European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 98-06-17
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] Commerce électronique : la Commission définit des orientations en
matière de fiscalité indirecte
[02] La Commission inflige une amende de six millions d'Ecus à
l'Amministrazione Autonoma dei Monopoli di Stato (Italie)
[03] La Commission ordonne la restitution d'aides octroyées par le
Luxembourg en faveur de l'entreprise sidérurgique Arbed
[04] Commission opens proceedings on Nerefco
[05] Ems flood barrier at Gandersum not covered by state aid rules
[06] Commission closes file on R&D-aid in favour of Fokker 70 project
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[07] Hans van den Broek to visit Slovakia
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] Commerce électronique : la Commission définit des orientations en
matière de fiscalité indirecte
La Commission européenne a adopté une Communication pour faire le point des
travaux en cours en vue de préciser les modalités d'application de la
fiscalité indirecte au commerce électronique. Elle propose un certain
nombre d'orientations qui devraient servir de base aux discussions avec
toutes les parties intéressées au développement du commerce électronique.
Ces orientations visent à assurer la sécurité, la simplicité et la
neutralité de l'imposition de manière à éviter toute distorsion du marché
et à promouvoir la croissance du commerce électronique. La Commission
considère qu'il s'agit de clarifier, adapter et simplifier le système
fiscal existant, en excluant tout nouvel impôt sur ces prestations de
services, y compris sur Internet. Cette Communication devrait former la
base de la contribution de l'Union européenne à la Conférence ministérielle
de l'OCDE qui se tiendra à Ottawa en octobre.
[02] La Commission inflige une amende de six millions d'Ecus à
l'Amministrazione Autonoma dei Monopoli di Stato (Italie)
La Commission européenne a décidé d'infliger une amende à l'Amministrazione
Autonoma dei Monopoli dello Stato (AAMS). L'AMMS, qui est en position
dominante dans le marché italien de la distribution en gros des cigarettes,
a mis en oeuvre des pratiques abusives visant à protéger ses cigarettes au
détriment de celles fabriquées dans les autres pays de l'Union européenne.
[03] La Commission ordonne la restitution d'aides octroyées par le
Luxembourg en faveur de l'entreprise sidérurgique Arbed
Au mois de décembre 1994, la Commission européenne avait décidé d'autoriser
les aides d'Etat que le Luxembourg avait projeté d'octroyer à ProfilArbed
dans le cadre des investissements réalisés par celle-ci pour la protection
de l'environnement lors de la construction de sa nouvelle aciérie à Esch-
Schifflange. Suite à la plainte d'un concurrent d'Arbed, le Tribunal de
Première Instance avait annulé cette décision parce que la Commission
n'avait pas tenu compte des observations formulées par le plaignant. Sur
base de ces observations, la Commission a maintenant adopté une décision
négative à l'égard des dites aides.
[04] Commission opens proceedings on Nerefco
The European Commission has decided to open proceedings with regard to the
Dutch proposed aid to a process integrated gas turbine at the Nerefco
refinery. This project is submitted within the framework of a general CO²
reduction plan. The Commission has concerns as to the compatibility of the
project with European Union guidelines on State aid for environmental
[05] Ems flood barrier at Gandersum not covered by state aid rules
The European Commission has decided that the Ems flood barrier which the
Land of Lower Saxony plans to construct at Gandersum ranks as a public
infrastructure project and that the EU Treaty provisions on state aid do
not apply to it. The Ems barrier is an infrastructure measure whose
primary purpose is to provide flood protection. The improved navigability
of the river will benefit all users on a non-discriminatory basis. The
Commission has decided on these grounds that the financing of the Ems flood
barrier at Gandersum from the state budget is not aid within the meaning of
Article 92(1) of the EU Treaty.
[06] Commission closes file on R&D-aid in favour of Fokker 70 project
The European Commission has closed the file on aid to Dutch aircraft
manufacturer Fokker, notified in 1993, since the Dutch government committed
to recovering the ECU 163 million grant from the bankrupt manufacturer's
estate. The Dutch authorities decided in 1993 to support the development of
the Fokker 70 civil transport aircraft, which was developed from the Fokker
100. Total R&D costs of the project were estimated at ECU 163 million.
There were three components to the aid for the development of the Fokker 70
: a royalty-loan, a guarantee for a bank loan and advanced interest
payments on the loan, guaranteed by the Dutch government. The aid
intensity depended on the results of the project, varying between 0% in the
case of success and over 40% in the case of failure.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[07] Hans van den Broek to visit Slovakia
European Commissioner for External Relations Hans van den Broek will be
visiting Slovakia on 18 June to discuss that country's preparations for
European Union (EU) accession. He will call on the Government to
accelerate its membership preparations and will remind Bratislava that the
Commission will be reporting on the progress of all applicants at the end
of the year. Discussions will focus on Slovakia's efforts to meet the
political criteria for membership, which were highlighted in the
Commission's opinion in July 1997. Mr van den Broek will also raise the
issue of nuclear safety. Commenting on his visit, Commissioner van den
Broek said : "I will assure Slovakia of the EU's unstinting support for its
efforts to join the EU. The question is not whether Slovakia will join the
EU ; the question is when. And the answer lies in the hands of the Slovak
government. We have said clearly what needs to be done and provide
considerable financial assistance and technical advice to help Slovakia
address these issues." During his one-day visit, Mr van den Broek will
meet Prime Minister Vladimir Meciar, Foreign Minister Zdenka Kramplova, the
President of Parliament, Ivan Gasparovic, and Deputy Prime Minister Jozef
Kalman, as well as leaders of opposition parties. He will also address the
Civil Society Development Foundation, which was established with the
support of the EU, on the occasion of its 5th anniversary. In his speech,
the Commissioner will emphasise the importance the EU attaches to civil
society and his personal satisfaction at the growth of the NGO sector in
Slovakia, which is making a significant contribution to the strengthening
of democracy in that country.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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