European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-03-28
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 28/03/2001
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] La Commission adopte le Plan d'action eLearning pour construire des
ponts entre éducation et nouvelles technologies de la communication
Cinq jours après le Conseil européen de Stockholm, qui a réaffirmé la
nécessité pour l'Europe d'utiliser le potentiel des nouvelles technologies
pour construire un espace éducatif européen, la Commission a adopté
aujourd'hui le Plan d'action eLearning. Ce plan, proposé par Mme Reding en
accord avec M. Liikanen et Mme Diamantopoulou, a pour objectif de favoriser
une coopération entre Union européenne, Etats membres, communautés
éducatives et de formation et industriels afin de valoriser le lien entre
l'éducation tout au long de la vie, la modernisation de nos systèmes
d'éducation et d'apprentissage et l'utilisation des nouvelles technologies
de l'information et de la communication. Le Plan d'action eLearning
complète eEurope 2002 en même temps qu'il constitue un élément clef de la
stratégie européenne pour l'emploi et de la stratégie récemment adoptée sur
les nouveaux marchés de l'emploi.
[02] Commission allows Danish restructuring state aid to COMBUS
The European Commission today decided to approve the Danish restructuring
aid worth DKK 471800000 (63.7m) to the state-owned bus company Combus. The
State Aid consisted of two injections of capital totalling DKK471.8m
(63.7m) by the Danish government during 1999-2001 to Combus A/S.
[03] Commission approves tax exemptions from the UK Climate Change Levy
The European Commission has decided not to raise objections under the EU
State aid rules to the main elements of the UK's Climate Change Levy (CCL)
due to come into force on 1 April 2001. The levy is being introduced in
order to help meet the UK's international greenhouse gas abatement
obligations and to progress towards the goal of reducing CO2 emissions. It
covers the use of fuel for lighting, heating and motive power in industry,
commerce, agriculture, public administration and other services.
[04] Commission clarifies the application of competition law principles to
The European Commission has adopted draft Guidelines on market analysis and
the calculation of Significant Market Power (SMP) in advance of the final
adoption of the proposed directive for a new regulatory framework for
electronic communications services. The draft Guidelines should help the
Council to approve the new definition of SMP proposed in the Framework
Directive. They are based on existing case-law and the Commission's own
practice in the field of electronic communications markets. The definitive
version of the Guidelines will be adopted when the Framework directive is
finally adopted.
[05] Aides d'Etat pour des produits agricoles en Vénétie (Italie)
La Commission européenne a decidé d'ouvrir la procédure d'aide d'Etat à
l'encontre d'une aide italienne pour la transformation et la
commercialisation de produits agricoles en Vénétie. Les autorités
italiennes veulent instituer des aides à l'investissement en faveur de 36
entreprises agro-industrielles. La décision d'ouvrir cette procédure
n'implique pas l'adoption d'une décision finale négative mais exprime des
doutes concernant l'aide en question. La Commission invite les interessés à
présenter leurs observations et à fournir toute information utile pour
l'évaluation de l'aide, afin de pouvoir prendre une décision finale.
[06] Assurance automobile : la Commission demande à la France de ne plus
imposer un système obligatoire de bonus-malus
La Commission européenne a décidé de demander formellement à la France de
ne plus imposer un système obligatoire de bonus-malus pour l'assurance
responsabilité civile automobile. Pour la Commission, un système selon
lequel l'évolution de la prime en fonction des dommages causés par les
conducteurs n'est pas libre, mais obéit à des critères détaillés et
obligatoires définis dans une loi, doit être considéré comme contraire à la
liberté de tarification prévue par la troisième directive sur l'assurance
non-vie. La demande formelle à la France sera transmise sous forme d'un
avis motivé, au titre de la procédure d'infraction prévue à l'article 226
du traité CE. Si la France ne se conformait pas à cette demande dans un
délai de deux mois après réception de l'avis motivé, la Commission pourrait
décider de saisir la Cour de justice.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[07] Foot-and-mouth disease: Results of the Standing Veterinary Committee
The Standing Veterinary Committee (SVC) yesterday had a discussion on the
foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) situation in Ireland, the United Kingdom, the
Netherlands and France. European Commission proposals on prolongation of
the protective measures for these four Member States have received a
favourable opinion.
[08] La Commission autorise l'acquisition de Magneti Marelli
Climatizzazione par la société japonaise Denso Corporation
La Commission européenne a autorisé le projet d'acquisition de la société
italienne Magneti Marelli Climatizzazione (MMCL), qui produit des systèmes
thermiques pour automobiles, par la société japonaise Denso Corporation,
qui était déjà actionnaire minoritaire de MMCL. L'opération permettra à
Denso d'avoir le contrôle exclusif de MMCL en acquérant la participation
détenue par Magneti Marelli, du groupe FIAT, dans la société italienne.
[09] La Commission autorise l'acquisition de Norzinc par Outokumpu
La Commission européenne a autorisé le projet d'acquisition de Norzinc
(Norvège) par Outokumpu Oyj (Finlande), tous deux producteurs de zinc. Au
terme d'un examen d'un mois, la Commission est arrivée à la conclusion que,
malgré le degré de concentration élevé du marché européen du zinc qui
résulterait de l'opération, une concurrence suffisante subsisterait.
[10] Commission launches in-depth investigation into acquisition of
Pantochim and Eurodiol by BASF
The European Commission has decided to initiate an in-depth second-stage
investigation into the planned acquisition by Germany's BASF AG of Belgian
companies Pantochim and Eurodiol. On the basis of information currently
available, serious concerns have arisen particularly with regard to
butanediol derivatives, which are used as solvents in the pharmaceuticals,
chemicals and other industries. BASF produces and sells mainly speciality
chemicals and other chemical products although it is also active in the
health, food, oil and gas sectors. Pantochim produces a number of chemical
products, mainly phthalic anhydride and plasticisers (standard phthalates
used among other things to make soft PVC). Eurodiol basically produces
butanediol (BDO) and BDO derivatives GBL, NMP and THF used in
pharmaceuticals, agricultural chemistry and electronics. The two Belgian
companies are part of the Italian SISAS group.
[11] La Commission autorise le rachat de Quaker par Pepsico
La Commission européenne a autorisé ce jour le projet de rachat de Quaker
Oats Company par Pepsico Incorporated, deux sociétés américaines, en
application des règles de l'Union européenne sur le contrôle des
concentrations. L'opération ne suscite de préoccupations sous l'angle de la
concurrence sur aucun marché européen.
[12] Commission authorises participation of Shell in Siemens Solar
The European Commission has cleared an operation by which Shell Erneuerbare
Energien GmbH will acquire joint control in an existing joint venture
between Siemens AG and E.ONEnergie AG in the field of solar energy. Shell
will contribute its own solar energy activities in Germany to the joint
venture called Siemens Solar GmbH. The acquisition does not create any
competition problems as the parties will face strong competition in the
relevant markets.
[13] Commission takes steps to halt loss of biodiversity
The European Commission today adopted a series of action plans to integrate
the protection of biodiversity into EU agricultural, fishery, environment
and development and co-operation policies. Rich biodiversity is important
as it provides the raw materials that our society needs. It is essential
for the long-term sustainability of agriculture and fisheries and it is the
basis for many industrial processes and the production of new medicines.
The aim of the action plans is to stop losses in wildlife, ecosystems,
varieties of crops, domestic animals and fish. The plans define concrete
actions and measures and specify measurable targets to ensure a reversal of
the current trend. The plans stem from the European Community Biodiversity
Strategy adopted in 1998 where the Commission promised to spell out
precisely how it would achieve the objectives of the strategy, and
implement the Convention on Biological Diversity adopted in Rio in 1992.
[14] Commission issues consultation paper on Sustainable Development
The European Commission has issued a consultation paper setting out the
institution's initial views on the challenges and opportunities of
sustainable development. The paper identifies six important trends that
pose a threat to sustainable development in the EU - climate change;
potential threats to public health; increasing pressure on some vital
natural resources; poverty and social exclusion; ageing population;
congestion and pollution from current patterns of mobility. The paper
presents a policy toolkit for tackling these problems, but does not include
specific objectives and measures. These will be contained in the
Commission's proposal for a sustainable development strategy to the
Göteborg European Council. The aim of the paper is to generate discussion
and encourage input from other EU institutions and civil society. All
stakeholders are therefore invited to express their views on these issues
and to consider what more concrete measures should be included in the EU
sustainable development strategy for Göteborg before 30 April. The document
can be downloaded from the Internet at the following address:
[15] European Commission and engineering Industry address damage caused by
counterfeiting Problems arising from the counterfeiting of engineering
goods were addressed at a workshop of European Commission officials and
delegates from ORGALIME (an umbrella group for 30 trade federations in 20
European countries) in Brussels today. The Commission sponsored and took
part in this workshop as part of its ongoing consultations with
stakeholders on intellectual property rights and product safety.
Counterfeiters illegally profit from the efforts of innovators, unfairly
undermine the market position of manufacturers and authorised distributors,
distort competition and trade, mislead consumers and pose safety problems
by putting dangerous products on the market. The workshop was also attended
by a Chinese delegation. The aim of the workshop was to exchange
experiences on counterfeiting within the European internal market and
internationally. Policy measures taken to combat counterfeiting were
presented and the possibilities of improving the enforcement of
Intellectual Property Rights were discussed. The World Trade Organisation
(WTO) Agreement on Trade-Related Intellectual Property rights (TRIPs)
requires its parties to take action against counterfeiters. WTO members
must fully apply the Agreement within the agreed deadlines. The European
Commission is actively taking bilateral steps with countries where
counterfeiting is widespread. Within the internal market, two Commission
Communications on Counterfeiting and Piracy in the Single Market
(IP/00/1385) and on a Strategy for the Customs Union (IP/01/219) have been
issued. A proposal for a Council Regulation on a single EU-wide patent to
improve the protection of innovation in the EU has also been put forward.
See also: http://www.orgalime.org/counterfeiting/agenda.htm
[16] European Network Against Racism: the vital link between EU policy and
local initiatives against racism
The European Network Against Racism (ENAR) / Réseau européen contre le
racisme, an umbrella organisation of NGOS, will give a press briefing
tomorrow at 11.30 in the press room to mark its general assembly in
Brussels this weekend. The ENAR, set up in 1998 to give a European
dimension to the fight against racism on the ground and as the support of
the European Commission, will discuss implementation of EU's new
antidiscrimination package, family reunification for third country
nationals, asylum and immigration, and the planned World Conference against
Racism in Durban. Website: www.enar-en.org. Briefing Thursday 29 March,
11.30, Press room.
[17] La Commission approuve 83,15 millions d'euros pour un programme de
lutte contre l'inégalité sur le marché du travail en Belgique
Anna Diamantopoulou, Commissaire pour l'emploi et les affaires sociales, a
signé aujourd'hui une décision approuvant le nouveau programme d'Initiative
communautaire (IC) EQUAL en Belgique francophone et germanophone pour la
période 2000-2006. Ce programme vise principalement à améliorer les
capacités d'insertion professionnelle, à développer l'esprit d'entreprise,
à promouvoir la formation tout au long de la vie et à améliorer l'égalité
des chances entre hommes et femmes. Le budget total du présent programme
s'élève à environ 83,15 millions d'EUR, desquels 41,58 millions d'EUR
proviendront du secteur public (des six gouvernements concernés), et un
montant identique du Fond Social européen.
[18] La Commission approuve un plan pour l'amélioration de l'égalité sur le
marché du travail en Espagne
Anna Diamantopoulou, membre de la Commission chargée de l'emploi et des
affaires sociales, a signé une décision approuvant le programme
d'initiative communautaire EQUAL en Espagne pour la période 2001-2006. Dans
le cadre de ce programme, le Fonds social européen (FSE) accordera
515millions d'euros pour expérimenter de nouveaux moyens de lutte contre
les discriminations et inégalités dans le domaine de l'emploi. Le budget
total du programme espagnol s'élève à 789,34millions d'euros, dont 259,
46millionsseront pris en charge par le secteur public espagnol, 515,
4millions par l'Union et 14,48millions par des sources privées nationales.
[19] Senior trade officials complete one day of talks in Geneva amid signs
that momentum for a new Trade Round is growing
Speaking at the end of an informal meeting of twenty key countries* to
assess prospects for a successful 4th Ministerial Conference at Doha and
the question of a new Round, co-hosts EU Director-General of Trade Mogens
Peter Carl and Japan's Deputy Foreign Minister Yoshiji Nogami, said "many
participants favour new negotiations. Many are concerned about a global
economic downturn and a return to bilateralism and see a relaunch of the
multilateral process in the WTO as all the more necessary in this context .
Several developing countries seek better market access and new or reviewed
WTO rules that will directly serve their growth and development. There was
a general sense that we should try to launch negotiations at Qatar later
this year, and certainly we are all better prepared for this than at the
same point before Seattle. Our discussions were practical and forward
looking. The momentum is definitely picking up". Autre matériel diffusé
[20] Statistiques d'exportation de viande de l'UE
[21] Discours de M. Erkki Liikanen "Broadcasting and content in eEurope"
[22] Info clip sur "Le Plan d'action e-Learning
(disponible au planning audio-visuel BREY 04/164 tél: 295 2123)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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