European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 00-11-27
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
[01] La Commission donne le feu vert à la restructuration d'Eutelsat
[02] Margot Wallström on the World Conference on Climate Change
[03] David Byrne on BSE-developments in Germany and Spain
[04] Excédent de 3,3 milliards d'euros du commerce extérieur pour la zone
euro en septembre ; déficit de 6,7 milliards d'euros pour l'UE15
[05] Pedro Solbes presents new "business climate indicator" for the euro
[06] Structural Funds : signature of two operational programmes for regions
in Ireland (2000-2006)
[07] Structural Funds : Michel Barnier signs the Community Support
Framework for the regions of Greece for 2000-2006
[08] Commission approves euro 4.65 of humanitarian aid for victims of flood
and drought in India
[09] Aide humanitaire en Birmanie : la Commission octroie 1 million d'euros
[10] Mario Monti : "The full application of EU competition rules by
national courts is essential"
[11] Market access : Pascal Lamy to chair third Brussels symposium
[12] Frits Bolkestein at Internal Market Forum on 28-29 November
[01] La Commission donne le feu vert à la restructuration d'Eutelsat
La Commission européenne a approuvé les projets de restructuration notifiés
par Eutelsat, qui ont pour objet de transférer la majorité de ses activités
à une nouvelle société. Eutelsat est une organisation issue d'une
convention intergouvernementale. La restructuration consistera à regrouper
les unités d'exploitation d'Eutelsat au sein d'une entreprise constituée en
société en France. Dans le cadre de ses projets de restructuration,
Eutelsat a informé la Commission qu'elle procédera à l'introduction en
bourse de 30% de ses actions dans un délai de deux ans à compter de la
privatisation (c'est-à-dire d'ici juillet 2003).
[02] Margot Wallström on the World Conference on Climate Change
European Commissioner for the Environment Margot Wallström expressed
disappointment that negotiations on detailed rules to make operational the
Kyoto Protocol on global warming were suspended without agreement on
Saturday after two weeks of negotiations in The Hague. But Mrs Wallström
said she remained determined to continue working with all other Parties to
get a deal at the second part of the World Conference on Climate Change
(COP6) in 2001, and was confident that the extra time would allow a global
consensus to be reached so that the Protocol can be ratified. "The example
of the Cartagena Protocol to the UN convention on biodiversity, on which
agreement was reached only at the second attempt, shows that a temporary
setback can lead to a better result in the end", Mrs Wallström commented.
"We of course would have preferred a deal on the rules for the Kyoto
Protocol now, but the negotiations were never going to be easy and in the
end we simply ran out of time to resolve all the issues. The resumption of
COP6 will give us the second chance we need." The Environment Commissioner
continued : "Any agreement must safeguard the environmental integrity and
credibility of the Protocol and unfortunately some of the ideas under
discussion in the final hours in The Hague did not guarantee this. It is
imperative that any deal results in real and continued reductions by
industrialised countries, particularly the main polluters, in their
emissions of the greenhouse gases that are warming the planet. COP6 has
made important technical progress on a number of issues and has allowed all
sides to understand each others' positions much better and to narrow our
differences considerably. This is due in no small measure to the skilful
presidency of the conference by Jan Pronk. I remain confident that under
his guidance we will be able to get a deal that is both good for the
environment and cost-effective when COP6 resumes. We will continue to do
everything we can to ensure that happens."
[03] David Byrne on BSE-developments in Germany and Spain
David Byrne, European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection, said
: "Germany and Spain may have been too complacent about the risk of BSE.
Despite scientific risk warning not enough seems to have been done to guard
against BSE in those Member States." Mr Byrne called on the German and
Spanish authorities to carry out a full assessment of the situation and to
consult urgently with the Commission and its scientific advisers on the
appropriate responses. Particular attention needs to be given to the
removal of specific risk materials from animal and human food as well as
the correct pressure treatment of meat and bone meal. "The protection of
public health and consumer confidence is of primary importance and all
other considerations should take second place", he said.
[04] Excédent de 3,3 milliards d'euros du commerce extérieur pour la zone
euro en septembre ; déficit de 6,7 milliards d'euros pour l'UE15
(! embargo 12h00 !) D'après les premières estimations d'Eurostat pour le
mois de septembre, la zone euro a enregistré un excédent du commerce
extérieur de 3,3 milliards d'euros avec le reste du monde, comparé à +1,3
milliard en septembre 1999. Le déficit (révisé) enregistré au mois d'août
était de 0,5 milliard, par rapport à un excédent de 2,5 milliards en août
1999. Les premières estimations du solde des échanges extra-UE15 pour le
mois de septembre conduisent à un déficit de 6,7 milliards d'euros, par
rapport à -4,4 milliards en septembre 1999. Au mois d'août, le déficit
(révisé) était de 8,2 milliards, contre -2,9 milliards en août 1999.
[05] Pedro Solbes presents new "business climate indicator" for the euro
To improve the understanding of the business cycle in the euro area as a
whole, the European Commission services have been working on the
development of various tools in recent months. The first indicator,
released yesterday, is the "business climate indicator", also known as the
"common factor in industry". This indicator is based on monthly business
surveys and is designed to deliver a clear and timely assessment of the
cyclical situation within the euro area. The latest results point to a
somewhat less buoyant industrial climate during the autumn, following the
peak reached last June. The indicator will be updated and released on a
monthly basis. The indicator will henceforth also be included in the "Key
indicators for the euro area" available on the Internet site of the
Commission. Other business cycle indicators will be published in the coming
[06] Structural Funds : signature of two operational programmes for regions
in Ireland (2000-2006)
Today in Brussels Michel Barnier, the European Commissioner responsible for
Regional Policy, signed the two regional operational programmes for Ireland
regions whose development is lagging behind (Objective 1) in the presence
of representatives of the Managing Authorities for the regions : Councillor
Jimmy Maloney, Chairman, and Gerry Finn, Director, for the Border Midland
and Western (BMW) region and Councillor Peter Considine, Deputy Chairman,
and Stephen Blair, Director, for the Southern & Eastern (S&E) region. Three
further operational programmes to be implemented at the national level -
economic and social infrastructure, productive sector and technical
assistance - will be launched shortly.
[07] Structural Funds : Michel Barnier signs the Community Support
Framework for the regions of Greece for 2000-2006
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for regional policy, and
Yannos Papantoniou, Greek Minister for National Economy for Greece, today
signed the Community Support Framework (CSF) for Greek regions whose
development is lagging behind (Objective 1) for the next seven years. This
agreement is the framework for a series of programmes to develop the Greek
economy, amounting to a total of euro 44.29 billion. Approximately half of
this amount (euro 22.71 billion) will come from the EU budget ; the balance
will be funded almost equally by the Greek public sector (euro 11.20
billion) and the private sector (euro 10.38 billion). The EU contribution
comes from the four Structural Funds (Regional Fund, Social Fund,
Agricultural Guidance Fund and Fisheries Guidance Fund).
[08] Commission approves euro 4.65 of humanitarian aid for victims of flood
and drought in India
The European Commission has approved emergency humanitarian aid worth euro
4.65 million to help victims of extreme weather conditions in India. In the
Western states of Rajasthan and Gujarat, the impact of the third
consecutive year of severe drought is still being felt despite some recent
rain. Meanwhile, in the East, heavy rains and flash floods have devastated -
in successive waves - eleven north-eastern and eastern states, with Assam,
Bihar, West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh among the worst hit. In the flood-
affected areas, the most urgent priorities for ECHO have been to boost the
food security of the affected communities and improve water supplies and
sanitation. In some areas, where people have lost their homes, the emphasis
has been on providing temporary shelters. In drought-stricken zones, the
main objective is to reduce malnutrition and the risk of food insecurity
among marginalised groups. Support is focused on remote areas of Rajasthan
and on the Kucch district of Gujarat. This assistance is channelled through
the EU Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO).
[09] Aide humanitaire en Birmanie : la Commission octroie 1 million d'euros
La Commission européenne a approuvé une décision de 1 million d'euros en
faveur des groupes de population les plus vulnérables en Birmanie. Au total,
près de 150.000 femmes, enfants, malades et personnes déplacées,
bénéficieront de ce nouveau programme d'assistance mis en oeuvre autour de
Rangoon et dans l'ouest du pays. Géré par l'Office d'Aide Humanitaire de
l'UE (ECHO), ce financement permettra au cours des neuf prochains mois la
prise en charge des secteurs prioritaires suivants : santé (soins de base
et prévention visant à réduire le taux de mortalité des enfants en
particulier) ; eau (dépuration et réhabilitation des réseaux de
distribution). Action Contre la Faim (ACF, France) et Médecins Sans
Frontières (MSF, Hollande) assureront la mise en oeuvre des projets
respectifs. Cette décision porte le montant global des actions humanitaires
financées par ECHO en Birmanie depuis 1996 à 3.870.000 euros
[10] Mario Monti : "The full application of EU competition rules by
national courts is essential"
"The national courts should play the same important role in the application
of the competition rules as they have done for a long time in virtually all
other areas of Community law", European Competition Commissioner Mario
Monti stressed today at the European Law Academy in Trier (Germany). In a
speech dealing with the impact on the courts of the Commission's proposal
for reforming the current enforcement system for EU antitrust rules (see
IP/00/1064 of 27/09/2000), Mr Monti said : "The time has come to eliminate
the limitation of competence for judges introduced by Regulation No 17".
The present system is essentially based on public enforcement of EU
competition law by the Commission. However, courts have powers that the
competition authorities lack : only they can decide on the enforceability
of contracts and can award damages to parties that have been injured by
antitrust violations. Courts can also adopt interim measures more speedily
than the authorities. It is therefore time to give private enforcement,
through the Courts, an important role, Mr Monti explained, underlining that
European judges are no less capable than their American counterparts to do
[11] Market access : Pascal Lamy to chair third Brussels symposium
Tomorrow European Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy will chair a one-day
symposium on market access at the Palais de Congrès in Brussels. The
symposium, organised by the Commission, is entitled 'The Challenge of
Globalisation : The European Union's Market Access Strategy'. Over 800
participants are expected at the third event of its kind, including
business, representatives of governments in Member States and of EU
applicant countries as well as officials from European institutions. The
event is intended to allow them to share experiences, indicate priorities
and express expectations on EU strategy to reduce trade barriers facing
European exporters today. Press conference at 10.30 am at the Palais des
[12] Frits Bolkestein at Internal Market Forum on 28-29 November
As part of their commitment to ensuring that business and citizens benefit
from the Internal Market, the Internal Market Directorate, jointly with the
French Presidency of the European Union and the European Parliament, is
organising a major event focusing on the experiences of citizens, consumers
and small and medium-sized enterprises. Entitled "Forum : the Internal
Market at the Service of Citizens and SMEs", this event will take place in
the Parliament in the Paul-Henri Spaak Building, rue Wiertz in Brussels on
28 and 29 November 2000, beginning at 10.00 am. All press are invited,
entry is with a valid press card. The Forum will bring together Ministers,
MEPs and European Commissioners and those with a practical interest in the
working of the Internal Market on a day to day basis. It will take the form
of a series of "round-tables" held in plenary session and separate
workshops to discuss more specific issues. The agenda and further
information is available on the Forum website at http://europa.eu.int/comm/internal_market
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