European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-09-24
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 24/09/2001
[01] Fonds structurels : la Commission adopte un programme Interreg en
faveur de l'Italie et de la Suisse de 74 millions d'euros
La Commission européenne a adopté un programme de coopération
transfrontalière entre l'Italie et la Suisse, qui sera financé par
l'initiative Interreg III. Ses principaux objectifs sont le développement
durable de l'économie des deux cotés et la sauvegarde du patrimoine naturel
et culturel. Le montant total disponible jusqu'en 2006 est de 74,4 millions
d'euros, dont quelque 25,6 millions sont financés par l'UE. Un montant de
48,8 millions d'euros provient de budgets nationaux et régionaux ainsi que
du secteur privé.
[02] €-99 : Eurobarometer shows steady but slow progress
Only 8% of euro-area citizens do not know the exact date of introduction of
euro banknotes and coins, according to the latest Eurobarometer survey on
the euro carried out in September 2001. This is a clear improvement
compared to 46% in September last year. The number of citizens considering
themselves well informed also continued to improve to 55% (+2% compared to
the last survey). Taking into account that the national and the ECB
information campaigns will increasingly focus on the general public in the
remaining 99 days to €-day, the results are encouraging. On the other hand
sectoral surveys have demonstrated that a lot of hurdles have still to be
overcome in the preparations of SMEs and small retailers. The analysis by
country and by socio-demographic, economic, education and other factors can
be consulted in the overall analysis at the following address as from 5 pm
this afternoon : http://europa.eu.int/comm/economy_finance/document/euro/barometers/flash98_4fr.pdf
[03] July 2001 - Industrial production down 1.4% in euro-zone ; EU15 down
(! embargo 12 am !) Seasonally adjusted industrial production decreased by
1.4% in the euro-zone in July 2001 compared to June 2001, Eurostat
estimates today. This follows an increase of 0.9% in June and a fall of
0.3% in May. Production in the EU15 decreased by 1.3% in July, after a gain
of 0.7% in June and a decrease of 0.4% in May. In July 2001 compared to
July 2000, industrial production dropped by 1.1% in the euro-zone and by
1.4% in the EU15, confirming the slowdown of the annual growth rates
observed in both zones since December 2000.
[04] Renouvellement du protocole de pêche entre l'UE et le Gabon
La Commission européenne et le Gabon ont paraphé un protocole à l'accord de
pêche UE-Gabon portant sur une période de trois ans, à compter du 3
décembre 2001. Cet accord, qui concerne actuellement la pêche au thon,
offrira dorénavant d'autres possibilités de pêche à la crevette et aux
céphalopodes. Saluant ce nouveau protocole, M. Franz Fischler, membre de la
Commission chargé de l'Agriculture, du Développement rural et de la Pêche,
a déclaré : "Je suis heureux que les négociations que nous avons menées
avec les autorités gabonaises aient débouché sur un accord qui sera
bénéfique pour toutes les parties intéressées. Les bateaux de l'Union
pourront bénéficier de nouvelles possibilités de pêche et la compensation
financière de l'Union aussi bien que celle qu'acquittent les propriétaires
de bateaux concernés par les clauses de l'accord seront augmentées. La part
de la compensation de l'Union affectée à des mesures visant à promouvoir la
pratique d'une pêche durable au Gabon a également été augmentée. Dans nos
efforts en vue de promouvoir une pêche responsable, nous sommes également
convenus de mettre en place des mesures techniques plus efficaces."
[05] Election observation mission in Nicaragua
The European Union will send observers for the 4 November presidential and
parliamentary elections in Nicaragua, following an invitation from the
authorities. The Election Observation Mission (EOM) will be headed by
Jannis Sakellariou (Germany), Member of the European Parliament, and will
arrive in Managua on 25 September. Mr Sakellariou will be assisted by five
election experts and eight long term observers, deployed throughout the
country. In addition, closer to election day, approximately 36 short term
observers will join the mission to closely monitor the voting, counting and
tabulation procedures. The EOM will also issue a preliminary statement
shortly after election day. The mission is a sign of the increasing EU's
global commitment to support the strengthening of democratic institutions
and the respect of human rights.
[06] Financial Services Policy Group discusses progress in financial
services integration
The 12th meeting of the Financial Services Policy Group, comprising
personal representatives of EU Finance Ministers, took place on 20
September in Brussels under the chairmanship of European Internal Market
Commissioner Frits Bolkestein. The Group concentrated on the forthcoming
proposal for a Takeover Bids Directive, clearing and settlement, a mid-term
progress report by the Belgian Council Presidency and enlargement. The
Group also exchanged views on the proposal for a Regulation on cross-border
[07] First meeting of European Securities Committee
The European Securities Committee (ESC) met in Brussels on 21 September for
the first time. The ESC is an advisory committee to the Commission on all
policy issues in the securities market domain and consists of high level
representatives of the Member States. It was established in accordance with
the recommendations of the Wise Men's Group chaired by Alexandre Lamfalussy
(see IP/01/792 and MEMO/01/213), which were endorsed by the Stockholm
European Council and the European Parliament. Once powers are delegated to
it by the Council and the European Parliament, it will also become a
regulatory committee, implementing technical measures in the securities
[08] Philippe Busquin to open conference on the integration of renewable
energies into the overall energy system
A major two-day conference, organised by the European Commission in
Brussels (25-26 September 2001) will address some of the most urgent issues
currently discussed concerning the role and importance of research in
securing generation and stable supply of energy in Europe. The potential
benefits of renewable energy sources and distributed generation are huge
reductions in pollution and greenhouse gases, increased energy and economic
efficiency, enhanced security and diversity of Europe's energy supply.
However, a coordinated political approach is necessary to secure those
benefits especially in the light of an enlarged Europe. The conference will
bring together about 400 representatives of research organisations, energy
producers and regulating authorities. It is expected to review the best
practices and success stories in the integration of renewable energies and
distributed generation of energy and make recommendations for the future.
[09] Merger approved under the simplified procedure
Telenor East Invest AS (NW) / Eco telecom Limited (Gibraltar) / Vimpel-
[10] Autre matériel diffusé
Conclusions et plan d'action du Conseil européen extraordinaire du 21
septembre 2001
Speech by Frits Bolkestein at the Conference 'Payments in euro in the
Internal Market'
Speech by Pedro Solbes at the Conference 'Payments in euro in the Internal
Discours de M. Busquin : "L'intégration des sources d'énergies
renouvelables et de la production décentralisée dans les systèmes
énergétiques" à la troisième Conférence interparlementaire sur l'espace
Speech by Erkki Liikanen : "eEurope: An inclusive information society" at
the Conference 'Internet for all - Equal opportunities on the Net' (21/09,
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