European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 00-03-31
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
[01] Le registre de correspondance du Président Prodi est publié sur
[02] Commission clears merger between Monsanto and Pharmacia & Upjohn
subject to conditions
[03] Commission opposes extension of ivory trade
[04] L'initiative eEurope est désormais en ligne
[05] Commission reinforces cooperation with international financial
institutions in candidate countries and NIS
[06] EU and China yet to conclude deal on WTO accession
[07] La Commission a adopté des contre-mesures pour non-respect de la
Fédération russe de l'accord sur le commerce des produits sidérurgiques
[08] EU wins WTO panel against US Anti-dumping Act
[09] First European Union-South Africa Cooperation Council to take place in
Pretoria, South Africa
[10] Anna Diamantopoulou accueille favorablement l'arrêt de la Cour "Banks"
promouvant la libre circulation des travailleurs à l'intérieur de l'UE
[11] Official opening of the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and
Xenophobia, 7-8 April 2000
[01] Le registre de correspondance du Président Prodi est publié sur
Le Président de la Commission européenne Romano Prodi a aujourd'hui
accompli sa promesse de publier un registre de sa correspondance, en
ouvrant un site sur le serveur Europa. Le registre est situé sur le site du
Président sur Europa, à l'adresse suivante : http://europa.eu.int/comm/commissioners/prodi/mail_fr.htm
(version française) - http://europa.eu.int/comm/commissioners/prodi/mail_en.htm
(version anglaise).
[02] Commission clears merger between Monsanto and Pharmacia & Upjohn
subject to conditions
The European Commission has cleared a merger between Monsanto (USA) and
Pharmacia & Upjohn (USA) subject to conditions. With this operation, the
companies intend to merge all their businesses. However their activities
only overlap in pharmaceuticals where the new entity will become no. 10 in
terms of worldwide turnover and the seventh largest pharmaceutical company
in Europe. The Commission investigation has shown that the operation as
notified raised competition concerns in the Swedish market for immediate-
release narcotic analgesics. The companies have thus submitted one
commitment (licence divestment) in this market.
[03] Commission opposes extension of ivory trade
At a meeting of the European Union Environment Ministers in Brussels on 30
March, the European Commission recommended that the Member States vote
against proposals to extend ivory trading due to be discussed by the
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora (CITES) conference to be held in Nairobi 10-20 April. "A divisive and
unproductive debate in Nairobi should be avoided", said Environment
Commissioner Margot Wallström, adding that "better monitoring and a wider
agreement amongst African countries" was needed. The Commission also came
out against proposals to reopen the trade in whale meat and in favour of
closer regulation of trade in sharks. The Council agreed to the latter but
decided to finalise its position on elephants over the next week.
[04] L'initiative eEurope est désormais en ligne
La Commission européenne a lancé un site Internet interactif sur son
initiative eEurope, afin de présenter la manière dont elle y donne suite
après le sommet de Lisbonne des 23 et 24 mars 2000. Le lancement d'un site
Internet eEurope répond à l'engagement pris par la Commission de suivre
l'état d'avancement des objectifs de eEurope et de favoriser le débat
public sur cette initiative. Il s'agit, par cette page d'accueil eEurope,
de proposer un nouveau point de contact avec la politique et les actions
menées par la Commission dans le domaine de la société de l'information.
[05] Commission reinforces cooperation with international financial
institutions in candidate countries and NIS
The European Commission signed today a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
with the World Bank Group, the EBRD, the Council of Europe Development Bank,
the Nordic Investment Bank and the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation
setting out the principles of their cooperation in pre-accession
preparation of central and eastern European countries. The Commission
signed a similar MoU with the EBRD and the World Bank Group guiding their
operations in the New Independent States (NIS) opening thereby a new phase
in their cooperation. Pedro Solbes, Commissioner for Economic and Monetary
Affairs, highlighted "the importance and the efficiency gains that are
expected from this extended cooperation which should ensure a more
coordinated strategy vis-à-vis these countries, a systematic and timely
sharing of information regarding policies, procedures, programmes and the
co-financing of concrete projects in a range of areas".
[06] EU and China yet to conclude deal on WTO accession
The latest round of bilateral negotiations between the European Union and
China on the terms of China's accession to the World Trade Organisation
(WTO) ended today with some progress through final agreement was not
reached. Although the four days of talks were held in a constructive spirit
with positive movement on both sides resulting in a certain narrowing of
differences on the outstanding issues under negotiation, conclusion of a
bilateral agreement was not possible at this stage.
[07] La Commission a adopté des contre-mesures pour non-respect de la
Fédération russe de l'accord sur le commerce des produits sidérurgiques
La Commission européenne a adopté une décision CECA visant à réduire de 12%
pour l'année 2000 les limites quantitatives relatives aux importations de
certains produits sidérurgiques en provenance de la Fédération de Russie.
Cette décision fait suite à l'instauration par la Fédération russe en avril
1999 d'un droit de douane temporaire de 15% frappant ses exportations de
ferraille et de déchets sidérurgiques. Cette mesure constitue une
infraction patente par rapport aux engagements souscrits par la Fédération
russe dans le cadre de l'accord signé en 1997 entre la Communauté
Européenne du Charbon et de l'Acier et la Fédération russe sur le commerce
de certains produits sidérurgiques. Cette taxation a pour objectif et pour
effet de restreindre les exportations de la Fédération russe des produits
concernés, contribuant ainsi à accentuer les tensions sur le prix
international de la ferraille, ce qui est directement préjudiciable à
l'industrie sidérurgique communautaire. En dépit de nombreuses phases de
consultations à divers niveaux, la Fédération russe a reconduit cette
mesure temporaire en octobre 1999. La Commission considère que des
sanctions commerciales proportionnelles sont nécessaires aussi longtemps
que la Fédération russe maintiendra cette infraction persistante aux
dispositions de l'accord sidérurgique. Ces sanctions se fondent sur les
dispositions ad-hoc de l'Accord de Partenariat et de Coopération, dans le
cadre duquel l'accord sidérurgique s'inscrit.
[08] EU wins WTO panel against US Anti-dumping Act
(! embargo 4.30 pm !) In a ruling issued today, the WTO Panel has found
that the US Anti-dumping Act of 1916, which provides civil and criminal
sanctions to remedy anti-dumping practices, is in violation of WTO rules.
This act has been invoked several times against EU companies over the last
few years and constitutes a powerful and dangerous tool to hinder
competition from imports.
[09] First European Union-South Africa Cooperation Council to take place in
Pretoria, South Africa
The European Union (EU) and South Africa (SA) will take further concrete
steps in implementing the historic Trade, Development and Cooperation
Agreement (TDCA) with the inaugural meeting today of the EU-SA Cooperation
Council. Negotiations on the Agreement were concluded late last year.
Outstanding matters of concern to both parties were resolved in February
2000 following an exchange of letters between the South African President
and the Presidents of the European Commission and European Council. At its
first meeting, the Cooperation Council, with representatives from the EU
and SA present, will discuss a series of matters including trade-related
issues and development cooperation. The EU-SA Trade, Development and
Cooperation Agreement is unique in its scope. Its main provisions, notably
the dismantling of tariffs, have been in force since 1 January 2000 and
have already proved beneficial to the parties involved. The inaugural
meeting of the Cooperation Council marks an important landmark in its
implementation. The TDCA reinforces Europe's commitment to supporting
sustainable economic development and investment in South Africa. Philip
Lowe, Director General for Development will represent the European
Commission at the Cooperation Council. Alistair Ruiters, Director General
of the Department of Trade and Industry will head the South African team.
[10] Anna Diamantopoulou accueille favorablement l'arrêt de la Cour "Banks"
promouvant la libre circulation des travailleurs à l'intérieur de l'UE
La Cour de justice européenne tranche (affaire Banks e.a./Théâtre Royal de
la Monnaie, C-178/97) dans un sens favorable aux travailleurs la question
de la législation de sécurité sociale applicable aux travailleurs non
salariés qui exercent temporairement un travail dans un autre Etat membre
que celui où ils exercent habituellement leur activité. La Cour était pour
la première fois interrogée sur ce point, soulevé par le Tribunal du
travail de Bruxelles, à l'occasion d'un litige opposant des chanteurs
d'opéra et un chef d'orchestre se produisant normalement en Grande-Bretagne
au Théâtre Royal de la Monnaie de Bruxelles, où ils devaient se produire
pour une période limitée.
[11] Official opening of the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and
Xenophobia, 7-8 April 2000
The Opening ceremony of the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and
Xenophobia (EUMC) will be based upon the "Vienna Forum", an international
conference that brings together politicians, academics, representatives of
social partners and non-governmental organisations. It will concentrate on
the topic of racism and politics with speeches that will outline the vision
for a future Europe and whether Europe has indeed reached a significant
crossroad in its historical development. An important component of the
Vienna Forum will be the presentation of key projects in the fields of
politics, legislation and civil society undertaken by the EUMC.
Accreditation forms for journalists willing to attend the Opening as well
as a draft programme are available on the website of EUMC : http://www.eumc.at/general/opening/journalists.htm
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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