress on several,
often difficult issues including the environment, free movement of persons
or free movement of capital. It sent a clear signal to the applicant
countries that their efforts are worthwhile. The progress made allowed the
European Union, at its summit in Göteborg in June, to set the objective of
the participation of candidate countries in the European elections of 2004
as members of the EU. The special meeting of the European Council in Gent,
on 19 October 2001, provides for an opportunity to review the
implementation of the roadmap during the first half of its duration. For
that purpose, the European Commission, at the initiative of Enlargement
Commissioner Günter Verheugen, yesterday adopted a "mid-term review of the
implementation of the enlargement strategy" which examines the progress
made in the accession negotiations for the chapters covered by the roadmap
in 2001.
[06] La Commission inflige des amendes à six entreprises membres de
l'entente sur le gluconate de sodium
La Commission européenne a infligé des amendes d'un total de 57.53 millions
d'euros à Archer Daniels Midland Company Inc., Akzo Nobel N.V, Avebe B.A.,
Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Company Ltd., Jungbunzlauer AG et Roquette Frères
S.A. pour avoir fixé le prix du gluconate de sodium et s'être réparti le
marché de ce produit, une substance chimique utilisée principalement pour
nettoyer le métal et le verre, avec des applications telles que le lavage
de bouteilles, le nettoyage d'ustensiles et le décapage de peinture. Cette
décision intervient à l'issue d'une enquête approfondie qui a démontré
qu'entre 1987 et 1995, les six entreprises, qui représentaient ensemble la
quasi totalité de la production mondiale, ont mis en œuvre une entente
[07] Commission initiates formal investigation with respect to proposed aid
in favour of Hamburger AG
The European Commission has decided to initiate the State aid investigation
procedure laid down in Art. 88(2) of the EC Treaty with respect to proposed
aid amounting to euro 54 million in favour of Hamburger AG, Pitten
(Austria), for the construction of a new plant producing corrugated base
paper located in Brandenburg (Germany). The Commission doubts that the aid
is compatible with the EC Treaty.
[08] BSE : Commission authorises aid measures for Baden-Württemberg and
The European Commission has authorised Baden-Württemberg (Germany) to pay
income aid worth some euro 5.1 million to beef farmers who have suffered
losses between November 2000 and June 2001 because of the consequences of
the BSE-crisis. The authorisation follows the line taken in earlier
decisions for Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. The
Commission considered that the crisis in the beef market constitutes an
exceptional event, which justifies such income aid. The Commission has also
authorised various BSE-related aid measures in Austria, with a budget worth
more than euro 29 million, to compensate farmers where BSE has been found
on the farm, for BSE-test costs and for transport and disposal of certain
materials like animal feed which could no longer be used, risk material,
[09] La Commission enquête sur trois aides d'Etat en faveur de
l'agriculture prévues dans la loi de finances italienne de 2001
La Commission européenne a ouvert une procédure formelle d'enquête portant
sur un financement supplémentaire de 119 millions d'euros (230 milliards
ITL) concernant une aide approuvée par le Conseil en 1997, destinée à
acquitter les sommes dues par les membres de coopératives agricoles qui
s'étaient personnellement portés caution pour les coopératives en cas
d'insolvabilité de ces dernières. La Commission a également ouvert une
enquête formelle à propos d'une aide au sauvetage et à la restructuration
de sociétés en difficulté, ainsi qu'à propos d'aides en faveur de la
promotion ainsi que de la recherche et du développement. Dans tous les cas,
dans la situation actuelle, la Commission a des doutes quant à la
compatibilité de ces aides avec les dispositions applicables aux aides
d'Etat de l'UE.
[10] Commission authorises aid to the German coal industry for 2002
The German coal industry can receive State aid of euro 2 billion (DM 4,055
million) for the period 1 January 2002 to 23 July 2002.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[11] Commission signs joint document on space partnership with Russia
Today, European Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin, and the Director
General of the Russian Space Agency, Youri Koptiev, signed a Joint Document
on the Euro-Russian Space Partnership in the margin of the EU-Russia
summit. The aim of this declaration is to further strengthen the long-
standing cooperation in this field, including the European Space Agency and
Rosaviakosmos. Areas of special interest will be the following : launch
services, notably the possibility of launching Soyuz rockets from the
European space centre in Kourou ; satellite navigation systems such as
Galileo and Glonass ; the initiative for building a European capacity for
Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES). Furthermore, the
partnership will include new space programme activities encompassing space
science and technology, crewed missions, planetary exploration, the
utilisation of the International Space Station and the development of
future transportation systems. A high level Steering Board will be
established to implement the partnership for space and to ensure that each
joint programme satisfies well-identified goals and requirements ; a fair
and cost-effective division of activities is established ; a financially-
viable scheme is implemented within each project ; the expected benefits
accrue to each party.
[12] Commission concludes cooperation agreements on nuclear energy with
In the margin of the EU-Russia summit, European Research Commissioner
Philippe Busquin and the Russian Minister for Atomic Energy, Mr Alexander
Roumyantsev, have signed two Cooperation Agreements in the fields of
nuclear safety and controlled nuclear fusion. These Agreements are part of
the research strategy by Mr Busquin aiming at opening up the European
Research Area to third countries and at fostering the collaboration with
the Russian Federation. The main thrust of the Agreement on nuclear safety
concerns reactor safety, radiation protection, nuclear waste management,
decommissioning of obsolete installations as well as accountancy and
control of nuclear material. The Agreement on nuclear fusion centres around
the research into generating energy by controlled fusion and on the
technology to build a suitable type of reactor, called ITER. The first
Agreement has an initial duration of 10 years the second of five years ;
both are renewable for another five years. The cooperation consists chiefly
in the exchange of technical knowledge, experts, materials and equipment as
well as training and joint studies/activities. The implementation of both
Agreements will be supervised by joint working groups, which meet
regularly. All costs are borne by the party that incurs them. In the case
of nuclear fusion it is worth noting that the Commission proposes to spend
euro 700 million in the next research framework programme (2003-2006).
[13] August / September 2001 : euro area Business Climate Indicator
continuous to fall
(! embargo 12 am !) The Business Climate Indicator (BCI) continued to fall
in August and September bringing it down to, respectively, levels of -0.46
and -0.57. This continuing decline is in line with negative growth in
industrial production in the euro area. BCI is calculated on the basis of
input from the business and consumer survey results published yesterday.
Approximatelyround 85% of the answers to the surveys used in the BCI were
given before 11 September 2001.
[14] Août 2001 : les prix à la production industrielle ont baissé de 0,1%
dans la zone euro et dans l'UE15
(! embargo 12h00 !) Au mois d'août 2001, les prix à la production
industrielle ont baissé de 0,1% par rapport au mois de juillet dans la zone
euro, selon les estimations publiées aujourd'hui par Eurostat. Les prix
dans l'UE15 ont également baissé de 0,1%. Au mois de juillet, l'indice
avait baissé de 0,5% dans les deux zones. Au mois d'août 2001 et par
rapport au mois d'août 2000, les prix à la production industrielle ont
progressé de 1,7% dans la zone euro et de 1,6% dans l'UE15, confirmant le
ralentissement des hausses de prix observé depuis le mois d'octobre 2000.
[15] July 2001 compared to July 2000 : volume of retail trade up by 1.3% in
euro-zone ; EU15 up by 2.3%
(! embargo 12 am !) In July 2001, as compared to July 2000, the volume of
retail trade gained 1.3% in the euro-zone and 2.3% in the EU15, Eurostat
estimates today. Compared to June 2001, sales increased by 0.3% in the euro-
zone and by 1.3% in the EU15. In July 2001, as compared to July 2000,
retail trade of "food, drinks, tobacco" rose by 1.9% in the euro-zone and
by 2.6% in the EU15. Retail trade in "Non food products" increased by 1.2%
in the euro-zone. Of the non food products, "Textiles, clothing and
footwear" registered a growth of 1.0% in the euro-zone and 3.9% in the
EU15. "Books, newspapers and other sales in specialised stores" augmented
by 0.5% and 0.7% respectively in the euro-zone and in the EU15. However,
"household goods" decreased by 1.8% in the euro-zone and by 0.6% in the
EU15. The monthly news release on Retail Trade has been extended in order
to meet users' demands. Information on new sectors is now available and for
the first time Eurostat is able to publish separately a detailed
information on more than 95% of the total retail trade.
[16] Go ahead given for euro 45 million Leader+ programme for rural
development in the Spanish region of Valencia
The European Commission approved the Community Initiative Leader+ programme
in the Spanish region of Valencia. Welcoming the decision, Franz Fischler,
Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries, said : "This
programme aims to pilot new ideas to help build a more sustainable society,
economy and environment for rural Spain. It aims to improve the quality of
life for all those who live in rural areas. Leader+ will help to increase
the added value of local products and to make the best use of natural and
cultural resources." The total public expenditure under this programme is
euro 45 million, over a period ending in 2006. This includes an EU
contribution of euro 30 million.
[17] Commission decides to give euro 23 million to help the return of
refugees in Croatia
The European Commission has today approved a programme for euro 23.2
million for the return of refugees and displaced people in Croatia. These
funds are the latest of an overall contribution by the Commission of more
than euro 80 million to the refugee return process in the country. The
money announced today should allow 5,000 people to return to their pre-war
homes, as well as stimulating economic activity in the areas of return.
[18] First Meeting of the Mexico-European Union Joint Committee
On 2 October 2001, the first meeting of the Joint Committee established by
the Economic Partnership, Political Coordination and Cooperation Agreement
between the European Union and Mexico was held in Brussels.
[19] Franz Fischler visits Mercosur to "build up momentum for successful
WTO farm negotiations"
European Agriculture Commissioner Franz Fischler will visit the Mercosur
countries Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay from 6 to 16 October. He
will hold bilateral meetings with the respective governments and
representatives of the agriculture sector and visit several farms. During
his visit Commissioner Fischler will seek to build up the momentum for
successful agriculture negotiations within the new round of World Trade
Organisation (WTO) negotiations, to be launched at the forthcoming WTO
Ministerial. He will seize the opportunity to reiterate the EU's commitment
to make progress in the ongoing Mercosur/EU trade liberalisation
negotiations. "The partnership between the Mercosur countries and the EU
has already provided great opportunities from which both parties have
benefited. In all aspects of our relationship politically and commercially,
through investments and through cooperation the EU has shown itself to be a
good customer and good friend to Mercosur. The fact that the EU submitted a
huge unilateral tariff offer in July which would lead to the liberalisation
of 90% of current agricultural trade, underlines this." During his visit,
Mr Fischler will also address bilateral issues such as wine and spirits.
[20] Anna Diamantopoulou wants concrete results from European Year of
People with Disabilities 2003
Anna Diamantopoulou, European Commissioner in charge of employment and
social affairs, will tell the Council next Monday 8 October in Luxembourg
that they should rapidly adopt the Commission proposal to make 2003 the
European Year of People with Disabilities. The year-long campaign, for
which the Commission has proposed a budget of euro 12 million, will seek
support from political and business leaders and personalities from the
world of entertainment and sport. As many as 10,000 events to promote the
year are expected to be organised at European, national, regional and local
levels. Mrs Diamantopoulou said : "The main purpose of the year is to drive
forward the political agenda for full integration of people with
disabilities which we set out last year in our policy paper 'Towards a
barrier-free Europe for people with disabilities'". Mrs Diamantopoulou will
also see at first hand the latest assistive technology for the disabled on
Friday 5 October at the Düsseldorf 'RehaCare' International Fair, the
largest exhibition of its kind in the world. At the fair, she will speak at
a conference on the theme 'rehabilitation comes before longterm healthcare
dependency'. Mrs Diamantopoulou stated : "It is astonishing that, in 2001,
we still do not have a single market in assistive technologies for people
with disabilities. Some national social security systems apply
discriminatory rules in favour of national suppliers for reimbursement of
equipment such as wheelchairs. This makes equipment needlessly expensive
for the disabled. We will fight this practice wherever we identify it."
[21] Autre matériel diffusé
Commission statement by Chris Patten on the situation in Afghanistan (02/10,
EP, Strasbourg)
Commission statement by Chris Patten on arms exports (02/10, EP,
Commission statement by Poul Nielson on humanitarian situation in
Afghanistan and the region (02/10, EP, Strasbourg)
Discours de M. Barnier : Déclaration de la Commission en vue de la
préparation de la réunion informelle des chefs d'Etat ou de gouvernement
qui se tiendra à Gand le 19 octobre (PE, Strasbourg)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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