European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 97-07-02
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] L'impact de l'euro sur les marchés des capitaux
[02] La Commission agit contre les exportations frauduleuses de viande
bovine britannique
[03] Commission opens state aid procedures against Everts Erfurt GmbH
[04] Commission approves the cost allocation rules of NedCar motor vehicles
(The Netherlands)
[05] Aides pour l'amélioration et la modernisation des exploitations
agricoles en Espagne
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[06] Product safety: Emma Bonino encourages an active implementation of the
[07] Commission provides financial support to the Human Rights Ombudsperson
for Bosnia and Herzegovina
[08] European Union is the largest donor to Bosnia-Herzegovina - Commission
will only participate in new Donor Conference after IMF agreement
[09] EU disappointed at outcome of talks on India's import restrictions
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] L'impact de l'euro sur les marchés des capitaux
La Commission européenne se félicite d'un rapport concernant l'impact de
l'introduction de l'euro sur les marchés financiers. Ce rapport reflète
les travaux d'un groupe consultatif d'opérateurs du marché, présidé par M.
Alberto Giovannini du Long Term Capital Management Group (LTCM (UK)), a été
institué par la Commission en juillet 1996. Le rapport examine un certain
nombre de changements techniques que subiront les marchés financiers à la
suite de l'UEM et décrit les préparatifs techniques nécessaires. Ces
changements devraient assurer que les marchés en euros soient aussi
transparents, liquides, larges et profonds que possible. Parmi les
questions évoquées, on peut citer la conversion en euros des titres
négociables, initialement libellés en monnaie nationale, les conventions du
marché (par exemple les conventions appliquées pour le calcul des intérêts,
les périodes de règlement et les journées comptables), ainsi que les
émissions de référence. En général, la réglementation de ces domaines
relève des autorités nationales ou des marchés eux-mêmes. Le rapport
répond à un souhait fréquemment exprimé par les opérateurs du marché et
vise à faciliter la prise rapide de décisions en présentant un aperçu des
questions qui se posent et des solutions qui peuvent y être apportées.
L'Institut Monétaire Européen travaille également sur ces questions et a
été associé aux travaux du groupe.
[02] La Commission agit contre les exportations frauduleuses de viande
bovine britannique
Une mission d'inspection au Royaume-Uni, lancée par la Commission
européenne, a confirmé des soupçons que des quantités de viande britannique
ont été exportées de manière frauduleuse vers certains Etats membres et
pays tiers. Toute exportation de viande bovine avait été interdite par la
Commission depuis mars 1996 dans le cadre de la lutte contre l'ESB
("maladie de la vache folle"). Mme Emma Bonino, Commissaire responsable
e.a. pour la Santé des Consommateurs, en contact étroit avec M. Franz
Fischler, Commissaire à l'Agriculture, et Mme Anita Gradin, Commissaire
responsable e.a. pour la Lutte contre la fraude, a informé aujourd'hui les
Etats membres des résultats de la mission d'inspection et les a incités à
renforcer leurs contrôles à l'importation de viande bovine et à collaborer
étroitement avec les inspecteurs de la Commission. Mme Bonino a également
transmis aux autorités britanniques les conclusions du rapport d'inspection
en leur rappelant leur obligation d'assurer le respect de l'interdiction à
l'exportation de viande bovine. La Commission examine si l'inefficacité
manifeste des contrôles doit faire l'objet d'une procédure d'infraction. La
Commission est aussi en contact étroit avec les pays d'importation et leur
fournira tout appui dans les procédures policières et judiciaires à
l'encontre des pratiques frauduleuses qui sont à la base des exportations
illégales. Pour ne pas entraver les enquêtes judiciaires en cours, la
Commission est tenue de s'abstenir de donner tout autre détail.
[03] Commission opens state aid procedures against Everts Erfurt GmbH
The European Commission decided to initiate state aid procedures with
respect to the aid granted by the Land of Thuringia to the rubber and latex
product producer Everts Erfurt GmbH. The aid does not appear to satisfy
the criteria laid down in guidelines for rescuing and restructuring firms
in difficulty, since the Commission does not have sufficient information
establishing that the aid could be justified by a coherent restructuring
plan leading to long-term viability of Everts. The company is reducing
capacities irreversibly, and the repetitive award of the restructuring aid
was related to external unpredictable factors. On the basis of the
information at its disposal, the Commission expresses its serious doubts as
to the compatibility of the aid with the common market, which was moreover
not correctly notified and unlawfully disbursed before the Commission had
taken its decision.
[04] Commission approves the cost allocation rules of NedCar motor vehicles
(The Netherlands)
The European Commission has decided to raise no objections to the notified
cost allocation rules of NedCar involving the Dutch State as a shareholder.
This conclusion was reached after an investigation which revealed that the
notified rules do not contain state aid. The case concerns a follow-up of
a conditional decision taken by the Commission in 1994 on possible state
aid involved in agreements between the Dutch State, Volvo Car Corp. and
Mitsubishi Motors Corp.
[05] Aides pour l'amélioration et la modernisation des exploitations
agricoles en Espagne
La Commission européenne a décidé de clore la procédure d'aide d'Etat
espagnole à l'égard d'une aide à la location de terres incluse dans un
régime d'aides pour l'amélioration et la modernisation des exploitations
agricoles. Le régime prévoyait une subvention équivalant à 10% de la rente
correspondant aux huit premières années payable par paiements annuels aux
exploitants souscrivant des contrats de location d'une durée égale ou
supérieure à huit années. La Commission considère que de telles mesures ne
peuvent avoir aucun effet durable sur le développement du secteur et sont
incompatibles avec le marché commun. En novembre 1996, les autorités
espagnoles ont informé la Commission qu'elles ont décidé de supprimer ces
aides avant leur mise en application.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[06] Product safety: Emma Bonino encourages an active implementation of the
Unwrapped non-food articles mixed with food-products, in circumstances when
a consumer may accidentally place these articles in the mouth and swallow
and/or ingest them, pose a serious and immediate risk to health. This was
the conclusion reached by the Emergencies-committee on General Product
safety which met at the initiative of the European Commission. The
committee noted that all Member States already have the necessary
legislation, either general or specific, which would allow them to take
action against this category of products when they are present on their
market. "We have all the necessary instruments" - commented Ms. Bonino,
Commissioner for Consumer Policy and Health Protection - "What we now need
is putting them to work". The Commission invites Member states to take the
necessary action to identify these kinds of products, to restrict the
placing on the market or take other appropriate measures against them in
order to ensure safety and to report to it before the middle of September
the measures taken and their outcome. The Commission services will if
necessary consider further steps, in the light of the reports from the
Member States in order to protect consumer safety and to ensure the free
movement of safe goods.
[07] Commission provides financial support to the Human Rights Ombudsperson
for Bosnia and Herzegovina
The European Commission is providing financial support worth ECU 750,000 to
the Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This
is part of a larger effort to consolidate democracy in the region and
complements ECU 310 million in reconstruction aid. The mission of the
Office is to investigate any allegation by any Party or person, non
governmental organisation or group of individuals claiming to be the victim
of a human rights violation, and to issue findings and conclusions. Its
vital long term assignment is to train local lawyers in the field of human
rights and respect for the rule of law.
[08] European Union is the largest donor to Bosnia-Herzegovina - Commission
will only participate in new Donor Conference after IMF agreement
The European Union (EU) is the largest single donor to Bosnia-Herzegovina.
In 1996 the EU allocated ECU 310 million in grant aid aiming at
facilitating the return of refugees, reviving the economy, supporting
institution building, providing essential humanitarian aid to the most
needy and promoting human rights and the freedom of the press. Over 50,000
people have benefited from new housing provided by the EU, while more than
400,000 depend on European humanitarian aid for their survival. Despite
the achievements, the reconstruction effort is still hampered by political
divisions in the country. Commissioner Hans van den Broek has repeatedly
warned that conditions set by the international community must be met. "We
need to be confident that the right framework for assistance is in place",
he commented. "Therefore there can only be a new donor conference if there
is an agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The quick
start package of laws adopted on 22 June is a step in the right direction,
but much remains to be done".
[09] EU disappointed at outcome of talks on India's import restrictions
The European Union (EU) has expressed disappointment at India's failure to
agree to phase out its import restrictions over a reasonable period of
time. India maintains import curbs on balance of payments (BOP) grounds,
even though the International Monetary Fund has stated that India's
financial situation no longer warrants such protective measures. Two days
of consultations between the EU and India - conducted within the World
Trade Organisation (WTO) - have failed to break the deadlock over India's
BOP restrictions. India's offer of a seven-year phase-out is unacceptable
to the EU and many other WTO members. The EU deeply regrets the outcome,
and will now consider the options open to it, while continuing to search
for a positive solution. The EU accounts for over a quarter of India's two-
way trade - ECU 17,000 million in 1995.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
© ECSC - EC - EAEC, Brussels-Luxembourg, 1995, 1996