European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 96-11-27
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] Europe at the forefront of the global Information Society: an action
[02] Commission sets criteria for assessing national financing of Universal
Service in telecommunications
[03] Commission approves timetable for full telecommunications
liberalisation in Ireland
[04] Environmental agreements: Commission presents guidelines for their
effective use
[05] Création d'un observatoire européen des phénomènes racistes
[06] Commission's proposals for action against child sex tourism
[07] Commission proposes an EU policy initiative for jobs in the services
[08] Tirer pleinement profit de l'ouverture des marchés publics: la
Commission adopte un Livre vert
[09] Accord intérimaire avec la République d'Azerbaïdjan
[10] Great Britain: European social fund objective 3 - approval of
programme for 1997-99
[11] Partenariat euro-méditerranéen - bilan un an après la Déclaration de
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[12] Pièces de rechange des voitures: la Commission maintient sa position
[13] Commission clears acquisition of Jewometaal by ELG Daniel
[14] Emma Bonino calls for a multinational assessment mission in East Zaire
[15] Commission gives tractors to farmers of Gorazde
[16] Christos Papoutsis says that Europartenariat events play a crucial
role in the support and internationalisation of SMEs
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] Europe at the forefront of the global Information Society: an action
The European Commission adopted an action programme entitled "Europe at the
forefront of the global information society". It is an update of the
action plan entitled "Europe‘s way to the information society" successfully
implemented since 1994 and it states what measures the Commission will be
taking by the end of 1997. These concentrate on the subjects of "improving
the business environment", especially for small businesses, "investing in
the future", i.e. in research, education and innovation, "people at the
centre", i.e. fight against social exclusion and regional differences and
the application of new technologies for the benefit of everyone where
possible, and "meeting the global challenge".
[02] Commission sets criteria for assessing national financing of Universal
Service in telecommunications
The European Commission has published the criteria it will use to assess
national schemes for financing the provision of universal service for
telecommunications. Universal service ensures that every citizen of the
European Union enjoys guaranteed access at an affordable price to a defined
set of telecommunication services including access to emergency services,
directory information, operator services and the availability of public
payphones and special services for users with disabilities. Member States
are free to determine whether they introduce specific universal financing
systems or not. The Commission's criteria provide detailed guidelines for
those who decide to do so. They aim at developing best practice amongst
Europe's telecoms regulators with regard to key practical issues, such as
how to calculate the cost of universal service; how to decide who
contributes and how much each contributor pays.
[03] Commission approves timetable for full telecommunications
liberalisation in Ireland
The European Commission has approved a timetable for the full
liberalisation of telecommunications in Ireland. This will give the
opportunity for infrastructure competitors to enter the Irish market from
the middle of next year. Indeed, alternative infrastructure providers will
be permitted from 1 July 1997. Full liberalisation will take place from
the beginning of 2000. In the meantime, direct international connections
for GSM mobile phone providers will be liberalised from 1 January 1999 and
voice telephony will be completely liberalised from 1 January 2000. Under
the liberalisation directives, Ireland was entitled to request a derogation
period up to 2003.
[04] Environmental agreements: Commission presents guidelines for their
effective use
The European Commission has adopted a communication as well as a
recommendation to Member States on environmental agreements with industry
and between public authorities with the purpose of enhancing environmental
protection. Promoting such agreements is part of the Community efforts to
complement environmental legislation by market-based instruments. The
present initiative relies on the principle of shared responsibility and
intends to reinforce the dialogue with industry. Industry is not only a
significant part of the environmental problems, it is also part of their
solution. The Commission has therefore: developed guidelines for the
effective use of Environmental Agreements, set out the conditions under
which such agreements can be used for the purpose of implementing certain
provisions of EU Directives, ascertained how Environmental Agreements can
be used at EU level. Environmental Agreements can be successful above all
if quantified objectives are set, if the achievement of these objectives
does not imply substantial cost and if the number of participants is not
[05] Création d'un observatoire européen des phénomènes racistes
La Commission européenne a adopté une proposition de règlement sur la
création d'un observatoire européen des phénomènes racistes et xénophobes.
Chargé de fournir la Communauté européenne et les Etats membres des données
objectives, fiables et comparables, cet observatoire sera également chargé
de mettre sur pied un réseau européen d'informations sur le racisme et la
xénophobie. L'observatoire travaillera en étroite coopération avec
d'autres organisations internationales et conclura notamment un accord de
coopération avec le Conseil de l'Europe.
[06] Commission's proposals for action against child sex tourism
As part of the actions against paedophilia, the European Commission adopted
a Communication to the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament,
proposing to step up the fight against child sex tourism. The Commission
proposes actions with the aim to dissuade and penalize individuals who
sexually exploit children, to intervene on both the demand for and the
offer of child sex tourism and to motivate the Member States to create a
common front against this deplorable phenomenon. The Communication takes
into account the results of the Stockholm World Congress of August 1996,
against the commercial sexual exploitation of children.
[07] Commission proposes an EU policy initiative for jobs in the services
The service sector offers the brightest prospect for tackling the scourge
of unemployment in Europe. But our performance must improve still more.
That is the conclusion of the Communication on "Putting Services to Work"
just adopted by the European Commission. The Communication, due to be
considered by the Dublin European Council on 13/14 December, proposes an EU
policy initiative to create jobs in the service sector. It argues that
technological change is our ally, and that the focus must be on small
businesses as the engines of job growth. To meet the challenge, the
Commission will launch two new initiatives: to stimulate the development of
electronic commerce and to improve training in new technologies.
Furthermore, the Commission will present to the European Council in
Amsterdam in June 1997 a White Paper on creating an efficient European
services' sector.
[08] Tirer pleinement profit de l'ouverture des marchés publics: la
Commission adopte un Livre vert
La Commission européenne a adopté un Livre vert sur "Les marchés publics
dans l‘Union Européenne - Pistes de réflexion pour l‘avenir". Ce document
de réflexion est conçu pour lancer un large débat sur la façon dont l'Union
peut tirer pleinement profit de l'ouverture des marchés publics. Le cadre
législatif assurant que les marchés publics sont attribués sans
discrimination est maintenant en place, mais deux problèmes majeurs
subsistent: une transposition partielle et incomplète par les Etats membres
et un impact économique encore relativement faible. Le Livre vert présente
la reflexion initiale de la Commission en vue d'améliorer la situation:
contrôle déterminé de l'application du droit par les Etats membres,
amélioration de l'accès aux marchés publics, information, formation,
procédures électroniques. La Commission invite toutes les parties
intéressées (Conseil, Parlement européen, Comité Economique et Social,
Comité des Régions, entités et pouvoirs adjudicateurs, fournisseurs et
leurs organisations professionnelles, consommateurs) à contribuer par écrit
à ce débat avant le 31 mars 1997. Ensuite, la Commission adoptera une
communication, qui comportera un plan d‘action et définira les mesures à
prendre pour mieux réaliser les objectifs de la politique communautaire en
matière de marchés publics et pour renforcer l‘efficacité du cadre
[09] Accord intérimaire avec la République d'Azerbaïdjan
La Commission européenne a adopté les propositions de décision du Conseil
et de la Commission, chacun pour sa compétence, relatives à la conclusion
de l'accord intérimaire avec l'Azerbaïdjan.
[10] Great Britain: European social fund objective 3 - approval of
programme for 1997-99
The European Commission approved a new Single Programming Document (SPD)
for Objective 3 in Great Britain. Objective 3 is aimed at combating long-
term unemployment, facilitating the integration into working life of young
people and those exposed to exclusion from the labour market and promoting
equal opportunities for women in the labour market. The SPD will run from
1997 to 1999 and provide ECU 1,655 million of European Social Fund support
for all areas outside those receiving Objective 1 assistance. Objective 1
covers those regions whose development is lagging behind which, in Great
Britain, are the Highlands and Islands and Merseyside. The SPD focuses on
five main priorities (pathways to employment for people aged 25 or over,
pathways to a good start in working life for young people between 16 and 24
who are without work, pathways for equal opportunities between men and
women, capacity building for community development and national projects)
and will be implemented on a regional basis, in contrast with the
centralised structure operating under the SPD for 1994-96.
[11] Partenariat euro-méditerranéen - bilan un an après la Déclaration de
A la veille du premier anniversaire de la Déclaration de Barcelone
instaurant le partenariat euro-méditerranéen, la Commission européenne a
constaté que, malgré une forte dégradation du climat politique au Proche-
Orient, le premier bilan que l'on peut établir de l'application de cette
Déclaration est très positif. Cela est le cas tant sur le plan bilatéral
que sur le plan régional. Le processus de Barcelone constitue actuellement
la seule enceinte qui rassemble les pays du bassin méditerranéen pour un
dialogue global portant sur la sécurité dans la région.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[12] Pièces de rechange des voitures: la Commission maintient sa position
La Commission européenne, lors du Conseil Marché Intérieur du 26 novembre,
a refusé d'exclure les pièces de carrosserie des voitures de sa proposition
sur la protection des dessins et modèles. En conséquence, le Conseil n'a
pas adopté de position commune sur cette proposition. Le Commissaire Mario
Monti a expliqué qu'il est essentiel d'avoir des règles harmonisées dans le
Marché Intérieur pour assurer l'équilibre entre les intérêts des
constructeurs, des producteurs indépendants et des consommateurs. La
Commission considère que de grands avantages en termes de compétitivité et
de prix peuvent résulter de la création du marché unique dans ce secteur,
et elle espère que les Etats membres puissent réexaminer prochainement
cette question.
[13] Commission clears acquisition of Jewometaal by ELG Daniel
The European Commission has approved an operation by which ELG Haniel (part
of Franz Haniel group) acquired a 100% of the sharecapital of Jewometaal
Stainless Processing B.V. (part of the Metallgesellschaft group). Both of
the companies concerned are active in trading and processing of aluminium
and copper-scrap as well as stainless steel scrap as a secondary raw
material for the production of stainless steel. Given the fact that their
combined UK- as well as EEA-wide market shares are unimportant and that the
operation therefore has very little, if any, impact on the common market,
the Commission has decided to approve the operation under the EC Merger
[14] Emma Bonino calls for a multinational assessment mission in East Zaire
Emma Bonino, European Commissioner for Humanitarian affairs, called
yesterday on the international community to obtain, as a matter of urgency,
access to the refugees and displaced stranded in East-Zaire.
[15] Commission gives tractors to farmers of Gorazde
The European Commission celebrated the Bosnian national holiday (25
November) by delivering fifty motor cultivators to small farmers in Praca,
in the canton Gorazde.
[16] Christos Papoutsis says that Europartenariat events play a crucial
role in the support and internationalisation of SMEs
(!!! embargo 6 pm !!!) In a speech at today's inauguration ceremony of
Europartenariat Italia 1996, taking place in Genoa, Italy, Commissioner
Christos Papoutsis underlined the role of the Europartenariat events in the
support and internationalisation of the European SMEs. "SMEs are the new
economic engine of Europe and play a growing and decisive role in the
development of employment and in the economic and social stability of
regions". He said that it is vital that the Member States and the
European Union reinforce and coordinate their SMEs policies. Mr Papoutsis
concluded that the "Europartenariat Italia 1996" offers an excellent
opportunity for succesful results, as in the two days of the event, about
2000 companies from more than 70 countries, including quite a few micro-
enterprises, will meet face-to-face and will have the chance to discuss the
full range of possible commercial, financial and technical cooperation.
(!!! embargo 6 pm !!!)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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