European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 99-05-21
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Parole 21/05/1999b
[01] Le marché unique de l'aviation est un réel succès qui doit être
conforté en prévision des défis mondiaux que l'Europe va devoir relever
[02] Amended proposal for Directive on copyright and related rights in the
information society
[03] Fiscalité : la Commission décide de saisir la Cour de Justice à
l'encontre de la Finlande et de la France
[04] Extension of flight ban between the territories of the EU and the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
[05] Yves-Thibault de Silguy : "The euro is a factor for stability and a
force for change"
[01] Le marché unique de l'aviation est un réel succès qui doit être
conforté en prévision des défis mondiaux que l'Europe va devoir relever
Depuis que le marché a été libéralisé, les compagnies aériennes européennes
ont considérablement amélioré leurs résultats économiques et financiers et
ont créé des emplois. La Communication de la Commission, intitulée "Le
secteur des transports aériens en Europe: du marché unique aux défis
mondiaux", reflète le souci constant de la Commission de surveiller les
effets de la libéralisation sur le marché de l'aviation civile afin de
s'assurer qu'elle profite aussi bien aux exploitants qu'aux utilisateurs de
transports aériens. Dans cette Communication, la Commission, tout en se
déclarant satisfaite des évolutions positives constatées ces dernières
années dans l'Union européenne, attire l'attention sur le fait que les
compagnies aériennes européennes restent fragiles sur le plan commercial en
comparaison de leurs principaux concurrents, nord-américains pour la
[02] Amended proposal for Directive on copyright and related rights in the
information society
An amended proposal for a Directive on copyright and of related rights in
the Information Society has been presented by the European Commission. The
proposed Directive would establish a level playing field for copyright
protection in the new environment, and in particular cover the reproduction
right, the communication to the public right, the distribution right, and
legal protection of anti-copying and rights management systems. Throughout
the legislative process, the Commission has paid particular attention to
safeguarding a fair balance between all the rights and interests involved.
The amended proposal includes a majority but not all of the changes sought
by the European Parliament in its February 1999 Opinion on the Commission's
original proposal (see IP/97/1100 and MEMO/97/108), in accordance with the
undertakings given by the Commission to the Parliament at the time. The
amended proposal would continue to require Member States to provide network
operators with an exception from the reproduction right for certain
technical acts of reproduction (such as certain 'cache' copies arising
during transmission over the Internet) and recognise that Member States may
provide rightholders with fair compensation for private copying by analogue
as well as digital means in accordance with their legal traditions and
[03] Fiscalité : la Commission décide de saisir la Cour de Justice à
l'encontre de la Finlande et de la France
La Commission européenne a décidé de saisir la Cour de Justice européenne à
l'encontre de la Finlande pour non respect des règles communautaires en
matière d'accises (car elle applique un taux réduit au fuel utilisé comme
carburant) et à l'encontre de la France pour non respect de la sixième
Directive TVA. En effet, la législation française admet que, dans certains
cas, les pourboires puissent ne pas être pris en compte lors du calcul de
la base imposable TVA .
[04] Extension of flight ban between the territories of the EU and the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
The European Commission has adopted a proposal for a Council Regulation
extending the flight ban which was imposed by the Council Regulation
1901/98 on flights of Yugoslav carriers between the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia (FRY) and the European Union (EU). This Regulation was
subsequently amended to permit Montenegro Airlines to execute charter
flights under certain conditions. The current proposal, which repeals
Regulation 1901/98, extends the scope prohibiting not only flights by
Yugoslav carriers between the EU and the FRY but also flights between these
territories by EU and third country carriers. In addition, aircraft
registered in the FRY or operated by Yugoslav carriers should not be
allowed to land in or take off from EU territory. The prohibition to fly is
complemented by the revocation of operating authorisations and a
prohibition to grant or renew such authorisations. It is proposed that as
regards aircraft other than Yugoslav aircraft, the ban should apply to
commercially operated aircraft and aircraft operated for private purposes.
Exceptions are made for landings in case of emergencies as well as for
flight for strictly humanitarian purposes.
[05] Yves-Thibault de Silguy : "The euro is a factor for stability and a
force for change"
Speaking at the annual meeting of the International Securities Markets
Association, European Commissioner for economic, monetary and financial
affairs, Yves-Thibault de Silguy, said : "The present limited and temporary
slowdown in Europe would no doubt have been much more severe without the
protective shield of the euro". "The sound economic and monetary policies
of recent years have helped to stimulate growth. At the same time they are
strengthening the image of the euro on the markets. In particular, progress
towards sounder public finances is boosting growth". "We can therefore be
optimistic about the outlook for the euro zone economy. According to the
Commission's spring forecasts, growth should be 2.2% in 1999 and could rise
to 2.7% the following year. These figures are broadly in line with the
forecasts published by the OECD earlier this week. As growth recovers,
employment should also increase."
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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