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Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation: News in Greek, 01-06-08

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From: Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation at <>


  • [02] PAIDEIA


    O ypoyrgos Paideias Oyranios Iwannidhs ejefrase th bebaiothta oti qa breqei diejodos sth diafora poy yparxei me tis ekpaideytikes organwseis kai den qa ephreastoyn oi eisagwgikes ejetaseis, oi opoies, tonise, prepei na ginoyn pash qysia.

    Oi organwseis zhtoyn ejairesh apo opoiesdhpote meiwseis stis klimakes eisdoxhs sth dhmosia yphresia, qema to opoio syzhteitai metajy ths ergodotikhs pleyras kai ths Pasydy apo to 1998.

    Yposthrizoyn epishs oti oi diaboyleyseis ginontai erhmhn toys kai proeidopoioyn me lhch metrwn. Edwsan malista pistwsh xronoy sthn kybernhsh na topoqethqei oristika epi toy qematos ews tis 13 Ioynioy.

    Milwntas to prwi sto Trito o kyrios Iwannidhs tonise oti den prokeitai na lhfqei opoiadhpote apofash erhmhn twn ekpaideytikwn kai oyte prospaqei kanenas na toys epibalei otidhpote.

    Tonise epishs oti den prepei na ejaggellontai metra prin oloklhrwqei o dialogos kai oi diaboyleyseis.

    [02] PAIDEIA

    Oi ekpaideytikes organwseis Poed, Oelmek kai Oltek synantwntai shmera gia syntonismo twn energeiwn toys enocei ths lhjhs toy xronodiagrammatos poy exoyn qesei sto Ypoyrgeio Paideias gia tis klimakes eisdoxhs sth dhmosia yphresia.

    Oi hgesies twn Ekpaideytikwn enhmerwsan epishs gia to qema tis foithtikes organwseis Fepan kai Pofne enw stis enteka eixan enhmerwtikh synanthsh me toys organwmenoys goneis.


    O Ergatikos Prwqypoyrgos ths Bretanias Toni Mpler ejasfalise thn syntriptikh pleiochfia stis xqesines ekloges.

    Symfwna me ta mexri twra epishma apotelesmata, to Ergatiko Komma ejasfalizei tetrakosies deka treis apo tis 659 edres ths Boylhs twn Koinothtwn, to Synthrhtiko Komma ekaton ejhnta tesseris, oi Fileleyqeroi Dhmokrates saranta epta kai oi ypoloipoi deka edres.

    To pososto proseleyshs chfoforwn htan to xamhlotero poy katagrafhke se ekloges sth xwra meta ton Prwto Pagkosmio Polemo.

    O prwqypoyrgos Toni Mpler, yposxeqhke na synexisei to ergo poy arxise to 1997 kai eipe oti exoyn ginei polla, alla menoyn kai polla gia na ginoyn.

    O hgeths toy antipoliteyomenoy synthrhtikoy kommatos, Oyiliam Xeigk, paradexqhke hdh thn htta ths paratajhs toy kai synexarh thlefwnikws ton Bretano Prwqypoyrgo.

    To praktoreio Roiter metedwse oti o Toni Mpler einai piqanon na diorisei to neo toy Ypoyrgiko Symboylio akomh kai shmera.

    Symfwna me tis idies plhrofories, o ypoyrgos ejwterikwn Rompin Koyk anamenetai na parameinei sth qesh toy.


    O hgeths toy Synthrhtikoy Kommatos ths Bretanias Oyiliam Xeigk anakoinwse thn paraithsh toy meta thn htta toy stis ekloges.

    O hgeths twn Toris dieykrinise oti o neos hgeths prepei na eklegei prin apo to synedrio toy kommatos ton erxomeno Oktwbrio.


    O neos proedros ths Boylhs Dhmhtrhs Xristofias epanelabe oti qa ergastei sth bash ths syneshs kai ths synaineshs kai ejefrase th bebaiothta oti me th symbolh olwn qa ferei eis peras thn apostolh toy.

    Milwntas to prwi sto trito o kyrios Xristofias ejefrase thn pepoiqhsh oti qa diaceysqoyn oi anhsyxies ekeinwn oi opoioi qewroyn oti ysterei se prosbaseis kai epafes sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh kai anefere xarakthristika oti den exei ktyphsei porta sthn Eyrwph poy na mhn anoijei.

    Eipe epishs oti qa epidiwxqei h synergasia kai h symmetoxh olwn twn melwn ths Boylhs stis epafes me ta eyrwpaika koinoboylia kai ejefrase th bebaiothta oti den qa paroysiastei opoiadhpote adynamia.


    O Proedros ths Kenyas Ntaniel Arap Moh dhlwse oti sthn prosexh synanthsh toy me ton Geniko Grammatea twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn, ton sympatriwth toy Kofi Anan, qa ton kalesei na ginei pio apofasistikos sthn prwtoboylia toy gia epilysh toy Kypriakoy.

    Thn diabebaiwsh ayth edwse o kyrios Moh ston proedro ths boylhs Dhmhtrh Xristofia ekfrazontas toy parallhla thn ameristh symparastash ths Kenyas ston agwna toy kypriakoy laoy.

    Sth diarkeia synanthshs poy eixan to prwi, oi kyrioi Xristofias kai Moi syzhthsan epishs qemata poy aforoyn tis dimereis sxeseis.


    Teleitai stis tesseris to apogeyma ston Iero Nao Agioy Gewrgioy Latsiwn h khdeia toy Efedroy Anqypoloxagoy Teqwrakismenwn Dhmhtrh Stayroy.

    O entafiasmos twn ostwn toy qa ginei sto Stratiwtiko Koimhthrio Makedonitissas.

    O Stayroy epese maxomenos kata toy Attila stis dekaeji Aygoystoy toy 1974 sthn perioxh toy aerodromioy Leykwsias se hlikia eikosidyo xronwn.

    To onoma toy perilambanotan ston katalogo twn agnooymenwn afoy den yphrxe mexri shmera martyria oti htan nekros.

    H taytothta toy anagnwristhke me thn meqodo Nti - En - Ei.

    O Dhmhtrhs Stayroy htan enas apo toys aristoys maqhtes toy Pagkyprioy Gymnasioy.

    Th sxolikh xronia 1969 - 1970 eixe kerdisei dekatessera synolika brabeia.


    Sthn Iapwnia oktw paidia hlikias eji ws oktw xronwn dolofonhqhkan apo enan cyxopaqh, poy eisebale sto sxoleio toys kai arxise na ktypa me ena maxairi maqhtes kai daskaloys.

    Apo thn epiqesh traymatisthkan epishs alloi eikosieji maqhtes kai treis daskaloi.

    Symfwna me thn topikh astynomia o drasths, prin apo to makeleio, phre antikataqliptika xapia, deka fores perissotera ap'osa eprepe.

    [09] KAIROS

    Kai to Deltio Kairoy.

    To apogeyma o kairos qa einai aiqrios me parodikes, topikes nefwseis, se oreines omws perioxes endexetai na pesoyn merikes broxes.

    Oi anemoi qa einai genika dytikoi metrioi, tessarwn mpofor alla notiodytikoi isxyroi, pente ews eji mpofor sta notia paralia. H qalassa qa einai mexri taragmenh genika kai taragmenh mexri kymatwdhs stis noties perioxes.

    Apoce o kairos qa einai kyriws aiqrios, oi anemoi boreiodytikoi, asqeneis mexri metrioi, triwn ews tessarwn mpofor kai h qalassa qa parameinei mexri taragmenh stis proshnemes perioxes.

    H qermokrasia qa pesei stoys 16 baqmoys sto eswteriko, stoys 14 sta dytika paralia kai stis chloteres oreines perioxes kai stoys 18 sta ypoloipa paralia.

    O kindynos pyrkagiwn einai poly megalos se oles tis dasikes perioxes.

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