European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 97-01-07
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[01] UE/Canada: progrès vers un accord de coopération douanière
[02] Single Market: trade barrier transparency procedure enters into effect
[03] Van den Broek delivers Dutch horticultural prize in the Hague
[01] UE/Canada: progrès vers un accord de coopération douanière
Mario Monti, Commissaire responsable de la douane et de la fiscalité
indirecte, ainsi que du Marché Intérieur, a rencontré hier à Bruxelles
l‘Honorable Jane Stewart, ministre canadien des Finances. La rencontre
était un premier pas dans le cadre du suivi des aspects importants du plan
d‘action UE-Canada adopté formellement le 17 décembre 1996 lors du sommet
d‘Ottawa. Ce plan d‘action appelle à une collaboration plus étroite dans le
domaine des douanes, de la fiscalité indirecte et de la lutte contre le
crime organisé international. Le commissaire Monti et le ministre Stewart
se sont mis d‘accord pour que les négociations sur l‘accord bilatéral de
coopération douanière et d‘assistance mutuelle se poursuivent
vigoureusement avec l‘objectif de les conclure au début de 1997. Cet accord
contribuera à la facilitation du commerce et à l‘amélioration de la lutte
contre la fraude dans le domaine douanier.
[02] Single Market: trade barrier transparency procedure enters into effect
A new procedure to ensure transparency of exceptions to the principle of
free movement of goods entered into effect on 1 January 1997. The
procedure has been established by a December 1995 Decision of the EU‘s
Council of Ministers and the European Parliament (3052/95), which does not
require national implementing legislation. The Decision obliges Member
States to notify the European Commission of individual measures preventing
the free movement of a model, type or category of product which has been
made or sold legally in another Member State. Measures have to be notified
if they directly or indirectly impose a general ban, a refusal to grant
authorisation, a requirement to modify the product or a withdrawal from the
[03] Van den Broek delivers Dutch horticultural prize in the Hague
At the occasion of the delivery of the Dutch horticultural prize today in
the Hague the Commissioner van den Broek underlined the importance of the
horticultural sector for the Dutch economy. It is fully part of the
European Single Market and will now prepare itself for widening into
Central and Easter Europe. Great opportunities do exist for the Dutch and
European farmers in the widened European Union, but fundamental revisions
are required in the candidate countries and in the Union itself to enable
proper enlargement in the Union. The IGC must succeed now, i.e. during the
Dutch Presidency, said Hans van den Broek. The European Commission is fully
confident that the Dutch government will demonstrate successful leadership
in this regard.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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