European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 97-04-30
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] Single market: Commission agrees outline of action plan
[02] La Commission adopte un plan d'action pour la réforme du transit
douanier en Europe
[03] Commission adopts rigorous preliminary draft budget for 1998
[04] MAP 2000 - Modernisation of Administration and Personnel: Commission
modernises its services
[05] Green Paper on European food law
[06] Consumer health: towards a proper food policy
[07] La Commission propose un meilleur accès des travailleurs à la
formation continue
[08] Commission reaches agreement with Spain concerning second GSM licence
[09] La Commission demande le remboursement de 1,9 milliard de Pta par
l'entreprise aéronautique Casa (Espagne)
[10] La Commission déclare illégales les aides en faveur de Ferdofin
Siderurgica Srl
[11] Aides à l'entreprise Asociación General Agraria Mallorquina S.A.
(AGAMA) en Espagne
[12] Commission authorises a total of £ 891 million in aid to cover the
inherited liabilities of the United Kingdom coal industry
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[13] Greek government proposes to speed up telecommunications
[14] La Commission approuve la prise de participation de Siemens dans HUF
[15] Yves-Thibault de Silguy: "The Euro will become a major international
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] Single market: Commission agrees outline of action plan
The outline of an Action Plan to achieve a properly functioning Single
Market before the introduction of the Euro on 1 January 1999 has been
adopted by the European Commission. The draft Action Plan centres on four
strategic targets, namely making Single Market rules more effective,
dealing with key market distortions, removing sectoral obstacles to market
integration and delivering a Single Market for the benefit of all citizens.
To achieve each of these targets, a series of specific actions is listed,
including both legislative and non-legislative initiatives. The Commission
also announced that it will regularly publish a "Single Market Scoreboard"
containing detailed indicators of the state of the Single Market and of
Member States' level of commitment to fulfilling the Action Plan.
Following discussions on the basis of this outline with Member States, the
European Parliament and other interested parties, the Commission will adopt
the definitive Action Plan for presentation to the Amsterdam European
Council in June, as announced by President Jacques Santer at the European
Council in December 1996 in Dublin.
[02] La Commission adopte un plan d'action pour la réforme du transit
douanier en Europe
La Commission européenne a adopté le Plan d'action pour la réforme des
systèmes de transit dans le but de rétablir la fiabilité de ces régimes
douaniers qui sont indispensables au développement de l'économie européenne
et au bon fonctionnement du marché unique. Le Plan d'action présente
l'ensemble des mesures globales et spécifiques, réglementaires et
opérationnelles, que la Commission entend présenter selon un calendrier
précis, afin d'assurer au transit douanier un haut niveau d'efficacité et
de sécurité, garantissant ainsi le juste équilibre entre facilité offerte
aux opérateurs et protection des intérêts financiers des Etats membres et
de l'Union européenne (UE). Il inclut également l'informatisation du
transit et la négociation d'une nouvelle convention de transit avec les
partenaires européens de l'UE. Ces actions s'intègrent dans une démarche
plus large visant à garantir la mise en oeuvre des politiques communes en
matière de douane, de fiscalité indirecte et de lutte contre la fraude.
Suivant la recommandation du Parlement européen, les services douaniers
nationaux doivent être amenés à "fonctionner comme s'ils ne faisaient
qu'un". Le Plan d'action exigera une parfaite coordination entre les
administrations des douanes des quinze Etats membres de l'UE et les
partenaires de la Communauté de l'AELE et d'Europe centrale, et ce
certainement au niveau de l'introduction des techniques modernes destinées
à faciliter les échanges et à lutter contre la fraude, estimée à plus d'un
milliard d'écus au cours des sept dernières années.
[03] Commission adopts rigorous preliminary draft budget for 1998
The European Commission adopted its preliminary draft budget for 1998. The
expenditure proposals total ECU 91,307 million in commitment appropriations
and ECU 84 727 million in payment appropriations. The growth rate compared
to the 1997 budget has been limited to 2.4% in commitments and less than
2.9% in payments. For agricultural spending internal and external policies
the increase is only 0.5%. Thus, the rigorous objectives set by the
Commission in its budgetary orientation debate in January (budget to grow
by no more than 3%) have been more than met. The Financial Perspectives
decided by the European Council in Edinburgh (December 1992) would have
allowed a growth rate of 7% in commitments and even 10.5% in payments.
Compared to the Edinburgh decisions, the preliminary draft budget for 1998
means savings of ECU 5,800 million for the Member States. With this
rigorous budget proposal the European Union is making a substantial
contribution to the sustainability of budgetary stability in the Member
States in the run up to the Economic and Monetary Union. Furthermore, it is
gradually creating budgetary margins which will facilitate the later
enlargement of the Union. With regard to its personnel, the Commission
continues the policy of zero-growth, as it had already been established in
the 1997 budget.
[04] MAP 2000 - Modernisation of Administration and Personnel: Commission
modernises its services
Decentralisation, rationalisation, simplification, are the key words of the
modernisation programme of the European Commission, MAP 2000, approved
today. MAP 2000 is an extension in the staff and administration field of
the SEM 2000 (Sound and Efficient Management) exercise. This programme is
set in three phases comprising important modifications of the personnel
policy and of the Commission's administration, preparing the Commission for
the future challenges. In the field of decentralisation the aim is to
transfer responsibility of central administration to each service making
them responsible for the management of their own resources. This will
increase the cost awareness among the staff and strengthen the "value for
money" approach. Simplification and rationalisation are implemented by the
reduction of administrative steps in the decision-making and by shortening
[05] Green Paper on European food law
The European Commission has decided to publish a Green Paper on European
food law, with the aim of launching a public debate on the extent to which
current legislation on foodstuffs meets the needs and expectations of
consumers, producers, manufacturers and traders and the extent to which
measures to ensure the independence, objectivity, equivalence and
effectiveness of the control and inspection systems are meeting their basic
objectives to ensure a safe and wholesome supply. As a starting point for
discussion, the Green Paper identifies a number of basic goals for
Community food law: to ensure a high level of protection of public health,
safety and the consumer, to ensure the free movement of goods within the
internal market and to ensure the competitiveness of European industry and
enhance its export prospects. At the end of the consultation process the
Commission will consider what changes may be necessary. These changes may
consist of: a proposal for a general Directive on food law in society,
consolidation or reformulation of existing legislation, and suggestions or
proposals of a non-legislative nature, including changes in procedures and
working methods.
[06] Consumer health: towards a proper food policy
The European Commission adopted a Communication on Consumer Health and Food
Safety with the aim of introducing a proper food policy as announced by the
Commission's President, Jacques Santer, before the European Parliament on
18 February 1997. The Commission has already separated responsibilities
for legislation from those for scientific advice and control and put the
latter under the responsibility of the Commissioner in charge of Consumer
Policy and Health Protection, Emma Bonino. The staff of the relevant
Directorate General (DG XXIV) will be strengthened with 263 officials,
mostly from internal transfers and partly through new recruitments for
which the Commission today made the corresponding budget proposals. In
today's Communication, the Commission indicates that scientific advice will
be sought from eminent and fully independent scientists, that their
opinions and working methods will be accessible to all interested parties
and that scientific committees will be regrouped and coordinated by a
Scientific Steering Committee. Control and inspection will be pursued on
the basis of priorities set under risk assessment procedures, a "plough to
plate" approach covering the whole food chain, and formal audit procedures
assessing national control systems. The new approach will be implemented
through the Commission's Food and Veterinary Office which will be
established in Ireland. The Commission will ensure a rapid follow-up of
food safety emergencies through safeguard measures and a rapid alert
system. For greater transparency, the Commission will open up the channels
of communication and information among all parties concerned and towards
the public.
[07] La Commission propose un meilleur accès des travailleurs à la
formation continue
L'accès à la formation continue dans l'Union européenne demeure très inégal
en fonction des Etats membres et des catégories de travailleurs. Après une
analyse détaillée des différentes formules en vigueur dans les Etats
membres, la Commission européenne propose, au titre des actions du Pacte de
confiance pour l'emploi, pour 1997, de lancer trois initiatives visant à la
fois à renforcer significativement l'Europe sociale et à contribuer à
l'établissement d'une véritable "Union de la connaissance": l'ouverture
d'une concertation avec les partenaires sociaux sur le thème de l'accès aux
compétences; une proposition de décision du Conseil devant permettre une
évaluation comparative des progrès accomplis en la matière, sur base de
rapports régulièrement adressés par les Etats membres et les partenaires
sociaux; et enfin une priorité plus marquée en faveur de la formation
continue et de l'accès aux compétences au cours des deux dernières années
du programme européen de formation professionnelle Leonardo da Vinci (1994-
[08] Commission reaches agreement with Spain concerning second GSM licence
The European Commission has approved an agreement reached in Spain which
removes the distortion of competition resulting from the granting of the
second GSM (mobile) licence in Spain. The agreement covers corrective
measures which the Spanish Government proposes to take in respect of Airtel
Movil, the licence holder. The Commission considers that the measures
taken are globally equivalent to the 85 billion peseta licence fee which
Airtel Movil paid when receiving the licence. This decision is important
for the introduction of competition into the Spanish telecommunications
markets and will enable genuine competition to take place in respect of
mobile telephony. The decision on the timetable for the liberalisation of
the remaining aspects of Spanish telecommunications markets will be taken
by the Commission shortly.
[09] La Commission demande le remboursement de 1,9 milliard de Pta par
l'entreprise aéronautique Casa (Espagne)
La Commission européenne a décidé que le Gouvernement espagnol exige le
remboursement de 1,9 milliard de Pta (12 millions d'Ecus) d'aides perçues
par l'entreprise publique aéronautique CASA. Au cours de la période 1991-
1993 CASA a obtenu un prêt de 7,2 milliards de Pta (45 millions d'Ecus)
pour financer le développement de l'avion CASA-3000 destiné à devenir un
avion de 70 à 80 places. Le projet fut arrété en 1994. Jusqu'à présent
les autorités espagnole n'ont pas exigé le remboursement du prêt. La
Commission estime que l'effet de distorsion de concurrence entraîné par
l'aide à CASA sera compensé par le remboursement.
[10] La Commission déclare illégales les aides en faveur de Ferdofin
Siderurgica Srl
La Commission européenne a décidé de déclarer illégales et incompatibles
avec le marché commun les aides accordées par l'Italie à l'entreprise
Ferdofin Siderurgica Srl. La Commission a, des lors, décidé d'enjoindre aux
autorités italiennes la récupération des aides en cause ainsi que
d'informer la Commission dans un délai de deux mois des mesures prises pour
s'y conformer.
[11] Aides à l'entreprise Asociación General Agraria Mallorquina S.A.
(AGAMA) en Espagne
La Commission européenne a décidé d'ouvrir la procédure d'aide d'état à
l'encontre de certaines aides, sous forme de prêts, d'apports de capital et
de remise de dettes, octroyées à l'entreprise Agama S.A., qui a comme
activité la vente de dérivés laitiers de sa production propre et la
commercialisation de produits acquis à des tiers. Sur base des
informations disponibles, la Commission considère ces aides, qui ne sont
pas conformes aux lignes directrices communautaires pour les aides d'état
au sauvetage et à la restructuration des entreprises en difficulté, comme
étant incompatibles avec le marché commun. Elle a mis le gouvernement
espagnol en demeure de présenter ses observations dans un délai d'un mois à
compter de la notification de la décision.
[12] Commission authorises a total of £ 891 million in aid to cover the
inherited liabilities of the United Kingdom coal industry
The European Commission has authorised aid to be granted to the United
Kingdom's coal industry, amounting to a total of £ 891 million, for the
period from the financial year 1998/1999 until the expiry of the European
Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) Treaty in July 2002. The authorised aid is
intended to cover the inherited liabilities of the UK coal industry,
arising from industrial events before the privatisation of the British Coal
Corporation. The aid is chiefly to cover the environmental damage caused
by the production activities carried out by the British Coal Corporation,
the British Coal Corporation's obligations to its former workers,
exceptional social-welfare benefits to be paid to redundant workers as well
as the costs arising from the residual activities following the
privatisation of the British Coal Corporation.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[13] Greek government proposes to speed up telecommunications
The Greek Minister for Transport and Telecoms, Mr Charis Kastanides met
yesterday with Mr Karel Van Miert, Competition Commissioner to explain how
the Greek Government would accelerate the implementation in Greek national
law of all European Telecommunications Directives of which the
implementation deadlines have already elapsed. Last December, Commissioner
Van Miert had expressed his worries about the implementation delays in
Greece which were preventing undertakings to provide telecommunications
services, already liberalised in all other Member States, such as data
services and satellite communications. At the meeting, yesterday in
Brussels, Minister Kastanides has forwarded a precise timetable to fill
this gap so that Greece can join the rest of the Union in the area.
Commissioner Van Miert thanked the Greek Minister for the efforts made and
said the Commission would now follow up the implementation of this time
schedule. While welcoming this positive move, the Commission will continue
to process infringement procedures against Greece until it is satisfied
that all the relevant european Telecommunications Directives have been
properly implemented.
[14] La Commission approuve la prise de participation de Siemens dans HUF
La Commission européenne a autorisé la prise de participation de SIEMENS
Aktiengesellschaft ("Siemens") dans Hülsbeck & Fürst GmbH & Co. KG et
Hülsbeck & Fürst Industrieverwaltung GmbH ("HUF"). Siemens acquiert par
cette opération le contrôle de l'entreprise, en commun avec ses
commanditaires initiaux.
[15] Yves-Thibault de Silguy: "The Euro will become a major international
(!!! embargo 3.30 pm !!!) Speaking at a conference in New York organised
by the Association for the Monetary Union of Europe and Euromoney, Yves-
Thibault de Silguy, Commissioner responsible for Economic, Monetary and
Financial Affairs, underlined three main messages: "globalisation and
technical progress are unstoppable. The political game is also very
different, following the end of the cold war. The euro is Europe's
response to these changes; the euro will be a reality sooner than you
think: in just over 600 days, the euro will be a major currency in world
financial markets; there will be an impact on all businesses, not just
those in Europe. European companies are preparing themselves. I hope that
I have provided you with an incentive to do the same".
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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