European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 00-10-31
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News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] Less money needed for agricultural policy in 2001
[02] Commission will operate a computerised blacklist to guard against
[03] La Commission présente ses "dossiers" de réforme concernant les
ressources humaines
[04] Commission adopts guidelines for internal audit
[05] EU-Latin America : Commission presents priorities for follow-up to Rio
[06] Autonomous trade measures for Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
[07] Commission adopts 14th monitoring report on steel aid cases
[08] Commission approves aid to Schiffsanlagenbau Barth GmbH (Germany)
[09] La Commission ouvre la procédure d'examen à l'encontre de trois
régimes d'aides fiscales des provinces basques
[10] Commission closes investigation of aid to Ford Genk (Belgium)
[11] La Commission prend une décision négative sur les crédits d'impôt que
l'Espagne accorde pour les investissements étrangers et engage une
procédure contre une loi française similaire
[12] La Commission rapporte une décision antérieure ordonnant la
récupération d'une aide auprès de Tubacex (Espagne)
[13] Commission closes procedure against possible Dutch illegal State aid
to NS Cargo
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[14] Statement by Romano Prodi, President of the European Commission
[15] Pourparlers sur la pêche avec le Maroc
[16] August 2000 volume of retail trade up by 2.4% in euro-zone ; EU15 up
by 3.0%
[17] Structural Funds - Objective 2 : Commission approves the programming
documents (SPDs) for Austria for 2000-06
[18] Commission asks Greece to pay fines due in Kouroupitos Case
[19] Philippe Busquin hosts internet-chat on genetics and the future of
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] Less money needed for agricultural policy in 2001
The European Union's agriculture budget for 2001 will require euro 930
million less than originally foreseen in the European Commission's budget
proposal from May 2000, according to new estimates for agricultural
expenditure. The Commission today adopted the second letter of amendment
for the 2001 Budget on this basis. "The new estimates show that there is
room to redeploy money in the budget without cutting the obligatory
payments to farmers. The new forecasts will make it easier to find a common
agreement on the budget between Parliament and Council", said Budget
Commissioner Michaele Schreyer.
[02] Commission will operate a computerised blacklist to guard against
The European Commission has agreed to enhance its Early Warning System,
improving its ability to prevent fraud against the EU budget. Under the new
Early Warning System, the Commission will make no payments to a contractor
before computerised checks of a database detailing all parties with which
it has had a contractual relationship. The database will identify any
contractors not fulfilling their obligations towards the Commission and
blacklist them. This measure launched by Budget Commissioner Schreyer to
improve the Commission's financial safeguards is Action N° 95 of the
Commission's Reform Strategy.
[03] La Commission présente ses "dossiers" de réforme concernant les
ressources humaines
La Commission européenne a adopté une feuille de route présentant un
programme de "dossiers" comportant une trentaine de propositions de réforme
pour les trois prochains mois. Prochainement, la Commission approuvera
quatre grands dossiers de réforme, axés essentiellement sur la politique
relative aux ressources humaines, mais comprenant également d'autres
mesures destinées à améliorer la gestion et le contrôle financiers.
Ensemble, ces propositions satisferont aux engagements pris dans le cadre
de la stratégie de la réforme le 1er mars 2000. Le premier dossier a été
adopté aujourd'hui.
[04] Commission adopts guidelines for internal audit
The European Commission has defined the conditions for ensuring an
effective and independent Internal Audit Capability within each DG. It has
adopted the Charter according to which the Internal Audit Service (IAS),
under the responsibility of Vice-President Neil Kinnock, will provide the
College with professional advice on the quality of internal control systems
right across the Commission. Finally, it has approved the Charter of the
Audit Progress Committee (APC), whose task it will be to ensure that
recommendations of the IAS are effectively implemented. The APC is chaired
by Budget Commissioner Michaele Schreyer and VP Kinnock is a member by
right. Commissioners Viviane Reding and António Vitorino have been
appointed to the APC, alongside an external member to be appointed by the
[05] EU-Latin America : Commission presents priorities for follow-up to Rio
The European Commission has adopted a Communication which sets out the
general principles and actions that it will take in implementing the
priorities established during the first summit of Heads of State and
Government of the countries of Latin America, the Caribbean and the EU held
in Rio on 28 and 29 June 1999. The Communication highlights the priority
that the Commission attaches to the region. It focusses on three short-term
key priorities at regional level: promotion and protection of human rights,
creation of an Alliance for the Information Society and setting up of a
joint "Social Initiative". Activities in these areas will also form the
core for Commission input into the EU-Latin America Summit in 2002 in
Spain. Other Rio Summit priorities are being integrated into Commission
strategies for individual countries and sub-regions. The Communication
provides an overview on the actions planned with Mercosur-Chile, the Andean
Community, Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean.
[06] Autonomous trade measures for Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
The European Commission has adopted a proposal for a Council Regulation
extending the autonomous trade preferences accorded by the Council on 18
September to Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Kosovo (IP/00/586
of 07 June 2000) to include the FRY and the former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia. For both countries the granting of these trade preferences is
linked to their readiness to engage in effective economic reforms and in
regional co-operation with the other countries concerned by the EU
Stabilisation and Association Process. The aim of the proposal is (1) to
extend the autonomous trade preferences contained in Council Regulation
2007/2000 to the FRY while repealing the tariff quotas for aluminium
products and keeping Kosovo as a separate beneficiary ; (2) to extend
provisionally the preferences to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
(until an interim agreement under the terms of the Stabilisation and
Association Agreement, currently under negotiation, enters into force) ;
(3) to adjust the tariff quotas for certain fishery products in the light
of the extension and, (4) to remove the Former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia from the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP).
[07] Commission adopts 14th monitoring report on steel aid cases
The European Commission has adopted the 14th monitoring report on Article
95 ESCS steel aid cases. According to its decisions taken in 1994 and 1995,
the Commission presents to the Council twice a year its analysis of the
implementation of the conditions attached to the authorisation of the aid
in question which was approved for restructuring of certain steel companies
as an exceptional exercise considering the strict rules contained in the
ECSC Treaty. The aid is therefore subject to strict conditions whose
compliance the Commission is monitoring.
[08] Commission approves aid to Schiffsanlagenbau Barth GmbH (Germany)
The European Commission has cleared DEM 14,477,000 (euro 7,42 million) of
restructuring aid granted in favour of Schiffsanlagenbau Barth GmbH (SAB),
a metal working and machine building enterprise in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
(Germany). The aid is in conformity with the requirements of the EU
guidelines on State aid for rescuing and restructuring firms in difficulty.
[09] La Commission ouvre la procédure d'examen à l'encontre de trois
régimes d'aides fiscales des provinces basques
La Commission européenne a décidé d'ouvrir la procédure formelle d'examen à
l'encontre de trois régimes d'aides fiscales des provinces basques. Les
mesures en cause accordent aux entreprises nouvellement créées jusqu'au
31.12.1994 une exemption de l'impôt des sociétés ("vacances fiscales")
pendant dix exercices fiscaux consécutifs. La Commission estime en effet
que ces mesures sont des aides d'Etat au sens du Traité CE et qu'elles
peuvent être considérées comme illégales puisque non notifiées avant leur
mise en oeuvre. En ayant le caractère d'aides au fonctionnement, ces aides
suscitent aussi des doutes quant à leur compatibilité avec le marché
commun. En effet, elles sont octroyées dans des régions - les provinces
d'Alava, Guipuzcoa et Vizcaya - qui ne sont pas éligibles à ce type
d'aides. L'ouverture de la procédure formelle d'examen permettra de
recueillir les observations du gouvernement espagnol ainsi que des tiers
intéressés avant que la Commission ne prenne une décision finale sur la
compatibilité des aides en cause.
[10] Commission closes investigation of aid to Ford Genk (Belgium)
The European Commission has decided to close the State aid investigation
procedure regarding planned regional investment aid of euro 6.5 million
(BEF 262.5 million) to Ford's Genk plant due to withdrawal of the
notification. The procedure had been initiated on 3 May 2000 (see
IP/00/430) since the Commission had doubts that the aid is necessary for
the location of the project - the adaptation of the plant to produce a new
model of the "Ford Transit" - in the region in question. The Belgium
authorities withdrew their notification of the State aid in September 2000
and the Commission consequently decided to end the investigation procedure.
[11] La Commission prend une décision négative sur les crédits d'impôt que
l'Espagne accorde pour les investissements étrangers et engage une
procédure contre une loi française similaire
La Commission européenne a décidé que les crédits d'impôt en faveur des
investissements étrangers prévus par la loi espagnole sur l'impôt des
sociétés sont incompatibles avec les règles relatives aux aides d'Etat dans
le secteur sidérurgique. Elle a également décidé d'ouvrir la procédure
officielle d'enquête prévue par lesdites règles concernant le système
français d'exonération temporaire en faveur des filiales créées à
[12] La Commission rapporte une décision antérieure ordonnant la
récupération d'une aide auprès de Tubacex (Espagne)
La Commission européenne a décidé de rapporter la décision négative qu'elle
avait arrêtée en 1997 à l'égard de mesures en faveur de Tubacex S.A.,
producteur de tubes en acier inoxydable sans soudure établi à Llodio
(Álava), au Pays basque, en Espagne. La Commission avait initialement
conclu que les mesures, à savoir des accords de rééchelonnement de dettes
envers la sécurité sociale et des accords de remboursement passés avec le
Fonds de garantie salariale (FOGASA), constituaient des aides illégales.
Toutefois, à la lumière d'un arrêt rendu par la Cour de justice européenne,
la Commission a revu sa décision et conclu qu'il n'y avait pas eu d'aide.
[13] Commission closes procedure against possible Dutch illegal State aid
to NS Cargo
The European Commission has decided to close the State aid procedure that
it had opened in April 1999, concerning Dutch aid to NS Cargo for a shuttle
train Rotterdam - Prague. In April 1995, the Dutch Government had notified
a proposed one-time investment aid to NS Cargo for combined transport
equipment, amounting to NLG 500000, to be used in a combined transport
shuttle linking Rotterdam with Prague. In a decision of 20 September 1995,
the Commission had allowed such investment aid under the applicable State
aid rules for combined transport. At a later stage, new elements indicated
that the aid in question might not relate to investments made by NS Cargo,
but to operating expenses related to hiring waggons for the train in
question. Because of it doubts concerning the nature of the aid and because
operating aid is, as a rule, not allowed under the EC Treaty, the
Commission opened an investigation procedure in April 1999. In its answer,
the Dutch Government stated that it could not be ascertained anymore
whether NS Cargo used the aid to cover operating or investment expenses. It
expressed the intention of reclaiming the money from NS Cargo. In July 2000,
the Dutch Government informed the Commission that NS Cargo had paid the aid
back with interest and provided proof for this. The Commission has
consequently decided to close the procedure.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[14] Statement by Romano Prodi, President of the European Commission
"On behalf of the European Commission and as a private citizen I want to
express again the strongest and firmest condemnation of the terrorist
attack occurred yesterday in Madrid in which 3 people were killed and more
than 50 were injured. This attack took place in a Member State governed by
democracy and the rule of law. It aimed at spreading terror and antagonism
within the Spanish population at large. It is frightening to think that the
attack could have caused many more casualties, including schoolchildren.
The Commission sends a message of sympathy to the families of the three
victims and to those injured. We also want to express a message of
solidarity to all who suffered the immediate consequences in their houses
and belongings. I also renew the Commission's expression of solidarity to
the Spanish people, and our encouragement not to surrender democratic
principles to terror and extortion. The European Union is probably the best
example of overcoming old differences by building institutions based on
peace and tolerance, where divergent views are expressed and joint
solutions sought and found. I reiterate the Commission's commitment to use
all instruments provided by the Treaty to promote European policies against
[15] Pourparlers sur la pêche avec le Maroc
Comme suite à la réunion du 16 octobre dernier à Casablanca entre le
Commissaire européen à l'Agriculture, au Développement rural et à la Pêche,
Franz Fischler et les autorités marocaines, les deux parties se sont
réunies à Bruxelles, le 30 octobre 2000. A cette occasion, la délégation
marocaine a présenté sa position sur les perspectives de coopération dans
le domaine de la pêche entre le Royaume du Maroc et l'Union européenne. Les
deux parties ont abordé les grandes lignes d'une coopération mutuellement
équilibrée. Les deux parties ont convenu de se réunir une fois par semaine
alternativement à Rabat et à Bruxelles pour poursuivre les échanges de vues
sur les différents volets qui pourraient faire partie de cette coopération.
La prochaine réunion se tiendra à Rabat le 8 novembre prochain.
[16] August 2000 volume of retail trade up by 2.4% in euro-zone ; EU15 up
by 3.0%
(! embargo 12 am !) In August 2000 the volume of retail trade gained 2.4%
in the euro-zone and 3.0% in the EU15, as compared to August 1999, Eurostat
estimates today. Strongest growth rates were registered by "household
goods" (3.4%) in the euro-zone as well as by "household goods" (4.5%) and
"textiles, clothing and footwear" (3.9%) in the EU15. Compared to July,
sales increased by 0.3% in the euro-zone and by 0.4% in the EU15. The
volume of retail trade rose strongly in Sweden (6.0%), Ireland (5.9%), the
Netherlands (5.0%), Finland (4.8%) and the United Kingdom (4.5%). Italy was
the only Member State where the sales decreased (-2,0%).
[17] Structural Funds - Objective 2 : Commission approves the programming
documents (SPDs) for Austria for 2000-06
The European Commission has approved six draft "single programming
documents" (SPDs) concerning economic and social conversion (Objective 2 of
the Structural Funds) in Austria. Under these programmes, the European
Union will contribute euro 635 million to areas undergoing conversion in
the Länder of Carinthia, Upper Austria, Lower Austria, Salzburg, Styria and
Vorarlberg. The assistance provided by these EU funds will mobilise a total
of almost euro 3,400 million, of which over 70% will come from private
investors. This should create 13,800 new jobs and maintain 30,000 existing
ones. The six SPDs cover the period 2000 to 2006.
[18] Commission asks Greece to pay fines due in Kouroupitos Case
In the absence of communication of concrete measures complying with the
judgement of the European Court of Justice of 4 July (Koroupitos Case C-
1997/387), the European Commission has sent a first letter to the Greek
authorities requesting the payment of euro 1,760,000 covering the financial
penalty of euro 20,000 per day for the first three months (July to
September 2000). The Commission has also informed the Greek authorities
that it will in future present a monthly payment request indicating the
amount of payment due for each month. In order to comply with the above-
mentioned judgement of the ECJ, Greece has to take the following measures:
adopt a regional plan for the management of waste and a regional programme
for the disposal of dangerous waste in the area of Chania ; close the
illegal dump of Kouroupitos and ensure the rehabilitation of the site. In
its judgement delivered on 4 July 2000 the European Court of Justice (ECJ)
decided to impose a financial penalty of euro 20,000 per day on Greece for
non-compliance with a previous judgement of the ECJ for breach of EC
legislation on waste. In its judgement the ECJ declared that "by failing to
take the measures necessary to ensure that waste is disposed of in the area
of Chania without endangering human health and without harming the
environment in accordance with Article 4 of Council Directive 75/442/EEC of
15 July 1975 on waste and by failing to draw up for that area plans for the
disposal of waste, pursuant to Article 6 of Directive 75/442, and of toxic
and dangerous waste, pursuant to Article 12 of Council Directive 78/319/EEC
of 20 March 1978 on toxic and dangerous waste, the Hellenic Republic has
not implemented all the necessary measures to comply with the judgment of
the Court of 7 April 1992 in Case C-45/91 Commission v Greece and has
failed to fulfil its obligations under Article 171 of the EC Treaty (now
art. 228)"
[19] Philippe Busquin hosts internet-chat on genetics and the future of
"Like me, this summer you probably followed the latest stages in the race
for the human genome between an international public research consortium
and a large American company. The final sprint for the finish somewhat
overshadowed the scientific and technical performance, rather putting the
underlying ethical, economic and political issues in the spotlight. I would
like us to think together about the consequences for society of genetic
advances, particularly trying to imagine their implications for basic
values, quality of life, and social and economic development in Europe.
With this in mind I have suggested organising a major conference, which
will take place in Brussels on 6 and 7 November. But in parallel with the
debate between the experts at the conference, I would like to involve other
"experts" - people like you and me, who have questions, opinions and
comments on these issues that they would like to discuss." Join European
Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin on the Internet on 7 November "live"
from 18.30 to 20.30 Central European Time. The discussion will take place
in the eleven official languages of the European Union. Questions may be
put in any of those languages and may also be sent in advance to: chat-
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