European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 96-05-14
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News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
14 / 05 / 1996
[01] Ritt Bjerregaard: 1995 Bathing Water Report - Unacceptable that 3,000
beaches do not meet the EU bathing water requirements
[02] Plan d'action de l'Union européenne pour la Russie
[03] Christos Papoutsis: "We devote efforts to promote the development of
Europe's fast growing enterprises"
[01] Ritt Bjerregaard: 1995 Bathing Water Report - Unacceptable that 3,000
beaches do not meet the EU bathing water requirements
The Commission's bathing report 1995 covers 18,000 bathing areas in the Union
from the Mediterranean to the Baltic. The first important result to be drawn from
the report is that more than 3,000 bathing areas in the Union either do not
respect the Directive's quality requirements or are not sufficiently monitored to
know whether they comply or not. The situation for inland waters is particularly
disquieting since over 1,700 (30%) bathing areas do not respect the minimum
requirements. It should be recalled that the Directive was adopted in 1975 and
Member States should have ensured by 1986 that their bathing waters were in
compliance with the Directive's requirements. Today, 10 years after that
deadline, no Member State has complied fully with the Directive.
[02] Plan d'action de l'Union européenne pour la Russie
Le Conseil des Ministres a approuvé, le 13 mai 1996, le Plan d'action de l'Union
européenne pour la Russie. L'Union européenne est résolue à instaurer un
partenariat solide avec la Russie afin de promouvoir le processus de réformes
démocratiques et économiques, de renforcer le respect des droits de l'homme,
de consolider la paix, la stabilité et la sécurité. Ce partenariat vise à éviter de
nouvelles divisions en Europe et à intégrer pleinement la Russie au sein de la
communauté des nations libres et démocratiques. A cette fin, l'UE avait signé,
le 24 juin 1994, un Accord de partenariat et de coopération avec la Russie et le
Conseil du 20 novembre 1995 a adopté des conclusions sur la stratégie à suivre
pour les relations futures de l'UE avec la Russie. Sur la base des priorités ainsi
définies, confirmées par le Conseil européen de Madrid, l'UE a maintenant
adopté son Plan d'action.
[03] Christos Papoutsis: "We devote efforts to promote the development of
Europe's fast growing enterprises"
Speaking today at a meeting with representatives of Europe's fastest growing
enterprises ('Europe's 500'), Commissioner Christos Papoutsis responsible for
SMEs, said that the Commission welcomes the commitment and determination
of these companies in business development factors which contribute in achieving
exceptionally high-growth, even over a recession period. He further stressed that
the Commission's policies recognise the importance of the fast-growing
companies and devote much effort in promoting their development through the
new multiannual programme for SMEs, better access to equity finance,
establishing pan-European secondary capital markets for SMEs, promoting
innovative activities, improving management and encouraging entrepreneurship
in Europe, especially for the young.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://www.cec.lu/
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