European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 97-11-27
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[01] Commission presents report on peace and reconciliation initiative in
Northern Ireland and Ireland
[02] ESB: l'Union européenne renforce la sécurité et la protection de la
santé des travailleurs
[03] Commission proposes amendment to the Directive on hazardous waste
[04] Innovation dans le traitement des tumeurs malignes du cerveau
[05] Favourable market possibilities for fair trade bananas
[06] Sir Leon Brittan welcomes Chinese moves on WTO
[07] Padraig Flynn explains why equal opportunities is central to labour
market reform
[08] Marcelino Oreja souligne l'importance sociale du sport
[01] Commission presents report on peace and reconciliation initiative in
Northern Ireland and Ireland
The European Commission adopted a report on the Special Support Programme
for Peace and Reconciliation in Northern Ireland and the Border Counties of
Ireland. The report stresses that the Peace Programme gives a crucial
moral and financial support to those searching for common ground rather
than violence. As proof that the European Union's (EU) approach works, one
need only look at the overwhelming response the Programme has generated.
The total applications for funding in Northern Ireland is close to 14,000
of which some 7,000 have been approved. In the Border Counties, 1,400
applications alone have been received and more than 950 approved. "Because
the ideas for action come from the people themselves, it gives them a sense
of ownership and a greater stake in trying to make peace work," stressed
Monika Wulf-Mathies, Commissioner responsible for the Peace Programme. The
Peace and Reconciliation Programme was approved by the Commission in July
1995 with an aid allocation of ECU 300 million from the EU's Structural
Funds for the period 1995-97. The present report includes a summary of the
programme's origins, objectives and priorities and a review of progress in
implementing the programme.
[02] ESB: l'Union européenne renforce la sécurité et la protection de la
santé des travailleurs
La Commission européenne a adopté une directive renforçant les dispositions
existantes de la directive 90/679/CEE relative à la protection des
travailleurs, afin qu'elles couvrent les cas d'exposition à l'encéphalopathie
spongiforme bovine (ESB) et à d'autres types similaires d'encéphalopathies
spongiformes transmissibles. La directive 90/679/CEE concerne la
protection des travailleurs contre les risques liés à l'exposition à des
agents biologiques au travail. La décision de renforcer la directive a été
motivée par les découvertes scientifiques les plus récentes (publiées le 2
octobre dernier par la revue "Nature") établissant un lien entre l'agent de
l'ESB et la nouvelle variante de la maladie de Creutzfeldt-Jakob qui
affecte l'être humain. Ces nouvelles découvertes ont fourni des preuves
convaincantes que les recommandations actuelles concernant la protection
des travailleurs contre une transmission possible, dans le cadre de
l'exercice d'une activité professionnelle, des encéphalopathies
spongiformes transmissibles, et notamment de l'ESB, doivent être
renforcées. La directive s'applique à tous les travailleurs, y compris à
ceux qui sont particulièrement exposés, tels que les agriculteurs, les
travailleurs des abattoirs et les médecins biologistes.
[03] Commission proposes amendment to the Directive on hazardous waste
The European Commission has adopted a proposal for an amendment to the 1994
Council Directive on the incineration of hazardous waste. The existing
legislation lays down very strict limit values for emissions of heavy
metals and dioxins into the air. The proposed amendment seeks to limit the
emissions into water of these toxic substances. In particular, the
proposal restricts the release of cadmium and mercury compounds and dioxins
to the technically feasible minimum, in order to protect human health and
the environment.
[04] Innovation dans le traitement des tumeurs malignes du cerveau
Une forme innovatrice de radiothérapie est testée pour la première fois en
Europe (Petten, Pays-Bas) sur des patients souffrant d'une forme très
agressive de cancer appelée glioblastome multiforme. Ce cancer du cerveau
qui touche environ 15.000 personnes par an en Europe est peu sensible aux
traitements conventionnels. Deux patients ont déjà été soignés à
l'installation du Centre Commun de Recherche (CCR) de la Commission
européenne à Petten, et deux autres doivent l'être bientôt. "Cette
expérience montre l'apport de la politique de recherche communautaire à la
lutte contre le cancer et donc à la santé des citoyens européens" a
souligné Edith Cresson, Commissaire en charge de la recherche, de
l'innovation, de l'éducation, de la jeunesse et de la formation.
[05] Favourable market possibilities for fair trade bananas
Almost three quarters (74%) of the European Union (EU) population say they
would buy "fair trade bananas" if they were available in the shops
alongside "standard" bananas. "Fair trade bananas" are produced according
to criteria which aim at improving conditions for producers and protecting
the environment. A total of 37% of EU consumers said they would be prepared
to pay a premium of 10% above the price of normal bananas for bananas of
equivalent quality produced according to fair trade standards. These are
the results of a survey carried out by the European Commission as part of
its assessment of the assistance which could be offered to bring "fair
trade bananas" to the EU market. The survey replies also revealed that
people with previous experience of fair trade products are much more likely
to buy fair trade bananas, and would be willing to pay more for them. More
than 9 out of 10 (93%) of consumers who had already bought fair trade goods
would be prepared to buy fair trade bananas, and 7 out of 10 (70%) would
pay a premium of at least 10% over the price of normal bananas. A
conservative interpretation of the results indicates that the EU market
potential could be around 3-400,000 tonnes a year, based on the total EU
market for bananas of approximately 4 million tonnes per year, and
restricting the estimate of consumer demand to those who in addition to
saying they would buy fair trade bananas, have also already demonstrated a
practical interest in fair trade through previous purchases.
[06] Sir Leon Brittan welcomes Chinese moves on WTO
At the APEC Summit in Vancouver, Chinese ministers put forward significant
new ideas on China's World Trade Organisation (WTO) accession. Sir Leon
Brittan, Vice-President of the European Commission, today welcomed the
latest moves: "I have now discussed these new proposals with Mrs Barshefsky
and we both agree that they provide a positive basis for further
negotiations", Sir Leon said. "It is clear that this is a major step
forward which I warmly welcome. China has shown a real commitment on its
part to the negotiating process. We must now be ready to build on it and
work constructively on all the outstanding issues"
[07] Padraig Flynn explains why equal opportunities is central to labour
market reform
Speaking today in Brussels at a Conference on Equal Opportunities and
Collective Bargaining, Employment and Social Affairs Commissioner Padraig
Flynn said that "unless we tackle the inequality issue in the labour market,
the European Union will not prosper. It's as simple as that." He went on
to explain that, "Europe's social and economic profile is changing
dramatically. We all realise that Europe's working age population is now
growing much more slowly than it did over the last 20 years. Soon it will
start to decline. It is not appreciated as fully as it might, that in the
longer term, the increased participation of women in the labour force is a
critical factor, if not the critical factor, if we are to sustain our
living standards and our social systems." He welcomed the fact that the
Jobs Summit has demanded that "Member States translate their commitment to
"promote equality of opportunity" into reality, which will show itself in
an increased presence of women at all levels of the labour market."
[08] Marcelino Oreja souligne l'importance sociale du sport
Le Commissaire Marcelino Oreja a relevé l'importance de la Déclaration
relative au sport insérée dans l'Acte final du Traité d'Amsterdam, durant
son intervention à la 7ème édition du Forum Européen du Sport 1997, qui a
lieu aujourd'hui à Luxembourg. Pour M. Oreja, "l'importance sociale du
sport dans la vie quotidienne des citoyens ainsi que le sentiment de
solidarité que le sport permet de développer entre les peuples reçoivent
ainsi une reconnaissance de la part des instances européennes dont on ne
saurait trop apprécier la portée". L'invitation faite à Amsterdam aux
institutions européennes à consulter les milieux sportifs, en particulier
amateurs, permettra de préciser davantage la portée des traités et des
réglementations européennes dans le domaine du sport : "Dans cet esprit, on
pourrait étudier la création d'un comité appelé à présenter chaque année au
Conseil et au Parlement européen un rapport sur les activités de la
Commission européenne et des milieux sportifs, gouvernementaux ou non", a
suggéré M. Oreja.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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