European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 00-11-29
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] Commission decides new measures on BSE : exceptional events call for
an exceptional response
[02] L'économie de l'Union : bilan de 2000"
[03] Commission reforms competition rules for cooperation between companies
[04] New initiatives to favour equal opportunities in the Commission
[05] Commission takes clear position on aid to shipbuilding and reinforces
its position against South Korean unfair price practices
[06] Farm aid : go-ahead for euro 520 million agreements with candidate
[07] La Commission se penche à nouveau sur les exonérations fiscales
françaises en faveur des biocarburants
[08] Aides incompatibles à l'emploi en Italie : la Commission saisit la
[09] Commission approves aid to industrial development on Canaries
[10] La Commission clôt par une décision négative une affaire relative à
des aides en faveur d'entreprises sidérurgiques italiennes
[11] Décision finale de la Commission sur les aides à Ferries Golfo de
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[12] SSC adopts opinion on scientific justification of national BSE
[13] Commision clears merger between Smiths Industries and TI Group
[14] Hungary : Farm trade dispute settled
[15] Economic forecasts for the candidate countries 2000-2002 ; detailed
country by country analysis
[16] Frits Bolkestein underlines continuous efforts required to ensure
Internal Market benefits citizens and business
[17] Anna Diamantopoulou: "Two million potential new cases of female
genital mutilation a year - cultural practices cannot justify violations of
fundamental human rights"
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] Commission decides new measures on BSE : exceptional events call for
an exceptional response
The European Commission has agreed several new proposals to respond to the
current BSE crisis from Franz Fischler, Commissioner for Agriculture,
Fisheries and Rural Development, and David Byrne, Commissioner for Health
and Consumer Protection. These proposals will now go forward to the
specially convened Agriculture Council to be held on 4 December. The
proposals include : a temporary ban on the feeding of meat and bone meal
(MBM) to all farm animals ; a requirement that all animals over 30 months
are tested for BSE to enhance consumer confidence ; a requirement that the
current list of specified risk materials (SRMs), which must be removed and
destroyed, should now also include the entire intestine of bovines of all
ages ; a "purchase for destruction" scheme to remove from the food chain
all cattle aged over 30 months unless they have been tested for BSE to
ensure additional guarantees and to rebalance the beef market ; a flexible
handling of public intervention to address the current drop in producer
prices ; raise the advances paid for the beef premia from currently 60% to
80%, in order to take the financial pressure from beef producers. The
Commission Commission also formally adopted a proposal to require the
testing of all "at risk" animals from 1 January 2001. This requirement will
be extended to all animals aged over 30 months from 1 July 2001.
[02] L'économie de l'Union : bilan de 2000"
Comme l'économie de l'UE aborde une période importante par les
transformations radicales qui vont s'opérer, le thème majeur de "L'économie
de l'Union : bilan de 2000" est cette année la viabilité de la croissance
économique à moyen terme. Sur la base des prévisions d'automne de la
Commission, publiées la semaine dernière, le bilan procède à une analyse
approfondie des perspectives et des défis qui se présenteront pour
l'économie de l'UE en général et la zone euro en particulier. Il examine en
outre quatre questions clés qui devront retenir l'attention des décideurs :
(i) la viabilité de la reprise dans la zone euro ; (ii) l'impact de la
"nouvelle économie" sur l'économie européenne ; (iii) la relation entre la
croissance économique et la pérennité de l'environnement ; (iv) la
convergence réelle et le rattrapage des régions moins développées de l'UE.
[03] Commission reforms competition rules for cooperation between companies
The European Commission has adopted new competition rules concerning so-
called horizontal cooperation agreements, i.e. cooperation agreements
between competitors. They consist of revised block exemption Regulations on
Research and Development agreements and Specialisation agreements and
guidelines on various types of cooperation agreements. The new rules reform
a key area of competition policy ; they are part of a wider review
undertaken by the Commission to streamline and adapt EC competition law. As
cooperation between competitors becomes increasingly important in today's
economy, clear rules are an important contribution to Europe's
[04] New initiatives to favour equal opportunities in the Commission
Building on its recent initiatives, notably on access by female officials
to management posts, the European Commission has adopted a wide-ranging
series of proposals on the promotion of equal opportunities for its staff,
whatever their race, sex, sexual orientation, disability, religious
conviction or age. Some of these measures will require the modification of
the Staff Regulations, others imply changes to internal management
practices. Measures range from the simple but highly symbolic modification
of the vocabulary used in the Staff Regulations so as to make it gender
neutral, to shifting of the burden of proof to the employer in cases of
alleged discrimination. In a related set of decisions adopted earlier, the
Commission proposes to upgrade the provisions for maternity, paternity,
parental and personal leave, as well as encouraging new forms of work such
as part-time work.
[05] Commission takes clear position on aid to shipbuilding and reinforces
its position against South Korean unfair price practices
The European Commission has taken a clear stance on aid to shipbuilding in
the European Union and took also a strong position to counter unfair
practices by South Korea in this sector. Further to the adoption of its
third report on the situation in world shipbuilding (see IP/00/1301) on 15
November 2000, and prior to the Industry Council on 5 December where this
issue will be discussed by Member States, the Commission stated that it
opposes a prolongation of operating aid for shipbuilding, which will expire
on 31 December 2000 as provided for in Regulation 1540/98 adopted by the
Council. The Commission is currently finalising its examination of the
European shipbuilding industry's request to open an investigation into
unfair practices in South Korea under the Trade Barriers Regulation (TBR).
If no satisfactory negotiated solution can be reached with Korea, the
Commission will report to the Council by 1 May 2001, proposing to bring a
panel against South Korea in the WTO and to establish a defensive temporary
support mechanism specifically designed to counter unfair South Korean
practices for a period necessary for the conclusion of the WTO procedure.
This mechanism would be limited to those market segments where it has been
demonstrated that EU industry has been directly injured by unfair Korean
trade practices. Finally, the Commission declares its willingness to allow
greater use of State aid for R&D in the shipbuilding sector. The position
will be presented to the above-mentioned Council meeting.
[06] Farm aid : go-ahead for euro 520 million agreements with candidate
The European Commission has authorised Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural
Development and Fisheries Franz Fischler to sign the Multi-annual and
Annual Financing Agreements with the candidate countries. This is an
important step in the process of providing the euro 520 million worth pre-
accession aid for agriculture and rural development (SAPARD). The Multi-
annual Financing Agreements lay down the detailed provisions for delegating
the management of the rural development programmes to the candidate
countries, covering the necessary financial control rules. This is the
first time in the history of the EU that external aid will be managed on a
fully decentralised basis, requiring an enormous legislative and
administrative effort on both sides.
[07] La Commission se penche à nouveau sur les exonérations fiscales
françaises en faveur des biocarburants
Suite à un arrêt du Tribunal de Première Instance (TPI), la Commission
européenne a décidé d'ouvrir la procédure formelle d'examen en matière
d'aides d'Etat à l'encontre d'une partie du régime français établissant une
exonération fiscale en faveur des biocarburants. Par son arrêt du du 27
septembre 2000, le TPI avait annulé partiellement la décision de la
Commission du 9 avril 1997 qui avait déclaré compatible avec le marché
commun un régime d'aides aux biocarburants (esters d'huiles végétales et
l'éthyl-tertio-buthyl-éther ou ETBE) notifié par la France par lettre du 29
novembre 1996. L'arrêt avait laissé intacte la partie de la décision
concernant la filière esters d'huiles végétales. Par conséquent, la
nouvelle procédure ne concerne que la partie du régime qui porte sur les
mesures concernant la filière ETBE.
[08] Aides incompatibles à l'emploi en Italie : la Commission saisit la
La Commission européenne a décidé de saisir la Cour des Justice européenne
pour le motif que l'Italie n'a pas récupéré des aides incompatibles en
faveur de l'emploi suite à la décision prise par la Commission le 11 mai
1999. Le régime d'aide en question, mis en exécution depuis novembre 1995,
prévoit des exonérations de charges sociales en cas de recrutement par des
contrats de formation et de travail ou de transformation de ces contrats en
contrats à durée indéterminée. Fidèle à sa politique de promotion de
l'emploi, la Commission avait approuvé ce programme, mais seulement dans le
cas de création de nouveaux postes de travail et d'embauche de travailleurs
éprouvant des difficultés particulières à s'insérer ou à se réinsérer dans
le marché du travail. Or, toutes les aides versées n'ont pas respecté ces
conditions. La saisine de la Cour est la conséquence normale de la non-
exécution d'une décision contraignante de la Commission.
[09] Commission approves aid to industrial development on Canaries
The European Commission has approved a euro 60 million aid scheme to
promote industrial development and technological modernisation on the
Canary Islands during the period 2000-2006.
[10] La Commission clôt par une décision négative une affaire relative à
des aides en faveur d'entreprises sidérurgiques italiennes
La Commission européenne a décidé que les mesures de soutien en faveur de
cinq entreprises sidérurgiques, d'un montant total de 1,88 million d'euros
(3,64 milliards de LIT), que l'Italie a notifiées pour des investissements
effectués entre 1986 et 1994 à des fins de conservation de l'énergie ne
pouvaient pas être considérées comme des aides à l'environnement. A
l'époque, les sociétés concernées ne pouvaient pas légitimement s'attendre
à bénéficier d'aides pour les investissements en question.
[11] Décision finale de la Commission sur les aides à Ferries Golfo de
En exécution de l'arrêt du Tribunal de première instance du 28 janvier 1999,
la Commission européenne a décidé que les aides en faveur de la société
Ferries Golfo de Vizcaya devaient être remboursées. Entre 1995 et 1998, le
Conseil provincial de Biscaye a versé près d'un milliard de pesetas à
Ferries Golfo de Vizcaya pour l'achat de 46.000 titres de transport avec
l'intention de distribuer ces billets à des groupes sociaux défavorisés.
Cette opération fut contestée devant le Tribunal de Première Instance par
la compagnie Bretagne Angleterre Irlande ("Brittany Ferries"), qui voyait
dans l'opération une aide d'Etat en vue de soutenir la ligne maritime
Bilbao-Portsmouth. Estimant que l'accord en question ne constituait pas une
transaction commerciale normale, le Tribunal de première instance a conclu
qu'il s'agissait d'une aide d'Etat au sens du Traité. Au vu de tous les
éléments, notamment de la distribution effective d'une minorité seulement
de titres de transport, la Commission a considéré comme incompatibles avec
le Traité les aides accordées à la compagnie et demandé à ce que les sommes
perçues soient récupérées par les autorités espagnoles.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[12] SSC adopts opinion on scientific justification of national BSE
The Scientific Steering Committee (SSC), advising the European Commission
on BSE related issues, has today adopted an opinion on the scientific
justifications submitted by Italy, Spain, Austria and France for national
measures to reduce the BSE risk. The Committee, in special session,
examined the submissions at the request of the Commission, following the
conclusions of the Agriculture Council of 20/21 November. The scientists
had previously predicted the recent increase in the reported incidence of
BSE in France and Ireland, in its Geographical BSE Risk analysis in July
2000. This view has been confirmed by increased testing and improved
surveillance. Import bans are not justified in the SSC view by the evidence
submitted so far by the countries concerned. Effective implementation of
the ban on meat-an-bone meal cattle feed, of sound rendering practices and
removal of specified risk materials in importing and exporting countries
would probably exclude the need for trade restrictions. Until this is
achieved, some temporary trade restrictions might be justified. They should
be based on assessments of the implementation of BSE risk management
measures and of BSE risk in the Member States concerned. The SSC recommends
a temporary ban on feeding MBM to all farmed animals and pets where a
significant risk of cross-contamination of cattle feed with MBM possibly
contaminated with the BSE agent is found. It recommends that Member States
assess this risk nationally. The new French risk reduction measures, i.e.
removal of vertebrae, bovine intestines and casings, are found to be
scientifically justified in the French context.
[13] Commision clears merger between Smiths Industries and TI Group
The European Commission has given its approval to a full merger between
British companies Smith Industries Plc and TI Group Plc. The concentration
will lead to overlaps in the markets for aerospace actuation systems and
speciality flexible pressure hoses, designed to transfer fluids in
demanding applications and environments. But these overlaps will not create
or strengthen a dominant position in any of the two product markets
[14] Hungary : Farm trade dispute settled
In consultations held in Budapest on 27 November between the Hungarian
authorities and European Commission officials a solution was found on the
maize export restrictions applied by Hungary. Commenting on the agreement,
Agriculture Commissioner Franz Fischler said : "I am glad that a solution
could be found. This should ensure that EU maize processors will be treated
in a fair way and existing contracts will be honored." Enlargement
Commissioner Günter Verheugen was also happy to note that a solution had
been found to the immediate problems under the Europe Agreement and that
consultations were continuing in a constructive spirit.
[15] Economic forecasts for the candidate countries 2000-2002 ; detailed
country by country analysis
(! embargo 12h !) Following the presentation by European Commissioner Pedro
Solbes of the economic forecasts for the candidate countries 2000-2002, the
Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs publishes today in
the Economic Reform Monitor Nr. 4 a detailed country by country analysis of
the economic prospects of these countries. In 2000, the overall average
real increase in GDP for the ten transition accession countries is forecast
to be 4.2%, almost twice as high as in 1999. Strong or accelerating
domestic demand, in particular investment and private consumption, and a
the favourable international environment is supporting growth and some real
catching-up. The employment outlook should also gradually improve. Further
progress on inflation reduction becomes more challenging over the
forecasting period. Trade and current account deficits should remain
relatively high in most accession countries, although they are expected to
decline moderately. Persistently high external deficits are to be expected
in countries that are going through a catching-up phase. The average
government deficit of the candidate counties should continue to fall
considerably from 2000 to 2002, mainly as a result of the sharp fiscal
consolidation in Turkey. It should be noted that considerable data
comparability problems persist in the area of public finances. The document
will be available on the internet at the following address :
[16] Frits Bolkestein underlines continuous efforts required to ensure
Internal Market benefits citizens and business
"The Internal Market is the principal delivery vehicle for the European
Union's Treaty objective of raising the standard of living and the quality
of life of all its citizens", said Internal Market Commissioner Frits
Bolkestein to the Internal Market Forum in Brussels on 29 November.
"Moreover, this year's Lisbon European Council underlined the important
contribution that the Internal Market makes to achieving the Union's
objectives of sustainable economic growth, more and better jobs, and
greater social cohesion. But there is nothing automatic about the Internal
Market. It does not operate just because the Treaty says it should. We have
to work at it permanently. And benefits to citizens are not delivered if
they remain theoretical. There has to be greater awareness. People need to
know what their rights are and to have the confidence that they will work
in practice. They must know where to go for more detailed information and
for help in seeking redress if things go wrong. The on-going Dialogue with
Citizens and Business has a crucial role to play in this respect."
[17] Anna Diamantopoulou: "Two million potential new cases of female
genital mutilation a year - cultural practices cannot justify violations of
fundamental human rights"
European Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs Anna Diamantopoulou
will speak today at a European Parliament public hearing on female genital
mutilation in Brussels along with António Vitorino, Emma Bonino and others.
Today, 29th of November, is the International Day against Female Genital
Mutilation. An estimated 135 million of the world's girls and women have
undergone genital mutilation, and two million girls a year are at risk of
mutilation approximately 6,000 per day. It is practised extensively in
Africa and is common in some countries in the Middle East. It also occurs,
mainly among immigrant communities, in parts of Asia and the Pacific, North
and Latin America and Europe.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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