European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 97-01-24
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[01] La Commission étend la protection des dénominations de produits
agricoles et alimentaires
[02] Public procurement: infringement proceedings against the United
Kingdom, Germany, Belgium and Portugal
[03] João de Deus Pinheiro in East Africa: official visits to Ethiopia,
Eritrea, Uganda and Kenya
[04] Thailand: Commission approves humanitarian aid worth ECU two Million
for Burmese refugees
[05] La Commission publie le premier répertoire des groupes d'intérêts pan-
européens sans but lucratif
[01] La Commission étend la protection des dénominations de produits
agricoles et alimentaires
La Commission européenne a approuvé un règlement visant à enregistrer 16
dénominations de produits agricoles et alimentaires en vertu de la
législation approuvée par le Conseil sur la protection des indications
géographiques (IGP) et des appellations d'origine (AOP). Ces 16 produits
s'ajoutent aux 382 dénominations déjà protégées par deux décisions en 1996.
Cet enregistrement implique que l'utilisation des dénominations
enregistrées soit réservée aux producteurs d'une zone délimitée qui
respectent des règles et critères de production bien précis pour ces
[02] Public procurement: infringement proceedings against the United
Kingdom, Germany, Belgium and Portugal
The European Commission has decided to refer the United Kingdom to the
Court of Justice and to send reasoned opinions (the second stage in
infringement proceedings under Article 169 of the EC Treaty) to the United
Kingdom (three cases), Germany, Belgium and Portugal (four cases) for
breaches of Community public procurement rules, which require in particular
that public contracts be put up for competitive tender. In the absence of
a satisfactory reply within two months of receipt of a reasoned opinion by
a Member State, the Commission is entitled to refer the matter to the Court
of Justice. These cases stem from complaints lodged with the Commission by
firms which have suffered loss as a result of contract award decisions and
also from checks which the Commission regularly makes on the conformity of
national measures transposing the Community Directives.
[03] João de Deus Pinheiro in East Africa: official visits to Ethiopia,
Eritrea, Uganda and Kenya
European Development Commissioner Prof. João de Deus Pinheiro will
officially visit four Eastern African countries from 25 January to 3
February. In his first visit to the region as European Commissioner in
charge of relations with Africa, Caribbean and Pacific, Prof. Pinheiro will
meet Heads of State or Government of Ethiopia, Eritrea, Uganda and Kenya
and will sign financial protocols establishing the financing and the
framework for EU co-operation with the region for the coming five years.
He will also meet high-level political personalities such as Salim Ahmed
Salim, Secretary-General of the Organisation of African Unity and Julius
Nyerere former President of Tanzania. Regional co-operation in East Africa
and the political situation in different sub-regions such as the Great
Lakes, are high on his agenda, which also includes the future of EU/ACP
relations beyond 2000.
[04] Thailand: Commission approves humanitarian aid worth ECU two Million
for Burmese refugees
The European Commission has approved a package of humanitarian aid worth
ECU 2 million for Burmese ethnic minorities living in Thailand or recently
returned to Burma (Myanmar) after being refugees. The aid, managed by the
European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO), will enable non-governmental
organisations to carry out actions to help over 90,000 people over the next
six months. This aid programme would finance food aid for 81,000 Karen
refugees in Thailand, and provide medical aid for them. For Mon refugees
who have returned to Burma, the programme would provide medical aid
covering some 10,500 people.
[05] La Commission publie le premier répertoire des groupes d'intérêts pan-
européens sans but lucratif
La Commission européenne vient de publier son premier répertoire
rassemblant plus de 600 organisations pan-européennes sans but lucratif
couvrant une centaine de secteurs d'activités tels que ceux de la
biotechnologie, des matières chimiques, des produits pharmaceutiques, des
textiles, des professions libérales, des banques, de l'environnement, du
social, etc., et dont les membres sont localisés en Europe (y compris dans
des Etats non membres de l'Union). La publication de ce répertoire répond
au souci de garantir l'égalité de traitement pour tous les groupes
d'intérêt en permettant de mieux sensibiliser les fonctionnaires des
institutions à l'importance de consulter les milieux intéressés et en
contribuant à ce que certaines organisations moins connues et donc moins
consultées se fassent mieux connaître et donc mieux entendre.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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