European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 99-11-24
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Parole 24/11/1999b
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] The EU Economy : 1999 review
[02] Automne 1999 : prévisions économiques pour 1999-2001
[03] Commission launches debate on future environmental priorities
[04] Commission calls for better integration of environment in EU policies,
and an improved system of Environment and Integration Indicators
[05] Internal Market : Commission presents strategy for the next five years
[06] Leased lines : Commission acts to bring down cost of communications in
[07] La Commission propose de rendre les réalisations de la politique
structurelle plus visibles pour les citoyens
[08] All euro rule for Structural Funds
[09] La Commission approuve la liste des zones allemandes en reconversion
pour la période 2000-2006 (objectif 2)
[10] Commission proposes dialogue with Albania to pave way for negotiations
on Stabilisation and Association Agreement
[11] La Commission agit contre la France et le Luxembourg pour non-respect
de l'ouverture des marchés de l'électricité
[12] La Commission adopte la version préliminaire du code de bonne conduite
administrative qui régira les relations entre le personnel de l'institution
et le public
[13] Commission shapes its policy on State guarantees
[14] La Commission ouvre une enquête concernant des aides envisagées par
l'Italie en faveur de l'usine Fiat de Melfi
[15] Commission approves R&D aid to the steel company Sidmar (Belgium)
[16] La Commission clôt la procédure concernant les mesures d'exonération
des charges sociales en faveur des entreprises situées à Venise et Chioggia
pendant la période 1995-1997
[17] Commission launches investigation into aid which Germany plans to
grant for VW's "open factory" in Dresden (Saxony)
[18] La Commission accepte les aides visant la création d'emploi en faveur
des entreprises opérant en Sardaigne
[19] La Commission décide d'ouvrir une enquête sur des aides accordées par
la Belgique à Cockerill Sambre S.A.
[20] New guidelines for State aids in agriculture
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[21] British beef : protocol of understanding reached between France and UK
[22] La Commission adopte le premier rapport sur les besoins
d'harmonisation dans le marché intérieur du gaz naturel
[23] Commission welcomes the removal of the wall in Usti-nad-Labem (Czech
[24] ACP leaders hold second summit
[25] First meeting of EU-Japan Consumer Associations Dialogue (EJCD)
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] The EU Economy : 1999 review
The EU Economy Review, a new publication replacing the Annual Economic
Report, was published for the first time today. Responding to a growing
demand for comprehensive economic information and analysis, the new
publication provides an in-depth survey of economic developments and policy
challenges facing the European Union, the euro area and the Member States.
Moving towards Stage Three of EMU and beyond, the EU should be increasingly
analysed as a single economic entity where economic policy is coordinated
in a well defined framework alongside the centrally set monetary policy by
the European Central Bank (ECB). In addition to evaluating the policy mix
and the short-term economic outlook, the "EU Economy : 1999 Review"
contains five thematic studies on issues that require timely attention by
policy makers : the origins of EU unemployment ; tax-benefit systems and
incentives to work ; the long-term economic and budgetary implications of
population ageing ; price level differences in the EU ; and European equity
market developments.
[02] Automne 1999 : prévisions économiques pour 1999-2001
Selon les prévisions économiques de l'automne 1999 publiées par la
Commission européenne, l'économie de l'Union européenne passera à une
vitesse supérieure durant le second semestre de 1999 en raison d'une
amélioration de l'environnement international et de la bonne résistance
manifestée par la demande intérieure à l'égard du ralentissement mondial.
La croissance du PIB réel dans l'UE et la zone euro devrait s'accélérer,
passant de 2,1% en 1999 à 3% (2,9% pour la zone euro) en 2000 et 2001. Les
perspectives pour 1999 concordent avec les dernières prévisions de la
Commission (publiées au printemps dernier) mais celles pour 2000-2001 sont
révisées à la hausse. En 2000 comme en 2001, l'inflation devrait se
maintenir nettement au-dessous de 2%, malgré le contrecoup de la hausse des
prix du pétrole. Tant en ce qui concerne la croissance économique que
l'inflation, l'évolution devrait être plus homogène entre les Etats membres
qu'en 1999.
[03] Commission launches debate on future environmental priorities
The European Commission adopted a Global Assessment on the overall results
of the European Union's 5th Environment Action Programme. At the same time
this report launches a debate with the other Institutions, stakeholders and
citizens on the future of EU policy for protecting the environment. The
report concludes that further efforts need to be undertaken in integrating
environmental objectives into other policy areas and that stakeholders and
citizens have to become more involved.
[04] Commission calls for better integration of environment in EU policies,
and an improved system of Environment and Integration Indicators
The European Commission has adopted a working paper called "From Cardiff to
Helsinki and beyond" which assesses the strategies by different sectoral
Councils for protecting the environment. The report is a contribution by
the Commission to the Helsinki European Council (10-11 December), which
will review overall progress on the integration of environmental concerns
and sustainable development into EU policies. The European Council in
Cardiff (June 1998) and subsequent European Councils in Vienna and Cologne
had asked sectoral Councils to report on how environmental objectives were
taken account of in their work. The Commission now concludes that these
Councils have made encouraging first steps in this respect but that further
efforts are needed. In a separate report, also adopted today, the
Commission presents the work on environment and integration indicators.
[05] Internal Market : Commission presents strategy for the next five years
The European Commission has adopted a Communication setting out its
strategy for the European Union's Internal Market over the next five years.
The Strategy centres on four main objectives, namely improving the quality
of life of citizens, enhancing the efficiency of the EU's product and
capital markets, improving the business environment and exploiting the
achievements of the Internal Market in a changing world. Within each of
these objectives, the Strategy includes specific target actions which will
be subject to an cycle of evaluation and priority-fixing, taking into
account the actual functioning of product and capital markets and feedback
received from citizens and business on their experiences with the Internal
Market. The first such evaluation will take place in April 2000 and
subsequent evaluations will take place annually. The strategy is based on
ideas set out in a consultative Communication presented in October (see
IP/99/728) which have been adjusted and complemented in the light of the
reaction of the European Parliament, the Council of Ministers and other
interested parties. To "prime the pump", the Communication identifies
nearly 100 initial target actions to be completed over the next 18 months,
of which 30 are new initiatives.
[06] Leased lines : Commission acts to bring down cost of communications in
The European Commission has adopted a Recommendation on the pricing of
short-distance leased lines. The Recommendation sets price ceilings for
short distance leased lines that incumbent telecommunication operators
charge. Leased lines are short distance communications links that incumbent
telecommunications companies rent to other network operators. These short
distance circuits constitute essential building blocks for the internal
communications networks of European businesses. Leased lines are
increasingly used also by small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to have
a permanent high speed access to the Internet. The sector of leased lines,
data networks and business communications is becoming increasingly
important in particular with the emergence of e-commerce, and already
represents about 25% of the total telecommunications market in some Member
States. The Recommendation also encourages unbundling of the local loop and
other measures to stimulate competition in the local access networks.
[07] La Commission propose de rendre les réalisations de la politique
structurelle plus visibles pour les citoyens
Afin d'accroître la visibilité de la politique structurelle de l'Union
européenne, la Commission européenne a adopté un règlement relatif aux
actions d'information et de publicité que doivent conduire les Etats
membres pendant la période 2000-2006. En fixant des règles communes
d'information et de publicité, l'objectif est d'informer, de manière plus
transparente, les bénéficiaires des fonds structurels et de sensibiliser
l'opinion publique au rôle joué par l'UE dans le développement de ses
[08] All euro rule for Structural Funds
The European Commission has proposed an "all Euro" rule for the Structural
Funds. The framework regulation on the Structural Funds for the new
programming period 2000-2006 already states that Commission decisions,
commitments and payments shall be denominated and carried out in euro.
However, financial plans, statement of expenditure and implemented reports
could still be presented to the Commission in euro or in national currency.
This shall be changed. The only remaining exceptions to the use of the euro
are statements of expenditure and implementing reports relating to
commitments of past periodes which are governed by past regulations. This
exception will apply both to EMU and non EMU Member States. Once four
committees have given their opinion on the "all Euro"- regulation, the
Commission can adopt it, hopefully before the end of this year.
[09] La Commission approuve la liste des zones allemandes en reconversion
pour la période 2000-2006 (objectif 2)
La Commission européenne vient de donner son approbation de principe à la
liste des zones allemandes en reconversion socio-économique éligibles à
l'objectif 2 des Fonds structurels pour la période 2000-2006. Il s'agit de
zones confrontées à des problèmes de reconversion dans les secteurs
industriels et des services, de zones rurales en déclin ou de quartiers
urbains en difficulté. Elles couvriront environ 10,3 millions d'habitants
et concernent tous les Länder de l'Ouest de l'Allemagne ainsi qu'une partie
de Berlin.
[10] Commission proposes dialogue with Albania to pave way for negotiations
on Stabilisation and Association Agreement
The European Commission has adopted a report on the feasibility of
negotiating a Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Albania. The
report pays tribute to the enormous efforts made by the government and
people of Albania since the major political crisis that hit the country in
1997 and, more recently, during the Kosovo crisis. The response of the
Albanian people towards the influx of refugees broad great credit to their
country. The report is a first step towards establishing a much closer
relationship between Albania and the European Union (EU) - a relationship
that both Albania and the EU wish to enhance. It notes the progress thus
far, and encourages the Government of Albania to persevere with reform. It
assesses the steps that are needed in order for Albania to be in a position
to embark on full-scale negotiations on a Stabilisation and Association
Agreement with the EU. It sets out the main problems now facing the country,
such as the lack of security and public order, widespread corruption and
the general weakness of its economy. The report invites the Albanian
government to prepare a status report, including a timetable, on actions
taken or envisaged in order to meet clear economic, political and
institutional requirements. The Commission also announced its intention to
launch further technical talks with the Albanian side in order to clarify
certain aspects of a new agreement, in particular the establishment of a
Free Trade Area and the approximation of legislation with EU standards.
[11] La Commission agit contre la France et le Luxembourg pour non-respect
de l'ouverture des marchés de l'électricité
La Commission européenne a décidé d'adresser une lettre de mise en demeure
à la France et au Luxembourg pour non-transposition en droit national des
dispositions de la Directive concernant des règles communes dans le secteur
de l'électricité.
[12] La Commission adopte la version préliminaire du code de bonne conduite
administrative qui régira les relations entre le personnel de l'institution
et le public
La Commission européenne a adopté une première mouture du code de bonne
conduite administrative. Ce code vise à garantir un service public de
qualité, transparent, efficace et courtois. Une adoption définitive du code
est prévue au début de l'année 2000.
[13] Commission shapes its policy on State guarantees
The European Commission has adopted a "Notice" summing up its approach to
State aid in the form of State guarantees. The document explains under
which conditions the Commission considers that a State guarantee includes
elements of State aid and when it does not. The Notice also clarifies that,
if aid is involved, this aid is granted when a guarantee is given and not
when it is actually honoured. The Commission intends in this way to make
its policy in this area as transparent as possible. However, the Notice
does not deal with the conditions under which aid in the form of guarantees
can be found compatible with the common market. For this decision the same
rules apply as for other forms of State aid.
[14] La Commission ouvre une enquête concernant des aides envisagées par
l'Italie en faveur de l'usine Fiat de Melfi
La Commission européenne a décidé d'ouvrir une procédure d'enquête
approfondie à l'encontre d'aides d'un montant de 40 millions d'euros (78
milliards de lires) envisagées en faveur de l'usine Fiat de Melfi
(Basilicata). La Commission n'a pas pu établir à ce stade que les aides
prévues respectent les prescriptions de l'encadrement automobile et invite
l'Italie à présenter ses observations dans un délai d'un mois.
[15] Commission approves R&D aid to the steel company Sidmar (Belgium)
The European Commission has approved an aid notified by Belgium totalling
euro 3.4 million (BEF 137.9 million) to the steel company Sidmar for
funding five Research & Development projects carried out in the Research
Centre of the Group, OCAS NV. The aid is compatible with the Steel Aid Code
and therefore with the ECSC Treaty.
[16] La Commission clôt la procédure concernant les mesures d'exonération
des charges sociales en faveur des entreprises situées à Venise et Chioggia
pendant la période 1995-1997
Les aides en faveur des entreprises de Venise et Chioggia sous forme de
dégrèvement des charges sociales en faveur de la création d'emploi, prévues
à l'article 2 du décret ministériel du 5.8.1994, sont approuvées seulement
pour les PME, les autres entreprises implantées dans une zone éligible aux
aides à finalité régionale, et toute entreprise recrutant des catégories de
travailleurs éprouvant des difficultés particulières à s'insérer ou à se
réinsérer dans le marché du travail. En revanche les aides en faveur du
maintien de l'emploi prévues à l'article 1 du décret ministériel du
5.8.1994 sont déclarées incompatibles avec le marché commun.
[17] Commission launches investigation into aid which Germany plans to
grant for VW's "open factory" in Dresden (Saxony)
The European Commission has decided to launch a thorough investigation into
regional aid totalling euro 100 million (DEM 194 million) which Germany
plans to grant to Automobilmanufaktur Dresden GmbH, a wholly owned
subsidiary of Volkswagen AG (VW). The Commission has so far not been able
to establish whether the planned aid meets the requirements of the motor
vehicle framework. It is asking Germany to provide within one month all the
necessary information for the assessment of the case.
[18] La Commission accepte les aides visant la création d'emploi en faveur
des entreprises opérant en Sardaigne
La Commission européenne a constaté que les aides à l'emploi notifiées par
les autorités italiennes en faveur des entreprises de la Sardaigne sont
conformes aux lignes directrices communautaires concernant les aides à
l'emploi. Elle a donc décidé de ne pas soulever d'objections à l'égard de
ce régime.
[19] La Commission décide d'ouvrir une enquête sur des aides accordées par
la Belgique à Cockerill Sambre S.A.
La Commission européenne a décidé d'ouvrir une enquête concernant des aides
à l'emploi accordées par la Belgique en faveur de l'entreprise sidérurgique
Cockerill Sambre pour un montant total de 13.8 millions d'euros (BEF 553
millions). A première vue, ces aides paraissent incompatibles avec le Code
des aides à la sidérurgie. La Commission invite la Belgique à présenter ses
observations et à lui fournir toute information utile pour l'évaluation de
l'aide dans un délai d'un mois.
[20] New guidelines for State aids in agriculture
The European Commission has adopted comprehensive guidelines to grant State
aid in the agricultural sector. The new guidelines codify and simplify the
rules applied by the Commission in the past. In addition, a number of
important changes are made to ensure that the European Union rules for
State aids are consistent with the new rural development policy introduced
as part of the Agenda 2000 reforms. In accordance with the principles laid
down by the European Court of Justice, State aid must make a real
contribution to the development of certain economic activities or certain
regions. State aid which is simply intended to improve the financial
situation of the recipient without any counterpart from the beneficiary
cannot be considered compatible with the EC Treaty. Furthermore, the
Commission is reflecting on a new framework for promotion and advertising
of agricultural products. Thus the guidelines adopted today simply make a
reference to the existing guidelines published in 1987.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[21] British beef : protocol of understanding reached between France and UK
A protocol of understanding was agreed yesterday by the European Commission,
the French and the British Governments to resolve the dispute on France's
refusal to lift the embargo on British beef. The protocol summarizes the
clarifications obtained on the five points (traceability, controls, tests,
derived products, labelling), which were discussed between Health and
Consumer Protection Commissioner David Byrne, French Agriculture Minister
Jean Glavany and British Agriculture Minister Nick Brown at their meeting
in Brussels on the 2nd of November. Mr Byrne welcomed the agreement : "I am
pleased that we have reached a common understanding. I hope that this will
help to overcome France's objection to lifting the embargo on British beef.
I have always said that I would prefer a quick and amicable solution to
this conflict and I feel that today's agreement will contribute to this.
What we have managed to achieve is to provide important clarifications on
how the DBES scheme will operate." Mr Byrne has also informed the German
government about the protocol of understanding and repeated his call for
the German government to take the promised action to lift the import ban on
British beef.
[22] La Commission adopte le premier rapport sur les besoins
d'harmonisation dans le marché intérieur du gaz naturel
La Commission européenne a adopté le 23 novembre le premier rapport sur les
besoins d'harmonisation dans le marché intérieur du gaz naturel. Ce rapport
examine en détail les domaines où des mesures d'harmonisation pourraient se
démontrer nécessaires pour la réalisation d'un véritable marché intérieur
du gaz naturel. Il s'attache surtout aux obstacles potentiels du commerce
transfrontalier : différences techniques entre les réseaux de gaz des
entreprises de gaz naturel dans l'Union européenne ; obstacles qui limitent
le commerce transfrontalier ; gestion de la capacité des interconnecteurs
transfrontaliers et problème des goulots d'étranglement. En outre, le
rapport étudie les conséquences de la libéralisation du marché du gaz
européen sur le commerce avec les pays tiers, ainsi que les domaines dans
lesquels des règles et standards différents entre Etats membres pourraient
être considérés comme trop hétérogènes dans le cadre d'un marché libéralisé
du gaz. Néanmoins, comme la phase de transposition n'est pas encore
terminée, il est proposé de présenter l'an prochain un autre rapport qui
analysera plus en détail la situation sur la base de l'expérience acquise
et des commentaires des parties intéressées.
[23] Commission welcomes the removal of the wall in Usti-nad-Labem (Czech
The European Commission today welcomed the decision taken by the city
council of Usti-nad-Labem (Czech Republic) to remove the wall built last
month in a Roma neighbourhood. Following contacts with the Czech government
and representatives of the Roma community during the last month, Günter
Verheugen, Commissioner for Enlargement said : "The decision to dismantle
the wall is very welcome and will enhance the image of the Czech Republic
and its human rights record. I hope that the decision of the City Council
of Usti-nad-Labem will be followed by a constructive dialogue between all
concerned to address the social problems of the Roma. The European
Commission will reinforce its dialogue with the governments of the
candidate countries and with representatives of the Roma communities to
support efforts to overcome their difficulties."
[24] ACP leaders hold second summit
European Commissioner for Development, Poul Nielson, will represent
President Romano Prodi at the second summit of ACP Heads of State and
Government in Santo Domingo on 25 and 26 November 1999. The meeting is held
at a particularly critical time. ACP partners are preparing for a common
platform and jointly agreed goals in the new round of multilateral trade
negotiations and in their future relations with Europe. Development will
indeed be a key issue at the Seattle WTO Ministerial. The European Union
has been very active in preparing the new round with regard to promoting
developing countries interest and active participation in these
negotiations. The EU has provided substantial support to assist the ACP
States to play an active role in the entire process. According to Mr
Nielson, only a comprehensive agenda can ensure that market-access
interests of all countries are represented. The EU is in this respect
committed to duty-free access for essentially all products originating from
the Least Developed Countries. On the eve of a new phase in EU/ACP
relations, the ACP Summit is expected to discuss some of the outstanding
issues in the present EU/ACP negotiations to be concluded in the
forthcoming Ministerial meeting on 7 and 8 December 1999 in Brussels.
Commissioner Nielson will emphasise his commitment to preserving the nature
and uniqueness of EU/ACP relations and to successfully concluding the
negotiations before the end of the year.
[25] First meeting of EU-Japan Consumer Associations Dialogue (EJCD)
On 25-26 November 1999, European and Japanese Consumer Associations will
hold their first ever Dialogue Meeting. The European delegation is composed
of various consumer organisations representing the Consumer Committee of
the European Union and representatives of the European Commission, which
has played a leading role in setting up this Dialogue. The goals of the
European-Japanese Consumer Dialogue are : to highlight how consumer
interests can be defended in view of new world-wide challenges ; to provide
a forum for discussion and consensus building on important public policy
issues by consumer groups in Japan and the EU ; to add a clear consumer
approach to the EU-Japan Business Dialogue. The EU-Japan Consumer Dialogue
(EJCD) meeting will begin with opening addresses made by Vice-Minister
Seiji SHIMPO of the Economic Planning Agency (EPA) and Ambassador Ove Juul
Jørgensen, Head of the European Commission's Delegation in Japan. The
working sessions will concentrate on various issues, including round table
discussions on food safety and financial services. Giving consumers a more
powerful voice in the EU and in the world is one of the key objectives of
the Commission's new three year programme for the years 1999-2001. Since
1998, a Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue has been formally in place to
provide the political framework where Consumer Associations of the US and
the EU meet to discuss items such as biotechnology, procurement, technical
barriers to trade in goods, services, intellectual property, multilateral
issues and the environment.
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