European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-02-09
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 09/02/2001
[01] E-commerce / financial services : Commission aims for integrated
retail market by 2005
A comprehensive strategy designed to create a regulatory and supervisory
environment to encourage the development of e-commerce in financial
services and build consumer confidence has been launched by the European
Commission as part of the Financial Services Action Plan, as foreseen in
the Commission's contribution to the Stockholm Summit (see IP/01/170).
Harnessing the power of new technology is vital if the Lisbon European
Council deadline of 2005 for the creation of an integrated European market
in financial services is to be met. The approach outlined in the Commission
Communication is based on the principle that the trading rules applied to
the cross-border sale and purchase of financial services should be those of
the Member State where the service provider is established (i.e. the
country of origin). This should ensure a level playing field between on-
line and more traditional modes of distance trade. Underpinning the
strategy is a series of measures designed to enhance consumer confidence
and protection, including further harmonisation of national consumer and
investor protection rules, the establishment of out-of-court redress,
measures to build trust in internet payments and enhanced cooperation
between public authorities responsible for the supervision of cross-border
trade in financial services. The Communication also provides clarification
of the impact on financial services of the e-commerce legal framework
Directive (2001/31/EC), its interaction with other financial services
legislation and contains steps to ensure that its implementation in the
financial services area takes full account of the need to protect consumers
and retail investors operating on-line within the European Union.
[02] Diplômes : la Commission poursuit des procédures d'infraction
relatives à la reconnaissance des diplômes
La Commission européenne a décidé de poursuivre les procédures d'infraction
engagées contre la France, l'Italie, la Grèce, et l'Allemagne pour
manquement au droit communautaire en ce qui concerne la reconnaissance des
diplômes. Elle a décidé de traduire la France devant la Cour de justice
européenne pour non-conformité de sa législation sur l'accès à la
profession d'administrateur hospitalier et d'envoyer un avis motivé
concernant l'accès à la profession de pharmacien. La Commission a décidé
d'adresser à l'Allemagne des avis motivés pour non-conformité de sa
législation relative au port de titres universitaires acquis dans un autre
Etat. Dans le cas italien, la Commission a décidé d'introduire un recours
devant la Cour de justice concernant la reconnaissance des diplômes de
moniteurs de ski. Le cas de la Grèce, qui fait également objet d'un recours
devant la Cour de justice, concerne les diplômes d'architectes. L'envoi
d'un avis motivé constitue la deuxième étape de la procédure d'infraction
prévue à l'article 226 du traité. En l'absence d'une réponse satisfaisante
de la part de l'Etat membre concerné dans un délai de deux mois à compter
de la date de réception de cet avis, la Commission peut décider de saisir
la Cour de justice.
[03] Commission refers part of transaction between Metsäliitto and Vapo to
the Finnish Competition Authority
The European Commission has decided to refer to the Finnish Competition
Authority - Kilpailuvirasto - part of the examination of the impact of the
proposed acquisition by Finland's Metsäliitto Osuuskunta of a stake in Vapo
Oy, which is currently solely owned by the State of Finland. The decision
follows a request by the Finnish Competition Authority to investigate the
deal's impact on the market for wood based fuels, the market for peat or
the combined market for wood based fuels and peat in Finland. The
Commission cleared the aspects of the transaction that relate to the
markets for sawn timber and wood procurement.
[04] Better regulation : Commission proposal to streamline Machinery
The European Commission has issued a proposal to streamline the Machinery
Directive (98/37/EC), which ensures the free movement of machinery within
the internal market and lays down essential health, safety and consumer
protection requirements. The proposal seeks to enhance legal certainty by
clarifying the Directive's scope and meaning, whilst at the same time
ensuring the highest possible level of health protection and consumer
safety. Based on the experience of the past twelve years, it reflects the
Commission's determination to cut "red tape" whilst facilitating compliance
with EU legislation, taking due account of the subsidiarity and
proportionality principles.
[05] Fusions approuvées selon la procédure simplifiée
- REWE Group (DE) / BML-Vermögensverwaltungs AG (DE) / Standa Commerciale
srl (IT) - ABN AMRO LBO / Perkins Foods PLC
[06] Autre matériel diffusé
Note sur les résultats de la réunion de la troïka des ministres des Sports
(08, Stockholm)
Note sur la préparation du Conseil des ministres de l'Education (12/02)
Note sur la préparation du Conseil Ecofin (12/02)
Calendrier du 12 au 17 février 2001
Discours de M. Lamy : "Between globalisation and enlargement" à la Freie
Universität (08/02, Berlin)
Discours de M. Byrne : "The Commission policy on the health aspects of BSE"
devant la COPA
Discours de M. Busquin : "Coopération industrielle et scientifique en
sciences de la vie : impact social et industriel" à la session plénière de
BioVision 2001 (Lyon, ! embargo 14h !)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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