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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 06-11-26

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


H prwtoboylia ths finlandikhs Proedrias sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh (EE) gia thn entajiakh poreia ths Toyrkias kai to Kypriako, oi prosexeis dhmotikes ekloges, h xqesinh Synodos ths Paidoboylhs, ta prosfata epeisodia sthn Agglikh Sxolh metajy Ellhnokypriwn kai Toyrkokypriwn maqhtwn, h diadosh ths xrhshs kai to paranomo emporio narkwtikwn, oi ofeiles pollwn ekatommyriwn lirwn sto Tameio Eswterikwn Prosodwn kai h dhmosionomikh katastash sthn Kypro einai merika apo ta qemata poy proballei shmera sta prwtoselida toy o kypriakos Typos.

H ''Alhqeia'' grafei sto kyrio qema ths, ypo ton titlo ''Oi ekloges twn anejarthtwn'', oti briskomaste treis molis ebdomades prin tis dhmotikes ekloges kai oles oi endeijeis synhgoroyn sto oti aytes qa einai oi ekloges twn anejarthtwn ypochfiwn kai oti oi topikes koinwnies -se poly megalo baqmo- den akoloyqoyn tyfla tis epiloges twn kommatwn, alla epilegoyn toys katallhloteroys me bash to topiko symferon. Se allo qema grafei pws o Toyrkokyprios hgeths Mexmet Ali Talat enhmerwse ton Geniko Grammatea toy OHE Kofi Anan gia ta prosfata epeisodia metajy Ellhnokypriwn kai Toyrkokypriwn maqhtwn sthn Agglikh Sxolh.

''H Maxh'', me ton titlo ''25 ek. oi xrhstes hrwinhs sthn Eyrwph'', grafei sto kyrio qema oti tromaktika einai ta stoixeia poy katagrafontai sthn Eyrwph ws pros ton ariqmo twn xrhstwn narkwtikwn, enw kai sthn Kypro ''metroyme ennea nekroys se pente mhnes'' apo th xrhsh narkwtikwn. Symfwna me to Eyrwpaiko Kentro Parakoloyqhshs Narkwtikwn kai Tojikomanias gia to 2006, oi xrhstes kannabews sthn Eyrwph einai peripoy 65 ekatommyria, ths hrwinhs 25 ekatommyria, xapiwn typoy ''Ekstash'' 8,5 ekatommyria, kokainhs 3,5 ekatommyria kai amfetaminwn 2 ekatommyria xrhstes. Alloy grafei oti khryxqhke epishma apo proxqes h enarjh ths paneyrwpaikhs ekstrateias toy Symboylioy ths Eyrwphs gia thn katapolemhsh ths endooikogeneiakhs bias kai eidikotera ths bias kata twn gynaikwn.

O ''Poliths'', sto kyrio qema kai katw apo ton titlo ''Ta kyklwmata ths kokainhs'', dhmosieyei ektenh synenteyjh prwhn emporoy kai xrhsth narkwtikwn kai se allo arqro grafei pws einai ragdaia h ayjhsh ths paranomhs diakinhshs kai xrhshs narkwtikwn, enw, symfwna me ekqesh toy amerikanikoy Ypoyrgeioy Ejwterikwn, h Toyrkia qewreitai ''gefyra dhlhthrioy'' kai to 75% twn narkwtikwn, poy katasxetai se xwres ths dytikhs Eyrwphs, proerxetai apo thn Toyrkia. Alloy paraqetei synenteyjh toy Ypoyrgoy Eswterikwn Neoklh Sylikiwth, o opoios -metajy allwn- anaferetai kai sta prosfata epeisodia metajy Ellhnokypriwn kai Toyrkokypriwn maqhtwn sthn Agglikh Sxolh, dhlwnontas oti einai aparadekto gegonos poy diamorfwnei klima antiparaqeshs kai oti tyxon anoxh qa odhghsei se epanalhch toy.

''H Shmerinh'', me ton titlo ''Sto mhden to dhmosionomiko elleimma'', grafei sto kyrio qema oti o Ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn Mixalhs Sarrhs, me dhlwsh toy sthn efhmerida, epibebaiwnei pws sto mhden brisketai to dhmosionomiko elleimma kata to prwto enneamhno toy 2006, omws, logw ayjhmenwn ejodwn, peri to telos toy etoys to elleimma qa diamorfwqei sto 1,5% me 2% toy Akaqaristoy Egxwrioy Proiontos. Allh eidhsh einai oti omada ekpaideytikwn kateqese ston Eforo Syntexniwn aithsh gia idrysh neas Organwshs Ekpaideytikwn Meshs Genikhs kai Texnikhs Ekpaideyshs, h opoia qa onomazetai SEDEK. O Proedros ths Organwshs Ellhnwn Leitoyrgwn Meshs Ekpaideyshs Kyproy (OELMEK) Iakwbos Iakwboy qewrei oti prokeitai gia prospaqeia diaspashs ths syndikalistikhs organwshs twn kaqhghtwn. ''O Fileleyqeros'', katw apo ton titlo ''Tympoy apo to paraqyro me parembash Kofi Anan'', grafei sto kyrio qema pws, me parembash toy GG toy OHE pros th finlandikh Proedria ths EE, to paketo, poy anamenetai na ypoblhqei ayrio sto Tampere, qa perilambanei ''texnhentws'' kai to paranomo aerodromio ths Tymboy. Alloy grafei oti alloi dyo maqhtes klhqhkan xqes apo thn Astynomia gia anakrish se sxesh me ta prosfata epeisodia sthn Agglikh Sxolh metajy Ellhnokypriwn kai Toyrkokypriwn maqhtwn kai oti o synolikos ariqmos oswn eneplakhsan sthn ypoqesh anerxetai stoys dekatessereis maqhtes, poy qa klhqoyn entos ths prosexoys ebdomados gia na kathgorhqoyn graptws.

H ''Xaraygh'' grafei sto kyrio ths qema, ypo ton titlo ''Xrwstoyn sto Foro 135.7 ek. lires'', oti oi etaireies sthn Kypro katexoyn ta skhptra sth mh egkairh katabolh twn ofeilomenwn forwn kai oti ta posa ayta pernoyn sth kathgoria twn ''kaqysterhmenwn forwn'', me apotelesma na sysswreyontai me thn parodo toy xronoy. Einai endeiktiko, prosqetei h efhmerida, oti, apo ta 190,37 ekatommyria lires kaqysterhmenwn pros eisprajh forwn eisodhmatos toy 2005, poso 135,72 ekatommyriwn lirwn h to 71,29% toy synoloy twn ofeilomenwn forwn, proerxetai apo etaireies. Allh eidhsh einai h xqesinh Synodos ths Paidoboylhs sthn aiqoysa ths Olomeleias ths Boylhs twn Antiproswpwn kai h egkrish -metajy allwn- chfismatos katadikhs twn prosfatwn epeisodiwn sthn Agglikh Sxolh.

H ebdomadiaia agglofwnh efhmerida ''Sunday Mail'', me ton titlo ''Fobos gia thn agora toy Hnwmenoy Basileioy meta th dialysh ths ajet'', grafei sto kyrio qema ths pws h dialysh ths aeroporikhs etaireias ajet piqano na einai ena akomh karfi sto feretro toy ypo katarreysh toyrismoy toy nhsioy, symfwna me proeidopoihseis epaggelmatiwn toy toyristikoy tomea, oi opoioi anhsyxoyn gia toys enallaktikoys tropoys metaforas toyristwn apo th Bretania, eidika kata thn periodo twn eortwn twn Xristoygennwn. Alloy grafei oti o Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Giwrgos Lillhkas dhlwse xqes pws, ean h Toyrkia epiqymei na apofygei mia ''sygkroysh trainwn'' sthn poreia entajhs ths sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh, qa prepei na apodexqei thn protash ths finlandikhs Proedrias gia epistrofh toy kleistoy tmhmatos twn katexomenwn Barwsiwn stoys Ellhnokyprioys nomimoys katoikoys toy.

(c) 2005 The Cyprus News Agency. All rights reserved.

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