European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 98-02-10
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[01] La Commission enquête sur les prix de la téléphonie mobile et fixe
dans l'Union européenne
[02] Martin Bangemann : full confidence in the national regulatory
authorities for telecommunications
[03] Le Rapport général 1997 sur l'activité de l'Union européenne
prochainement sur Internet
[04] Kicking racism out of football: Commission launches exhibition and
[05] Hans van den Broek to open new Phare and Tacis Information Centre
[01] La Commission enquête sur les prix de la téléphonie mobile et fixe
dans l'Union européenne
Karel Van Miert, Commissaire européen responsable de la politique de
concurrence, a chargé ses services de mener une enquête portant sur la
situation à l'intérieur des quinze pays membres quant aux tarifs
d'interconnexion appliqués entre opérateurs de télécommunications fixes et
mobiles. La même enquête couvrira aussi la question du prix des appels de
réseaux fixes vers des réseaux mobiles. Elle reflète les préoccupations
déjà exprimées dans divers Etats membres de l'Union européenne. L'objectif
de la Commission dans le domaine de la convergence des marchés fixes et
mobiles est l'ouverture des télécommunications mobiles à davantage de
citoyens européens. Chaque citoyen en Europe doit en effet pouvoir accéder
aux communications mobiles, et des marchés pro-compétitifs sont un élément
essentiel pour atteindre cet objectif. Les services de M. Van Miert ont
ainsi demandé des renseignements aux opérateurs de télécommunications fixes
et mobiles dans tous les Etats membres, afin de rassembler des informations
sur les tarifs des différents types d'interconnexion entre les réseaux
fixes et mobiles, et sur les prix payés par le consommateur final pour le
type d'appel correspondant. Les réponses devront parvenir à la Commission
vers la fin du mois de février.
[02] Martin Bangemann : full confidence in the national regulatory
authorities for telecommunications
Now that the historic date of 1 January 1998 has passed, the competitive
functioning of the European Union's (EU) telecommunications market is
really taking off. However, the players in this market - new entrants,
incumbents, regulatory as well as competition authorities, and ministries -
are having to settle into their new, demanding roles. In particular in the
area of interconnection rates, tariffs, and pre-selection prices a series
of measures need to be proposed by incumbents and approved by National
Regulatory Authorities (NRA's) to allow new entrants access to the
incumbents' infrastructure and to allow for customer choice in the emerging
competitive marketplace. Referring in particular to the discussions
between the telecoms regulator and the Bundeskartellamt in Germany,
European Commissioner Martin Bangemann, in a declaration publishesd today
in Brussels, urges pragmatic attitudes and responsible behaviour on the
part of all : "It will be in the interest of the entire European economy
that we ensure a fully functioning, competitive EU telecommunications
market. I have full confidence in the newly created NRA's, as the primary
responsible entities in the Member States, to play a catalytic role in this
respect. We should let them to get on with their tasks. By means of
national legislation, the EU regimes of the Interconnection Directive and
the Voice Telephony Directive are to be effectively implemented by the
NRA's. These Directives only allow for cost-based solutions which means
that a complex of technical, accounting, and organisational parameters
needs to be assessed by the NRA's. From our on-going monitoring actions,
the Commission is fully satisfied with these assessments and the subsequent
positions taken."
[03] Le Rapport général 1997 sur l'activité de l'Union européenne
prochainement sur Internet
Le Rapport général 1997 sur l'activité de l'Union européenne (UE) vient de
paraître et est disponible dans les onze langues officielles auprès des
différents bureaux de vente des publications officielles de l'UE.
Structuré par grands thèmes et doté d'un index analytique, il comporte des
références systématiques au Journal officiel, aux Rapports généraux
précédents et aux Bulletins mensuels de l'UE. Dans les prochaines semaines,
et pour la première fois, le Rapport général sera également disponible,
dans les onze langues officielles, sur le serveur Internet Europa
[04] Kicking racism out of football: Commission launches exhibition and
"The real victory against racism will be won in the minds of ordinary
people as they live and work. That's why football is such a potent weapon
for putting across the anti-racist message". This is European Social
affairs Commissioner Padraig Flynn's message to those attending the launch
of an exhibition and seminar on the contribution of football to the fight
against racism today in the European Parliament. The event, which is part
of the 'Let's Kick Racism out of Football' project, is funded by the
European Commission as part of the 1997 European Year Against Racism. It
marks the first time that the Football Associations of the Member States of
the European Union come together to share ideas, strategies and experiences
on combating racism in their game. They will also discuss future action
and cooperation on this issue.
[05] Hans van den Broek to open new Phare and Tacis Information Centre
Foreign Affairs Commissioner Hans van den Broek will formally open a new
Phare and Tacis Information Centre on Wednesday, 11 February in Brussels.
The Centre's aim is to respond more effectively to information requests
about these programmes from both the business community and other interest
groups. Phare and Tacis are the assistance programmes of the European
Union to Central and Eastern Europe respectively to the New Independent
States (NIS). Together these programmes have committed almost ECU 10
billion, most of which is contracted out. The new Centre will contribute
to increased transparency in operations and better public access to
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