European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 00-07-13
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
[I] Résultats de la Commission du 12 juillet 2000 - Outcome of Commission
meeting of 12 July
[01] Commission takes initiative to restore confidence in GMO approval
[02] Assurance automobile : la Commission ouvre une procédure d'infraction
contre l'Italie
[03] Customs fraud : Commission decides importers must pay duty on goods
with false origin certificates
[04] Excise duties : Commission refers Germany and Greece to Court of
[05] Marchés publics : la Commission décide de traduire l'Allemagne devant
la Cour de justice
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[06] Car prices in the EU : price differentials remain high
[07] Euro-zone GDP grew by 0.9% ; +3.4% compared to first quarter 1999
[08] Fonds structurels : la Commission lance un programme éducation,
formation et emploi d'une durée de sept ans pour le Portugal
[09] EU-Japan Summit : towards a stronger partnership
[10] Allègement de la dette : la Commission met en garde contre une
dilution de l'initiative PPTE renforcée
[11] Europe by Satellite étend son service d'actualités au reste de la
planète, en coopération avec Canal France International
[12] Frits Bolkestein tells Parliament Committee he intends to formally
approve "safe harbor" arrangement with US on data protection
[13] Margot Wallström welcomes agreement on Directive on incineration
[I] Résultats de la Commission du 12 juillet 2000 - Outcome of Commission
meeting of 12 July
(voir aussi see also ME of 12.7)
[01] Commission takes initiative to restore confidence in GMO approval
The European Commission has decided to propose to Member States a strategy
to regain public trust in the approval procedure for Genetically Modified
Organisms (GMOs). The objective is to resume the authorisation process for
GMOs in the near future whilst addressing public concerns on GMOs as well
as problems of legal uncertainty for stakeholders. The Commission wants to
give a clear response to political and legal concerns over GMOs which
favours consumer choice and legal certainty. The Commission calls upon the
Member States to play their part in paving the way for a clearer and more
comprehensive GMO strategy in Europe in the future and promoting an open
public debate. The Commission proposes to apply the key provisions on the
revised directive on the release of GMOs in the environment to all new GMO
approvals after agreement on its content has been reached between the
Council and the European Parliament. The conciliation procedure is due to
start on the 19 September. Further measures on labelling and traceability
of GMOs will be put forward in the autumn.
[02] Assurance automobile : la Commission ouvre une procédure d'infraction
contre l'Italie
La Commission européenne a décidé d'ouvrir une procédure d'infraction à
l'encontre de l'Italie, au titre de l'article 226 du Traité CE, concernant
les mesures de gel des tarifs des contrats d'assurance responsabilité
civile automobile. En effet, depuis le 29 mars, les compagnies d'assurance
opérant en Italie ne sont plus libres de fixer leurs offres commerciales et
leurs tarifs. La Commission estime que ces mesures pourraient être
incompatibles avec les exigences de la troisième directive non-vie, qui
vise à réaliser la libre commercialisation des produits d'assurance dans
l'Union européenne. La Commission va donc envoyer une lettre de mise en
demeure aux autorités italiennes en leur demandant de transmettre ses
observations à la Commission dans un délai de trois semaines.
[03] Customs fraud : Commission decides importers must pay duty on goods
with false origin certificates
The European Commission has decided to require EU importers to pay customs
duties on goods imported into the European Union and covered by some 5000
origin certificates issued by the Bangladesh authorities between 1994 and
1996. The Commission considers that the Bangladeshi origin of the goods in
question is not proven, so that they do not qualify for zero customs duties
granted to Bangladeshi goods under the Generalised System of Preferences
(GSP). The decision is based on the need to protect against fraud the EU
financial interests (Common Customs Tariff duties are paid into the EU's
budget, making up some 12.4% of total revenue in 2000).
[04] Excise duties : Commission refers Germany and Greece to Court of
The European Commission has decided to refer Germany and Greece to the
Court of Justice for failure to respect EU law concerning excise duties. In
the case of Germany, the problem concerns an exemption from excise duty for
certain mineral oil used for heating. The Commission considers the
exemption to be incompatible with the relevant EU Directive which, in
principle, requires excise duty to be levied on all mineral oils used for
heating purposes (or motor fuel). The problem in Greece concerns a reduced
rate of excise duty applied to alcohol used in the manufacture of 'ouzo',
which the Commission considers to discriminate against spirits produced in
other Member States.
[05] Marchés publics : la Commission décide de traduire l'Allemagne devant
la Cour de justice
La Commission européenne a décidé de traduire l'Allemagne devant la Cour de
justice européenne dans deux affaires, dont l'une concerne la ville de
Brunswick et l'autre, la municipalité de Bockhorn (Basse-Saxe). Dans les
deux cas, la Commission estime que la réglementation des marchés publics,
qui dispose que les marchés sont attribués dans des conditions d'ouverture
et de concurrence, n'a pas été respectée.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[06] Car prices in the EU : price differentials remain high
In its most recent report on car prices the European Commission has found
that prices for new cars across the European Union still differ
substantially. The situation on 1 May 2000 shows that for almost all models
examined, the United Kingdom remains the most expensive market, after
conversion of prices into euro. However, the British currency has once
again appreciated substantially -by 9.1%- since 1.11.1999. Finland, Spain
and the Netherlands, as well as Denmark (as non-member of the euro zone),
are the markets where prices before tax are among the lowest. Among euro
zone members, prices are highest in Germany for most of the models
[07] Euro-zone GDP grew by 0.9% ; +3.4% compared to first quarter 1999
(! embargo 12 am !) Euro-zone GDP grew by 0.9% during the first quarter of
2000 in comparison with the fourth quarter of 1999, according to revised
data published today by Eurostat. EU15 GDP recorded a 0.8% rise during the
same period. Both the euro-zone and the EU15 recorded the same growth rates
as during the fourth quarter of 1999. Euro-zone household consumption grew
from +0.5% to +0.7% ; in the EU15 the growth rate (+0.7%) remained
unchanged from the previous quarter. Investments grew by +1.8% in the euro-
zone and by +1.5% in the EU15 ; in the previous quarter the rates were
+0.5% and +0.6% respectively. Both exports (+2.6% in the euro-zone and
+2.3% in the EU15) and imports (+2.7% in the euro-zone and +2.6% in the
EU15) accelerated.
[08] Fonds structurels : la Commission lance un programme éducation,
formation et emploi d'une durée de sept ans pour le Portugal
Anna Diamantopoulou, Commissaire européen chargé de l'Emploi et des
Affaires sociales, va signer aujourd'hui, à Lisbonne, deux importants
programmes de formation et d'éducation financés par le Fonds social
européen pour 2000-2006. Avec une aide financière de plus de 2.312 millions
d'euros, les deux programmes s'approprient ensemble 48% de l'enveloppe
allouée par le FSE pour la nouvelle période de programmation des Fonds
structurels au Portugal.
[09] EU-Japan Summit : towards a stronger partnership
The ninth EU-Japan Summit will take place on 19 July 2000 in Tokyo and is
expected to give a new impetus to the EU-Japan partnership. French
President Jacques Chirac in his capacity as President of the European
Council and the President of the European Commission, Romano Prodi, will
lead the EU delegation that will meet with the Japanese Prime Minister Mori
and several of his Cabinet colleagues. The EU-delegation will also include
Commissioner for External Relations Chris Patten, Commissioner for Trade
Pascal Lamy, the Council Secretary General/High Representative for Common
Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana, French Foreign Minister Hubert
Védrine and French Secretary of State for Foreign Trade François Huwart.
This Summit, which takes place in the run-up to the G8 Okinawa Summit will
underline the leading role of the EU and Japan in the world's economy and
their global responsibilities. This, together with recent developments in
the EU, such as the start of Economic and Monetary Union and the
enlargement process, make a case for working more closely together to
promote stability and prosperity in the world. It is expected that both
sides will lay the foundations for a more comprehensive and global
[10] Allègement de la dette : la Commission met en garde contre une
dilution de l'initiative PPTE renforcée
Le Secrétaire général des Nations-Unies, M. Kofi Annan, a déclaré le 11
juillet 2000 qu'il était temps que les pays riches concrétisent leurs
promesses d'alléger la dette des pays pauvres. La Commission européenne
partage l'inquiétude du Secrétaire général de l'ONU devant ce constat : 40%
des recettes publiques de l'Afrique sont actuellement affectées au service
de la dette. Pour le Commissaire chargé de la coopération au développement
et de l'aide humanitaire, M. Poul Nielson, cette situation va clairement à
l'encontre du financement de services de santé, d'éducation et autres
services sociaux fondamentaux.
[11] Europe by Satellite étend son service d'actualités au reste de la
planète, en coopération avec Canal France International
Europe by Satellite (EbS), le service des actualités télévisées de l'Union
européenne est maintenant accessible sur les six continents. EbS fournit
des informations liées à l'UE aux professionnels travaillant pour des
chaînes de télévision ou de radio. Jusqu'à présent, les médias locaux,
régionaux, nationaux et transfrontières de l'UE, de la région
méditerranéenne et d'Europe centrale et orientale avaient directement accès
à EbS. Pour plus d'informations pratiques, veuillez consulter le site d'EbS
sur le web http://europa.eu.int/comm/ebs
[12] Frits Bolkestein tells Parliament Committee he intends to formally
approve "safe harbor" arrangement with US on data protection
European Commissioner for Internal Market Frits Bolkestein told the
European Parliament's Civil Liberties Committee on 13 July in Brussels that
he was going to propose to the European Commission the adoption of a formal
decision recognising that the "safe harbor" arrangement with the United
States offers "adequate protection" for personal data transferred from the
European Union to the United States. The Commissioner noted that the
European Parliament's 5 July Resolution on the "safe harbor" arrangement
did not state that the Commission was acting beyond the powers granted to
the Commission by Article 25(6) of the data protection Directive (95/46/EC)
to assess the adequacy of protection afforded by non-EU countries to
personal data from the EU. However, the Commissioner undertook to report to
the Parliament on the functioning of the "safe harbor" and to inform EU
citizens concerning the arrangement. He also undertook to convey the
Parliament's concerns about the functioning of the "safe harbor" to the US
authorities and made clear that the Commission would re-open negotiations
on the arrangement if, as Parliament fears, the remedies open to
individuals prove to be too weak. The terms of the "safe harbor"
arrangement were already endorsed by the Commission and by Member States
(unanimously, in the framework of the Committee established by Article 31
of the Directive). The full text of the "safe harbor" principles and
related texts are available on the Europa website : http://europa.eu.int/comm/internal_market/en/media/dataprot/news/harbor3.pdf
[13] Margot Wallström welcomes agreement on Directive on incineration
European Commissioner for Environment Margot Wallström welcomes the
agreement reached yesterday between the Council of Ministers and the
European Parliament on a new Directive on incineration of waste. The
Commissioner said : "As proposed by the Commission, this new Directive will
significantly reduce emissions of several key pollutants across the EU
despite the projected increase in the amount of waste incinerated. For the
first time, the controls on releases into water will reduce the pollution
of marine and fresh water eco-systems resulting from incineration." The two
institutions agreed to add to the Common Position of the Council a more
stringent emission limit value for nitrogen oxides for new cement kilns
using waste as a fuel and a requirement for operators of incineration
plants to publish the results of their emission measurements. Full
implementation of the proposal's requirements should reduce total emissions
of dioxins and furans from the incineration of waste, from currently about
1.500 grams/year to approximately 11 grams/year by 2005. By replacing three
existing Directives on incineration, the new Directive constitutes another
example of streamlined EU legislation. Finally, the proposed Directive also
covers co-incineration. Co-incineration is the incineration of waste used
as regular or additional fuel in plants whose main purpose is the
generation of energy (combustion plants) or the production of materials,
such as cement. New incinerators and co-incinerators will have to comply
with the provisions of the Directive two years after its entry into force ;
the deadline for existing plants is five years.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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