European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-02-15
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News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 15/02/2001
[01] Message of European Commission President Romano Prodi to the Prime
Minister of Israel Ehud Barak and to the Prime Minister elect Ariel Sharon,
sent on 14 February 2001
"I was shocked to hear of the tragic incident that occurred today in Israel,
which claimed so many innocent victims. As you know, the European Union has
already strongly condemned this terrorist act. On behalf of the European
Commission and on my own behalf, allow me to express my condolences to the
bereaved families and heartfelt wishes for the speedy recovery of the
[02] Joint statement by Commissioners Monti, Reding and Diamantopoulou and
Presidents of FIFA Blatter and of UEFA Johansson
At a meeting yesterday, at the highest level, the European Commission, FIFA
and UEFA firmly cemented an agreement on a significant number of issues
related to the FIFA rules on the international transfers of footballers.
The participants also discussed and clarified the two sides' positions with
regard to the remaining issues and affirmed their political commitment to
find a final compromise before the end of February. The meeting was
attended by FIFA and UEFA presidents, respectively Joseph S. Blatter and
Lennart Johansson, and Commissioners Mario Monti (Competition), Viviane
Reding (Education and Culture) and Anna Diamantopoulou (Employment and
Social Affairs).
[03] Le Comité scientifique directeur publie une évaluation du risque en
cas de détection de l'ESB chez le mouton
Le Comité scientifique directeur (CSD), que la Commission européenne
consulte entre autres sur des questions relatives à l'ESB, a publié une
évaluation préventive du risque pour la santé humaine en cas de détection
de l'ESB chez les moutons dans les conditions de terrain. Les scientifiques
estiment que l'on ne dispose pas, à ce stade, d'informations suffisantes
pour arrêter des conclusions sûres sur le risque sanitaire potentiel. Ils
élaborent donc trois scénarios sur ce risque potentiel et la manière de
l'appréhender. Les scientifiques déclarent qu'il n'existe actuellement
aucun élément confirmant la présence de l'ESB chez les ovins et les
caprins. Ils ajoutent cependant que les connaissances dans ce domaine sont
très limitées et que l'on ne dispose pas de méthodes de test ni de systèmes
de contrôle appropriés pour confirmer un diagnostic. Il faut donc commencer
à collecter les informations nécessaires pour évaluer la prévalence
éventuelle de l'EST chez les moutons.
[04] Frits Bolkestein welcomes final report from Wise Men on Securities
Markets Regulation
European Internal Market Commissioner Frits Bolkestein has welcomed the
Final Report from the Committee of Wise Men chaired by Alexandre Lamfalussy
on the Regulation of European Securities Markets. Mr Bolkestein said :
"This report constitutes an essential contribution to necessary reform of
the regulatory framework for European financial markets. Community
legislation must respond rapidly and flexibly to developments in financial
markets in order to achieve greater market integration and improved
competitiveness. I congratulate the Group of Wise Men chaired by Mr
Lamfalussy on the quality of their work, and I am very grateful. Their
report contains, while respecting the institutional balance, precise and
innovative recommendations which EU institutions and industry should
consider adopting as quickly as possible. These recommendations open the
way to more open, secure and efficient European financial markets. The full
text of the report will be available for downloading from the Europa
Internet site: http://europa.eu.int/comm/internal_market (click on What's
[05] Les ministres de l'UE se réunissent pour s'attaquer à la pénurie
croissante de qualifications (15-16/02, Luleå)
La pénurie croissante de qualifications que connaît l'Europe -
particulièrement dans le domaine des technologies de l'information - sera
débattue en urgence lors du tout premier Conseil informel conjoint des
ministres de l'emploi et des télécommunications, qui se tiendra à Luleå les
15 et 16 février prochains sous la présidence suédoise. Les ministres
s'efforceront d'identifier les causes du problème et discuteront tant des
solutions immédiates et à court terme que des politiques à long terme pour
remédier à la pénurie de qualifications. L'inadéquation de l'apprentissage
des compétences numériques, dans le système éducatif comme dans
l'environnement de travail, est au coeur du problème. L'incapacité de
trouver une solution au déficit de qualifications croissant en technologies
de l'information pourrait mettre en péril l'objectif déclaré de l'Union
européenne, qui est de faire de l'Europe une économie fondée sur la
connaissance d'importance mondiale, compétitive, dynamique et sans
exclusion sociale. La réunion conjointe des ministres de l'emploi et des
télécommunications devrait envoyer un signal fort à l'intention du prochain
sommet européen, qui se tiendra à Stockholm les 23 et 24 mars et qui
accordera la priorité à l'emploi, aux qualifications et aux technologies de
l'information. La réunion débattra vraisemblablement de la proposition de
la Commission invitant le sommet de Stockholm à constituer d'urgence une
task force de haut niveau sur les qualifications et la mobilité afin de
résoudre ce problème.
[06] Frits Bolkestein welcomes European Parliament vote on copyright
"I am delighted that the European Parliament has voted overwhelmingly to
endorse compromise amendments to the EU copyright Directive that reflect
the delicate balance of interests catered for in the Council's Common
Position", commented European Internal Market Commissioner Frits Bolkestein
after the 14 February vote at the Parliament's Strasbourg plenary session.
"The Parliament has been subjected to unprecedented lobbying onslaught on
this Directive, and I regret that some of the parties concerned strived to
obtain nothing less than total victory, using sometimes highly emotive
arguments, rather than seeking a balanced compromise between the various
legitimate interests involved. That is not the European way to move forward
we all have to be prepared to accept compromise and I congratulate the
Parliament for having done so. The Parliament's vote should help to ensure
the rapid adoption of this important measure to bring European copyright
rules into the digital age, as requested by the EU's Heads of State and
Government at the Lisbon Summit. The rapid implementation of this Directive
will facilitate the development of electronic commerce and so increase the
competitiveness of the European economy."
[07] Margot Wallström welcomes adoption of new rules for Eco-Management and
European Environment Commissioner Margot Wallström today announced that the
EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) has been revised, enlarged and
strengthened. "All economic actors and public authorities willing to
manifest their genuine commitment to improving our environment will now
have EMAS at their disposal", noted the Commissioner welcoming the adoption
of the revised EMAS by the Council and the European Parliament. The changes
to the 1993 Regulation will create a new era for EMAS. An extended scope to
all activities, a solid environmental management system using the relevant
part of the European standard EN ISO 14001, a more transparent system
strengthening stakeholder's participation and an enhanced credibility are
some of the changes introduced to EMAS. The opportunity given to
organisations to address the concerns of stakeholders through a more
flexible environmental statement, as well as the possibility to follow-up
yearly improvements within organisations, will lead to greater
transparency. The new requirements placed on environmental verifiers will
contribute to enhancing the credibility of EMAS. "Companies who wish to
integrate environment into their activities, and at the same time enhance
their economic viability, while being trusted and recognised for their
environmental achievements, are invited to join the EMAS 'club', which
already have more than 3000 members", Commissioner Wallström added. More
information on the new scheme can be found at : http://www.europa.eu.int/comm/environment/emas
[08] Euro 100 million support programme for Kosovo
The European Commission approved yesterday the commitment of euro 100
million to finance a support programme for Kosovo in 2001 which focuses on
housing, water and solid waste management, agriculture, local government
and civil society and health. The programme, which will be implemented by
the European Agency for Reconstruction, is the result of close coordination
with the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) and other international
donors. The projects identified complement the on-going work of ECHO
(Humanitarian Aid Office), other humanitarian agencies and NGO's, as well
as reconstruction programmes already underway. The assistance package,
which forms part of an overall support in 2001 to Kosovo of euro 350
million, builds on past programmes but reinforces the society development,
democratisation and institution building which are key accompanying
measures to physical reconstruction being provided to date.
[09] Southern Serbia : Commission supports Presevo Valley peace plan and
announces aid
Yugoslav Foreign Minister Goran Svilanovic and Serbian Deputy Prime
Minister Nebosja Covic pay a visit today to the European Commission to
discuss the peace plan for the Presevo Valley recently produced by the
Serbian Government. External Relations Commissioner Chris Patten, currently
in Moscow, said : "The European Commission is determined to contribute to
efforts to prevent further conflict in southern Serbia. The time for
conflict is past. We intend to work with people of goodwill to promote
dialogue and to safeguard peace in this area. I welcome the thrust of the
plan drawn up by Belgrade. My officials are examining it closely. We very
much share the desire of the Yugoslav and Serbian authorities to tackle the
problems in the Presevo Valley, and in particular to address some of their
long term causes. It is vital to establish a normal life for people of the
region and to foster economic activity. The Commission is ready to
contribute significantly to this task. We are currently considering what
long-term contribution we can make under our euro 240 million programme for
Serbia in 2001. In the meantime, we have decided to double immediately the
scale of our effort in the Presevo Valley area. I am happy to announce an
additional euro 900,000 contribution under the Commission's emergency
programme for Serbia."
[10] Commission to approve between euro 5 million and euro 8 million for El
Salvador following new earthquake
Responding to the second devastating earthquake to strike El Salvador in a
month, the European Commission has reacted speedily with new proposals to
aid the victims. Poul Nielson, the Commissioner for Development Cooperation
and Humanitarian Aid, has announced an immediate EU commitment of between
euro 5 million and euro 8 million for emergency relief operations in the
stricken country. The aid will be channelled by the Humanitarian Aid Office
(ECHO) to the victims, through partner NGOs and other international
agencies. Commenting on the catastrophe, Mr Nielson said : "It is tragic
that, so soon after last month's earthquake, El Salvador has once again
been hit in this way. We are doing our utmost to ensure that those who are
suffering quickly get the help they need." ECHO was already heavily
committed to delivering support to the victims of the earlier earthquake,
and had allocated euro 2 million as an immediate response. A further
decision was being prepared when the second earthquake struck and the new
resources will be used to respond to humanitarian needs created by both of
these catastrophes. The latest events have resulted in significant new
needs which the Humanitarian Aid Office is now urgently addressing with its
partners in El Salvador.
[11] Poul Nielson rencontre Affi N'Guessan, Premier Ministre de Côte
Le Commissaire européen chargé du développement et de l'aide humanitaire,
M. Poul Nielson, reçoit le vendredi 16 février une délégation du
gouvernement ivoirien mené par le Premier Ministre M. Affi N'Guessan,
accompagné notamment de MM. Bouabre, Ministre des Finances, et Oulai,
Ministre de la Justice. La réunion aura lieu dans le contexte des
consultations menées avec la Côte d'Ivoire au titre de l'article 96 de
l'Accord de Cotonou qui se tiennent le jeudi 15 février au Conseil de
l'Union européenne. Cette réunion fournira l'occasion d'évoquer la
situation politique en Côte d'Ivoire, particulièrement en ce qui concerne
le processus démocratique, le respect des droits de l'homme et de l'état de
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