European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 00-12-01
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
[01] To protect cod, whiting and hake Commission proposes substantial cuts
in 2001 catches
[02] Un accord est trouvé en vue d'améliorer la sécurité des produits et
d'accroître la protection des consommateurs
[03] Journée mondiale de lutte contre le SIDA : la Commission s'engage à
prendre des mesures pour combattre la maladie
[04] Results of the Standing Veterinary Committee on BSE
[05] Sécurité maritime : Loyola de Palacio se félicite du vote en plénière
du Parlement européen
[06] EU to request WTO consultations on US safeguard measures on imports of
steel products
[07] Fisheries negotiations EU/Morocco : "No agreement would be missed
opportunity for Morocco"
[08] "Formation 2000", grand rendez-vous européen de la formation
professionnelle à Bruxelles les 5 et 6 décembre 2000
[09] East Timor : Commission to host Donor Conference in Brussels on 5-6
December 2000
[10] Fusion approuvée selon la procédure simplifiée
[11] Autre matériel diffusé
[01] To protect cod, whiting and hake Commission proposes substantial cuts
in 2001 catches
The European Commission has adopted a proposal to make substantial cuts in
the fishing possibilities of a number of key EU fish stocks for next year.
These reductions in Total Allowable Catches (TACs) respond to independent
scientific advice warning that cod and whiting in the North Sea and to the
west of Scotland are in severe danger of collapse. The Northern hake stock
in EU western waters is also at risk. Scientists have warned that the level
of fishing must be significantly reduced on these three species. These cuts
must also apply to a number of other demersal species that evolve with cod,
whiting and hake.
[02] Un accord est trouvé en vue d'améliorer la sécurité des produits et
d'accroître la protection des consommateurs
Le Conseil des ministres est parvenu à un accord politique concernant le
projet de Directive de la Commission qui vise à améliorer les règles
régissant la sécurité des produits en Europe et révise la Directive sur la
sécurité générale des produits (92/59/CEE). La Directive sur la sécurité
générale des produits poursuit deux objectifs complémentaires : assurer un
niveau élevé et uniforme de protection de la santé et de la sécurité des
consommateurs à travers l'Europe en même temps qu'un fonctionnement correct
du marché intérieur. David Byrne, commissaire européen chargé de la santé
et de la protection des consommateurs, a déclaré : "L'idée qui sous-tend la
Directive est simple. C'est que seuls des produits sûrs soient mis sur le
marché. Je salue chaleureusement et soutiens de ma faveur le travail
intense qui a été déployé afin de répondre par une décision rapide et
concrète aux vives préoccupations des citoyens concernant les questions de
santé et de sécurité. Ce travail témoigne auprès d'eux de notre
détermination à poursuivre l'amélioration des outils de gestion des
[03] Journée mondiale de lutte contre le SIDA : la Commission s'engage à
prendre des mesures pour combattre la maladie
Les Commissaires européens Poul Nielson (développement et aide humanitaire),
Pascal Lamy (commerce), David Byrne (santé et protection des consommateurs)
et Philippe Busquin (recherche) ont marqué la journée mondiale de lutte
contre le SIDA en confirmant leur engagement à combattre la maladie par
tous les moyens à leur disposition, notamment en aidant à renforcer les
systèmes de santé dans les pays en développement, en améliorant le
dépistage et les soins, et en faisant de la prévention une priorité
[04] Results of the Standing Veterinary Committee on BSE
The Standing Veterinary Committee (SVC) yesterday discussed two new
measures to combat BSE proposed by the European Commission : the temporary
ban of the feeding of meat and bone meal (MBM) to all farm animals and the
inclusion of the intestine to the list of specified risk materials. A third
proposal on the financing of the test programmes for "risk animals" was
also discussed. On the temporary ban of the feeding of meat and bone meal
(MBM) the Committee did not reach a qualified majority. The proposal will
now be put to the Agriculture Ministers meeting on Monday 4 December which
was convened to discuss the BSE situation. The Committee gave a favourable
opinion on the Commission proposal to include the entire intestine of
bovines of all ages to the current list of specified risk materials (SRMs).
This proposal is based on a new recommendation from the Scientific Steering
Committee to consider the entire intestine as a SRM. After formal adoption
by the Commission, the decision will apply from 1 January 2001. The SVC
also voted in favour of a draft Commission decision approving the
programmes of the Member States and fixing the level of Commission
financial contribution with regard to the testing of all animals at risk
over 30 months of age (emergency slaughtered animals and animals displaying
clinical signs at normal slaughter). The financial participation of the
Commission for the programmes approved is euro 15.5 million. The testing
programme will start on the 1 January 2001.
[05] Sécurité maritime : Loyola de Palacio se félicite du vote en plénière
du Parlement européen
Loyola de Palacio, vice-présidente de la Commission européenne en charge
des Transports et de l'Energie, a fait part de sa grande satisfaction après
le vote du Parlement européen sur le paquet de sécurité maritime. "Cette
décision va dans le sens des propositions de la Commission : nous devons
être à la hauteur des enjeux et protéger nos côtes des bateaux poubelles",
a-t-elle déclaré. Le Parlement a approuvé les rapports sur le paquet
législatif proposé par la Commission concernant les contrôles dans l'Etat
du Port, les sociétés de classification et l'interdiction progressive des
pétroliers à coque unique. "J'espère maintenant que le Conseil des
Ministres sera en mesure d'adopter des positions communes dès le 21
décembre et que ce premier paquet législatif pourra entrer en vigueur dans
les plus brefs délais", a ajouté Mme de Palacio.
[06] EU to request WTO consultations on US safeguard measures on imports of
steel products
The European Union requested today WTO consultations with the United States
on safeguard measures that the US has imposed on imports of two steel
products, namely steel wire rod and welded line pipe. These measures
inflict substantial economic damage upon the EU industry. The EU believes
that the US was wrong to conclude that increased imports of these two
products into the US caused or threatened to cause serious injury to US
producers. As a matter of principle, the EU considers that safeguard
measures should only be used as an exceptional tool in emergency situations,
an opinion that has been recently confirmed by the WTO Dispute Settlement
Body. The consultation request extends to certain provisions of the US
legislation which the EU considers are themselves not in conformity with
WTO safeguard rules.
[07] Fisheries negotiations EU/Morocco : "No agreement would be missed
opportunity for Morocco"
The European Union and Morocco held another round of negotiations on 29 and
30 November in Rabat. Both parties presented their respective positions. It
was agreed to hold the next meeting next week in Brussels. The EU side
reiterated the importance a cooperation agreement in the fisheries sector
would have. It would substantially support the development of the Moroccan
fisheries sector. "We are prepared to assist - through actions financed by
the EU - the development of the Morocco's coastal fisheries with their
employment potential, the restructuring of the high sea fleet, port
infrastructures and services improvement, and the marketing and development
of fish products. Not having an agreement would be a missed opportunity for
the Moroccan fisheries sector", European Fisheries Commissioner Franz
Fischler said. In the meeting, the EU has been seeking to identify a common
ground between the parties which would include the compromises necessary to
reach an agreement. The EU has also given concrete indications of our
flexibility and willingness to compromise. Unfortunately these efforts have
not been reciprocated on the Moroccan side.
[08] "Formation 2000", grand rendez-vous européen de la formation
professionnelle à Bruxelles les 5 et 6 décembre 2000
Organisé par la Commission européenne, "Formation 2000" offrira une vitrine
des meilleurs projets du programme Leonardo da Vinci et sera l'occasion
d'échanges d'expériences entre les acteurs présents et futurs de la
formation professionnelle en Europe. Cet événement se tiendra au Parc des
Expositions du Heysel les 5 et 6 décembre prochains.
[09] East Timor : Commission to host Donor Conference in Brussels on 5-6
December 2000
The Third Donors' Meeting on East Timor, hosted by the European Commission,
will take place in Brussels on 5-6 December. It brings together delegates
from the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET),
led by the UN Special Representative Mr Sergio Vieira de Mello, the East
Timor Transitional Authority (ETTA), the World Bank, led by Vice-President
for East Asia and Pacific Jemal-ud-din-Kassum, who will all co-chair the
meeting, as well as EU Member States, other important international donors
and non governmental organisations. The European Commission will be
represented by Commissioners Chris Patten (External Relations) and Poul
Nielson (Development and Humanitarian Aid). The purpose of the Brussels
Donors' Meeting, which follows Donors' Meetings in Tokyo (December 1999)
and Lisbon (June 2000), is to map out a vision for East Timor's transition
to full independence as well as its long-term development objectives. This
meeting is of high political significance in that it will consider the
political guidelines for the building of the world's youngest nation, prior
to its accession to full independence. Furthermore, the conference will
address the key issue of creating an economically viable and self-
sustainable East Timor. This is not a pledging conference as donor meetings
in Tokyo and Lisbon already pledged USD 523 million. Media are invited to
view the opening statements. They should go to the press desk lobby in the
Charlemagne at 14h on 5 December to obtain the press pass. All non-EU
accredited press should pre-register with Rachel Winter Jones, Press
Officer at the World Bank Brussels Office on 02-552.00.52 or e-mail:
rjones1@worldbank.org. Media are also invited to the press conference that
will take place on 6 December 2000, at 17.30h, in the Charlemagne
conference centre, room S4, first floor.
[10] Fusion approuvée selon la procédure simplifiée
St. James's Place Capital plc ("SJPC", UK) / SCP De Milo S.a.r.l. (Lux) /
de Milo S.A. (Lux)
[11] Autre matériel diffusé
MEMO 93 - Visite de M. Fischler en Hongrie
MEMO 94 - Résultats du Conseil Marché intérieur
MEMO 95 - Prix européens pour l'environnement
Discours de Mme Diamantopoulou : "Breaking barriers, building bridges" au
European Disability Forum (Athènes)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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