European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 00-11-16
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
[01] Results of the Standing Veterinary Committee, 15 November 2000
[02] Marchés des valeurs mobilières : la Commission étudie l'application de
règles de protection des investisseurs
[03] Securities markets : Commission urges update of current rules to spur
closer market integration and improve investor protection
[04] La Commission ouvre une enquête approfondie sur deux entreprises
communes constituées entre des opérateurs postaux du Royaume-Uni, des Pays-
Bas et de Singapour
[05] Philippe Busquin reinforces genomics research
[06] Structural Funds : Commission approves euro 379 million employment and
training package for Denmark
[07] Philippe Busquin signed research cooperation agreement with Russia
[08] EU funds electricity imports to begin within a week
[09] Commission awards Europe's most innovative regions in Lyon at European
Forum for Innovative Enterprises
[01] Results of the Standing Veterinary Committee, 15 November 2000
The Standing Veterinary Committee (SVC) discussed the proposal from the
European Commission to enlarge testing for BSE-cases to all cattle above a
certain age in the EU. In general, there was broad support from the Member
States to extend the testing programme. The SVC expressed itself in favour -
without taking a final decision - that already from 1st January 2001 all
animals falling into a risk group (emergency slaughters, animals showing
neurological signs, animals being sick) should be tested. The extension
would enlarge the already agreed testing programme due to start on 1st
January 2001 from a percentage of fallen stock to all bovine animals posing
an increased risk of BSE. This will be a major step forward to further
increase the safety of food and to enhance transparency, since all risk
animals will be tested. Certain animals within this group are currently
still entering the food and feed chain - in future they could only do so if
the BSE-test results would be negative. The measure will even further
reduce any risk of BSE to the consumer. It would be an additional guarantee
to the major measures in place to reduce any risk to a minimum level, like
the ban of mammalian meat and bone meal to be fed to ruminants, the high
rendering standards and the removal of specific risk materials (brain,
spinal cord). Health and Consumer Protection Commissioner David Byrne and
Agriculture Commissioner Franz Fischler repeated their determination that
testing should be extended to all animals above a certain age entering the
food and feed chain. In that way consumer confidence can be assured. The
subject will now be further discussed at the Agricultural Council on
Monday/Tuesday next week.
[02] Marchés des valeurs mobilières : la Commission étudie l'application de
règles de protection des investisseurs
La Commission européenne a publié une communication concernant le respect
de "règles de conduite professionnelle" par les entreprises d'investissement,
tant en ce qui concerne leurs relations avec les "investisseurs
professionnels" (connaissant les risques) qu'avec les autres investisseurs,
qui ont plus besoin de protection. Ces règles sont indispensables pour
assurer un niveau adéquat de protection à tous les investisseurs qui la
nécessitent. La façon dont ces règles sont mises en oeuvre peut cependant
fortement influer sur la capacité des entreprises d'investissement à faire
usage du "passeport unique" que leur octroie la directive sur les services
d'investissement (DSI - 93/22/CEE), passeport qui les autorise à fournir
des services dans l'ensemble de l'Union sur la base de la reconnaissance
mutuelle de la surveillance par l'Etat membre d'origine. La communication
analyse donc l'expérience accumulée en matière de règles de conduite
professionnelle depuis l'entrée en vigueur de la DSI, en 1995, et propose
des pistes pour mieux concilier recours au "passeport unique" par les
entreprises et protection appropriée des investisseurs. La communication
fait partie des dix principales priorités que la Commission s'est fixées
pour les six prochains mois dans le cadre du plan d'action sur les services
financiers (PASF - cf. IP/00/1269). L'objectif du PASF, approuvé par le
Conseil européen de Lisbonne, est de parvenir à créer un marché unique des
services financiers pleinement intégré d'ici à 2005. Cette communication
s'inspire et complète la communication relative à la modernisation de la
directive sur les services d'investissement (cf. IP/00/1315).
[03] Securities markets : Commission urges update of current rules to spur
closer market integration and improve investor protection
The European Commission has published a Communication on Upgrading the
Investment Services Directive. It is designed to launch an extensive review
of how this legislation, now in force for five years, could best be updated
to reflect the profound changes in investment services and the securities
trading infrastructure in the European Union. The Communication has been
identified by the Commission as one if its ten priorities in the next six
months under the Financial Services Action Plan (FSAP - see IP/00/1269).
The FSAP aims to create a fully integrated single market in financial
services by 2005 and is an essential element in developing a coherent EU
response to the fundamental changes sweeping through European financial
markets. The need to update EU rules to take account of the accelerating
pace of change in European financial markets was emphasised in the initial
report presented on 9 November by the Committee of Wise Men on the
Regulation of European Securities Markets chaired by Alexandre Lamfalussy.
[04] La Commission ouvre une enquête approfondie sur deux entreprises
communes constituées entre des opérateurs postaux du Royaume-Uni, des Pays-
Bas et de Singapour
La Commission européenne a ouvert une enquête approfondie concernant le
projet de The Post Office (TPO), Royaume-Uni, de TNT Post Group N.V. (TPG),
Pays-Bas, et de Singapore Post Private Limited (SPPL) de créer entre elles
deux entreprises communes mondiales dans le domaine du courrier
international. La Commission considère qu'une des entreprises communes,
dénommée Delta, soulève des doutes sérieux quant à sa compatibilité avec le
marché commun, car elle pourrait entraîner un renforcement significatif des
positions des opérateurs publics postaux historiques sur les marchés
néerlandais et britannique du courrier transfrontière sortant.
[05] Philippe Busquin reinforces genomics research
European Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin is launching today an
initiative to reinforce European activities in genome research related to
human health. Genome research is strategically important for Europe as it
is expected to unlock considerable economic, medical and social benefits.
This has recently been highlighted by the availability of the draft of the
human genome sequence. To realise these important goals, major efforts in
the rapidly developing field of post-sequence genome research are needed.
On 8 November, the Commission services and Member States' experts agreed to
create a "Forum of Genome Research Managers" to develop synergies between
the EU programme and national activities, and to help network national
programmes. It is expected that over euro 100 million in total will be
available in 2001 for this initiative.
[06] Structural Funds : Commission approves euro 379 million employment and
training package for Denmark
The euro 379 million ''Single Programming Document" to support education,
training and employment in Denmark for the next seven years, was approved
by the European Commission. This Objective 3 Programme is financed by the
European Social Fund (ESF), one of the four European Structural Funds. The
decision is one of several currently being adopted by the Commission for
all Member States to launch the new Structural Funds programming period.
[07] Philippe Busquin signed research cooperation agreement with Russia
Today Roger-Gerard Schwartzenberg, Research Minister of France, Philippe
Busquin, European Commissioner responsible for Research, and Alexander
Dondukov, Minister of Science, Industry and Technology of the Russian
Federation, signed the EU-Russia Cooperation Agreement on Science and
Technology. Mr Busquin commented the event saying : "I believe that this
agreement is a major step forward in extending the European research area
to countries outside the EU. Russia is an important partner for the EU and
I look forward to a fruitful cooperation." The purpose of the Agreement is
to strengthen the bilateral cooperation in this field by establishing a
framework for specific joint research activities and exchanges of
scientists. The Agreement covers a wide range of research activities,
technological development and demonstration, as well as basic research in
areas reaching from environment and climate research, health, agriculture,
industrial and production techniques, information society technologies to
the mobility of researchers. Additional areas of cooperation can be decided
jointly by an EU-Russia committee set up by this Agreement. The Agreement
is initially valid until 31 December 2002 but can be renewed by common
[08] EU funds electricity imports to begin within a week
The European Commission has signed a contract with EPS (Elektro Privreda
Srbije), the State power company of Serbia, to the value of euro 30 million
(roughly DM 60 million) for the importation of electricity to Serbia during
the coming winter. The first imports under this programme are likely to
come from Bulgaria. Further funds may be available if there is need before
the end of the heating season.
[09] Commission awards Europe's most innovative regions in Lyon at European
Forum for Innovative Enterprises
The first-ever "Award of Excellence for Innovative Regions" will be awarded
by the European Commission in a prize-giving ceremony during the Second
European Forum for Innovative Enterprises in Lyon, on 20 November 2000. VIP
speakers and participants include Commissioner for Enterprise and the
Information Society, Erkki Liikanen, Former French Prime Minister and Mayor
of Lyon, Raymond Barre, the Mayor of Grenoble, Michel Destot, the Vice-
President of Ericsson, Ragnar Back, and the Director of Leti/CEA, Jean
Therme. High-level representatives of the 15 Regions of Excellence,
directors of innovative start-ups, leading innovation specialists of the
academic and financial world and regional administrations will be coming
together to discuss the potential of European innovation policy. The Forum
aspires to strengthen the links between the views of private companies and
policy makers on the future of European policy on innovative enterprises.
The Forum is organised by the Commission with the support of local and
regional authorities and in close cooperation with the French Presidency,
which will hold the Symposium "Towards a European Innovation Area" on the
following day at the same location. The Forum not only hosts the Award
Ceremony but also aims at bringing together key players involved in
creating and developing innovative start-ups to kick-off a process of
transferring know-how among European regions and cities. The Forum will
highlight the performance of the 15 Regions of Excellence and provide
examples of good practice for the creation and development of innovative
enterprises that can be transferred to more European regions in the near
future. The European Union, especially during the French Presidency, has
put innovation firmly at the top of the political agenda. Both the Forum
and the Colloquium of the French Presidency provide a tremendous
opportunity to ensure that the concerted expertise, ideas and vision of all
involved in the creation of innovative enterprises can be taken on board so
as to make the greatest possible contribution to the EU's innovation
activities. See also http://www.cordis.lu/paxis/forum.htm
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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