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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 07-01-19

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


H synexish twn apergiakwn metrwn gia alles 48 wres apo toys metaforeis A, para tis synexizomenes ekklhseis kai antidraseis allwn epaggelmatikwn kladwn alla kai ths kybernhshs kai ths Boylhs gia anastolh twn metrwn kai enarjh dialogoy, kai h khdeia toy Peykioy Gewrgiadh, einai ta kyria qemata ths shmerinhs eidhseografias ston kypriako Typo. Proballontai epishs plhrofories gia protash ths Dubai Investment gia ejagora me metrhta ths Trapezas Peiraiws, to anoigma enos neoy kefalaioy sthn entajiakh poreia ths Toyrkias pros thn EE, h eisagwgh sthn Kypro toy embolioy kata toy karkinoy toy traxhloy kaqws kai alla qemata.

H ``Alhqeia'' proballei sto kyrio ths qema th synexizomenh apergia twn odhgwn forthgwn me titlo ``H oikonomia sto gyco''. Opws grafei, h oikonomia katarreei meta kai thn ejaggelqeisa apofash twn odhgwn forthgwn na synexisoyn thn apergia toys gia akomh 48 wres. Xqes aganaktismenoi froytoparagwgoi, se endeijh diamartyrias gia thn apergia twn odhgwn forthgwn, apekocan ton aytokinhtodromo Pafoy Lemesoy. Alloy grafei oti h olomeleia toy Eyrwpaikoy Koinoboylioy enekrine xqes thn eisagwgh toy mhdenikoy orioy oinopneymatos sto aima gia toys neoys odhgoys kai toys odhgoys epaggelmatikwn oxhmatwn kai lewforeiwn.

``H Maxh'' titloforei to kyrio qema ths ``7 dis eyrw gia Peiraiws'' kai grafei oti xontrainei olo kai perissotero to paixnidi metajy Marfin kai Peraiws me to bary pyroboliko, to Dubai Investment, poy anhkei sto Seixh Moxament Mpin Sarin Al Maktoym na eiserxetai sth maxh metajy twn dyo trapezwn. Symfwna me plhrofories ths ``M'' endexomenws to Dubai Investment na ypobalei aytonomh dhmosia protash me metrhta kai mallon konta stis xrhmatisthriakes times pros thn trapeza Peiraiws. H protash ths Dubai qa afora to 100% ths Peiraiws se metrhta, dhladh 6,9 me 7 dis. Eyrw. Alloy grafei oti kykloforei twra sthn Kypro to embolio kata toy karkinoy toy traxhloy ths mhtras.

O ``Poliths'' me ton kyrio titlo ``Twra kanoyn toys Kinezoys'' grafei oti eyryteres skeceis kanoyn oi Kinezoi sxetika me thn pwlhsh 75 pyrobolwn PLZ45 twn 155 xiliostwn. Opws enhmerwse o Genikos Dieyqynths toy Ypoyrgeioy Amynas thn Koinoboyleytikh Epitroph Amynas, oi Kinezoi epikaloyntai dyskolies sthn ejasfalish adeias ejagwghs. Grafei epishs oti diabhma sto Libano ekane h Agkyra, gia th symfwnia me thn Kypro, gia tis ereynes entopismoy koitasmatwn petrelaioy kai fysikoy aerioy. Qewrei oti o Libanos prepei na zhthsei th gnwmh ths Toyrkias, prin ypogracei opoiadhpote symfwnia me thn Kypro h opoia exei kai ``toyrkiko meros''.

``H Shmerinh'' me titlo ``Kinhsh mat toy emirh ths Marfin grafei oti kinhsh mat anamenoyn oi ths Marfin apo pleyras toy emirh toy Dubai Fund. Kinhsh h opoia, opws afhnoyn na diarreysei, qa lysei ta xeria ths Marfin meta to kleidwma poy petyxe se baros ths h Trapeza Peiraiws, ypoballontas protash gia ejagora ths. Symfwna me plhrofories, h kinhsh toy emirh qa einai protash gia agora ths Peiraiws kai malista se metrhta. Grafei epishs oti ``ologymnoi'' qa einai oi epibates sta aerodromia meta ta nea metra asfaleias poy qa efarmozontai syntoma. Prokeitai gia aktines X poy epitrepei sthn asfaleia twn aerodromiwn na blepei mesa apo ta royxa twn epibatwn.

``O Fileleyqeros'' sto kyrio toy qema me ton titlo ``Paranomh kampania gia eyrw'' grafei oti h megalyterh prosfora poy anateqhke apo to dhmosio gia skopoys diafhmishs, ajias 1 ek. lirwn, kai h opoia aforoyse th megalh diafhmistikh ekstrateia gia thn eisagwgh toy eyrw einai akyrh, meta apo apofash katapelth toy Anwtatoy Dikasthrioy, sto opoio kataxwrhqhke prosfygh apo thn koinoprajia L&T Partners Communication Services Ltd PR kai PR Partners Ltd. Alloy grafei oti to treno ths Toyrkias proxwra staqera, symfwna me ton Epitropo gia th Dieyrynsh Oli Ren. Me synoptikes diadikasies kai ws shmeio A, xwris syzhthsh, h KOREPER apofasise to anoigma toy kefalaioy gia th Statistikh kai thn perilhch dyo krithriwn gia to kefalaio Koinwnikh Politikh.

H ``Xaraygh'' me kyrio titlo ``Efyge me arista'' grafei oti me oles tis deoyses times h politeia apoxairetise ton Peykio Gewrgiadh. To Ypoyrgiko Symboylio, se ektakth synedria toy, khryje trihmero penqos enw kaqhkonta Ypoyrgoy Paideias qa ektelei o Ypoyrgos Eswterikwn Neoklhs Sylikiwths. Se allo ths qema, h ``X'' grafei oti amesh enarjh drasthriothtwn ereynas kai ekmetalleyshs koitasmatwn petrelaioy programmatizei h Kypriakh Dhmokratia, h opoia brisketai se synergasia me ton norbhgiko oiko PGS Geophysical AS poy exei hdh proxwrhsei sth diejagwgh drasthriothtwn anazhthshs.

H agglofwnh ``Cyprus Mail'' titloforei to kyrio qema ths ``Oi forthgatzhdes yposxontai perissotera deina'' kai anaferetai sthn apofash twn odhgwn forthgwn na parateinoyn thn 48wrh apergia toys, askwntas perissoterh piesh panw sthn kybernhsh kai thn agrotikh domh toy nhsioy. Grafei epishs oti h Kypros, mazi me thn Kroatia kai th Dania, analambanei gia to 2007 thn proedria toy Foroym gia th Synergasia kai thn Asfaleia toy Organismoy gia thn Asfaleia kai th Synergasia sthn Eyrwph.

H ebdomadiaia efhmerida ``Antilogos'' sto kyrio qema ths me titlo ``Eklogh me mhnymata'' grafei oti to DHKO odhgeitai ayrio se nea eklogikh anametrhsh gia thn plhrwsh ths qeshs toy Anaplhrwth Proedroy, meta thn paraithsh toy Nikoy Kleanqoys. Oi ypochfioi gia th qesh einai Basilhs Palmas, Antigonh Papadopoyloy, Sofoklhs Fytths kai Giwrgos Kolokasidhs. Alloy anaferei oti h efhmerida khryssei to 2007 etos Grhgorh Ayjentioy. Me thn eykairia twn 50 xronwn apo to olokaytwma sto krhsfygeto, dhmosieyei to deytero meros toy afierwmatos ths gia to Stayraeto toy Maxaira kai anaferei oti to megalo toy oneiro htan na foithsei sth Sxolh Eyelpidwn sthn Ellada.

H ebdomadiaia efhmerida ``To kypriako pontiki'' me kyrio titlo ``Koroidia kai proklhsh!'' grafei oti thn epomenh ths epiqeshs sthn amerikanikh presbeia sthn Aqhna, kata thn opoia melh ths organwshs ``Epanastatikos Agwnas'' ektojeysan antiarmatikh royketa typoy RPG, oi Amerikanoi eneplejan abasima kai adikaiologhta thn Eqnikh Froyra epeidh diaqetei tetoioy eidoys antiarmatika opla. Grafei epishs oti paramenei o Giannakhs Omhroy sthn hgesia ths EDEK, apoti deixnoyn ta pragmata. O k. Omhroy qa einai mallon o monos ypochfios gia thn proedria toy kommatos sto eklogoapologistiko synedrio ths 17hs kai 18hs Martioy.

H ebdomadiaia agglofwnh The Cyprus Weekly anaferetai prwtoselida sthn apergia twn odhgwn forthgwn me ton titlo ``Kanena telos sto kayga me toys forthgatzhdes''. Shmeiwnei pws oi odhgoi apofasisan na synexisoyn thn apergia para tis proeidopoihseis gia katastrofh ths oikonomias. Grafei epishs oti h Kypros qrhnei ton Ypoyrgo Paideias kai Politismoy Peykio Gewrgiadh, o opoios peqane prowra, meta apo kardiakh prosbolh.

(c) 2005 The Cyprus News Agency. All rights reserved.

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