European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-06-18
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 18/06/2001
[01] Protection des données : la Commission approuve des clauses
contractuelles types pour les transferts de données vers des pays tiers
La Commission européenne a adopté une décision définissant des clauses
contractuelles types qui assureront un niveau de protection adéquat des
données à caractère personnel transférées de l'UE vers des pays tiers. La
décision fait obligation aux Etats membres de reconnaître que les sociétés
ou organismes utilisant de telles clauses types dans des contrats relatifs
à des transferts de données à caractère personnel vers des pays tiers
assurent un "niveau de protection adéquat" des données. En vertu de la
directive de l'UE relative à la protection des données (95/46/CE), toutes
les données à caractère personnel transférées vers des pays tiers doivent
bénéficier d'un "niveau de protection adéquat". L'utilisation de ces
clauses contractuelles types sera volontaire, mais offrira aux sociétés et
aux organismes un moyen simple de respecter leur obligation d'assurer un
"niveau de protection adéquat" aux données à caractère personnel
transférées vers des pays tiers qui n'ont pas été reconnus par la
Commission comme assurant à ces données un niveau de protection adéquat. A
ce jour, seuls la Suisse, la Hongrie et le système américain de la "sphère
de sécurité" ont été reconnus comme offrant une protection adéquate (voir
[02] European Council in Göteborg : "A big step forward for sustainable
development", says Margot Wallström
(! embargo 1 pm !) European Environment Commissioner Margot Wallström today
said in a speech at the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels that
the European Council in Göteborg was "a big step forward - putting the
environmental dimension of sustainable development on the same footing as
economic and social development, and by inserting it in the Lisabon
process". The Commissioner also welcomed the the European determination to
address climate change. She continued : "The environment remains at the top
of citizens' concerns and is an area where the EU is expected by people to
provide added value over action by Member States. This also means that it
is an area where the EU can demonstrate that it merits the citizens'
support. In that sense, Göteborg has also been a Summit that carries a
message to the man in the street."
[03] Commission welcomes Candidate Countries' push to embrace e-economy
At the launch of the eEurope Plus Action Plan on 16 June 2001 in Gothenburg,
the European Commission warmly welcomed the undertaking of the Heads of
Government of the EU Candidate Countries to embrace the challenges of the
knowledge-based economy. The eEurope+ Action Plan aims to assist in
accelerating reform and modernisation of the economies in the Candidate
Countries through the use of Information Society technologies and tools. It
is mirrored on the eEurope 2002 Action Plan of the EU-15 but with additions
and changes of the objectives, actions and timetable to reflect the
economic and social situation in the Candidate Countries.
[04] Franz Fischler on the future of the Fisheries Policy : "There are no
miracle cures, no quick-fixes"
Speaking at the Fisheries Council in Luxembourg today, Franz Fischler,
European Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries said
: "The aim of the Green Paper is to engage all interested parties and in
particular the stakeholders, in a wide-ranging debate which will help us
find the right answers to a number of challenges facing the Common
Fisheries Policy (CFP), being aware of the fact that there are no miracle
cures, no quick-fixes, for the current problems. I think that there is a
broad consensus emerging by now that the CFP has not delivered biological,
economic and social sustainability, despite some positive results that
unfortunately have exacted a high price."
[05] May 2001 - Euro-zone annual inflation up to 3.4% ; EU15 up to 3.1%
(! embargo 12 am !) Euro-zone annual inflation rose from 2.9% in April to
3.4% in May according to Eurostat data published today. A year earlier the
rate was 1.9%. EU15 annual inflation rose from 2.6% in April to 3.1% in
May. A year earlier the rate was 1.7%. In May, highest annual rates were in
the Netherlands (5.4%), Portugal (4.9%) and Spain (4.2%) ; lowest rates
were in the United Kingdom (1.7%), France (2.5%) and Denmark (2.8%). Annual
inflation rose from 1.2% to 1.8% in Switzerland and from 3.3% to 3.6% in
the USA. Core inflation, i.e. excluding energy, food, alcohol and tobacco,
rose to 2.1% from 1.9% in April 2001. Energy is the component with the
biggest upward impact on inflation followed by food (especially unprocessed
food). The services sector and non-energy industrial goods have a
significant down-ward impact with lower than average inflation sub-indices.
[06] Autre matériel diffusé
Note sur la préparation du Conseil Agriculture
Speech by Mario Monti : "Enforcement of competition policy case for the
accession negotiations and for developing a real competition culture" at
the 7th annual competition conference between Candidate Countries and the
European Commission (Ljubljana)
Speech by Chris Patten : "The EU and Morocco - close partners in regional
leadership" (Rabat, ! embargo 9 pm !)
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