European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 97-10-06
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[01] La formation est essentielle pour trouver et garder un emploi
[02] Commission welcomes report on peace and reconciliation programme for
Northern Ireland
[03] Commission approves the acquisition by DuPont of ICI polyester and
titanium dioxide businesses
[01] La formation est essentielle pour trouver et garder un emploi
Le rôle majeur que jouent l'enseignement et la formation professionnelle en
vue d'aider les jeunes Européens à trouver et à garder un emploi est
souligné dans un rapport publié aujourd'hui par la Direction Générale XXII
(Education, Formation et Jeunesse) de la Commission européenne, Eurostat
(l'Office statistique des Communautés européennes) et le Cedefop (Centre
européen pour le développement de la formation professionnelle). Le
rapport montre que les jeunes qui ont suivi une formation professionnelle
complémentaire bénéficient de meilleures chances sur le marché du travail.
Chez les jeunes de 20 à 29 ans, dans cette catégorie, le taux de chômage
représente moins de la moitié de celui observé chez ceux qui n'ont suivi
que l'enseignement de base. Ils semblent aussi bénéficier d'une plus
grande sécurité de l'emploi.
[02] Commission welcomes report on peace and reconciliation programme for
Northern Ireland
A report on the Special Support Programme for Peace and Reconciliation in
Northern Ireland and the border counties of Ireland has been presented
today to the President of the European Commission, Jacques Santer, and to
Monika Wulf-Mathies, Commissioner responsible for Regional Policies, by
Northern Ireland's Members of the European Parliament, Dr I. Paisley, Mr J.
Hume and Mr J. Nicholson. The report reviews experience to date, supports
continued European Union (EU) assistance for the Programme at its present
level of ECU 100 million per annum, in 1998 and 1999, and makes several
recommendations concerning the implementation of the second phase of the
Programme. Welcoming the report, President Santer and Commissioner Wulf-
Mathies said: "The MEPs and their advisers have prepared a valuable review
of the Programme based on widespread consultations at local level. Their
support for the Commission's proposal that EU assistance be continued at
its present level is welcome and we are hopeful that the Council of
Ministers and the European Parliament will include ECU 100 million for the
Programme in the 1998 budget. The recommendations in the report which
suggest ways to strengthen and improve the Programme will be carefully
considered by the Commission and by the Programme Monitoring Committee when
it carries out the Mid-Term Review in the near future."
[03] Commission approves the acquisition by DuPont of ICI polyester and
titanium dioxide businesses
The European Commission has cleared the acquisition by DuPont de Nemours
and Company ("DuPont") of the polyester and titanium dioxide ("TiO2")
businesses of Imperial Chemical Industries Plv. ("ICI"). In particular in
relation to the effects of this operation on the markets for PET film and
TiO2 the Commission considers that no creation or strengthening of a
dominant position will result from the operation. In the PET film business
DuPont and ICI's activities overlap only to a certain extent, and they are
not perceived as competitors by customers for a large range of products.
Moreover, a sufficient grade of competition is guaranteed in this market by
competitors within and outside Western Europe. As regards TiO2, despite
becoming by far market leader both in Europe and world-wide, the merging
entity will still be faced to a number of important competitors all with
extensive world-wide activity.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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