European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-03-02
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News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 02/03/2001
[01] La Commission autorise la prise de contrôle de Blue Circle Industries
par Lafarge
La Commission européenne a autorisé la prise de contrôle de BCI Plc
envisagée par Lafarge SA, en vertu des règles communautaires relatives au
contrôle des opérations de concentration. Ces deux entreprises exercent des
activités au niveau mondial dans le secteur des matériaux de construction
(ciment gris et blanc, granulats, béton prêt à l'emploi, tuiles en béton,
béton préfabriqué et autres produits). Dans l'Espace Economique Européen,
cette opération créera des liens verticaux, au Royaume-Uni et en Grèce,
entre, en amont, les produits à base de ciment et les granulats et, en aval,
les produits en béton. Toutefois, l'enquête de la Commission a révélé que
ces liens ne soulèveraient pas de problèmes de concurrence.
[02] Commission opens full investigation into General Electric / Honeywell
The European Commission has decided to open a full investigation into the
proposed merger between US companies General Electric (GE) and Honeywell
International Inc. (Honeywell). The Commission will make a detailed
assessment of the impact of the transaction on competition, in particular
as regards the supply of components to aircraft, such as jet engines,
avionics and non-avionics products. The focus of the investigation will be
on whether or not the combination of GE's strong market position on engines
with Honeywell's also strong market positions on avionics and certain non-
avionics products will create or strengthen a dominant position on any of
these markets.
[03] Michaele Schreyer welcomes adoption of supplementary budget for BSE
emergency package
The financing of the BSE crisis emergency measures is now in place after
the European Parliament adopted the first supplementary and amending budget
(SAB) for 2001 without amendment yesterday. The money available amounts to
euro 971 million and covers the additional costs decided in December by the
Agriculture Council. The measures include a purchase scheme for animals
older than 30 months (euro 700 million), market intervention in the beef
meat market (euro 238 million) and the co-financing of the BSE-tests (euro
33 million) (see IP/01/143). European Budget Commissioner Michaele Schreyer
declared that "it was the Commission's duty to propose emergency measures
in December and now to foresee their financing. The fact that beef has to
be stored or even destroyed is sometimes perceived as sad, especially by
the taxpayers. This is an emergency measure, there is no alternative. This
purchase scheme is an offer by the EU to co-finance the buying of animals
that cannot be sold on the market. After this first emergency package, the
Commission is committed to structural measures for the beef sector in order
avoid beef mountains in the future."
[04] First ministerial meeting between the EU and the new US Administration
On 6 March 2001 the first ministerial meeting between the EU and the new US
Administration will be held in Washington. The EU foreign policy Troika,
chaired by Swedish Foreign Minister Lindh and comprising also European
External Relations Commissioner Chris Patten and High Representative Solana
and will meet US Secretary of State Powell. This encounter follows Mr
Powell's recent visit to Brussels and his meetings with President Romano
Prodi and Commissioner Patten. This gathering will be an excellent
opportunity to discuss at ministerial level cooperation on consolidating
peace and democracy in the Western Balkans, the Middle East, Security
policy issues, Russia, the Northern Dimension and other important areas. In
addition, the event will provide a unique opportunity for both sides to
consolidate their relations in the framework of the new US Administration.
[05] Marchés publics : la Commission engage des procédures d'infraction
contre le Royaume-Uni, l'Allemagne, la Belgique, l'Espagne et l'Irlande
La Commission européenne a décidé de traduire le Royaume-Uni devant la Cour
de justice pour non-transposition correcte de deux Directives dans le
domaine des marchés publics dans les secteurs de l'eau, de l'énergie, des
transports et des télécommunications. La Commission a également décidé
d'adresser une mise en demeure à l'Espagne (sous la forme d'un avis motivé
qui correspond à la deuxième étape de la procédure d'infraction au titre de
l'article 226 du traité CE) de mettre sa législation nationale en
conformité avec les exigences des directives sur les marchés publics de
travaux et de fournitures. Enfin, la Commission a décidé d'adresser des
mises en demeure (là encore sous la forme d'avis motivés) à l'Allemagne, à
la Belgique et à l'Irlande de veiller au respect des directives
garantissant que les marchés publics soient attribués dans les conditions
d'ouverture et de concurrence dans le cadre de la passation d'un marché de
construction d'une station d'épuration à Mainburg (Allemagne), d'une
procédure associant des entreprises de travaux publics non agréées en
Belgique, d'un concours d'architecture à Bruxelles, de projets immobiliers
sur le site d'un ancien hôpital militaire à Bruxelles et de la passation
d'un marché de construction d'un centre administratif à Blanchardstown
(Irlande). Les Etats membres sont tenus de répondre dans les deux mois de
la réception de l'avis motivé. A défaut de réponse ou en cas de réponse
insuffisante, la Commission peut décider de saisir la Cour de justice
[06] Business and Consumer Surveys - First results February 2001
(! embargo 12 am !) The economic sentiment indicator went down in February
by 0.6 point in the EU and more moderately by 0.4 point in the euro area
according to the business and consumer surveys results for February 2001
published today by the European Commission (Directorate General Economic &
Financial Affairs). The industrial confidence indicator decreased by 2
points in both the EU and the euro area. Consumer confidence decreased
slightly, by 1 point in both the EU and in the euro area. Managers in the
construction sector were also less optimistic in February, eroding the good
results of January with a decrease of 2 points in the EU and 3 points in
the euro area. The retail trade confidence indicator consolidated the 4
point increases obtained in January and remained at a level 7 points above
the long term average in both the EU and the euro area.
[07] La Commission adopte deux plans de développement rural
La Commission européenne a adopté les deux plans suivants de développement
rural : Portugal, Açores (dépense totale : 149,58 millions d'euros,
contribution de l'UE : 122,206 millions d'euros) ; Italie, Puglia (dépense
totale : 389,372 millions d'euros, contribution de l'UE : 291,940 millions
d'euros). Les deux plans intègrent principalement quatre mesures :
préretraite, identité compensatoire en faveur des zones défavorisées,
actions pour la protection de l'environnement et boisement des terres
[08] Margot Wallström at meeting of G8 Environment Ministers (Trieste, 2-4
March 2001)
European Environment Commissioner Margot Wallström will attend the meeting
of G8 Environment Ministers this weekend in Trieste. Items for discussion
include : climate change, notably preparations for the resumed Conference
of the Parties to the Climate Change Convention in Bonn in July which
should pave the way for the entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol ;
preparations for the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) that
will take place in Johannesburg in the summer of 2002 ; and, health and
environment, including children's health. This meeting will also provide an
opportunity for bilateral contacts with other G8 partners. In particular,
Commissioner Wallström is expected to meet US EPA's Administrator, Governor
Christine T. Whitman, and the Russian Minister for Natural Resources, Boris
A. Yatskevich.
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
Discours de M. Prodi : "Is there an e-Economy ?" à la Conférence 'e-Economy
in Europe' (01/03)
Extraits du discours de M. Monti : "Competition in the e-Economy" à la
Conférence 'The New Economy in Europe : its potential impact on Eu
enterprises and policies'
Discours de M. Byrne : "The e-confidence barrier New regulatory models" à
la 'Conference e-Economy in Europe'
Discours de M. Bolkestein : "Angst voor privatisering nutsbedrijven is
kortzichtig" à la Dreesstichting (Amsterdam, ! embargo 14h !)
Discours de M. Vitorino au séminaire "Children affected by armed conflict
and forced displacement children in development cooperation and migration
policies" (Norrköping)
Calendrier du 5 au 9 mars
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