European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 96-06-21
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News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
21 / 06 / 1996
[01] La Commission appuie la reconversion de régions charbonnières en
Espagne avec 34,214 millions d'Ecus
[02] Accord de coopération entre la Communauté européenne et l'Ancienne
République Yougoslave de Macédoine
[03] Union européenne/Mauritanie: nouvel accord de pêche paraphé à Bruxelles
[04] Commission opens up Chinese import quotas
[05] Franz Fischler launches campaign to promote geographical indications and
designations of origin
[06] Mario Monti confirms that international and Community accounting rules are
[01] La Commission appuie la reconversion de régions charbonnières en
Espagne avec 34,214 millions d'Ecus
C'est avec une aide de 34,214 millions d'Ecus (environ 5.500 millions de pesetas)
du Fonds Européen de Développement Régional (FEDER) que la Commission
des Communautés européennes soutient la reconversion des bassins
charbonniers en Espagne. Ce concours fait partie de l'Initiative Communautaire
RECHAR-II. Le programme approuvé concerne plusieurs municipalités
charbonnières des régions d'Andalousie, d'Aragón, des Asturies, de Catalogne,
de Castille et Leon, et de Galice.
[02] Accord de coopération entre la Communauté européenne et l'Ancienne
République Yougoslave de Macédoine
Les négociations entre la Communauté européenne et l'Ancienne République
Yougoslave de Macédoine (ARYM) ont abouti, le 20 juin 1996 à Bruxelles, au
paraphe d'un accord de coopération ainsi que d'un accord dans le domaine des
transports. Il s'agit du premier accord entre la Communauté Européenne et
l'ARYM. Cet accord octroie un régime commercial préférentiel de la part de
l'Union et prévoit une coopération dans un grand nombre de secteurs ainsi qu'un
dialogue politique.
[03] Union européenne/Mauritanie: nouvel accord de pêche paraphé à Bruxelles
La Commission européenne et la Mauritanie ont paraphé un accord de
coopération dans le domaine des pêches maritimes qui entrera en vigueur le 1er
août 1996, pour une période de cinq ans. Cet accord devient un des plus
importants de la Communauté parce qu'il concerne environ 240 bateaux de
l'Union. Les possibilités de pêche ont été substantiellement augmentées par
rapport à l'accord actuellement en vigueur et le total des emplois directs créés
peut être estimé à environ 4.500. La compensation financière à la charge de la
Communauté est fixée à 266,8 millions d'Ecus pour les cinq ans.
[04] Commission opens up Chinese import quotas
The European Commission is making it easier for traders to import goods from
China without disruption by opening up 1997 import quotas seven months before
they come into effect. This measure, which is accompanied by a raising of the
quotas themselves, will greatly increase traders' ability to negotiate their contracts
with Chinese suppliers or European buyers well ahead of schedule. The products
covered by the measures are footwear, toys, porcelain, ceramics and glassware.
[05] Franz Fischler launches campaign to promote geographical indications and
designations of origin
Franz Fischler, Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, today
presented the Commission's campaign to promote the possibilities given within
the framework of Community's rules to protect and market products with special
characteristics. The legislation for the Protection of Geographical Indications
(PGI) and Designations of Origin (PDO) is part of the CAP-reform and aims at
guaranteeing a standard income for producers through promotion of high-quality
value-added products, generating employment in the agricultural sector,
contributing to rural development and - last but not least - protecting consumers.
As 77% of the consumers are not familiar with the legislation, the Commission
has decided to invest ECU 8.8 million in a three-year, union-wide campaign to
promote goods produced in specific areas or under special manufacturing
processes. The idea is to encourage producers to apply for this (voluntary)
registration, to sensibilise traders to use these special denominations, to inform
consumers and to enable them to identify high-quality products.
[06] Mario Monti confirms that international and Community accounting rules are
The New Accounting Strategy launched by the Commission in November 1995
was unanimously endorsed by Member States and is largely compatible with
international rules, said Internal Market Commissioner Mario Monti in a speech
at the European Federation of Financial Institutions (EFFEI) conference in Paris
today. Mr Monti announced that an interpretative Communication on this subject
will be issued shortly in order to clarify minor points of the Directives. Member
States are already in the process of reviewing their national legislation applying
the Accounting Directives so as to ensure greater conformity with international
rules. However, Mr Monti warned that Member States must continue to ensure
that the EU Accounting Directives are respected in all cases and not abandoned
in favour of other standards (such as the American). Mr Monti also stressed the
importance of the European view making itself heard in the international
accounting harmonisation debate. Finally, Mr Monti announced that the
Commission would very shortly issue a Green Paper on the Role, the Position
and the Liability of the Statutory Auditor in the European Union, intended to raise
the awareness of all interested parties and collect their views.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://www.cec.lu/
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