European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 96-09-24
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News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
24 / 09 / 1996
[01] Jacques Santer au Japon: sommet euro-japonais et visite officielle
[02] Commission clears the non-military aspects of a joint venture between
British Aerospace and Lagardère
[03] An opportunity for European business managers to travel to Japan
[04] EU/Yemen: seventh joint co-operation committee meeting
[05] Neil Kinnock calls for close integration of national transport policies
[01] Jacques Santer au Japon: sommet euro-japonais et visite officielle
Le Président Santer se rendra au Japon du 30 septembre au 4 octobre pour
participer au Sommet annuel UE/Japon et effectuer une visite officielle dans ce
pays pendant laquelle il sera reçu en audience par l'Empereur. Le 5ème
Sommet euro-japonais réunira à Tokyo le Premier Ministre du Japon, M. Ryutaro
Hashimoto, le Président du Conseil de l'UE, M. John Bruton, et le Président de
la Commission européenne, ainsi que Sir Leon Brittan, Commissaire responsable
des relations avec le Japon. Les travaux du Sommet couvriront un large éventail
de thèmes dans le cadre du dialogue politique et des relations bilatérales. Les
questions multilatérales seront aussi à l'ordre du jour, notamment en vue de la
préparation de la Conférence Ministérielle de l'OMC à Singapour en décembre.
Pendant sa visite officielle de quatre jours, Jacques Santer aura également une
rencontre bilatérale avec le Premier Ministre et rencontrera des personnalités
japonaises des millieux politiques, économiques et universitaires à Tokyo, Osaka
et Kyoto.
[02] Commission clears the non-military aspects of a joint venture between
British Aerospace and Lagardère
The European Commission has cleared the formation of a joint venture between
British Aerospace and Lagardère in the areas of guided weapons and associated
weapons systems. The clearance relates to the non-military aspects of the joint
venture for areas such as: precision optical engineering, robotic control units,
space system structures, mechanisms and antennae, environmental and
electromagnetic testing, electronics and microelectronics applications. The
combined market shares being low, the Commission has decided that the
operation does not create or strengthen a dominant position on any market. The
military aspects of the transaction have not been notified to the Commission
following instructions to the two companies by the United Kingdom and French
governments relying on Article 223 of the Treaty. The Commission has found
these instructions acceptable.
[03] An opportunity for European business managers to travel to Japan
European business managers employed by companies with a strong interest in
exporting to Japan, but with little or no experience in the Japanese market, will
have the opportunity to travel to Japan with the Export to Japan Study
Programme (EJSP). EJSP is managed and financed by JETRO, the Japan
External Trade Organisation. The European Commission has been offered
places by JETRO in the framework of the joint EU/Japan Trade Cooperation
Programme. During their stay in Japan, participants are given a broad
introduction to Japanese business culture through presentations, meetings and
field trips. They will also learn about the export opportunities which await their
companies. More detailed information, as well as application forms, are available
on request from Mrs Wallis Goelen, European Commission, Directorate-General
I-F-1, rue de la Loi 200 (B-28 6/119), B-1049 Brussels.
[04] EU/Yemen: seventh joint co-operation committee meeting
The seventh meeting of the European Union-Yemen Joint Co-operation
Committee took place in Sana'a, Yemen, on 19 September 1996. The meeting
was the first occasion for a full EU delegation comprising the European
Commission and all 15 Member States to go to Yemen to manifest EC support
for Yemen's unification, democratisation and economic policies of liberalisation
and structural adjustment. Given the positive results of the Yemeni reform
process in the last two years, the Commission sees the talks in Sana'a as a
starting point for an overall strengthening of EU-Yemen relations. Apart from
intensifying development co-operation through related instruments such as
financial and technical assistance and food security aid during the critical first
phase of Structural Adjustment Programme implementation (1996-1998), the
Commission has declared its preparedness to propose to EU Member States an
extension of EU-Yemen contractual relations.
[05] Neil Kinnock calls for close integration of national transport policies
In a speech today to the Irsih Belgian Business Association, Transport
Commissioner Neil Kinnock calls for closer integration of national transport
policies and urges additional spending for the TransEuropean Transport Networks
saying: "Just as in the last century the creation of national single markets
required compatible transport systems and common rules, so in our generation
a growing international Single Market needs must the same. If we are really
serious about building a wider Europe, integration our economies and increasing
competitiveness, the dislocations that came from inadequate infrastructure and
fragmented administration must be overcome."
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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