European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-06-13
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 13/06/2001
[I] Résultats de la Commission du 12 juin 2001 - Outcome of Commission
meeting of 12 June
[01] Commission adopts new Generalised Scheme of Tariff Preferences (GSP)
Regulation to foster sustainable development
The European Commission has adopted a proposal for revision to the
Generalised Scheme of Tariff Preferences (GSP) for the years 2002 to 2004.
Welcoming the Commission's decision, Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy said :
"This regulation is designed to simplify the GSP regime, restore the level
of its benefits and target them more effectively in the interests of
developing countries. It is also intended to improve the effectiveness of
special incentives to promote core labour and environmental standards. The
scheme constitutes a central plank of EU trade policy and a further
tangible example of the promotion of sustainable development". The new
Regulation complements and fully incorporates the recent "Everything But
Arms" (EBA) initiative in favour of Least Developed Countries.
[02] ESB : la Commission renforce les mesures contre les Encéphalopathies
Spongiformes Transmissibles
La Commission européenne a décidé de présenter une série de propositions en
prévision de l'entrée en vigueur, le 1er juillet 2001, du règlement n°
999/2001 du Conseil et du Parlement européen sur les encéphalopathies
spongiformes transmissibles (EST). Ce règlement contient un cadre de
mesures communautaires de lutte contre les risques pour la santé animale et
la santé publique liés aux EST. Les propositions abaissent la limite d'âge
pour le dépistage obligatoire de l'ESB chez les bovins appartenant à un
groupe à haut risque à 24 mois (au lieu de 30) et introduisent le dépistage
aléatoire des EST chez les ovins et les caprins. Elles prolongent
l'interdiction actuelle d'utiliser, pour l'alimentation animale, des
farines de viandes et d'os. Il est également proposé d'élargir, avec effet
au 1er octobre 2001, l'éventail des produits importés dans l'UE devant être
soumis aux mesures de protection. Enfin, soucieuse de satisfaire aux
souhaits des Etats membres et du Parlement, la Commission propose de
modifier les règles d'éradication de l'ESB en donnant aux autorités locales
compétentes la possibilité de ne pas exiger l'abattage de l'ensemble du
troupeau lorsqu'un cas d'ESB est confirmé.
[03] Commission reinforces research effort on BSE and related diseases
The European Commission has set out a series of measures to strengthen
research on BSE and related diseases across Europe. These steps are
outlined in a communication to the Council and the European Parliament on
research activities in Europe related to Transmissible Spongiform
Encephalopathies (TSE). The Communication draws conclusions from the
research efforts underway in all Member States and identifies actions to
close existing gaps in TSE research. It is based on an inventory of
European TSE research activities published in April 2001, which was
elaborated by a high-level group of experts from Member States. On 31 May
2001, the Commission made additional funds available in the order of euro
25 million for new research projects and for the coordination of national
and European activities. One important theme to be addressed will be the
understanding of how infectious prions propagate in human and animal
bodies. The accession countries will be invited to fully participate in
these collective efforts.
[04] La Commission définit une stratégie à long terme pour reconstituer les
stocks de cabillaud et de merlu
La Commission européenne a adopté une communication sur la nécessité de
plans de reconstitution à long terme des stocks de cabillaud et de merlu.
Selon cette communication, une combinaison de mesures est nécessaire, y
compris une limitation des activités de pêche, la fixation de totaux
admissibles de captures (TAC) strictement conformes aux objectifs du plan
de reconstitution, l'application de mesures techniques, telles que
l'augmentation des maillages et l'amélioration des contrôles et de la mise
en œuvre. A la suite de consultations avec les parties intéressées et à la
lumière des avis scientifiques les plus récents, la Commission présentera
ses propositions officielles au Conseil et au Parlement européen vers la
fin de l'année. Elle espère que la stratégie de reconstitution des stocks
sera adoptée pour le printemps 2002, de manière à pouvoir être mise en
œuvre à partir du milieu de l'année 2002 au plus tard.
[05] Excise duties : Commission moves against Sweden over tax
discrimination against wine
The European Commission has decided to send a formal request to Sweden to
end tax discrimination against wine in comparison to beer. The Commission
considers that the Swedish tax system affords undue protection to beer,
mainly produced domestically, in comparison to wine, which comes from other
Member States. In the Commission's view, this discriminatory tax regime
violates EC Treaty rules (Article 90) that forbid Member States to impose
higher taxes on products from other Member States than on competing
domestic products. The Court of Justice has ruled in several cases that
beer and table wine are competing products. The formal request to Sweden
will take the form of a so-called 'reasoned opinion' (second stage of the
formal infringement procedure under Article 226 of the EC Treaty). In the
absence of a satisfactory amendment to the Swedish tax rules within two
months of receipt of the reasoned opinion, the Commission may refer the
matter to the Court of Justice.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[06] Commission objects to GFU joint gas sales in Norway
The European Commission has warned Norwegian gas producers that the joint
sale of Norwegian gas carried out through the Gas Negotiation Committee
(GFU) is in breach of the European Union competition rules as it fixes,
among other things, the price and the quantities sold. The Commission
welcomes the recent announcement by the Norwegian government to discontinue
the GFU joint sales. But the Commission wants this to be translated into
facts by the companies and, more importantly, to see the long term, adverse
effects of the past and present misbehaviour remedied.
[07] Commission approves partnership between bmi british midland, Lufthansa
and SAS
The European Commission has granted a six-year exemption to a co-operation
agreement between bmi british midland, Lufthansa and SAS. The three
airlines have submitted important undertakings to address competition
concerns raised previously by the Commission. As a result, consumers will
benefit from the increased competition created by the cooperation agreement
itself and from the remedies offered.
[08] David Byrne welcomes adoption of European Parliament report on
establishment of European Food Authority
European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection David Byrne
yesterday welcomed the adoption of the European Parliament's position on
the Commission proposal setting up the European Food Authority and laying
down general principles of EU food law. The proposal is the cornerstone of
the EU food safety strategy. The European Parliament supports the
Commission's integrated approach to safety along the entire food chain,
combining general principles and requirements for food law with the
organisational arrangements and procedures to deliver this in a single
legal text. Of the more than 200 amendments put forward by the Parliament,
the Commissioner said he could notably accept those aiming to make the
workings of the future Authority more transparent.
[09] FMD : nearly all restrictions now lifted
The Standing Veterinary Committee (SVC) yesterday voted in favour of a
European Commission proposal with regard to foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in
the Netherlands.
[10] La Commission envoie 1 million d'euros d'aide alimentaire d'urgence au
La Commission européenne a décidé d'octroyer une aide de 950.000 euros en
faveur des groupes vulnérables et des populations locales affectées par la
sécheresse qui sévit actuellement au Tchad. Ce programme ciblera les
départements au sud du pays : Tandjilé, Chari et Logone occidental, soit
une population de 155.000 personnes.
[11] EU to observe parliamentary elections in Bangladesh
The European Commission has today adopted a decision to fund the sending of
an EU Election Observation Mission (EOM) to monitor the forthcoming general
elections in Bangladesh. These elections, for which a date has not yet been
announced are to be held before October 12, 2001. Joaquim Miranda MEP has
been appointed as the Chief Observer of the Election Observation Mission.
[12] Autre matériel diffusé
Discours de M. Prodi : "What I expect from Gothenburg making the vision a
reality" (Parlement européen, Strasbourg)
Discours de Mme Reding : "Europe and sovereignity. A citizen's Europe
through Education and Culture" à la 2001 Jean Monnet Lecture (Newcastle, !
embargo 20h00 !)
Speech by David Byrne : "Risk analysis Risk communication: The decision
maker's dilemma" at the Joint WHO/FAO/OIE Conference on BSE and its Risks
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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