European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-03-08
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 08/03/2001
[01] BSE : Commission proposal to gradually lift restrictions on export of
Portuguese beef backed by the Standing Veterinary Committee
The Standing Veterinary Committee yesterday voted in favour of a draft
European Commission decision proposing a gradual lifting of the ban on
Portuguese beef exports and allowing the resumption of certain exports
under the strict conditions of a Data Based Export Scheme (DBES). Such
exports to third countries and EU Member States of beef and beef products
would be authorised after inspection reports have confirmed the correct
implementation of the Scheme on the ground. Only de-boned meat from animals
born after 1 July 1999, between 6 and 30 months of age, complying with the
conditions of the DBES would be eligible for export. The ban on exports of
live bovine animals from Portugal remains in place. The proposal will now
be formally adopted by the Commission.
[02] La Commission invite les tiers à présenter leurs observations sur les
services de transbordeurs transmanche de P&O Stena Line
P&O Stena Line, exploitant de services de transbordeurs transmanche, ainsi
que ses entreprises fondatrices P&O et Stena Line ont demandé à la
Commission européenne de renouveler l'exemption qui leur avait été accordée
en application des règles de concurrence communautaires. L'entreprise
commune avait initialement obtenu une autorisation d'exploitation de trois
ans, qui expire le 9 mars. La Commission publie aujourd'hui un résumé de la
demande au Journal officiel des Communautés européennes en invitant les
tiers intéressés à présenter leurs observations dans un délai d'un mois.
[03] Accession partnership with Turkey adopted
The Accession Partnership with Turkey has been formally adopted today by
the European Union. This signifies a further important step in the
implementation of the pre-accession strategy for Turkey. This strategy, as
applied to all other candidate countries, became operational after Turkey's
designation as a candidate country by the Helsinki European Council in
December 1999.
[04] Plus de transparence, un plus pour l'environnement
Sur proposition de la Commissaire européenne chargée du budget, Michaele
Schreyer, une grande étape vers plus de transparence dans la politique
budgétaire qui signifie en même temps un plus pour l'environnement, a été
convenu avec les délégations du Conseil et du Parlement européen, lors du
triologue informel de Stockholm.
[05] Franz Fischler in Verona : "Society should be setting the farming
Speaking at the opening of "Veronafiere", the largest agricultural trade
fair in Italy, Franz Fischler, European Commissioner for agriculture, rural
development and fisheries, has stressed the need for a broad-based
discussion of what society wants from agriculture. It was not necessary,
however, to start from zero since the reforms of 1992 and Agenda 2000 had
already set agricultural policy on a new path.
[06] Chris Patten in Dublin
"The European Union has every reason to strut its stuff : boasting its
achievements, shaping events and spreading its values. But Europe's Foreign
and Security Policy has lagged behind its many other achievements"
according to Chris Patten, European Commissioner for External Relations,
speaking in Dublin yesterday evening. He went on to say that : "The
European Union has become a global player. As the biggest market, largest
trader and most important purveyor of assistance, it is about time we
developed a global outlook in a coherent view of what we are, what we want
and where we are going." On the EU's Rapid Reaction Force, Mr Patten said
that it would not be desirable that it should, one day, grow into an
alternative to NATO or a replacement for it. "What we are talking about",
he said, "is not mutual defence, but a widening of the range of options
open to the EU when dealing with situations of crisis and instability,
notably at our periphery."
[07] Fourth quarter of 2000 - Euro-zone and EU15 GDP up by 0.7% ; +3.0% and
+2.9% compared to the fourth quarter of 1999
(! embargo 12 am !) Euro-zone and EU15 GDP both grew by 0.7% during the
fourth quarter of 2000, compared to the previous quarter, according to
first estimates out today from Eurostat. These figures follow a rise of
0.5% and 0.6% respectively for the euro-zone and the EU15 in the third
quarter of 2000. Compared to the fourth quarter of 1999, GDP rose by 3.0%
in the euro-zone and by 2.9% in the EU15 compared to +3.2% during the
previous quarter in both areas. During the year 2000, euro-zone and EU15
GDP grew4 by 3.4% and 3.3% respectively, recording a strong rise with
respect to 1999 (+2.5% for both zones). In 2000, the economy of the US grew
by +5.0%, also recording an acceleration compared to 1999 (+4.2%).
[08] Autre matériel diffusé
Discours de M. Prodi : "Europe: a family governed by common rules"
Discours de Mme Reding : "The role of the EU in creating the knowledge and
information society" au Zentrum für Europäische Integrationsforschung
(07/03, Université de Bonn)
Discours de M. Nielson : "Rio + 10 : Words are not enough" à la Chatham
House Conference (06/03, Londres)
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